Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

As I have said before, I've provided Census links where all that government spending on social programs can be tracked in total or by state and right-wingers have never used that data to support their claims about all these freeloaders. I've done it several hundred times over a span of over ten years, but they won't use the data, because it doesn't support their case.

Here it is again. You won't use it.

I claimed people who take money from the taxpayers are freeloaders. How do your government statistics dispute that?

Corporations should be included in your people, so it's a matter of how much money is involved. It's also a matter that your claim about freeloaders and what taking money involves is called into question. Is an infant getting formula taking money from the taxpayers and a freeloader?

Of course they're freeloaders, to the fringe right.

They only pretend to care about poor children before they are born. Once they draw their first breath, they're worthless burdens on society, especially if they're minority kids.
Nope, according to the dictionary definition:

free·load (frld)
intr.v. free·load·ed, free·load·ing, free·loads Slang
To take advantage of the charity, generosity, or hospitality of others.
freeloader n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin

freeloader [ˈfriːˌləʊdə]
Slang a person who habitually depends on the charity of others for food, shelter, etc.
freeloading n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

As I have said before, I've provided Census links where all that government spending on social programs can be tracked in total or by state and right-wingers have never used that data to support their claims about all these freeloaders. I've done it several hundred times over a span of over ten years, but they won't use the data, because it doesn't support their case.

Here it is again. You won't use it.

I claimed people who take money from the taxpayers are freeloaders. How do your government statistics dispute that?

Many of the fringe right who cry about tax money spent of "freeloaders" don't earn enough money to actually pay federal tax. Its quite the interesting dynamic.

I wonder if are you one of those folks.
lol, hispanics would not be drawn to the GOP for years, if not a few decades.

You are wrong

They will flock back to the Republican party so that Republicans will stop calling them freeloaders
Nope, according to the dictionary definition:

free·load (frld)
intr.v. free·load·ed, free·load·ing, free·loads Slang
To take advantage of the charity, generosity, or hospitality of others.
freeloader n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin

freeloader [ˈfriːˌləʊdə]
Slang a person who habitually depends on the charity of others for food, shelter, etc.
freeloading n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

As I have said before, I've provided Census links where all that government spending on social programs can be tracked in total or by state and right-wingers have never used that data to support their claims about all these freeloaders. I've done it several hundred times over a span of over ten years, but they won't use the data, because it doesn't support their case.

Here it is again. You won't use it.

I claimed people who take money from the taxpayers are freeloaders. How do your government statistics dispute that?

Your claim is true for only you. Move along, bripat, nothing here for you.
We think of it as diluting the asshole quality of our nation, so the weaken part is right

So people who are concerned are now not only "racist", but they are also "assholes"?


You nativist reactionaries are not concerned for the country, only for your "we want to go back to the 1950s" sickness that infect so many of the far right.

The 1950s...when people could leave their doors unlocked at night and cities like LA & Detroit were thriving economic centers and didn't look like ghetto war zones. What's wrong with wanting something like that back?

There's nothing wrong with going forward...unless it involves going off a cliff like a lemming.
Stupid braindead Libs and spineless jellyfish GOPers are nothing but appeasers. Placate to the newest big minority group to stay in power, to enjoy the luxurious perks that comes with the job and not having to worry about the chaos they dropped on the rest of us by letting in more Third Worlders.

The GOP Solution.

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So people who are concerned are now not only "racist", but they are also "assholes"?


You nativist reactionaries are not concerned for the country, only for your "we want to go back to the 1950s" sickness that infect so many of the far right.

The 1950s...when people could leave their doors unlocked at night and cities like LA & Detroit were thriving economic centeGottars and didn't look like ghetto war zones. What's wrong with wanting something like that back?

There's nothing wrong with going forward...unless it involves going off a cliff like a lemming.

Gotta love those republican myths. :lol:
Gotta love ya Finger Boy

You represent you parties views so well. American workers are lazy freeloaders while you scamper to placate the whims of the super wealthy

Illegal aliens aren't "American workers," dipshit. By definition, they are foreigners.

Then why do republicans insult the American worker who is struggling to survive in a bad economy? You work hard to raise a family and are forced to accept some assistance to get by and Republcans call you a freeloader

Wrong! The people the GOP call "freeloaders" are those who abuse the system. For example: A single mother who is a cokehead and has 10 kids by 3 different men.
Or a businessman who takes tax subsidies but opposes sensible regulation.
Illegal aliens aren't "American workers," dipshit. By definition, they are foreigners.

Then why do republicans insult the American worker who is struggling to survive in a bad economy? You work hard to raise a family and are forced to accept some assistance to get by and Republcans call you a freeloader

Wrong! The people the GOP call "freeloaders" are those who abuse the system. For example: A single mother who is a cokehead and has 10 kids by 3 different men.

Wish it was that easy...

Republicans called 47% of Americans freeloaders....they still do

They have no compassion for Americans struggling to raise a family. They do however, have compassion for billionaires having to pay an extra 4% in income taxes
Or a businessman who takes tax subsidies but opposes sensible regulation.

whether he opposes "sensible regulation" (an oxymoron) is beside the point. Any business getting government subsidies is a freeloader. However, most such businesses are Democrat cronies.
So people who are concerned are now not only "racist", but they are also "assholes"?


You nativist reactionaries are not concerned for the country, only for your "we want to go back to the 1950s" sickness that infect so many of the far right.

The 1950s...when people could leave their doors unlocked at night and cities like LA & Detroit were thriving economic centers and didn't look like ghetto war zones. What's wrong with wanting something like that back?

There's nothing wrong with going forward...unless it involves going off a cliff like a lemming.

You don't work in ways to get it back, you work in ways to continue your destruction.
Corporations should be included in your people, so it's a matter of how much money is involved. It's also a matter that your claim about freeloaders and what taking money involves is called into question. Is an infant getting formula taking money from the taxpayers and a freeloader?

I didn't say a thing pro or con about businesses. As far as the baby is concerned, he isn't free-loading on the taxpayers, and that's all I care about.
Of course they're freeloaders, to the fringe right.

They only pretend to care about poor children before they are born. Once they draw their first breath, they're worthless burdens on society, especially if they're minority kids.

If inventing positions for others to hold was a valid argument, liberals would win every debate.
Corporations should be included in your people, so it's a matter of how much money is involved. It's also a matter that your claim about freeloaders and what taking money involves is called into question. Is an infant getting formula taking money from the taxpayers and a freeloader?

I didn't say a thing pro or con about businesses. As far as the baby is concerned, he isn't free-loading on the taxpayers, and that's all I care about.

By that you mean you didn't say it now. I've been around bripats for a long time.
Stupid braindead Libs and spineless jellyfish GOPers are nothing but appeasers. Placate to the newest big minority group to stay in power, to enjoy the luxurious perks that comes with the job and not having to worry about the chaos they dropped on the rest of us by letting in more Third Worlders.

It's all part of Obama's master plan.

While the GOP doinks around playing patty-cakes with electoral vote rigging and abortion, the Dems are playing politics by courting a potentially large voter base. Republicans like Rubio are jumping in but I think all he's doing is helping the Dems with their master plan: turning Texas into a blue state. If the Dems can turn Texas into a blue state, then the Republican party is burnt toast.
Of course they're freeloaders, to the fringe right.

They only pretend to care about poor children before they are born. Once they draw their first breath, they're worthless burdens on society, especially if they're minority kids.

If inventing positions for others to hold was a valid argument, liberals would win every debate.

If repeating ignorant talking points were the key to winning elections, republicans would be in power right now. However they aren't because the country has largely rejected their stupidity.

Hopefully next go around, they will think before they do nothing but parrot the stupidity coming from the radio and the blogs, but judging from your drival, that isn't likely to happen.

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