Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
In 2006 and 2007, Republicans promoting amnesty favored the cliche, “Immigrants do the jobs American’s won’t do.” It was a bad argument then, and with unemployment still hovering around or over 9%, for the last five years, no one even bothers with that anymore. Instead, Republicans are selling amnesty based solely on political expediency. The new cliche is that Republicans will never win the Hispanic vote unless they support amnesty. John McCain, who led the last great push for amnesty says. "The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens. And we realize this is an issue in which we are in agreement with our Hispanic citizens."

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In the latest issue of the academic journal Social Science Quarterly, political scientist George Hawley compared Republicans voting records on immigration (calculated by the limited immigration group Numbers USA) and their performance among Hispanics. He found absolutely no relation between support for liberal immigration policy and support among Hispanics.

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Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP - Tom Tancredo - Page 1
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

What does the Tea Party say about Hispanics that is insulting?
Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

That’s likely true, since no one’s advocating ‘amnesty.’

What would work a lot better, for example, is not referring to Hispanic American citizens as ‘anchor babies.’

Hispanics aren’t stupid, they accurately perceive the veiled racism when many on the right talk about ‘illegals,’ they’re smart enough to know the problem for many republicans isn’t the violation of American law, but the specter of brown people ‘pouring’ into the country.
I agree, amnesty didnt work well for the GOP the last time so I doubt it would work this time around. However, being completely unwilling to accept any responsibility as to why Hispanics are turning more and more to the Democratic Party will not help the GOP either. You have to be willing to see what you're doing wrong if you really want to fix it.

And, lets be honest, some people don't want to fix it.
In the illegal immigration debate there are really only 2 sides that have a significant impact. The 'amnesty' crowd, and the 'deport them all' crowd. Both of these views are wrong imo but, let's be honest, they're the only politically expedient ones.

On the side of 'deport them all' you have people like Jan Brewer and Sheriff Arpaio. I'm using them as examples because they're the easiest. Their bases are so fed up with illegal immigration that they believe it should be okay to force a 'Hispanic' looking person to present proof of citizenship on demand. Anyone who is brown should be under suspicion. Legal Hispanics feel extremely insulted by that, and I assume illegal ones are pretty scared of it.

So whoa now, what I just said probably will spark some anger and a counterargument from conservatives right? I definitely over simplified the issue and missed a lot of key bits of information right?

But most people are not informed. And if you're not informed and meet people like Sheriff Arpaio, you may assume he's a colossal racist. And that is how, I believe, a majority of Hispanics feel about what the GOP thinks about them.
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

You make it sound like the police can just stop anyone for no reason and demand they prove citizenship, which is not the case.
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

You make it sound like the police can just stop anyone for no reason and demand they prove citizenship, which is not the case.

The AZ one stated they could demand your papers during "lawful contact" as long as they suspected you were illegal. That is pretty damn ambiguous.
English as an official language laws have always been popular with the hispanic community
The problem for American workers trying to compete with Mexican workers is that the Mexican worker gives way more work for the dollar. At least in the building trades from what I have seen.

And they are often enthused workers. For 8 bucks. Try to find an enthusiastic American worker, on a roof at 100 degrees, for 8 bucks. Who can flat get er done. Without complaining. Not gonna happen.

Certain American industries have greatly benefitted from Mexican workers. As everyone knows.

And the Mexicans should have a reasonable way to obtain citizenship. They are hard workers and we are supposed to value hard work and reward people for their hard work.

We Americans just can't seem to figure out fuking anything. We dick around with every problem we have and nothing ever gets done. It's bullshit.

The ole American attitude of "we can do anything", is now one of "we don't do shit about anything, but we bitch alot."
Anyone following the Tancredo school of immigration politics assuredly will tic off Hispanics.
In 2006 and 2007, Republicans promoting amnesty favored the cliche, “Immigrants do the jobs American’s won’t do.” It was a bad argument then, and with unemployment still hovering around or over 9%, for the last five years, no one even bothers with that anymore.

I bother with it in every immigration topic, so you are doubly wrong.

Doubly wrong because Hispanics do not steal jobs.

Did you hear about the great crash our economy experienced? It was in all the papers. Bush put all those people out of work. And Obama has kept them out of work. Republicans and Democrats love poor people. After all, they make so many of them.

We had full employment before the crash, with the same number (if not more) of illegal Hispanics we have now.

This tells us two things. First, that your claim that illegals steal jobs is bogus. Second, that a labor demand was not being met with a proper labor supply and so the illegal supply filled it.

With an outlook like yours, you actually wonder why Hispanics aren't attracted to your point of view? Really?
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Hispanics know many libertarians are racist and will run them out of the country if given the power to do such a thing.
And there are jobs that illegals do that Americans won't do. Show me an American who gets in his commuter car and leaves his house in the suburbs every day to travel around picking seasonal crops.

It's not called migrant work for nothing.
Why Hispanics Don?t Vote for Republicans - By Heather Mac Donald - The Corner - National Review Online

A March 2011 poll by Moore Information found that Republican economic policies were a stronger turn-off for Hispanic voters in California than Republican positions on illegal immigration. Twenty-nine percent of Hispanic voters were suspicious of the Republican party on class-warfare grounds — “it favors only the rich”; “Republicans are selfish and out for themselves”; “Republicans don’t represent the average person”– compared with 7 percent who objected to Republican immigration stances.

Not much different than the rest of us
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The rabid righties who have hijacked the GOP love homos, and negroes on food stamps who don't have ID, and Muslims (even though they are all terrorists). So it naturally follows they love Hispanics, too, even if they are all a bunch of job stealing, health care using, food stamp collecting, drunk driving, criminals.

I just don't understand why Hispanics won't vote Republican!
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There was a thread about a conservative Hispanic group who sent a memo to the GOP on how to change the tone of conversations, what words to avoid etc, to better bring Hispanic voters over to the Republican Party. Most of the republican comments to the story amounted to "fuck you, I'll call you illegals and you better shut up and accept it".
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

What does the Tea Party say about Hispanics that is insulting?

The worst the Tea Party ever said to Hispanics: Speak English.

Horrible, ain't it?
Duncan said, "It's kind of like having a house -- and you're not homeowners, a lot of folks in this room, but your moms and dads are -- taking the door off the hinges and allowing any kind of vagrant, or animal, or just somebody that's hungry, or somebody that wants to do your dishes for you, to come in. And you can't say, 'No you can't come in.' And you can’t say, 'No you can’t stay all night.' Or 'No you can't have this benefit, using my deodorant.'"-Tea Party Republican Jeff Ducan

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