Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

If they keep voting 75% democrat for free shit. Well, the republican party is finished.

Our freedoms will be taken away much faster at the very least. :( I just don't understand why any American would approve of such.

If Republicans do not stop alienating blacks, Hispanics, women, teachers, gays, the working class and auto workers they will never win elective office again
If they keep voting 75% democrat for free shit. Well, the republican party is finished.

Our freedoms will be taken away much faster at the very least. :( I just don't understand why any American would approve of such.

If you keep telling falsehoods, you will fail not only here but in life as well.
You mean "Weaken those concerned for their country".

We think of it as diluting the asshole quality of our nation, so the weaken part is right

So people who are concerned are now not only "racist", but they are also "assholes"?


Why is the nation of origin a concern for you Americans? I'm part Native American, but it's only a sixteenth and nearly all English, with a sixteenth German and a sixteenth Irish. My wife had a similar ethnic background, except for the Native American. In my life, I've met people from nearly all the countries of the world and they're all nice people, so why would I care about ethnicity? If you want more of your ethnicity, breed! It's fun, try it!
Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

That’s likely true, since no one’s advocating ‘amnesty.’

"Amnesty" is exactly what Dims mean when they say "comprehensive immigration reform."

No one is fooled.

What would work a lot better, for example, is not referring to Hispanic American citizens as ‘anchor babies.’

Yeah, that probably would help the Dims get amnesty through Congress. Lying about the facts is an essential part of every successful propaganda campaign.

Hispanics aren’t stupid, they accurately perceive the veiled racism when many on the right talk about ‘illegals,’ they’re smart enough to know the problem for many republicans isn’t the violation of American law, but the specter of brown people ‘pouring’ into the country.

It's the specter of a hoard of uneducated rabble willing to work for third world wages and eager to help themselves to the benefits of American social programs that scares Americans. The color of their skin is irrelevant
If they keep voting 75% democrat for free shit. Well, the republican party is finished.

Our freedoms will be taken away much faster at the very least. :( I just don't understand why any American would approve of such.

If Republicans do not stop alienating blacks, Hispanics, women, teachers, gays, the working class and auto workers they will never win elective office again

In the liberal dictionary "alienating" someone means to oppose giving him free shit at taxpayer expense.
According to DDE the GOP should group women, hispanics, blacks, Muslims, and young people together and give up on them all.

Do you really want to give that much ammo to the people who call the GOP the party of old rich white men?

Id appreciate you sharing your basis for saying that according to me the GOP should give up on women hispanics blacks muslims and young people. I didnt say any thing like that. Nothing.

Significantly all the exit polling absolutely refutes the premise that hispanics are a natural republican constituency. The argument is based on a bunch of stereotypes, perhaps benign, about hispanics. They are deeply catholic (so they will be anti abortion) they are hard working (and im not saying this is wrong) so they will resist big government and higher taxes etc. But all the polling data (there was an excellent anaysis of this in the NYT of all places) shows this is not the case. They overwhelmingly support abortion, more government and higher taxes and high lev el of social services. Basically what the republicans are being convinced to do is unleash another 11 million or so lockstep Democratic voters (slaves to the democratic party like the black vote). They will not benefit from this.

You seemed to be implying that the GOP should give up on Hispanic voters and I was pointing out that the GOP has already largely given up on the other groups I mentioned. A lot of conservative talking heads have been saying that if the GOP courts its base better then they can outdo any lack of votes from these groups. I felt that's what you were talking about.
What about expanding e-verify?

They could expand it to include photos and fingerprints. If someone is being put on the road to American citizenship, why not take advantage of that opportunity to gather information about the identity of that person. Having their photos and fingerprints on file prevents someone using that identity and causing them trouble. Let's say a person is using their identity and is arrested, having a fake ID. The real person may get a notice about committing a crime and could be deported for being undesirable. When they checked the fingerprints on file with the fingerprints of the arrested person, they wouldn't match and it would known that identity theft took place.

In my state, documentation was required to get a driver's license or state ID renewed. Since I know that information is in a data base, I figured such a system could include everyone of working age. The same system could also be used to determine eligiblity to vote. I believe it involved a Homeland Security (DHS) requirement that was national. If I present proof of my identity such as a birth certificate and original social security card, that information should be kept in a data base. If I regularly have my photo put in that data base over a period of time or have fingerprints there, my identity should be easy to verify.

Illegal immigrant given the road to citizenship are eligible to work in America, so they should get social security numbers and IDs to identify their status. I just want a system to prevent someone using a false ID and working, because I know working incourages illegal immigration. I suggested things like finding social security numbers used in more than one area of the country and a better system to notify about the death of a person. It's possible that some people may be using children's social security numbers for a false ID and social security isn't checking the age of the person. I think programs could be written to check these things and lists could be checked to catch people doing identity theft.

If an illegal immigrant can't get a job and the ways to scam to get a job are removed, they aren't going to want to be here, unless they totally rely on criminal activity for a living.

As far as I'm concerned, they can bring back the overseas jobs and add 50 million more people to the country. I don't mind sharing this country with other human beings, but I realize there has to be some limit.

I think there would be a lot of push against a system like that from people who want less government involvement in their lives. But something like that might be the best way to document workers and will likely show up somewhere down the road in these debates. I think we're a long way from that kind of progress though.
If they keep voting 75% democrat for free shit. Well, the republican party is finished.

Our freedoms will be taken away much faster at the very least. :( I just don't understand why any American would approve of such.

If Republicans do not stop alienating blacks, Hispanics, women, teachers, gays, the working class and auto workers they will never win elective office again

In the liberal dictionary "alienating" someone means to oppose giving him free shit at taxpayer expense.

Ah yes....the free shit defense

How is that working out for ya?

Cost Romney the presidency and if the Republican party still insists on attacking the majority of hard working Americans while protecting the wealthiest 2% .......they will never see the presidency again
In the liberal dictionary "alienating" someone means to oppose giving him free shit at taxpayer expense.

Ah yes....the free shit defense

How is that working out for ya?

Cost Romney the presidency and if the Republican party still insists on attacking the majority of hard working Americans while protecting the wealthiest 2% .......they will never see the presidency again

Thanks for spouting the number one propaganda meme of the Dimocrat Party. We haven't heard that in so long.
In the liberal dictionary "alienating" someone means to oppose giving him free shit at taxpayer expense.

Ah yes....the free shit defense

How is that working out for ya?

Cost Romney the presidency and if the Republican party still insists on attacking the majority of hard working Americans while protecting the wealthiest 2% .......they will never see the presidency again

Thanks for spouting the number one propaganda meme of the Dimocrat Party. We haven't heard that in so long.

Gotta love ya Finger Boy

You represent you parties views so well. American workers are lazy freeloaders while you scamper to placate the whims of the super wealthy
What about expanding e-verify?

They could expand it to include photos and fingerprints. If someone is being put on the road to American citizenship, why not take advantage of that opportunity to gather information about the identity of that person. Having their photos and fingerprints on file prevents someone using that identity and causing them trouble. Let's say a person is using their identity and is arrested, having a fake ID. The real person may get a notice about committing a crime and could be deported for being undesirable. When they checked the fingerprints on file with the fingerprints of the arrested person, they wouldn't match and it would known that identity theft took place.

In my state, documentation was required to get a driver's license or state ID renewed. Since I know that information is in a data base, I figured such a system could include everyone of working age. The same system could also be used to determine eligiblity to vote. I believe it involved a Homeland Security (DHS) requirement that was national. If I present proof of my identity such as a birth certificate and original social security card, that information should be kept in a data base. If I regularly have my photo put in that data base over a period of time or have fingerprints there, my identity should be easy to verify.

Illegal immigrant given the road to citizenship are eligible to work in America, so they should get social security numbers and IDs to identify their status. I just want a system to prevent someone using a false ID and working, because I know working incourages illegal immigration. I suggested things like finding social security numbers used in more than one area of the country and a better system to notify about the death of a person. It's possible that some people may be using children's social security numbers for a false ID and social security isn't checking the age of the person. I think programs could be written to check these things and lists could be checked to catch people doing identity theft.

If an illegal immigrant can't get a job and the ways to scam to get a job are removed, they aren't going to want to be here, unless they totally rely on criminal activity for a living.

As far as I'm concerned, they can bring back the overseas jobs and add 50 million more people to the country. I don't mind sharing this country with other human beings, but I realize there has to be some limit.

I think there would be a lot of push against a system like that from people who want less government involvement in their lives. But something like that might be the best way to document workers and will likely show up somewhere down the road in these debates. I think we're a long way from that kind of progress though.

The people wanting less government in people's lives are the first to try to suppress the vote and want IDs at the polls. I say fine, let's get it done long before the next election and then they won't have to play that same voter suppression game again. Let's get everyone at working age and beyond an ID that verifies if they are a citizen, even if there isn't immigration reform. A driver's license or state ID should state if somebody is a US citizen or not, particularly when they had to show proof of citizenship to get it. State governments have departments for both of these activities, so they should get their act together.

The only other part is a data base to verify that the person on an ID is in fact who it claims to be.
Back to the OP. No Republican cares what the libertarian deflectors have to say about it: they don't count. And the argument can be made the nativism and racism are apparent in that strange crowd.

The fact is this: the GOP has to reach out to Hispanics to remain relevant in national politics. Period.

Of course the GOP can find ways to bring other Hispanics into the fold, as it did Cuban Americans.
Back to the OP. No Republican cares what the libertarian deflectors have to say about it: they don't count. And the argument can be made the nativism and racism are apparent in that strange crowd.

The fact is this: the GOP has to reach out to Hispanics to remain relevant in national politics. Period.

Of course the GOP can find ways to bring other Hispanics into the fold, as it did Cuban Americans.

The GOP got lucky with the Cubans they didn't reach out to them. It was JFK and the bay of pigs. To this day my grandmother refuses to vote democrat and votes every cycle even though she hasn't tuned into any politics for probably over 20 years
Back to the OP. No Republican cares what the libertarian deflectors have to say about it: they don't count. And the argument can be made the nativism and racism are apparent in that strange crowd.

The fact is this: the GOP has to reach out to Hispanics to remain relevant in national politics. Period.

Of course the GOP can find ways to bring other Hispanics into the fold, as it did Cuban Americans.

The GOP got lucky with the Cubans they didn't reach out to them. It was JFK and the bay of pigs. To this day my grandmother refuses to vote democrat and votes every cycle even though she hasn't tuned into any politics for probably over 20 years

That is only one, a minor, reason. The business atmosphere in Miami is another.
Back to the OP. No Republican cares what the libertarian deflectors have to say about it: they don't count. And the argument can be made the nativism and racism are apparent in that strange crowd.

The fact is this: the GOP has to reach out to Hispanics to remain relevant in national politics. Period.

Of course the GOP can find ways to bring other Hispanics into the fold, as it did Cuban Americans.

The GOP got lucky with the Cubans they didn't reach out to them. It was JFK and the bay of pigs. To this day my grandmother refuses to vote democrat and votes every cycle even though she hasn't tuned into any politics for probably over 20 years

That is only one, a minor, reason. The business atmosphere in Miami is another.

Maybe but I think you're underestimating how big a reason that is. Every Cuban in my family absolutely HATES JFK and my grandma says that he is the singular reason that she will never vote democrat. It took W. Bush to crack that sentiment in my family and even then half of them still will die before voting democrat (literally, some have already.)

Go to Miami and ask the people about JFK and Castro. That's why they vote Republican.
The GOP got lucky with the Cubans they didn't reach out to them. It was JFK and the bay of pigs. To this day my grandmother refuses to vote democrat and votes every cycle even though she hasn't tuned into any politics for probably over 20 years

That is only one, a minor, reason. The business atmosphere in Miami is another.

Maybe but I think you're underestimating how big a reason that is. Every Cuban in my family absolutely HATES JFK and my grandma says that he is the singular reason that she will never vote democrat. It took W. Bush to crack that sentiment in my family and even then half of them still will die before voting democrat (literally, some have already.)

Go to Miami and ask the people about JFK and Castro. That's why they vote Republican.

I would think nearly all the people who know politics would know that. I don't understand the logic of the party thing, but often wondered why JFK did what he did. I've heard Cuba actually had tactical nukes during that time from intelligence discovered after the fall of the Soviet Union and Castro scared the piss out of the Russians, because he wanted to go to war and get the revolution started. Those nukes were removed from Cuba, because of Castro's behavior.
Ah yes....the free shit defense

How is that working out for ya?

Cost Romney the presidency and if the Republican party still insists on attacking the majority of hard working Americans while protecting the wealthiest 2% .......they will never see the presidency again

Thanks for spouting the number one propaganda meme of the Dimocrat Party. We haven't heard that in so long.

Gotta love ya Finger Boy

You represent you parties views so well. American workers are lazy freeloaders while you scamper to placate the whims of the super wealthy

Illegal aliens aren't "American workers," dipshit. By definition, they are foreigners.
Thanks for spouting the number one propaganda meme of the Dimocrat Party. We haven't heard that in so long.

Gotta love ya Finger Boy

You represent you parties views so well. American workers are lazy freeloaders while you scamper to placate the whims of the super wealthy

Illegal aliens aren't "American workers," dipshit. By definition, they are foreigners.

Then why do republicans insult the American worker who is struggling to survive in a bad economy? You work hard to raise a family and are forced to accept some assistance to get by and Republcans call you a freeloader

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