Amnesty Will Not Draw Hispanics to the GOP

The Republicans are screwed

As usual, they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. While some Republicans are starting to take a more moderate opinion on immigration reform, a large percentage are falling back on the anti-immigrant rhetoric they have been told for the last 30 years
It is hard to unring a bell
How do you suddenly accept a population that you have been taught to hate for 30 years?

The voting patterns of a generation of Hispanics is being established now. They hear the rhetoric coming from rightwing radio, they read what conservative posters spew on this board and hundreds of boards like it. They remember what politicians have said and the punative legislation they have passed

Republicans have missed the boat

Its just kinda cool that their racebating to win elections is finnally coming back to haunt them.

All my life their race bating has won them elections much to my distain.

I have to admitt Im really going to enjoy watching their evil eat them alive as a party

Some key Republican leaders and rightwing hate radio (Rush and Hannity) are starting to moderate their former extremist positions on immigration

Do they really think that Hispanics will develop amnesia over the hate that has been spewed for 30 years?
can you quote the Constitution where it says foreigners have a right to immigrate to this country? . . . . . .

I didn't think you could.

There's actually nothing in the constitution about immigration.

Therefore, there's nothing there to define or prevent it.

You contradicted another poster who correctly stated there is no right to immigrate. Now you're changing your story.

Please show me where in the constitution it states there is no right to immigrate.

And since I never stated any position other than the one you quoted, I didn't change my story.
The Republicans are screwed

As usual, they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. While some Republicans are starting to take a more moderate opinion on immigration reform, a large percentage are falling back on the anti-immigrant rhetoric they have been told for the last 30 years
It is hard to unring a bell
How do you suddenly accept a population that you have been taught to hate for 30 years?

The voting patterns of a generation of Hispanics is being established now. They hear the rhetoric coming from rightwing radio, they read what conservative posters spew on this board and hundreds of boards like it. They remember what politicians have said and the punative legislation they have passed

Republicans have missed the boat

Its just kinda cool that their racebating to win elections is finnally coming back to haunt them.

All my life their race bating has won them elections much to my distain.

I have to admitt Im really going to enjoy watching their evil eat them alive as a party

Some key Republican leaders and rightwing hate radio (Rush and Hannity) are starting to moderate their former extremist positions on immigration

Do they really think that Hispanics will develop amnesia over the hate that has been spewed for 30 years?

its worked for them in the past.

but that is only with the people in the tea party faction who care nothing about facts.

Its why the republican party has pandered to all their stupid ideas.
With respect, there's nothing the GOP can do to correct willful cultural ignorance. If we say "close the borders and enforce immigration law" and all you hear is "fuck you", whose fault is that? What can we do short of throwing up our hands and kissing your asses all in the vain attempt that you'll throw Chris Christie or Rubio or Rick Perry or whoever runs in 2016 a few votes? You already have one party willing to do that, so we're basically fucked either way, right?

Do you realize you are talking to someone of Cuban ancestry and many Cubans still refuse to vote for a Democrat?

Can you explain how allowing illegal immigrants to get on the road to citizenship, while sealing the borders against new illegal immigrants fucks you?

It fucks him and his party by allowing more brown people to become citizens

I've always said a choice of one isn't a hard choice to make.

To survive, the GOP has to grow up and stop catering to the racists, bigots and childish behavior of their members. They don't have to impress the stupid fools, because they aren't going anywhere. The GOP can't survive and keep pissing off large ethnic groups. They can get away with being anti-labor, but they can't survive if they alienate Hispanics. I haven't seen statistics on it, but from personal experience, I think Catholics have more children and most Hispanics are Catholic. The only chance the Republicans have is to change their ways, or time will put them out of business.

To be honest, I want the Republican Party out of business and that includes the dog catcher, but I have the sense to know they are the Freddy Krueger and Jason of political parties, so you can never count them out.

It will take more than immigration reform to win over the Hispanic vote, but it is possible to do it and it is the Republicans only choice.
they just have to give up all the historically failed ideas and believe and agree to the exsistance of facts again.

I dont think any leader they have right now can do that
they just have to give up all the historically failed ideas and believe and agree to the exsistance of facts again.

I dont think any leader they have right now can do that

Right now the Republicans don't have a leader.
Do you realize you are talking to someone of Cuban ancestry and many Cubans still refuse to vote for a Democrat?

Can you explain how allowing illegal immigrants to get on the road to citizenship, while sealing the borders against new illegal immigrants fucks you?

It fucks him and his party by allowing more brown people to become citizens

I've always said a choice of one isn't a hard choice to make.

To survive, the GOP has to grow up and stop catering to the racists, bigots and childish behavior of their members. They don't have to impress the stupid fools, because they aren't going anywhere. The GOP can't survive and keep pissing off large ethnic groups. They can get away with being anti-labor, but they can't survive if they alienate Hispanics. I haven't seen statistics on it, but from personal experience, I think Catholics have more children and most Hispanics are Catholic. The only chance the Republicans have is to change their ways, or time will put them out of business.

To be honest, I want the Republican Party out of business and that includes the dog catcher, but I have the sense to know they are the Freddy Krueger and Jason of political parties, so you can never count them out.

It will take more than immigration reform to win over the Hispanic vote, but it is possible to do it and it is the Republicans only choice.

It is hard for Republicans to change horses in midstream

They have spent a generation drumming into their faithful that Mexican immigrants will be the death of this country. That Mexicans only want welfare and free hospital care. That they are lazy and will be a drain on our economy. That Mexicans will steal your job

How do Republicans get their faithful to stop believing what they have been taught for 30 years?
The Republicans are screwed

As usual, they are on the wrong side of history on this issue. While some Republicans are starting to take a more moderate opinion on immigration reform, a large percentage are falling back on the anti-immigrant rhetoric they have been told for the last 30 years
It is hard to unring a bell
How do you suddenly accept a population that you have been taught to hate for 30 years?

The voting patterns of a generation of Hispanics is being established now. They hear the rhetoric coming from rightwing radio, they read what conservative posters spew on this board and hundreds of boards like it. They remember what politicians have said and the punative legislation they have passed

Republicans have missed the boat

Its just kinda cool that their racebating to win elections is finnally coming back to haunt them.

All my life their race bating has won them elections much to my distain.

I have to admitt Im really going to enjoy watching their evil eat them alive as a party

Some key Republican leaders and rightwing hate radio (Rush and Hannity) are starting to moderate their former extremist positions on immigration

Do they really think that Hispanics will develop amnesia over the hate that has been spewed for 30 years?

They may very well over time if the Republicans change their ways....remember when the Democrats were the party of Segregation? They changed their ways and the Republicans picked up the Southern States' Rights banner and everything changed.
Its just kinda cool that their racebating to win elections is finnally coming back to haunt them.

All my life their race bating has won them elections much to my distain.

I have to admitt Im really going to enjoy watching their evil eat them alive as a party

Some key Republican leaders and rightwing hate radio (Rush and Hannity) are starting to moderate their former extremist positions on immigration

Do they really think that Hispanics will develop amnesia over the hate that has been spewed for 30 years?

They may very well over time if the Republicans change their ways....remember when the Democrats were the party of Segregation? They changed their ways and the Republicans picked up the Southern States' Rights banner and everything changed.

Quite true

But it would take the Democrats to assume an anti-immigration position for the vote to swing
It fucks him and his party by allowing more brown people to become citizens

I've always said a choice of one isn't a hard choice to make.

To survive, the GOP has to grow up and stop catering to the racists, bigots and childish behavior of their members. They don't have to impress the stupid fools, because they aren't going anywhere. The GOP can't survive and keep pissing off large ethnic groups. They can get away with being anti-labor, but they can't survive if they alienate Hispanics. I haven't seen statistics on it, but from personal experience, I think Catholics have more children and most Hispanics are Catholic. The only chance the Republicans have is to change their ways, or time will put them out of business.

To be honest, I want the Republican Party out of business and that includes the dog catcher, but I have the sense to know they are the Freddy Krueger and Jason of political parties, so you can never count them out.

It will take more than immigration reform to win over the Hispanic vote, but it is possible to do it and it is the Republicans only choice.

It is hard for Republicans to change horses in midstream

They have spent a generation drumming into their faithful that Mexican immigrants will be the death of this country. That Mexicans only want welfare and free hospital care. That they are lazy and will be a drain on our economy. That Mexicans will steal your job

How do Republicans get their faithful to stop believing what they have been taught for 30 years?

I don't ever count the Lock Steppers out. You should never underestimate the power of the Republican Party. Those brainwashed fools will do exactly what they are told.
After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.
After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.

God I LOVE Republicans
Take hispanics in to raise, and you have them forever. They are like a feral cat colony. Check out Compton, ask the black people how well they are getting along with their new hispanic neighbors.
After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.

What the hell does your opinion have to do with anything?

Do you really believe the Republican Party gives a damn about what is or isn't? Do you think they care about your opinion, if it doesn't serve their interest? Do you think the Republican Party cares about what is right or wrong? They only care to survive to serve their masters and you aren't one of their masters.
Take hispanics in to raise, and you have them forever. They are like a feral cat colony. Check out Compton, ask the black people how well they are getting along with their new hispanic neighbors.

I guess you have never heard about the fallacy of over-generalization.
After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.

Boradbrush much?

After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.

What the hell does your opinion have to do with anything?

Do you really believe the Republican Party gives a damn about what is or isn't? Do you think they care about your opinion, if it doesn't serve their interest? Do you think the Republican Party cares about what is right or wrong? They only care to survive to serve their masters and you aren't one of their masters.

Republican politicians reflect the ideology of republicans voters. Not democrat voters. If republicans imagine that they can sell out republicans for a hispanic vote they will lose the votes of all those republicans who used to support them. Can hispanics be persuaded to vote republican faster than republicans leaving the party? No. That's why democrats know that they can be a semi permanent majority by promising hispanics more public benefits. Of course it's a dream that hispanics will continue to vote for those democrats once they become a majority. In reality, when hispanics become a significant percentage, they only vote for other hispanics. That is exactly how these little corrupt hispanic led cities become corrupt hispanic led cities.
After having lived with hispanics for decades, they are interested in welfare, free medical care, wasting education dollars on them, and mexican power. They are not lazy, but then an ant colony is highly industrious too. They are happiest in a government of corruption, which is why mexico is corrupt and why cities that are exclusively hispanic turn into Bell, California. mexicans have no interest in being Americans, but will be happy to tell you they are. What they are interested in is returning the nation to mexico. mexicans are as interested in becoming Americans as their children are in becoming doctors. Haven't you noticed, all the mexican kids want to be doctors. Just ask them, they all want to be doctors. Then ask them how they are doing in school, if they go. They are taught that if they say "doctor" it's the open sesame door to everything they want. We all need doctors, right.

What the hell does your opinion have to do with anything?

Do you really believe the Republican Party gives a damn about what is or isn't? Do you think they care about your opinion, if it doesn't serve their interest? Do you think the Republican Party cares about what is right or wrong? They only care to survive to serve their masters and you aren't one of their masters.

Republican politicians reflect the ideology of republicans voters. Not democrat voters. If republicans imagine that they can sell out republicans for a hispanic vote they will lose the votes of all those republicans who used to support them. Can hispanics be persuaded to vote republican faster than republicans leaving the party? No. That's why democrats know that they can be a semi permanent majority by promising hispanics more public benefits. Of course it's a dream that hispanics will continue to vote for those democrats once they become a majority. In reality, when hispanics become a significant percentage, they only vote for other hispanics. That is exactly how these little corrupt hispanic led cities become corrupt hispanic led cities.

What about the Southern Strategy where the Republicans threw the Black voters under the bus to get the electorial votes in the South. They didn't care what those voters thought.

Republicans leaving the party have no place to go. They are more anti-Democrat than they will be anti-Republican over one issue. They will not leave over the immigration reform issue, because they know it's their only choice. The Republican Party can play games to support reform and not support reform at the same time and you fools will buy it.

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