Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Of course they're freeloaders, to the fringe right.

They only pretend to care about poor children before they are born. Once they draw their first breath, they're worthless burdens on society, especially if they're minority kids.

If inventing positions for others to hold was a valid argument, liberals would win every debate.

If repeating ignorant talking points were the key to winning elections, republicans would be in power right now. However they aren't because the country has largely rejected their stupidity.

Hopefully next go around, they will think before they do nothing but parrot the stupidity coming from the radio and the blogs, but judging from your drival, that isn't likely to happen.

Was that supposed to have something to do with what I posted?
So people who are concerned are now not only "racist", but they are also "assholes"?


You nativist reactionaries are not concerned for the country, only for your "we want to go back to the 1950s" sickness that infect so many of the far right.

The 1950s...when people could leave their doors unlocked at night and cities like LA & Detroit were thriving economic centers and didn't look like ghetto war zones. What's wrong with wanting something like that back?

There's nothing wrong with going forward...unless it involves going off a cliff like a lemming.

It’s called reactionaryism. It’s foolish, naïve, and ultimately harmful to a society.

Conservatives need to understand that America is better today than at any point during its history, more Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any point in our Nation’s history, and the best America is yet to come. We need to work to address the problems that this country faces, not attempt to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.
If inventing positions for others to hold was a valid argument, liberals would win every debate.

If repeating ignorant talking points were the key to winning elections, republicans would be in power right now. However they aren't because the country has largely rejected their stupidity.

Hopefully next go around, they will think before they do nothing but parrot the stupidity coming from the radio and the blogs, but judging from your drival, that isn't likely to happen.

Was that supposed to have something to do with what I posted?

No, what you posted before was really beneath my responding to directly. It was the equivalent of posting in crayons.

No, what I did was caveat your rather pedestrian response to make a further point. I really didn't expect you to comprehend and I see I was correct.
You nativist reactionaries are not concerned for the country, only for your "we want to go back to the 1950s" sickness that infect so many of the far right.

The 1950s...when people could leave their doors unlocked at night and cities like LA & Detroit were thriving economic centers and didn't look like ghetto war zones. What's wrong with wanting something like that back?

There's nothing wrong with going forward...unless it involves going off a cliff like a lemming.

It’s called reactionaryism. It’s foolish, naïve, and ultimately harmful to a society.

Conservatives need to understand that America is better today than at any point during its history, more Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any point in our Nation’s history, and the best America is yet to come. We need to work to address the problems that this country faces, not attempt to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

The very foundation of the republican/conservative idealogy is based on myths...biblical...the past...the founder's perfection...idealized Americana...economic policies...etc.
In 2006 and 2007, Republicans promoting amnesty favored the cliche, “Immigrants do the jobs American’s won’t do.” It was a bad argument then, and with unemployment still hovering around or over 9%, for the last five years, no one even bothers with that anymore. Instead, Republicans are selling amnesty based solely on political expediency. The new cliche is that Republicans will never win the Hispanic vote unless they support amnesty. John McCain, who led the last great push for amnesty says. "The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens. And we realize this is an issue in which we are in agreement with our Hispanic citizens."

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In the latest issue of the academic journal Social Science Quarterly, political scientist George Hawley compared Republicans voting records on immigration (calculated by the limited immigration group Numbers USA) and their performance among Hispanics. He found absolutely no relation between support for liberal immigration policy and support among Hispanics.

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Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP - Tom Tancredo - Page 1

Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Which only proves that the GOP owes Hispanics more than just amnesty! Consider it a downpayment!
If repeating ignorant talking points were the key to winning elections, republicans would be in power right now. However they aren't because the country has largely rejected their stupidity.

Hopefully next go around, they will think before they do nothing but parrot the stupidity coming from the radio and the blogs, but judging from your drival, that isn't likely to happen.

Was that supposed to have something to do with what I posted?

No, what you posted before was really beneath my responding to directly. It was the equivalent of posting in crayons.

No, what I did was caveat your rather pedestrian response to make a further point. I really didn't expect you to comprehend and I see I was correct.

I pointed out that your previous post was idiotic and a logical fallacy. Then you posted a non sequitur in response.

Give up while you're behind. Every time you attempt to commit logic, you fail.
Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Which only proves that the GOP owes Hispanics more than just amnesty! Consider it a downpayment!

The GOP doesn't owe illegal aliens jack shit. They should all consider themselves lucky because they haven't been put on a bus back to where they came from.
The very foundation of the republican/conservative idealogy is based on myths...biblical...the past...the founder's perfection...idealized Americana...economic policies...etc.

Bullshit. Liberalism is based on myths, like the idea that government solves problems.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

Well said.

The real culprits in the immigration issue are not the immigrants themselves.

They are doing exactly what most of our ancestors did- coming here to try to improve their lot in life.

But they've been vilified because no one wants to address the real culprits, the wealthy business owner who hires illegals because he doesn't want to pay a fair wage or provide safe working conditions.
The papers please laws are a bit scary. The idea that an American can be stopped on the street and the government can demand they prove they are American? A bit big brother for me.

You make it sound like the police can just stop anyone for no reason and demand they prove citizenship, which is not the case.

The AZ one stated they could demand your papers during "lawful contact" as long as they suspected you were illegal. That is pretty damn ambiguous.

Which is why SCOTUS slapped most of it down.
Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Which only proves that the GOP owes Hispanics more than just amnesty! Consider it a downpayment!

The GOP doesn't owe illegal aliens jack shit. They should all consider themselves lucky because they haven't been put on a bus back to where they came from.

The GOP has had no problems exploiting that cheap labor and insulting illegal immigrants during the process. The GOP focus is always about fences and calling the illegal immigrants criminals for being here working in America, but they never focus on how it's illegal to hire illegal immigrants. The GOP is always taking a pro-business, anti-labor stance. The GOP not only owes illegal immigrants, but they owe the whole country for making us put up with their bullshit all these years.
In 2006 and 2007, Republicans promoting amnesty favored the cliche, “Immigrants do the jobs American’s won’t do.” It was a bad argument then, and with unemployment still hovering around or over 9%, for the last five years, no one even bothers with that anymore. Instead, Republicans are selling amnesty based solely on political expediency. The new cliche is that Republicans will never win the Hispanic vote unless they support amnesty. John McCain, who led the last great push for amnesty says. "The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens. And we realize this is an issue in which we are in agreement with our Hispanic citizens."

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In the latest issue of the academic journal Social Science Quarterly, political scientist George Hawley compared Republicans voting records on immigration (calculated by the limited immigration group Numbers USA) and their performance among Hispanics. He found absolutely no relation between support for liberal immigration policy and support among Hispanics.

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Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP - Tom Tancredo - Page 1

Your correct of course on this issue.

the republican party is screwed.

it would take the party supporting immigation reform and a decade of your party supporting decent solutions to our countries problems based on facts for you to gain ground.

The alternative is to keep trying to harm latinos with your racist laced policy which will result in the complete death of your party.

I told you your party would be in the hinterlands for some time to come.

You have no way to win for quite some time
Was that supposed to have something to do with what I posted?

No, what you posted before was really beneath my responding to directly. It was the equivalent of posting in crayons.

No, what I did was caveat your rather pedestrian response to make a further point. I really didn't expect you to comprehend and I see I was correct.

I pointed out that your previous post was idiotic and a logical fallacy. Then you posted a non sequitur in response.

Give up while you're behind. Every time you attempt to commit logic, you fail.

Perhaps in your mind you believe you're "winning."

That in itself speaks volumes about your inability to discuss an issue intelligently.
The very foundation of the republican/conservative idealogy is based on myths...biblical...the past...the founder's perfection...idealized Americana...economic policies...etc.

Bullshit. Liberalism is based on myths, like the idea that government solves problems.

Yet republicans fell over themselves supporting military invasions of nations like Iraq, supposedly to solve the problems in the Middle East.

You fall over yourselves supporting government action when it comes to things like DOMA and "wars on drugs."

You beg the government to spend billions erecting aand maintaining a wall between the US and Mexico.

You cheer when a liberty and freedom limiting legislation like the Patriot Act is enacted to protect you from the Mooooooslims.

Hypocrisy, thy name is 'conservative."
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Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Which only proves that the GOP owes Hispanics more than just amnesty! Consider it a downpayment!

The GOP doesn't owe illegal aliens jack shit. They should all consider themselves lucky because they haven't been put on a bus back to where they came from.

That attitude will ensure the GOP remains in the minority.
The GOP doesn't owe illegal aliens jack shit. They should all consider themselves lucky because they haven't been put on a bus back to where they came from.

That attitude will ensure the GOP remains in the minority.

I was wondering when you were going to toss in your usual lame two bits.

Illegal aliens don't vote, moron.

But as they become citizens they won't vote for attitudes toward them like yours.

And their relatives have already shown you what they will do to you in elections.
That attitude will ensure the GOP remains in the minority.

I was wondering when you were going to toss in your usual lame two bits.

Illegal aliens don't vote, moron.

But as they become citizens they won't vote for attitudes toward them like yours.

And their relatives have already shown you what they will do to you in elections.

They'll only become citizens if morons like you vote in the politicians who will make them citizens.

Previously you and your fellow turds said that catering to illegal aliens had nothing to do with getting their votes. Now you admit you want to turn them into voters.
I was wondering when you were going to toss in your usual lame two bits.

Illegal aliens don't vote, moron.

But as they become citizens they won't vote for attitudes toward them like yours.

And their relatives have already shown you what they will do to you in elections.

They'll only become citizens if morons like you vote in the politicians who will make them citizens.

Previously you and your fellow turds said that catering to illegal aliens had nothing to do with getting their votes. Now you admit you want to turn them into voters.

And that is why Republicans are between a rock and a hard place

If they continue to block a path to citizenship for 12 million Hispanics they will lose the Hospanic vote.
If they allow them to become citizens, they will vote against Republicans
But as they become citizens they won't vote for attitudes toward them like yours.

And their relatives have already shown you what they will do to you in elections.

They'll only become citizens if morons like you vote in the politicians who will make them citizens.

Previously you and your fellow turds said that catering to illegal aliens had nothing to do with getting their votes. Now you admit you want to turn them into voters.

And that is why Republicans are between a rock and a hard place

If they continue to block a path to citizenship for 12 million Hispanics they will lose the Hospanic vote.
If they allow them to become citizens, they will vote against Republicans

You just admitted that Republicans would be stupid to vote for any politician who endorses amnesty.

If opening the floodgates to illegal immigration is all Hispanics care about, this country is doomed.

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