Among Syrian refugees, hidden Dom suffer war and rejection


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It appears we have an overweight Sunni Troll here. After all, a person sitting on his porta potty all day long (which he calls his throne) can't be in good fighting weight but looks more like the fat man in the circus. I would suggest that he see if he isn't too fat to be able to get on a plane and try to take part in this contest. 40kg of gold coins await Dubai s weight losers
Maybe he will be crowned the biggest loser in the Middle East.

Now back to the news from the Middle East.

It seems that the Roma and their Middle Eastern cousins, the Doms, are always persona non grata wherever they are.

Among Syrian refugees, hidden Dom suffer war and rejection
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:05 GMT
Author: Thomson Reuters Foundation

A general view of the Bab Al-Salam refugee camp in Azaz, near the Syrian-Turkish border, October 27, 2014. REUTERS/Hosam Katan

By Sophie Chamas

TORONTO, Oct 30 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Alongside more than a million Syrians who have fled into Turkey, one ethnic group almost 40,000 strong is fleeing not only the fighting but also persecution by fellow refugees.

The Dom, Middle Eastern cousins of the Roma, are among the Arab world's most marginalised people, according to human rights workers who have visited their camps and described the conditions to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

As refugees in Turkey, the Dom are either pushed out of organised camps or avoid them altogether, rights workers said. Many Dom hide their identity from authorities for fear of discrimination.

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Among Syrian refugees hidden Dom suffer war and rejection?

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