An actual Nazi about to get the GOP nomination for congress

Maybe the nutjobs here will stop calling Hitler a socialist. This guy is one of theirs.
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race

"Party leaders have disowned Jones."

Ouch. Failure on your part, and you don't even get a parting gift. I will, however, give you some advice... Next time, think twice before you break out your broad brush and attempt to paint an entire group of people based on the idiocy of one person, or even a few people. I imagine that, were we talking a heavy Republican district where it would be all but futile for a Democrat to run and win, Mr. Jones would be running as a Democrat.

Remember, that scumbag David Duke was a Democrat for many years...
“When Republicans nominate its people, they’re not nominating their best. They’re nominating people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re nominating Nazis. They’re nominating pedophiles. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Was Hillary Clinton your best?


That'll leave a mark...
Maybe the nutjobs here will stop calling Hitler a socialist. This guy is one of theirs.
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
“When Republicans nominate its people, they’re not nominating their best. They’re nominating people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re nominating Nazis. They’re nominating pedophiles. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Still missed the 6th grade biology class where they explained the definition of the meaning pedophile?

We used to nominate good people until you guys started nominating womanizer's (Bill clinton) fake indians (Elizabeth warren) physco's ( Maxine) community organizers (obama) drunks ( Ted kennedy, Harry Reid) crooks (Hillary clinton) ....
He`s the ONLY candidate the GOP has and he needs no endorsement. He`s a Nazi that`s not seeking endorsement from the Dems. Reap what you sow.
Why does the American left hate Nazis, but love Communists. Is it the nationalism vs globalism?

Succinct, and an excellent point....but only recently so.

Earlier, they embraced both.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “

Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."
Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
someone's a little touchy about the nazi-american running under his true colors

NAACP--for advancement of COLORED people

do you think you're making some kind of point here?

could you translate it from wingspeak to english?

BLM is no different than the KKK/nazis/etc
Unite the Right is no different than the NAACP/etc
so--let's be fair and tell it like it is
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life. Gotcha.

We are dealing with a real rocket scientist

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someone's a little touchy about the nazi-american running under his true colors

NAACP--for advancement of COLORED people

do you think you're making some kind of point here?

could you translate it from wingspeak to english?

BLM is no different than the KKK/nazis/etc
Unite the Right is no different than the NAACP/etc
so--let's be fair and tell it like it is
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life. Gotcha.

We are dealing with a real rocket scientist

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obviously BLM is only concerned with black lives--they are like the KKK
Maybe the nutjobs here will stop calling Hitler a socialist. This guy is one of theirs.
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
Spreading fake news again?

"Clarification: Language in this story and headline has been amended to clarify that the Republican Party has not endorsed Jones’ bid."

The difference is, the Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter terrorists, and all the anti-American, antisemtic, communist scum in the world.

And every weird sexual anomaly possible.
It's not our business if a liberal wants to claim he feels like he's a donkey.

It's not the feeling like a donkey that bothers me. It's their desire to feel the donkey ...

If I were a liberal (G-D forbid) I'd feel like I'm a fuckin' donkey too.
Maybe the nutjobs here will stop calling Hitler a socialist. This guy is one of theirs.
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
Spreading fake news again?

"Clarification: Language in this story and headline has been amended to clarify that the Republican Party has not endorsed Jones’ bid."

The difference is, the Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter terrorists, and all the anti-American, antisemtic, communist scum in the world.
Nothing fake about it. A Nazi is running on the GOP ticket and the dems are anti-Semitic? Idiot!
The difference is...the GOP has disowned this moron, while the Democrats welcome Muslim Brotherhood / BDS types as one of their main groups. And perhaps you forgot this scene at the Democratic convention:

Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Jones, 70, a retired insurance agent who lives in suburban Lyons, has unsuccessfully run for elected offices in the Chicago area and Milwaukee since the 1970s.

He ran for Milwaukee mayor in 1976 and 13th Ward alderman on Chicago’s Southwest Side in 1987.

Since the 1990s to 2016, Jones has jumped in the GOP 3rd Congressional District primary seven times, never even close to becoming a viable contender.

The outcome will be different for Jones in the Illinois primary on March 20, 2018.

To Jones’ own amazement, he is the only one on the Republican ballot.

This is the result of the corrupt 2 party system.. Pure and simple -- The parties COLLUDE to NOT supply candidates in losing districts. It's another form of gerrymandering on a NATIONAL scale. And it is voter disenfranchisement -- leaving their minority strength voters totally unsupported..

In any Congressional election up to 18% of the seats go "uncontested". That's a DYNASTY -- not an election.. BOTH parties do this and it needs to end. In the current pol. climate where BOTH parties are sucking air to survive -- it's also an opportunity for Independents and 3rd Parties. Although the only declared Independent withdrew from this race a week or 2 ago.

Serves the Repubs right for not serving their constituency. But Dems shouldn't be so happy. Because when it's a strong GOP seat -- often the ONLY Dem choices are full fledged Marxists or cranks. The 2 party system is decaying. We need INDEPENDENT voices in Congress. And that is GONNA happen if the 2 brand new refuse to contend for seats..

Slowik: Nazi's run for Congress exposes flaws in democratic process
If Hitler wasn't a socialist why was the Nazis The National Socialist Worker's Party?

Of course Hitler was a socialist!
Of course you are a LIAR!

Nazi Terror Begins

In the months after Hitler took power, SA and Gestapo agents went from door to door looking for Hitler's enemies. They arrested Socialists, Communists, trade union leaders, and others who had spoken out against the Nazi party; some were murdered. By the summer of 1933, the Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. Nearly all organized opposition to the regime had been eliminated.
Maybe the nutjobs here will stop calling Hitler a socialist. This guy is one of theirs.
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
Spreading fake news again?

"Clarification: Language in this story and headline has been amended to clarify that the Republican Party has not endorsed Jones’ bid."

The difference is, the Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter terrorists, and all the anti-American, antisemtic, communist scum in the world.
Nothing fake about it. A Nazi is running on the GOP ticket and the dems are anti-Semitic? Idiot!
“The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones,” Tim Schneider, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, told the Sun-Times. “We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District.”
If Hitler wasn't a socialist why was the Nazis The National Socialist Worker's Party?

Of course Hitler was a socialist!
Of course you are a LIAR!

Nazi Terror Begins

In the months after Hitler took power, SA and Gestapo agents went from door to door looking for Hitler's enemies. They arrested Socialists, Communists, trade union leaders, and others who had spoken out against the Nazi party; some were murdered. By the summer of 1933, the Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. Nearly all organized opposition to the regime had been eliminated.
Kind of like the Democratic Party, eh?
Chicago is part of the district this guy is running for the Republican party will not waste time or money running anyone in an area that has been Democratic Party dominated for over 60 years. Jones is the only "Republican" running and will not receive any support from the Party.

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