An Admittedly Niave Question About the Affordable Health Care Act

They are gathering all types of information about us since this bill went into effect.
For what purpose?

I went to have my yearly mammogram that I have had done for years and they asked me what type of denomination my religion was.
What for? They never did that before. It's none of their business.
Why are they collecting all this data about us?
They forge ahead without much thoughts on results. They believe that government can and will solve all of our problems. If companies cut back on hours, it isn't to stay in business, it's because of greed. And expect laws to come along dictating how many hours employees will work and their wages. One step at a time. And the leftist loons will goosestep right along behind it while the media sings the tune and Rope a Dopes the population into more and more government control, failing to mention that government IS the problem.
You are making a flawed assumption as to whether or not they are getting the results they want.

I have become convinced that disruption, chaos, dependency, a moribund economic situation, class warrior polarization, so on and so forth are exactly the results they want.
You are making the false assumptions that this was unforeseeable and that progressives give a crap about the little guy, like your grandson.

I don't think it was unforseeable at all. I think it was entirely forseeable. That's the whole point of my OP. They should have foreseen it and should have taken steps to prevent it.

You did read my OP, right?
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?

Because this bill isn't about helping people with their health care.
It's about Government controlling all of the health care system and controlling us.
Did you listen to Nancy Pelosi who thinks that it is a good thing that people work only 30 hours a week? "You have more time to be with your kids and family".
It is a lefty utopian ideology.
Look at France, Spain and Greece and their working hours for that answer. They all said the exact same thing that Pelosi said.

I wouldn't go this far. I think the health care plan was (and is) very much meant to help people with their health insurance problems. God knows, leaving it to the private sector was not getting it done. It just seems to me they failed to see something that was very obvious. If you create a 30-hour per week threshold, above which the employer is going to have to provide health insurance, it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out what employers are going to do here . . .
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?

Because this bill isn't about helping people with their health care.
It's about Government controlling all of the health care system and controlling us.
Did you listen to Nancy Pelosi who thinks that it is a good thing that people work only 30 hours a week? "You have more time to be with your kids and family".
It is a lefty utopian ideology.
Look at France, Spain and Greece and their working hours for that answer. They all said the exact same thing that Pelosi said.

I wouldn't go this far. I think the health care plan was (and is) very much meant to help people with their health insurance problems. God knows, leaving it to the private sector was not getting it done. It just seems to me they failed to see something that was very obvious. If you create a 30-hour per week threshold, above which the employer is going to have to provide health insurance, it doesn't take an economic genius to figure out what employers are going to do here . . .
Then I would submit that you really are naive.
You are making the false assumptions that this was unforeseeable and that progressives give a crap about the little guy, like your grandson.

I don't think it was unforseeable at all. I think it was entirely forseeable. That's the whole point of my OP. They should have foreseen it and should have taken steps to prevent it.

You did read my OP, right?
Of course it was foreseeable. That is my point.

They know exactly the havoc they are wreaking. They are doing it on purpose.
They know and understand what they are doing. They simply don't care.

Their hostility to a healthy business environment is only one aspect of their powerlust. They want it all, no matter whether freedom gets crushed and regardless of whose lives they ruin.

You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.
They know and understand what they are doing. They simply don't care.

Their hostility to a healthy business environment is only one aspect of their powerlust. They want it all, no matter whether freedom gets crushed and regardless of whose lives they ruin.

You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.

Read post #2
They know and understand what they are doing. They simply don't care.

Their hostility to a healthy business environment is only one aspect of their powerlust. They want it all, no matter whether freedom gets crushed and regardless of whose lives they ruin.

You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.
Yes, I really believe that.

They didn't miss the obvious. They want to create as much pain and chaos as they can, so they can ride in with a socialized system that gives them total control.

But I quit making the mistake that communistic power freaks have anyone's best interests at heart, a long time ago. You would do well to develop such a healthy level of jadedness. It will really help with that broad streak of naivete that you have.
I just learned that my grandson is quitting his job as a waiter at Applebees because they have cut his hours to 30 per week. They have done the same to all of their employees. No more than 30 hours per week for anyone. Of course, this is so that Applebees will not have to provide health insurance for its employees. It would appear that Applebees is not the only corporation that is doing this.

In times of severe unemployment throughout the nation, this is obviously a very bad trend.

Why didn't the folks who drafted the current health care legislation anticipate that this would happen, and have a provision in there that would close this loophole?

Why do people think this has anything to do with ObamaCare? Nothing new here. Same thing has been happening ever since the laws were passed that required employers to give benefits to full time employees.

Yep. People don't like being dictated to. Imagine the fuck out of that!

Paying a livable wage that includes benefits cuts into profit.

And, what people seem to forget is that benefits ARE wages.

Read our history. There have always been scrooge types who screw over employees because they know there are more where those came from. Blaming Obama is just ignorant and naive.
You are making the false assumptions that this was unforeseeable and that progressives give a crap about the little guy, like your grandson.

I don't think it was unforseeable at all. I think it was entirely forseeable. That's the whole point of my OP. They should have foreseen it and should have taken steps to prevent it.

You did read my OP, right?
Of course it was foreseeable. That is my point.

They know exactly the havoc they are wreaking. They are doing it on purpose.

So you are theorizing that all of this was planned out - that the drafters of the bill figured that a 30-hour per week threshold would cause employers across the county to cut the hours (and, of course, the pay as well) of their employees. And this benefits the administration how?

I guess if you have an administration that wants to be hated by everyone, then your theory would hold water. Somehow, I just don't think that's what happened here. I'm thinking it was more likely just stupidity. it's one thing to have something foreseeable, the drafters of the bill foresee it and intentionally ignore it and quite another to have something foreseeable and the drafters of the bill miss it entirely. It's the difference between intent and negligence.

You explain to me how intentionally creating a situation that will drasctically increase unemployment and loss of earnings, will benefit any political party, and I will then be willing to listen to your arguments.
They know and understand what they are doing. They simply don't care.

Their hostility to a healthy business environment is only one aspect of their powerlust. They want it all, no matter whether freedom gets crushed and regardless of whose lives they ruin.

You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.

They did not miss it George, they did it deliberately.
Yes it is in the Democrats best interest. The more that are on government assistance the more votes they get.
BTW, here did the OP drift off to?

Was he sincere in his claimed naive curiosity, or just perpetrating a drive-by?

I'm here, sweet thing. Had to go to work between posting of the OP and now. Gotta get my 40 hours in this week . . . :banana:
Oh, so you are stealing from your employer. Gotcha. :thup:

Nope. Got to work this monring at 7:30 a.m. and will be working until 5:00 p.m. That allows a little time for a post on a message board now and then - specially during lunch.

Where do you work and what do you do?
I don't think it was unforseeable at all. I think it was entirely forseeable. That's the whole point of my OP. They should have foreseen it and should have taken steps to prevent it.

You did read my OP, right?
Of course it was foreseeable. That is my point.

They know exactly the havoc they are wreaking. They are doing it on purpose.

So you are theorizing that all of this was planned out - that the drafters of the bill figured that a 30-hour per week threshold would cause employers across the county to cut the hours (and, of course, the pay as well) of their employees. And this benefits the administration how?

I guess if you have an administration that wants to be hated by everyone, then your theory would hold water. Somehow, I just don't think that's what happened here. I'm thinking it was more likely just stupidity. it's one thing to have something foreseeable, the drafters of the bill foresee it and intentionally ignore it and quite another to have something foreseeable and the drafters of the bill miss it entirely. It's the difference between intent and negligence.

You explain to me how intentionally creating a situation that will drasctically increase unemployment and loss of earnings, will benefit any political party, and I will then be willing to listen to your arguments.
Once again, I am not such a fool to believe that the obvious is unforseen. Maybe that is why you are a gullible, naive progressive and I am not.

They want chaos because they want to be the ones proposing the "solution". That is not a political party thing, that is a powerlust thing which transcends political parties.
They know and understand what they are doing. They simply don't care.

Their hostility to a healthy business environment is only one aspect of their powerlust. They want it all, no matter whether freedom gets crushed and regardless of whose lives they ruin.

You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.

They did not miss it George, they did it deliberately.
Yes it is in the Democrats best interest. The more that are on government assistance the more votes they get.

Right. :lol:
Of course it was foreseeable. That is my point.

They know exactly the havoc they are wreaking. They are doing it on purpose.

So you are theorizing that all of this was planned out - that the drafters of the bill figured that a 30-hour per week threshold would cause employers across the county to cut the hours (and, of course, the pay as well) of their employees. And this benefits the administration how?

I guess if you have an administration that wants to be hated by everyone, then your theory would hold water. Somehow, I just don't think that's what happened here. I'm thinking it was more likely just stupidity. it's one thing to have something foreseeable, the drafters of the bill foresee it and intentionally ignore it and quite another to have something foreseeable and the drafters of the bill miss it entirely. It's the difference between intent and negligence.

You explain to me how intentionally creating a situation that will drasctically increase unemployment and loss of earnings, will benefit any political party, and I will then be willing to listen to your arguments.
Once again, I am not such a fool to believe that the obvious is unforseen. Maybe that is why you are a gullible, naive progressive and I am not.

They want chaos because they want to be the ones proposing the "solution". That is not a political party thing, that is a powerlust thing which transcends political parties.

I'm sorry - I didn't realize who I was dealing with here. Been nice chatting with you.
You don't really believe that, do you? It would not be in the Democrat's best interest to intentionally foster unumployment.

Let's not forget what this thread is about. It is about how the Obama administration could miss an obvious point that, unless corrected, can and will contribute to unemployment.

They did not miss it George, they did it deliberately.
Yes it is in the Democrats best interest. The more that are on government assistance the more votes they get.

Right. :lol:

You really are naive.

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