Among other reasons, why Trump MUST release his tax returns

We both know exactly what would happen next. Some media fool would pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then the entire news cycle would be about refuting those lies for weeks.

That information can be spun the wrong way is no reason to effectively advocate censorship of that information. There are enough voices who will counter the left wing media spin, including members of the left wing media.

When Eric Trump said that releasing his tax returns might cost Donald Trump the election, that raised more concerns about what was in them. Avoiding taxes is a right, if no an obligation of every tax payer, evading taxes isn't at issue in this case.

What we would probably find is that he takes full advantage of every legal deduction and exemption to minimize his tax liability, just as you and I do.

The problem is that many of us do not like the way the tax code treats the very rich. But the blame for that lies on congress, not the rich who comply with the tax laws.

The "demand to see his returns" is nothing but a left wing attempt to change the narrative away from his successes to date.
Mr. Trump and the poor, only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay;

don't complain; be Patriotic.

do you pay more than you are obligated to pay? what's your point?
the cognitive dissonance of the right wing; Only blaming the poor for not paying taxes.
BTW, have you seen Pelosi's tax return? how about Schumer's?

WOW, the things one "learns" from a right wing moron....Pelosi and Schumer are RUNNING for President and have NOT divulged their tax returns.....Amazing !!!

So you don't care if congressmen and senators cheat on their taxes?, only presidential candidates? Don't you care who is funding Pelosi and Schumer? Who may be bribing them? I think we are entitled to see the tax returns of every elected official in the country. It might be very informative about who is really running this country.
dear, we have a Commerce Clause and a Congress of the People.
My position is, that this is about Commerce and not about the common Defense.

We merely need to end our useless and alleged, wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; to end our income tax.
How much of a "stakehold" does our command in chief, have in the for-profit Establishment sector of our political-economy?
We both know exactly what would happen next. Some media fool would pull out one section of one page and make up lies about what it says. Then the entire news cycle would be about refuting those lies for weeks.

That information can be spun the wrong way is no reason to effectively advocate censorship of that information. There are enough voices who will counter the left wing media spin, including members of the left wing media.

When Eric Trump said that releasing his tax returns might cost Donald Trump the election, that raised more concerns about what was in them. Avoiding taxes is a right, if no an obligation of every tax payer, evading taxes isn't at issue in this case.

What we would probably find is that he takes full advantage of every legal deduction and exemption to minimize his tax liability, just as you and I do.

The problem is that many of us do not like the way the tax code treats the very rich. But the blame for that lies on congress, not the rich who comply with the tax laws.

The "demand to see his returns" is nothing but a left wing attempt to change the narrative away from his successes to date.
Mr. Trump and the poor, only pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay;

don't complain; be Patriotic.

do you pay more than you are obligated to pay? what's your point?
the cognitive dissonance of the right wing; Only blaming the poor for not paying taxes.

are you insane? When did I blame the poor?
How much of a "stakehold" does our command in chief, have in the for-profit Establishment sector of our political-economy?

He owns stock, so do most americans. His assets are in a blind trust. He has no control of them. Do you own stock? Do you want its value to increase? Why is it wrong for a rich person to want the same things from the economy that you want?

Why are you on the left always jealous of successful people? except the ultra rich idiots in Hollywood who you idolize.
Trumps financial business is no one's but his own...
Sorry but finances are an open book for a president as many have opened theirs the thief trump is afraid to open his Guess why?
Why? Because he doesn't want to provide the fuel for the Marxist Demcorats to do to him what they did to Mitt Romney! I can see the headline now: "Trump is rich! Therefore he can't care for the poor!"
How much of a "stakehold" does our command in chief, have in the for-profit Establishment sector of our political-economy?
1. Most of Trump's assets are in real estate, many in limited partnerships. In an LLC partners have a say on who you can sell your piece of the partnership to and even have a say in whether you can sell your part of the partnership since it will impact the value of the partnership. This makes it difficult to divest your assets. It's not loke owning stock in a company that can be sold in the open marketplace.
2. Even if you own stock, divest it, and give your money to a third party to manage it will wind up in financial assets such as stocks and bonds. Any later decision by the President can cause the value of these financial assets to rise! These decisions are not considered to be a conflict of interest. Trump's decisions can only be considered to be conflicts of interest if it is obvious that his decision was made to specifically benefit his assets while hurting the interest of others, including the national interest. That is a *very* hard thing to prove. Opinions aren't sufficient. *FACTS* are required to prove such.
3. I've even seen Marxist Democrats trying to claim Trump receiving a trademark for his name in China as a violation of the emoluments clause. It's sheer idiocy. You make no money off of a trademark, you merely prevent others from profiting by the use of the trademark. If there is no monetary value in the trademark then how can it be an emolument?
How do supporters STILL justify the hiding from the public Trump's tax returns?

With the Trump empire cut off by American banks, the family business has become dependent on Germany’s Deutsche Bank and investors from Russia. As Donald Trump, Jr. summed up in 2008:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That alone provides one powerful reason why Trump must release those returns....and for those brainwashed Trump followers who would say that Junior's statement is 8.5 years old, Trump's loans are NOT so "short-term" as to now be discarded news.
For the sake of our own security, we MUST know if our president is too beholden to Russian oligarchs and if these oligarchs have created an environment where our president must choose between the nation's interests and his OWN economic self interests.

I think we MUST see your tax returns.
Blow me.
lol that's all they have ,,,,

....and the nitwit probably had to go through "spell check" to write those 2 words.

kiss our collective asses, gnat. You idiots lost. you lost the whitehouse, control of congress, control of state governments, and the intellectual battle for the future of the country.

Freedom won, the constitution won. progressive libtardism lost and will continue losing because it is based on a lie.
kiss our collective asses, gnat. You idiots lost. you lost the whitehouse, control of congress, control of state governments, and the intellectual battle for the future of the country.

Freedom won, the constitution won. progressive libtardism lost and will continue losing because it is based on a lie.

A strong laxative MAY help your condition, Mr. Tuna......LOL
How much of a "stakehold" does our command in chief, have in the for-profit Establishment sector of our political-economy?

He owns stock, so do most americans. His assets are in a blind trust. He has no control of them. Do you own stock? Do you want its value to increase? Why is it wrong for a rich person to want the same things from the economy that you want?

Why are you on the left always jealous of successful people? except the ultra rich idiots in Hollywood who you idolize.
Our Commerce Clause covers conflicts of interest; our defense clause does not.

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