"An accusation could be that the state was one of the biggest fake-news producers in the Corona crisis."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
What does German Ministry of the Interior think about the Fake Covid-19 pandemic?The entirely gang of Merkel & Co must be arrested and tried for the high treason.

The translation:

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm in terms of health effects on society as a whole."

A speaker in the "Division KM 4: Critical Infrastructure Protection Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Homeland", after unsuccessful attempts to talk to superiors about his alarming and extensive analysis, sent it "to the crisis management team and my technical working groups at the federal level (in all departments) as well as with the states (all federal states). His request to submit the alert to the minister had been rejected without examination of the contents. An informant from the circle of those contacted provided TE with the explosive analysis.

The following letter from the BMI was sent to all recipients and thus confirmed the analysis as genuine.

The speaker justified his action with two concluding remarks: 

"There are two important reasons why this information is sent directly without prior consultation with other competent authorities:

1. there is imminent danger! At the moment, supposed protective measures are causing further serious damage every day, material and health damage up to a large number of avoidable deaths. These deaths are caused by the actions of the crisis management and are the responsibility of the latter as soon as knowledge of the facts covered in the analysis transmitted herewith is available - also of the sender of this information, who is part of the crisis management. Remedy is only possible if the existing knowledge is passed on and acknowledged. All possibilities for upstream intervention have been exhausted by the sender.

In view of the factual findings of the present analysis and the political decisions that contrast with them, the fear may arise among injured outsiders that the decisive protective goal of national crisis management is no longer the safety and health of the population but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government. Such perceptions, which are not irrational per se, can give rise to an unfavourable dynamic in a community based on cohesion, which can easily be limited by rational follow-up decisions through crisis management and politics - based on complete analyses".

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm - in terms of health impacts on society as a whole".

Summary of the results of the analysis

1. in the past (unfortunately against better institutional knowledge) crisis management has not developed adequate tools for risk analysis and assessment In the current crisis, the situation reports, in which all information relevant to decision-making would have to be summarised, have so far covered only a small section of the imminent spectrum of dangers. On the basis of incomplete and unsuitable information in the situation reports, it is fundamentally impossible to assess the danger. Without a correctly collected hazard assessment, there can be no appropriate and effective planning of measures. The methodological deficit has an effect at a higher level in every transformation; until now, policymakers have had a greatly reduced chance of making the right decisions.

The part 2

2) The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm in terms of health effects on society as a whole. The new virus probably never posed a risk to the population beyond the normal level at any time (comparative figure is the usual death rate in DEU). The people who die of Corona are mainly those who die statistically this year because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer withstand any random everyday exposure (including the 150 or so viruses currently in circulation). The danger of Covid-19 has been overestimated. (No more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19 worldwide within a quarter of a year, compared to 1.5 million deaths during the influenza wave in 2017/18). The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. In all probability, we are dealing with a global false alarm that has gone undetected for a long time. - This analysis result has been checked for scientific plausibility by KM 4 and does not essentially contradict the data and risk assessments presented by the RKI.

3. The fact that the presumed false alarm remained undetected for weeks has a significant reason in that the current framework for action by the crisis management team and crisis management in a pandemic does not contain suitable detection instruments that would automatically trigger an alarm and initiate the immediate abortion of measures, as soon as either a pandemic warning turned out to be a false alarm or it is foreseeable that the collateral damage - and among them in particular the parts that destroy human life - threatens to become greater than the health and especially the lethal potential of the disease under consideration.

4. the collateral damage is now greater than the discernible benefit This statement is not based on a comparison of material damage with personal injury (human life)! Just a comparison of previous deaths caused by the virus with deaths caused by the protective measures decreed by the state (both without a reliable database) substantiate the finding. A plausibility-checked overview of collateral health damage (including deaths) is attached below.

5 The (completely purposeless) collateral damage of the corona crisis is gigantic in the meantime. A large part of this damage will even manifest itself in the near and distant future. This can no longer be prevented, but only limited.

6 Critical infrastructures are the lifelines of modern societies that are essential for survival. As a result of the protective measures taken, the current security of supply is no longer guaranteed as usual in the case of critical infrastructures (up to now, a gradual reduction in the basic security of supply, which may be reflected, for example, in future load situations). The resilience of the highly complex and highly interdependent overall system of critical infrastructures has decreased. Our society is now living with increased vulnerability and higher risks of failure of vital infrastructures. This can have fatal consequences if a truly dangerous pandemic or other threat were to occur at the now reduced resilience level of CRITIS.
UN Secretary General António Guterres addressed a fundamental risk four weeks ago. Guterres said (according to a daily report dated 10.4.2020): "The weaknesses and lack of preparedness revealed by this pandemic give an insight into what a bioterrorist attack might look like - and [these weaknesses] may increase the risk of it. According to our analyses, a serious shortcoming in DEU is the lack of an adequate risk analysis and assessment system in crisis situations (see above).

7. the state-ordered protective measures, as well as the various social activities and initiatives which, as original protective measures, caused the collateral damage but have since lost all sense, are for the most part still in force It is strongly recommended that they be completely phased out in the short term in order to prevent harm to the population - in particular unnecessary additional deaths - and to stabilise the potentially precarious situation of critical infrastructure.

(8) The shortcomings and failures in crisis management have consequently led to the provision of unsubstantiated information and thus to disinformation of the population. (An accusation could be The state proved to be one of the biggest fake-news producers in the Corona crisis).

What does German Ministry of the Interior think about the Fake Covid-19 pandemic?The entirely gang of Merkel & Co must be arrested and tried for the high treason.

The translation:

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm in terms of health effects on society as a whole."

A speaker in the "Division KM 4: Critical Infrastructure Protection Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Homeland", after unsuccessful attempts to talk to superiors about his alarming and extensive analysis, sent it "to the crisis management team and my technical working groups at the federal level (in all departments) as well as with the states (all federal states). His request to submit the alert to the minister had been rejected without examination of the contents. An informant from the circle of those contacted provided TE with the explosive analysis.

The following letter from the BMI was sent to all recipients and thus confirmed the analysis as genuine.

The speaker justified his action with two concluding remarks: 

"There are two important reasons why this information is sent directly without prior consultation with other competent authorities:

1. there is imminent danger! At the moment, supposed protective measures are causing further serious damage every day, material and health damage up to a large number of avoidable deaths. These deaths are caused by the actions of the crisis management and are the responsibility of the latter as soon as knowledge of the facts covered in the analysis transmitted herewith is available - also of the sender of this information, who is part of the crisis management. Remedy is only possible if the existing knowledge is passed on and acknowledged. All possibilities for upstream intervention have been exhausted by the sender.

In view of the factual findings of the present analysis and the political decisions that contrast with them, the fear may arise among injured outsiders that the decisive protective goal of national crisis management is no longer the safety and health of the population but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government. Such perceptions, which are not irrational per se, can give rise to an unfavourable dynamic in a community based on cohesion, which can easily be limited by rational follow-up decisions through crisis management and politics - based on complete analyses".

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm - in terms of health impacts on society as a whole".

Summary of the results of the analysis

1. in the past (unfortunately against better institutional knowledge) crisis management has not developed adequate tools for risk analysis and assessment In the current crisis, the situation reports, in which all information relevant to decision-making would have to be summarised, have so far covered only a small section of the imminent spectrum of dangers. On the basis of incomplete and unsuitable information in the situation reports, it is fundamentally impossible to assess the danger. Without a correctly collected hazard assessment, there can be no appropriate and effective planning of measures. The methodological deficit has an effect at a higher level in every transformation; until now, policymakers have had a greatly reduced chance of making the right decisions.

Bio-Chemists say that SOCIAL DISTANCING will create a worse pandemic in the next few months if we don't stop it and go back to allowing everyone to build their immunities back up to normal levels. Wearing facemasks will cause us to infect ourselves if we get a flu shot and wear a mask. This will force our own pathogens back into our lungs reinfecting us.

Oh.....and banning the beaches is the worst thing we could do. The Ocean contains essential minerals and bacteria that helps build up our immune systems.
What does German Ministry of the Interior think about the Fake Covid-19 pandemic?The entirely gang of Merkel & Co must be arrested and tried for the high treason.

The translation:

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm in terms of health effects on society as a whole."

A speaker in the "Division KM 4: Critical Infrastructure Protection Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Homeland", after unsuccessful attempts to talk to superiors about his alarming and extensive analysis, sent it "to the crisis management team and my technical working groups at the federal level (in all departments) as well as with the states (all federal states). His request to submit the alert to the minister had been rejected without examination of the contents. An informant from the circle of those contacted provided TE with the explosive analysis.

The following letter from the BMI was sent to all recipients and thus confirmed the analysis as genuine.

The speaker justified his action with two concluding remarks: 

"There are two important reasons why this information is sent directly without prior consultation with other competent authorities:

1. there is imminent danger! At the moment, supposed protective measures are causing further serious damage every day, material and health damage up to a large number of avoidable deaths. These deaths are caused by the actions of the crisis management and are the responsibility of the latter as soon as knowledge of the facts covered in the analysis transmitted herewith is available - also of the sender of this information, who is part of the crisis management. Remedy is only possible if the existing knowledge is passed on and acknowledged. All possibilities for upstream intervention have been exhausted by the sender.

In view of the factual findings of the present analysis and the political decisions that contrast with them, the fear may arise among injured outsiders that the decisive protective goal of national crisis management is no longer the safety and health of the population but the credibility and acceptance of government parties and members of government. Such perceptions, which are not irrational per se, can give rise to an unfavourable dynamic in a community based on cohesion, which can easily be limited by rational follow-up decisions through crisis management and politics - based on complete analyses".

The central message of the analysis is: "The observable effects and impacts of COVID-19 do not provide sufficient evidence that it is more than a false alarm - in terms of health impacts on society as a whole".

Summary of the results of the analysis

1. in the past (unfortunately against better institutional knowledge) crisis management has not developed adequate tools for risk analysis and assessment In the current crisis, the situation reports, in which all information relevant to decision-making would have to be summarised, have so far covered only a small section of the imminent spectrum of dangers. On the basis of incomplete and unsuitable information in the situation reports, it is fundamentally impossible to assess the danger. Without a correctly collected hazard assessment, there can be no appropriate and effective planning of measures. The methodological deficit has an effect at a higher level in every transformation; until now, policymakers have had a greatly reduced chance of making the right decisions.

Bio-Chemists say that SOCIAL DISTANCING will create a worse pandemic in the next few months if we don't stop it and go back to allowing everyone to build their immunities back up to normal levels. Wearing facemasks will cause us to infect ourselves if we get a flu shot and wear a mask. This will force our own pathogens back into our lungs reinfecting us.

Oh.....and banning the beaches is the worst thing we could do. The Ocean contains essential minerals and bacteria that helps build up our immune systems.

Our gubmints want to have us dead, not with strong immun system. Therefore the force us to social distancing, quarantine, muzzles.

It is a war, they want indeed kill more as 99% of humanity by the manipulated vaccine of Bill Gates.

It is too much people for them, they need only 100m, not more.

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