Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

There is no denying that in the past when the GOP has caved on this issue. It did not lead to the GOP gaining Hispanic votes in National Election. In fact after Regan did it, the Next GOP candidate got less % of the Hispanic Vote than he had gotten.
I agree with the basic premise of this thread -- amnesty - or whatever you want to call the current proposals will not help the GOP -- in fact it will hurt them and could destroy them - ironically since they are bieng told and some are stupid enough to believe its the key to their survival.

Significantly all the exit polling absolutely refutes the premise that hispanics are a natural republican constituency. The argument is based on a bunch of stereotypes, perhaps benign, about hispanics. They are deeply catholic (so they will be anti abortion) they are hard working (and im not saying this is wrong) so they will resist big government and higher taxes etc. But all the polling data (there was an excellent anaysis of this in the NYT of all places) shows this is not the case. They overwhelmingly support abortion, more government and higher taxes and high lev el of social services. Basically what the republicans are being convinced to do is unleash another 11 million or so lockstep Democratic voters (slaves to the democratic party like the black vote). They will not benefit from this.

Plus the Dems and obama will get crdit for this -- the Republicans wont. Period.

Saying these people will be a natural GOP constituency is like the people who said that after obamam was elected he would be a centirst and a moderate and would reach across the aisle as president. No one could prove them wrong since it was a prediction but all the objective evidence available of the time suggested otherwise - and has been proven correct.

Is it really logical to think that a good political move is to take a group of people who voted 71% against you and in your best years voted 60% against you -- and make more of them voters? This is why i always argue about the incredible stupidity of politicians.

And of course who is the leading GOP proponet of this approach -- John McCain who is, simply atated a nitwit and Marco Rubio a cuban who obviously has his own ethnic motivations.

Take a step back -- both the Democrats are all for this -- do you think Obama and Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer would be so adamant about this if they really beleived it was the key to future Republican electoral success? Really . To the extent both parties beiliev that this will help them politically -- one of them is wrong -- and my very strong sense , supported by the evidence - is that its the GOP.

If Repubs must do something they should pass the amnesty and a program to secure the border and say once that is in place they will revisit citizenship just like obama said give me more taxes then we'll talk about spending cuts. Dare the Dems to oppose a bill that does that or Obama to veto it. If they do -- fine. If they dont you get a bill that doesnt damage you.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

What does the Tea Party say about Hispanics that is insulting?

The worst the Tea Party ever said to Hispanics: Speak English.

Horrible, ain't it?

Yeah how Radical of them to expect Hispanic to be held to the same standards all Immigrants to the US are held to. The ability to speak basic English is actually required by law to become a citizen.
King said at a town hall earlier this year that when picking a good bird dog, it is important to avoid choosing "the one that's sleeping in the corner." He then added that immigrants to the United States should be looked at in the same way.
"You get the pick of the litter and you got yourself a pretty good bird dog. Well, we’ve got the pick of every donor civilization on the planet," King said at the time. "We’ve got the vigor from the planet to come to America."
Steve King: Comparing Immigrants To Dogs Was 'A Compliment'
deaddogseye is absolutely wrong in the statement above.

The leaders of the GOP who know far better than he does have said it is time to reach out to women and minorities in an honest and fair way to meet their needs.

Follow dde's advice, and the party will die
My family is Cuban-American. Cubans have always been lock-step Republican voters. Except they are not anymore. If Republicans don't care to look into why they've alienated Hispanics it's on them. The talking heads can keep on screaming their rhetoric about giving up on Hispanics all they want but that would be foolish.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

If they weren't breaking our Laws they wouldn't be treated like monsters... At least that's how it's supposed to work in civilized societies. I have no problem at all with people entering America legally... More power to them.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

If they weren't breaking our Laws they wouldn't be treated like monsters... At least that's how it's supposed to work in civilized societies. I have no problem at all with people entering America legally... More power to them.

Doesn't work that way.
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

I don't see how it is any different than how A cop can stop anyone of us, and demand to see our ID.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

If they weren't breaking our Laws they wouldn't be treated like monsters... At least that's how it's supposed to work in civilized societies. I have no problem at all with people entering America legally... More power to them.

Doesn't work that way.

Criminals are criminals... It is supposed to work that way. Where in our judicial system does the Government have the Right to selectively enforce our Laws?
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

I don't see how it is any different than how A cop can stop anyone of us, and demand to see our ID.

It falls along the same vein and I don't think cops should be allowed to stop and harass citizens for no reason other than a whim.
The nativist rhetoric coming out of the GOP is doing a lot more to drive Hispanics away than the immigration issue.

If republicans refuse to tone down the rhetoric (or at least get the loudest to tone it down) they will continue to drive away Hispanic voters regardless of immigration.

George W Bush got over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2004, but it's been all downhill for the GOP since then with Hispanics.

What they're doing ain't working.
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

I don't see how it is any different than how A cop can stop anyone of us, and demand to see our ID.

It falls along the same vein and I don't think cops should be allowed to stop and harass citizens for no reason other than a whim.

Well Technically they need Probable Cause, not just a whim.

My point however is that we expect American Citizens to have an ID, yet we say it is wrong to ask for one to Vote for example. It just makes no sense.
I don't see how it is any different than how A cop can stop anyone of us, and demand to see our ID.

It falls along the same vein and I don't think cops should be allowed to stop and harass citizens for no reason other than a whim.

Well Technically they need Probable Cause, not just a whim.

My point however is that we expect American Citizens to have an ID, yet we say it is wrong to ask for one to Vote for example. It just makes no sense.

If they weren't breaking our Laws they wouldn't be treated like monsters... At least that's how it's supposed to work in civilized societies. I have no problem at all with people entering America legally... More power to them.

Doesn't work that way.

Criminals are criminals... It is supposed to work that way. Where in our judicial system does the Government have the Right to selectively enforce our Laws?

Fine keep losing elections then.

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