Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

I claimed people who take money from the taxpayers are freeloaders. How do your government statistics dispute that?

Corporations should be included in your people, so it's a matter of how much money is involved. It's also a matter that your claim about freeloaders and what taking money involves is called into question. Is an infant getting formula taking money from the taxpayers and a freeloader?

Aren't you one of those who raked Mitt Romney over the coals for saying: "Corporations ARE people, my friend"?

I wish I was.
In what way do I wish to destroy America?

Destroy the American dream, which has always been invested in the immigrant experience.

Gibberish. The American dream is for Americans. There is no right to immigrate to this country, and there never has been.

What an incredibly ignorant and illiterate comment. You know nothing about the immigrant experience in America if you truly believe that.
And that is why Republicans are between a rock and a hard place

If they continue to block a path to citizenship for 12 million Hispanics they will lose the Hospanic vote.
If they allow them to become citizens, they will vote against Republicans

George W. Bush got over 40% of the Hispanic vote back in '04, so it isn't automatic that Hispanics will vote 'D'.

However, the GOP will have to tone their rhetoric way back down if they are serious about courting the Hispanic vote, and since I can't see that happening anytime soon, you're probably right.

W supported a path to citizenship
W was respectful towards Hispanic citizens

Candidates like Jeb Bush and Rubio could help win back some of those votes. But with the asshole wing of the party badmouthing Hispanic Americans with impunity......the party is doomed

The funny thing is that W got over 40% of the Hispanic vote BEFORE he proposed the path to citizenship. It was his party's reaction (along with talking heads like Limbaugh) to the path to citizensship that really pulled the rug out from under the Hispanic support of the GOP.
Borders, Immigration laws, and Identification papers are just soooooooooo unjustly
No, but citizens like bripat wish to destroy America and then pick the through the pieces for their own advancement.

In what way do I wish to destroy America?

Destroy the American dream, which has always been invested in the immigrant experience.

How is not wanting a bunch of uneducated filthy third worlders destroying the American dream? These people contribute NOTHING! All they do is suck off the welfare tit and steal American jobs.
Destroy the American dream, which has always been invested in the immigrant experience.

How is not wanting a bunch of uneducated filthy third worlders destroying the American dream? These people contribute NOTHING! All they do is suck off the welfare tit and steal American jobs.

This really ought to be the official slogan of the GOP. :))

And the Democrats should have this one: Death to America!
Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Which only proves that the GOP owes Hispanics more than just amnesty! Consider it a downpayment!

The GOP doesn't owe illegal aliens jack shit. They should all consider themselves lucky because they haven't been put on a bus back to where they came from.

That attitude will ensure the GOP remains in the minority.

If that's the case, at least they won't be blamed for the downfall of America.
The downfall of America is not here, immigration reform will not lead to the downfall of America, but the continued hate from the reactionary radical right will lead to the downfall of America if they every get power again.
The downfall of America is not here, immigration reform will not lead to the downfall of America, but the continued hate from the reactionary radical right will lead to the downfall of America if they every get power again.

Rewarding those that broke federal law is nothing to ignore. Unless there is a financial penalty, admission of guilt in a court of law, voter ID requirement, and the boarders are secured, otherwise you are accomplishing nothing. FYI no Republican candidate has ever received more than 40% of the Hispanic vote, they never will, can you guess who does and needs their support to retain the reins of power? When they are caught they need to be deported, just like the current law reads.
Bush received more than 40%, and in many state and local elections they do very well: Marco Rubio, Susannah Martinez, etc.

You have it wrong, Staihdup. As long as you treat them as second class people, you will get the same.
Bush received more than 40%, and in many state and local elections they do very well: Marco Rubio, Susannah Martinez, etc.

You have it wrong, Staihdup. As long as you treat them as second class people, you will get the same.

Jake that is simply untrue, check your facts. Furthermore the issue is immigration amnesty, which applies to those that have entered the country illegally, in violation of federal law, which you apparently have either no comprehension or respect for. Keep up the pandering, it suits you well. In closing, they are not, nor have I suggested, they are second class people, they are simply violators of federal law and not entitled to remain in the United States for violation of federal immigration laws. Some people live by the laws others twist the laws, the law is clear and your position is a direct compromise to the structure and system of law.
Bush received more than 40%, and in many state and local elections they do very well: Marco Rubio, Susannah Martinez, etc.

You have it wrong, Staihdup. As long as you treat them as second class people, you will get the same.

Jake that is simply untrue, check your facts. Furthermore the issue is immigration amnesty, which applies to those that have entered the country illegally, in violation of federal law, which you apparently have either no comprehension or respect for. Keep up the pandering, it suits you well. In closing, they are not, nor have I suggested, they are second class people, they are simply violators of federal law and not entitled to remain in the United States for violation of federal immigration laws. Some people live by the laws others twist the laws, the law is clear and your position is a direct compromise to the structure and system of law.

Yup, the examples are true. AS long as you treat people as second class, they will never vote for you. My position, expanding the franchise in concert with the intent of the Constitution, is exactly right.
Destroy the American dream, which has always been invested in the immigrant experience.

Gibberish. The American dream is for Americans. There is no right to immigrate to this country, and there never has been.

Looks like the Know Nothings are making a comeback.

can you quote the Constitution where it says foreigners have a right to immigrate to this country? . . . . . .

I didn't think you could.
Destroy the American dream, which has always been invested in the immigrant experience.

How is not wanting a bunch of uneducated filthy third worlders destroying the American dream? These people contribute NOTHING! All they do is suck off the welfare tit and steal American jobs.

This really ought to be the official slogan of the GOP. :))

The official slogan of the Dimorat party is "let's put everyone on the welfare tit."

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