Amtrak Carrying GOP to Retreat Crashes

A chartered train designated for republicans? Coincidence? There is a lot of hatred out there and I wouldn't be surprised if it was sabotage. It's only been about eight or nine months since a democrat political activist opened fire on a republican baseball team and thanks to efforts by the MSM the name James Hodgkinson is forgotten already. Will the MSM speculate on a motive?

Maybe is was a case of Karma, given the callous conservatives who experienced today what many Americans suffer everyday, i.e. vehicle accidents when roads, bridges, tunnels and RR crossings are in a dangerous condition.

Gee another idiotic post, a person loses their life, and you justify it. Sick and disgusting.

The facts are the GOP wants to spend my tax dollars on weapons of war, not to repair, replace or renew dangerous situations which they know exist in our nation's infrastructure. These conditions take the life of citizens nearly every day in the wealthiest and most powerful nation on our planet:

For example: "Last year alone, 232 people died in railroad crossing accidents, and approximately every three hours, a person or vehicle is hit by a train in the United States."

link: DOT Launches New Railroad Crossing Safety Ad Campaign

Q. Have the funds for this effort been authorized by the Ryan and the GOP Caucus? Have RR crossings deemed dangerous been repaired, replaced or renewed? Was the one today fixed?

Good homework assignment, let me know what you find out. Weren’t the Democrats quiet last and upset today that Trump wants to spend $1 trillion for infrastructure?

It’s easy for you to pass the buck now but why wasn’t this done when the majority of the House and Senate were Democrats?

What happened to all the money for the shovel ready jobs that were going to work on infrastructure. Every politician has blood on their hands. Sadly, even if the infrastructure was in place, many of these accidents are based on human error.

Now, go back to being happy that Republicans were in the accident, what a good lefty you are.

You need to do your homework. Look into why those shovel ready jobs weren't started, and which governors chose not to, how much went to tax cuts and other bureaucratic boondoggles.
A chartered train designated for republicans? Coincidence? There is a lot of hatred out there and I wouldn't be surprised if it was sabotage. It's only been about eight or nine months since a democrat political activist opened fire on a republican baseball team and thanks to efforts by the MSM the name James Hodgkinson is forgotten already. Will the MSM speculate on a motive?

Maybe is was a case of Karma, given the callous conservatives who experienced today what many Americans suffer everyday, i.e. vehicle accidents when roads, bridges, tunnels and RR crossings are in a dangerous condition.

Gee another idiotic post, a person loses their life, and you justify it. Sick and disgusting.

The facts are the GOP wants to spend my tax dollars on weapons of war, not to repair, replace or renew dangerous situations which they know exist in our nation's infrastructure. These conditions take the life of citizens nearly every day in the wealthiest and most powerful nation on our planet:

For example: "Last year alone, 232 people died in railroad crossing accidents, and approximately every three hours, a person or vehicle is hit by a train in the United States."

link: DOT Launches New Railroad Crossing Safety Ad Campaign

Q. Have the funds for this effort been authorized by the Ryan and the GOP Caucus? Have RR crossings deemed dangerous been repaired, replaced or renewed? Was the one today fixed?

Good homework assignment, let me know what you find out. Weren’t the Democrats quiet last and upset today that Trump wants to spend $1 trillion for infrastructure?

It’s easy for you to pass the buck now but why wasn’t this done when the majority of the House and Senate were Democrats?

What happened to all the money for the shovel ready jobs that were going to work on infrastructure. Every politician has blood on their hands. Sadly, even if the infrastructure was in place, many of these accidents are based on human error.

Now, go back to being happy that Republicans were in the accident, what a good lefty you are.

You need to do your homework. Look into why those shovel ready jobs weren't started, and which governors chose not to, how much went to tax cuts and other bureaucratic boondoggles.

Yeah, let’s look at it.

The Reason That Shovel Ready Stimulus Didn't Work Is That There Wasn't Any Stimulus

Notice the state involved was Virginia, who had a Democratic Governor. It was a poorly designed bill and Obama and his buddies screwed up.
Maybe is was a case of Karma, given the callous conservatives who experienced today what many Americans suffer everyday, i.e. vehicle accidents when roads, bridges, tunnels and RR crossings are in a dangerous condition.

Gee another idiotic post, a person loses their life, and you justify it. Sick and disgusting.

The facts are the GOP wants to spend my tax dollars on weapons of war, not to repair, replace or renew dangerous situations which they know exist in our nation's infrastructure. These conditions take the life of citizens nearly every day in the wealthiest and most powerful nation on our planet:

For example: "Last year alone, 232 people died in railroad crossing accidents, and approximately every three hours, a person or vehicle is hit by a train in the United States."

link: DOT Launches New Railroad Crossing Safety Ad Campaign

Q. Have the funds for this effort been authorized by the Ryan and the GOP Caucus? Have RR crossings deemed dangerous been repaired, replaced or renewed? Was the one today fixed?

Good homework assignment, let me know what you find out. Weren’t the Democrats quiet last and upset today that Trump wants to spend $1 trillion for infrastructure?

It’s easy for you to pass the buck now but why wasn’t this done when the majority of the House and Senate were Democrats?

What happened to all the money for the shovel ready jobs that were going to work on infrastructure. Every politician has blood on their hands. Sadly, even if the infrastructure was in place, many of these accidents are based on human error.

Now, go back to being happy that Republicans were in the accident, what a good lefty you are.

You need to do your homework. Look into why those shovel ready jobs weren't started, and which governors chose not to, how much went to tax cuts and other bureaucratic boondoggles.

Yeah, let’s look at it.

The Reason That Shovel Ready Stimulus Didn't Work Is That There Wasn't Any Stimulus

Notice the state involved was Virginia, who had a Democratic Governor. It was a poorly designed bill and Obama and his buddies screwed up.

So why were the Democrats scowling when Trump spoke of a trillion going to infrastructure? Because they will hate everything this President does, just like the Republicans hated everything Obama wanted to do.

It makes no sense to me.

The Democrats are just as bad as Republicans and lefties have no ground to stand.
We need some good old common sense here.

The whole government should not be riding on the same train together. That is just asking for trouble.

When the pols are done with business in DC, they need to *disperse* and each go back to their home districts to the constituents who elected them and whom they are supposed to be representing. This is serious.

The President has Secret Service protection and a rather long line of succession in case of emergency.

We need to exercise some plain old common sense so that Congress does not expose itself all at once to such unnecessary risk, meanwhile leaving the whole country at risk of coup d'etat by some obscure technicalities of succession to the Oval Office in case of death or disability.
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? .

Nope. We think you're fucking retarded.

Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles?

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head and permanently disabled and forced to leave office.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house since the Tea Partier had published the wrong address)
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered;
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner;
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer;
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks;
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through....
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone.....

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.....

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, an accident. Doesn't count.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house). Simple vandalism. Doesn't count. No one hurt.
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered. Again. Vandalism, doesn't count.
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner. Doesn't count. Just some white flour.
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer. Drawings never hurt anyone.
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks. Bricks and phone messages don't count.
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through. Call the glazer.
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone..... What about Paul?

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Threats don't count. Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Nancy's doing fine. Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU..... Again.

See what I mean about "fucking retarded"? QED.

Tardfreak goes, "Where are the democrats [sic] being shot at and almost killed"?

--- I give an example of a Democrat actually shot and almost killed and he calls it "an accident".

Apparently on the theory that the intent was to kill her and it failed, ergo "accident".

Fucking retarded.

What the P-Stick fails to acknowledge is that none of his claims of attacks against Dems (mostly simple broken windows, phone calls and harmless powder scares in an envelop does NOT change the many ruthless, calculated and near lethal attempts on the GOP! The closest president to Trump was Reagan and some idiot almost killed him. Anyone take a shot at Billy Boy of Barry O? Hell, HALF OF HOLLYWOOD has threatened the GOP! Everyone from all the actors who were so upset they said they could not even live in the same country as a President Trump to Kathy Griffin posing with a realistic mock-up of a bloody decapitated head of the President as her idea of "fun." Such actions sends a CLEAR MESSAGE to the Leftist base and if such people can say and do such things, it sends a clear message of what the average everyday democrat might be capable of! Hell, they tear down 150 year old historical statues just because they don't like what the history says, so, the unhinged fringe Left is capable of most anything and needs watched very closely.
One death, assumed to be the truck driver. Appears it was a trash truck.

Another paid democratic operative paid to try to take out the GOP. The Dem-Mafia. When will they try a hit on the President? Why do you think many Dems fear speaking against their party?

Think I'm kidding? .

Nope. We think you're fucking retarded.

Where are all the democrats being shot and almost killed in ballparks, threatened and ribs broken on the street or in their own front yard or while riding trains, planes or automobiles?

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, shot in the head and permanently disabled and forced to leave office.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house since the Tea Partier had published the wrong address)
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered;
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner;
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer;
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks;
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through....
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone.....

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU.....

Whelp ---- there's Gabrielle Giffords, an accident. Doesn't count.
There's Tom Periello, whose house had its gas line cut and sabotaged (actually it was his brother's house). Simple vandalism. Doesn't count. No one hurt.
There's the Democratic Party Headquarters offices in at least three states that had their windows shattered. Again. Vandalism, doesn't count.
There's the white-powder letter sent to Anthony Weiner. Doesn't count. Just some white flour.
There's the images of nooses sent to Reps Bart Stupak and James Clymer. Drawings never hurt anyone.
There's the brick thrown through Louise Slaughter's window and phone messages threatening sniper attacks. Bricks and phone messages don't count.
There's the various Democratic Congresspeople who had their windows shattered including Gabby Giffords whose window was shot through. Call the glazer.
And of course as far as planes trains and automobiles there's Paul Wellstone..... What about Paul?

Oh and there's gun nuts like James David Adkisson who shot up a church with the intent to kill as many "Liberals" as possible.... and Charles Wilson with his string of death threats against Patty Murray... Threats don't count. Greg Guisti with his threats to poison Nancy Pelosi.... Nancy's doing fine. Byron Williams who was stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation and the ACLU..... Again.

See what I mean about "fucking retarded"? QED.

Tardfreak goes, "Where are the democrats [sic] being shot at and almost killed"?

--- I give an example of a Democrat actually shot and almost killed and he calls it "an accident".

Apparently on the theory that the intent was to kill her and it failed, ergo "accident".

Fucking retarded.

What the P-Stick fails to acknowledge is that none of his claims of attacks against Dems (mostly simple broken windows, phone calls and harmless powder scares in an envelop does NOT change the many ruthless, calculated and near lethal attempts on the GOP! The closest president to Trump was Reagan and some idiot almost killed him. Anyone take a shot at Billy Boy of Barry O? Hell, HALF OF HOLLYWOOD has threatened the GOP! Everyone from all the actors who were so upset they said they could not even live in the same country as a President Trump to Kathy Griffin posing with a realistic mock-up of a bloody decapitated head of the President as her idea of "fun." Such actions sends a CLEAR MESSAGE to the Leftist base and if such people can say and do such things, it sends a clear message of what the average everyday democrat might be capable of! Hell, they tear down 150 year old historical statues just because they don't like what the history says, so, the unhinged fringe Left is capable of most anything and needs watched very closely.
Oh you want a "clear message", TardFreek?

Here come a whole slew of 'em.

Disclaimer: title is woefully inaccurate --- this is by no measure "all" the times Rump called for violence

That was just too easy.

And by the way go get chew a edumacation on the Cult of the Lost Cause. Instead of your Cult of the Lost Clue.
Paul Ryan was on the train Hmmm. Suppose to be 1 dead . Mmmk nothing fishy again.

Only 1 dead? Shame. However it was serious enough local ARIZ TV got ahold of jeff Flake to interview on camera. Get this, he was in full-dress baseball uniform.....nof like a big dumb ape. A kid, out playing. Do they ever go to work? "well, Stevie was at short, I was playing 3rd".......yes it angers me badly. They only work 3 days a week and always at the baseball field? Die MFers die......wish it blew up. Burned alive. No idea what hook-nose Flake said. Sound was not up. kept me from hurling.

Was the dump truck driver ISIS?
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Paul Ryan was on the train Hmmm. Suppose to be 1 dead . Mmmk nothing fishy again.

Only 1 dead? Shame. However it was serious enough local ARIZ TV got ahokd of jeff Flake to interview on camera. Get this, he was in full-dress baseball uniform.....nof like a big dumb ape. A kid, out playing. Do they ever go to work? "well, Stevie was at short, I was playing 3rd".......yes it angers me badly. They only work 3 days a week and always at the baseball field? Die MFers die......wish it blew up. Burned alive.

Was the dump truck driver ISIS?

The Jeff Flake incident seems weird.
Of course my condolences go to the family of the driver of the truck who died.....he didn't need to. He didn't have to.

Something is very fishy here.

Right. Did someone post that a 10 ton dump truck was racing to beat Amtrak zig-zagging through the barriers and Miraculously stopped right smack on the tracks? Dumb hillbilly driver did not exit the truck and got killed?

Stopped? Doubtful.Mis-calculated his speed? Maybe. Could be on purpose? But forgot to get out?

Use your noodle. I may name names. Stay tuned.
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Right. Did someone post that a 10 ton dump truck was racing to beat Amtrak zig-zagging through the barriers and Miraculously stopped right smack on the tracks? Dumb hillbilly driver did not exit the truck and got killed?

Stopped? Doubtful.Mis-calculated his speed? Maybe. Could be on purpose? But forgot to get out?

Use your noodle. I may name names. Stay tuned.

Are the Clintons killing again?
Of course my condolences go to the family of the driver of the truck who died.....he didn't need to. He didn't have to.

Something is very fishy here.

Right. Did someone post that a 10 ton dump truck was racing to beat Amtrak zig-zagging through the barriers and Miraculously stopped right smack on the tracks? Dumb hillbilly driver did not exit the truck and got killed?

Stopped? Doubtful.Mis-calculated his speed? Maybe. Could be on purpose? But forgot to get out?

Use your noodle. I may name names. Stay tuned.

It wouldn't be the first time a car has stalled on the RXR crossing. Especially like an old garbage truck.

"Older cars had carburetors - devices that mixed liquid gas and fresh air, turning it into a mist to be burned in the engine. It was possible to flood the carburetor by giving it too much gas - for example, the engine was working hard, using lots of gas (trying to climb the hill up to the railroad tracks), then at the top of the hill, the engine suddenly doesn’t have as much work to do, but the carburetor is still full of gas.

Now the car is stuck on the train tracks, and can’t be quickly started."
breaking news, not much other than on twitter and Fox News just reporting

What is it with Americans sticking their noses in front of trains recently? Is this the Darwin Awards trying to reduce the more idiotic from the population?
breaking news, not much other than on twitter and Fox News just reporting

What is it with Americans sticking their noses in front of trains recently? Is this the Darwin Awards trying to reduce the more idiotic from the population?

Lots of liberal cry babies who would rather die than live under a Trump Presidency? :abgg2q.jpg:

You're one of those people who can turn everything into partisan politics, right?
Train carrying GOP congressmen to retreat involved in accident
Wonder what they "hit" wonder if ANTIFA terrorists had anything to do with it...guess wait and see. Hope everyone is OK!

I use to be part of Antifa many years back but the lame pack of idiots, what most people don't know they are guided by Soros puppets but what they don't know they are funded by Nazi's. My region at that time was Old Pariah Utah Nazi Skinhead group about 300 strong and extremely dangerous which is why i left or on the run from them...What many folks don't know the Bush family are calling the shots in America. The Bush family controlled our ward and Arizona and Kentucky. Funded by them too with high powered weapons and on a daily basis train for urban warfare. They were being trained to take down America, but i told this story for so long and people just laugh at me and now that Antifa has risen most are just puppets for the skin head leaders. So young than i was clueless who they represent or part of, they dont share to anyone unless you have high ranks, I promise you we trained many times to obstruct traffic in highways,roads,train tracks,air ports and boats. They believed if they can reduce populations to be moved around they can be easily controlled, Agenda 21 was our main mission, most of those who gives seminars on replacement programs like forcing you move into cities where you can be controlled, and this train incident gives me a gut feeling they are about to start doing many of these attempts, they hope for high value deaths, that's all i have to say, I don't want to be traced by them.. Living 30 years in hiding, i am on their wanted list.
If Antifa can take out a large number of politicians as instructed in their battle manuals than they can quickly take over the political system. This is goal number one and I think Clinton and Obama were part of this mission because it reminds me of trained plots in the manual. They hate Blacks,Jews,Asians, and White Americans. You are highly excepted in the group if you are 5'9 blue eyes and white hair, not blonde, white. Aryan race. I know you probably think i'm nuts, well what if I told you many females who married these Aryan races will give birth to Hitlers real DNA sperm? Dark secret, People like Anderson Cooper, Bill Kristol and I strongly believe Mike Pence is one too, can't prove it yet but you will see so many in America in top position jobs like banks,hospitals,pharma,Monsanto or whatever. We were told we can never have children with our wives which was chosen by our Nazi leaders, they will be impregnated with Hitlers sperm. Many children today will resemble Aryan races today with blonde hair and blue eyes, no others can have kids unless used for slaves or soldiers. Sounds weird right? Well I should know as I ran away from them, do you know they are millions strong in Europe, and Russia? Hitler died in the late 60's in Argentina and has donated 50 years of sperm to grow his New World Military right out of NATO and HQ-U.N. Trump is in deep shit if he does not step up his military might, I wish him the best and hope he rids these nazi fools. They molest each other too and cross breed to save the Aryan race. We must stop this.
Hard to feel sorry for people hell bent on fucking us over.. :dunno:
I hope trump up's his game, he is about to face the last line of defence from these democrat Nazi fools.. They will do much harm trust me, they spent trillions to destroy us and they not going to allow Trump to destroy that so simply, what he does not know is the United nations is already plotting to take him out, they want us all dead, they already made attempts to do that and thank god for trump saving our asses.


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