Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

Yup, the examples are true. AS long as you treat people as second class, they will never vote for you. My position, expanding the franchise in concert with the intent of the Constitution, is exactly right.

There is no intent in the Constitution to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
As soon as Hispanics are rewarded for their industry by being taxed to death, as soon as they realize they have no input as to what is taught their children in public schools, as soon as their businesses are regulated by people who wouldn't know a balance sheet if it bit them in the ass, they will become conservatives.

It won't take long.
Gibberish. The American dream is for Americans. There is no right to immigrate to this country, and there never has been.

Looks like the Know Nothings are making a comeback.

can you quote the Constitution where it says foreigners have a right to immigrate to this country? . . . . . .

I didn't think you could.

There's actually nothing in the constitution about immigration.

Therefore, there's nothing there to define or prevent it.
Looks like the Know Nothings are making a comeback.

can you quote the Constitution where it says foreigners have a right to immigrate to this country? . . . . . .

I didn't think you could.

There's actually nothing in the constitution about immigration.

Therefore, there's nothing there to define or prevent it.

You contradicted another poster who correctly stated there is no right to immigrate. Now you're changing your story.
can you quote the Constitution where it says foreigners have a right to immigrate to this country? . . . . . .

I didn't think you could.

There's actually nothing in the constitution about immigration.

Therefore, there's nothing there to define or prevent it.

You contradicted another poster who correctly stated there is no right to immigrate. Now you're changing your story.

The other poster is you, bripat. That's dishonest. And you are wrong.
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

With respect, there's nothing the GOP can do to correct willful cultural ignorance. If we say "close the borders and enforce immigration law" and all you hear is "fuck you", whose fault is that? What can we do short of throwing up our hands and kissing your asses all in the vain attempt that you'll throw Chris Christie or Rubio or Rick Perry or whoever runs in 2016 a few votes? You already have one party willing to do that, so we're basically fucked either way, right?
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

With respect, there's nothing the GOP can do to correct willful cultural ignorance. If we say "close the borders and enforce immigration law" and all you hear is "fuck you", whose fault is that? What can we do short of throwing up our hands and kissing your asses all in the vain attempt that you'll throw Chris Christie or Rubio or Rick Perry or whoever runs in 2016 a few votes? You already have one party willing to do that, so we're basically fucked either way, right?

Do you realize you are talking to someone of Cuban ancestry and many Cubans still refuse to vote for a Democrat?

Can you explain how allowing illegal immigrants to get on the road to citizenship, while sealing the borders against new illegal immigrants fucks you?
I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

With respect, there's nothing the GOP can do to correct willful cultural ignorance. If we say "close the borders and enforce immigration law" and all you hear is "fuck you", whose fault is that? What can we do short of throwing up our hands and kissing your asses all in the vain attempt that you'll throw Chris Christie or Rubio or Rick Perry or whoever runs in 2016 a few votes? You already have one party willing to do that, so we're basically fucked either way, right?

Do you realize you are talking to someone of Cuban ancestry and many Cubans still refuse to vote for a Democrat?

Can you explain how allowing illegal immigrants to get on the road to citizenship, while sealing the borders against new illegal immigrants fucks you?

It fucks him and his party by allowing more brown people to become citizens
they know they cant win brown votes with their historically failed ideas.

You would think they would just give up the failed ideas and think up some that may actually work to fix things.
The Republicans are screwed

As usual, they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. While some Republicans are starting to take a more moderate opinion on immigration reform, a large percentage are falling back on the anti-immigrant rhetoric they have been told for the last 30 years
It is hard to unring a bell
How do you suddenly accept a population that you have been taught to hate for 30 years?

The voting patterns of a generation of Hispanics is being established now. They hear the rhetoric coming from rightwing radio, they read what conservative posters spew on this board and hundreds of boards like it. They remember what politicians have said and the punative legislation they have passed

Republicans have missed the boat
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I'm Hispanic. You're not losing the war because of illegal immigration. You're losing the war because you've made "Mexicans" into boogie monsters. The tea party gets the most media time of any supporters of the GOP, and what they say makes Hispanics feel completely insulted. Thus most Hispanics connect the GOP with the tea party. At least that's my experience.

With respect, there's nothing the GOP can do to correct willful cultural ignorance. If we say "close the borders and enforce immigration law" and all you hear is "fuck you", whose fault is that? What can we do short of throwing up our hands and kissing your asses all in the vain attempt that you'll throw Chris Christie or Rubio or Rick Perry or whoever runs in 2016 a few votes? You already have one party willing to do that, so we're basically fucked either way, right?

again, the injuries the GOP did to itself were self-inflicted.

Mitt Romney was able to get the better of Rick Perry by pointing out that Perry had allowed the children of illegals to get in-state tuition if they resided in Texas. Won him some votes among the yahoos that decide Republican nominations, but Hispanics remembered it.

The real problem with immigration is that the people who really run the GOP, the rich douchebags, don't want to end it. They want a powerless labor force they can easily exploit to make the rest of us go along with them lowering our wages and benefits. But they also need to keep angry white males angry and misdirected. So you get the candidates who fall over themselves as to who is going to threaten illegals with the worst consequences, and Demogogues like Araprio and Brewer promising to crack down on them.
The Republicans are screwed

As usual, they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. While some Republicans are starting to take a more moderate opinion on immigration reform, a large percentage are falling back on the anti-immigrant rhetoric they have been told for the last 30 years
It is hard to unring a bell
How do you suddenly accept a population that you have been taught to hate for 30 years?

The voting patterns of a generation of Hispanics is being established now. They hear the rhetoric coming from rightwing radio, they read what conservative posters spew on this board and hundreds of boards like it. They remember what politicians have said and the punative legislation they have passed

Republicans have missed the boat

Its just kinda cool that their racebating to win elections is finnally coming back to haunt them.

All my life their race bating has won them elections much to my distain.

I have to admitt Im really going to enjoy watching their evil eat them alive as a party

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