Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

The GOP must reach out and take more than 42 to 44% of the Hispanic vote nationally.

Immigration reform is a major step but not the only step that needs to be taken.
Take hispanics in to raise, and you have them forever. They are like a feral cat colony. Check out Compton, ask the black people how well they are getting along with their new hispanic neighbors.

BTW -- you hit on one thing that i think can skew the hispanic strategy for the democrats. Sooner or later the hispanics and the blacks will strat going at it within the democratic party. You can count on that. Its inevitalbe.

The one group that i think is a natural Republican constituency that apparently went big against them is the Asians. Not usre how many of them there are to make it worth it but they are more of a natural target IMO
The downfall of America is not here, immigration reform will not lead to the downfall of America, but the continued hate from the reactionary radical right will lead to the downfall of America if they every get power again.

If that is what you think and what keeps you going every day, then so be it.

We'll see who'll be shouting "I told ya so!" in the end.
You would think they would just give up the failed ideas and think up some that may actually work to fix things.

You want failed ideas? How about the previous amnesties. After the Reagan amnesty, everyone said "Yeah...we'll secure the border and enforce the current laws this time so we won't have this problem ever again!". And yet, HERE WE ARE AGAIN!

What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same fucking thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
To survive, the GOP has to grow up and stop catering to the racists, bigots and childish behavior of their members.

Funny, considering the Left has Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Senator KKK Byrd. What are they? Racists and childish race-baiters.
To survive, the GOP has to grow up and stop catering to the racists, bigots and childish behavior of their members.

Funny, considering the Left has Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Senator KKK Byrd. What are they? Racists and childish race-baiters.

How many of those are elected officials?

The difference is that you guys actually VOTE for your nut jobs
Republicans can't possibly outbid democrats for the hispanic vote unless they pledge welfare for the whole of mexico. Democrats will do that. Unless republicans are prepared to make a preemptive offer they won't get the hispanic vote.
Republicans can't possibly outbid democrats for the hispanic vote unless they pledge welfare for the whole of mexico. Democrats will do that. Unless republicans are prepared to make a preemptive offer they won't get the hispanic vote.

You and Road Virus clearly to do not understand the issue of immigration and how to fix it.

Many of us do, however, and our representatives and senators are going to do it the right way.
An amnestly plan will never pass the house as long as the Tea Bagger Loons are there. They will block any and every attempt. So Rove and is PAC are screwed before they get started.
An amnestly plan will never pass the house as long as the Tea Bagger Loons are there. They will block any and every attempt. So Rove and is PAC are screwed before they get started.

No, they aren't. Let the TeaP reps screw around this term and they will be primaried in 2014 by Rove's people.
An amnestly plan will never pass the house as long as the Tea Bagger Loons are there. They will block any and every attempt. So Rove and is PAC are screwed before they get started.

No, they aren't. Let the TeaP reps screw around this term and they will be primaried in 2014 by Rove's people.

Agreed! The GOP will even sacrifice a Bagger's seat if they have to, in order for the establishment in the party to regain control. I think these extreme types are going to be told to keep their mouths shut and not alienate the party with the Hispanics or else. They know they are going to have to go after the Hispanic vote, so the only wise course is to put themselves in the position of taking credit for immigration reform and solving the illegal immigration problem, claiming it's a security problem. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed an ID system and I believe they will push for fences. I think they will position themselves against the federal government and claim the states have the right to solve their immigration problems, but want federal funding to do it.

It's my opinion, the Republicans aren't going to truly look for a solution, but a strategy to give them the high ground. They'll make shitty legislation and blame the Democrats for not passing it when anything bad happens. They will launch another morality campaign focusing on abortion, but not those extreme positions that alienate women.
An amnestly plan will never pass the house as long as the Tea Bagger Loons are there. They will block any and every attempt. So Rove and is PAC are screwed before they get started.

No, they aren't. Let the TeaP reps screw around this term and they will be primaried in 2014 by Rove's people.

Agreed! The GOP will even sacrifice a Bagger's seat if they have to, in order for the establishment in the party to regain control. I think these extreme types are going to be told to keep their mouths shut and not alienate the party with the Hispanics or else. They know they are going to have to go after the Hispanic vote, so the only wise course is to put themselves in the position of taking credit for immigration reform and solving the illegal immigration problem, claiming it's a security problem. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed an ID system and I believe they will push for fences. I think they will position themselves against the federal government and claim the states have the right to solve their immigration problems, but want federal funding to do it.

It's my opinion, the Republicans aren't going to truly look for a solution, but a strategy to give them the high ground. They'll make shitty legislation and blame the Democrats for not passing it when anything bad happens. They will launch another morality campaign focusing on abortion, but not those extreme positions that alienate women.

Iys not a bad idea to sacrifice a seat to get rid of a teabagger, actually.

The GOP used the TP to its advantage in '10, but soon found out exactly how much of a loose cannon they were. Now they're falling over themselves to kick them to the curb.
Chris Cilliza of the Washington Post (so a good liberal) wrote another analysis on how creating more Hispanic voters will not help the GOP - it will hurt them. I think the Republicans in congress are waking up and smelling the dog shit on this issue and realize that a path to the ballot box IS NOT in their interests. In addition it will also be sen as a set back for obama if it doesnt happen further rebutting the current liberal mantra of how effective a political force he is

One thing that bothers me about the rush of some to give these guys like John McCain the vote is that it gives credence to a Dem criticism of the republicans -- that they stick their heads in the sand and ignore empiricism and scientific data. I like to dsipute the Dem mantra on this but here is one area where it seems true. Just like alot of the Republican really seemed to beleive /romey would win the election and were shocked when he didnt despite the overwhelming evidence that he would not -- here too they are ignoring the clear data that says hispanics will not be their friends on election day -- just as they havent been before.

here is the cilliza article

Why immigration reform is not a cure-all for the GOP
Bush got more than 40% of the vote just eight years ago.

Yes, the GOP must reach out to Hispanics and women, and, yes, if they do it constructively and earnestly, they will benefit measurably by doing so.
Bush got more than 40% of the vote just eight years ago.

Yes, the GOP must reach out to Hispanics and women, and, yes, if they do it constructively and earnestly, they will benefit measurably by doing so.

understood -- just realize one thing. That 41% he got STILL represents getting blown out among this group. Its just better than Romney did -- and in fairness to old Mitt he was runnig against a person of color who they may have identified better with than the patrician yacht owning mega rich white guy who bush beat in 2004. also done forget to consider what this may do to the GOP base to whom this is anathema. It could be subtraction by addition coupled with subtraction by subtraction

another intersting set of articles that the GOP should consider is the effect the hispanic vote really had on the last election which after all is what is driving the republican lemming to this issue -- I dont have access to the analyses now but they were pretty consistent that Obama won easily regardless of the hispanic vote. It may be true that even if every hispanic voted for romney -- obama still wins; at the very least it was something like 75-80%.

bottom line -- i hear you and you may well be right but there is just alot of empirical data out there that suggests otherwise. Thats why i say proceed with care GOP
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Bush got more than 40% of the vote just eight years ago.

Yes, the GOP must reach out to Hispanics and women, and, yes, if they do it constructively and earnestly, they will benefit measurably by doing so.

Those types make up their own reality or they wouldn't be wingnuts to start with. Their opinions on things are worthless and rational thought is never going to be entertained in their minds. The Republicans are going to have to get rid of them, like the modern conservative movement ridded itself of the John Birch Society, when they went batshit crazy. The way these extremists act, they remind me of JBS II. JBS used the same tactics and the Koch Bros. dad was an original founder. It's a shame they took the name of such a decent man and put their stigma on it.
Republicans can't possibly outbid democrats for the hispanic vote unless they pledge welfare for the whole of mexico. Democrats will do that. Unless republicans are prepared to make a preemptive offer they won't get the hispanic vote.

^ This is an example of the kind of attitude the will NOT endear the Republicans with Hispanic voters.
In 2006 and 2007, Republicans promoting amnesty favored the cliche, “Immigrants do the jobs American’s won’t do.” It was a bad argument then, and with unemployment still hovering around or over 9%, for the last five years, no one even bothers with that anymore. Instead, Republicans are selling amnesty based solely on political expediency. The new cliche is that Republicans will never win the Hispanic vote unless they support amnesty. John McCain, who led the last great push for amnesty says. "The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens. And we realize this is an issue in which we are in agreement with our Hispanic citizens."

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In the latest issue of the academic journal Social Science Quarterly, political scientist George Hawley compared Republicans voting records on immigration (calculated by the limited immigration group Numbers USA) and their performance among Hispanics. He found absolutely no relation between support for liberal immigration policy and support among Hispanics.

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Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP - Tom Tancredo - Page 1

Here's my advice to you for how you personally, can help the GOP draw in more Hispanic voters. Are you ready?

Ok here it is:

When it comes to issues that Hispanics might care about? Shut the fuck up. I understand that this excludes you from discussing just about every major issue there is and it might be difficult for you to adhere to this, but you shutting the fuck up and letting the adults in the room talk is really the best thing you can do for the GOP at this point. If you are an eager beaver and want to do more, seek out another lying, hate-filled piece of loose, moist garbage like yourself and encourage them to shut the fuck up as well.

Also, considering that you amazingly can manage to not only turn on a computer but also navigate a messageboard I suggest a chain email campaign. Something like "FW: FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"

You know what though? That might be a bit too straight of a shot. Maybe some subtle bullshit like "ZOMG OBAMA SAYS HE IS FOR FREE SPEECH" and hope everyone knee jerks by shutting the fuck up. I dunno, I can't work out all of the details for you for fuck's sake but just remember the number one, most important thing for you to remember is to shut the fuck up.

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