An Alabama Pastor's Epic Speech against Gay Marriage (Please finish drinking your beverage first)

Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

Marriage isn't a 'scientific fact'. Its a social institution. We define it. And predictably, you're cherry picking 'nature' and then imagine that your subjective cherry picking defines an institution that doesn't exist in nature.


Your subjective and relativist religious beliefs do not objectively define marriage, morality, or anything else. They subjectively define them, based on whatever you choose to believe.

Just like any relativist.
So where a Relativist is informed that nature designed the human species... and that the natural design of human physiology therefore defines Marriage as the joining of one man and one woman...

The Relativist, being incapable of discerning objective truth says what?

ROFLMNAO! You Ready?

Remember that Relativism, because it rejects objectivity can NEVER serve JUSTICE...

What does the Relativist say, about the natural, intrinsic design of Human Physiology as it relates to the nucleus of the culture; the most essential element, which DEFINES cultural viability?


Which has no bearing on the legal institution of marriage... .


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Your religious based hatred of those different than you has no bearing on our laws

Have I made any reference to religion?

(The answer is: No! Not a religious word)

But I have referred to the laws of nature, wherein, IRREFUTABLY... Science informs us that the biological composition of the human being, is predicated upon the perpetuation of the species. In short, the fundamental priority of the species is its own propagation, as such determines the viability of the species itself.

And the scientific consensus is, that the propagation of the species is 'super important'. :)

As a result, the species has within its physiological design, two distinct genders... gender which are designed for no other purpose than the joining of the male with the female body... which forms ONE BODY.

This 'union' is expressed analogically of that natural act in the natural act wherein the male and female join as one entity... that entity is known as "MARRIAGE".

Now what you're demanding here is that we, as a culture, pretend that two men can so join... they cannot. There is no biological construct wherein Men can sustainably join as one body.

What's more, the attempt to do so, is a perversion of human reasoning... thus such represents a disorder of the reasoning typical, or normal to humanity, just as the act which attempts to join male with male, not only deviates from the human physiological norm... HOMOSEXUALITY DEVIATES AS FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL NORM AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Now, again, you are asking the culture to accept that SUCH PROFOUND ABNORMALITY in terms of the reasoning which accepts the abnormal reasoning which promotes the act, along with the deviant act itself... is perfectly normal.

Which it is NOT!


Now here's the REALLY BAD NEWS (for you and your would be argument): Culture's which set government policy upon the output of the disordered mind, have been historically speaking, were DESTROYED by the consequences of that insanity.

But you're invited to attempt to provide a rebuttal to that otherwise irrefutable fact, but... you should know that there is no potential to effectively rebut, irrefutable fact.

See how that works?
So where a Relativist is informed that nature designed the human species... and that the natural design of human physiology therefore defines Marriage as the joining of one man and one woman...

The Relativist, being incapable of discerning objective truth says what?

ROFLMNAO! You Ready?

Remember that Relativism, because it rejects objectivity can NEVER serve JUSTICE...

What does the Relativist say, about the natural, intrinsic design of Human Physiology as it relates to the nucleus of the culture; the most essential element, which DEFINES cultural viability?


Which has no bearing on the legal institution of marriage... .


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Your religious based hatred of those different than you has no bearing on our laws

Have I made any reference to religion?

(The answer is: No! Not a religious word)

But I have referred to the laws of nature, wherein, IRREFUTABLY... Science informs us that the biological composition of the human being, is predicated upon the perpetuation of the species. In short, the fundamental priority of the species is its own propagation, as such determines the viability of the species itself.

And the scientific consensus is, that the propagation of the species is 'super important'. :)

As a result, the species has within its physiological design, two distinct genders... gender which are designed for no other purpose than the joining of the male with the female body... which forms ONE BODY.

This 'union' is expressed analogically of that natural act in the natural act wherein the male and female join as one entity... that entity is known as "MARRIAGE".

Now what you're demanding here is that we, as a culture, pretend that two men can so join... they cannot. There is no biological construct wherein Men can sustainably join as one body.

What's more, the attempt to do so, is a perversion of human reasoning... thus such represents a disorder of the reasoning typical, or normal to humanity, just as the act which attempts to join male with male, not only deviates from the human physiological norm... HOMOSEXUALITY DEVIATES AS FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL NORM AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Now, again, you are asking the culture to accept that SUCH PROFOUND ABNORMALITY in terms of the reasoning which accepts the abnormal reasoning which promotes the act, along with the deviant act itself... is perfectly normal.

Which it is NOT!


Now here's the REALLY BAD NEWS (for you and your would be argument): Culture's which set government policy upon the output of the disordered mind, have been historically speaking, were DESTROYED by the consequences of that insanity.

But you're invited to attempt to provide a rebuttal to that otherwise irrefutable fact, but... you should know that there is no potential to effectively rebut, irrefutable fact.

See how that works?

If propagation of the species is the reason for marriage, why do we let 70 year olds marry?
Why don't we require couples to have children?

How does gays getting married prevent heterosexual couples from having children?
The Book of Old Jewish Fairy Tales needs to be left OUT of the 21st century, because if you believe in that bullshit then you also think the world is only 6000 years old. And even most Christians know, but won't admit, that it's not.
Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

This is the SECOND attempt to fraudulently paint objective, scientific fact as "Religion".

Now Reader, WHY do you think THAT is?

There is nothing abnormal about homosexual sex. Not in the manner you are using the term 'abnormal'.
So where a Relativist is informed that nature designed the human species... and that the natural design of human physiology therefore defines Marriage as the joining of one man and one woman...

The Relativist, being incapable of discerning objective truth says what?

ROFLMNAO! You Ready?

Remember that Relativism, because it rejects objectivity can NEVER serve JUSTICE...

What does the Relativist say, about the natural, intrinsic design of Human Physiology as it relates to the nucleus of the culture; the most essential element, which DEFINES cultural viability?


Which has no bearing on the legal institution of marriage... .


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Your religious based hatred of those different than you has no bearing on our laws

Have I made any reference to religion?

(The answer is: No! Not a religious word)

But I have referred to the laws of nature, wherein, IRREFUTABLY... Science informs us that the biological composition of the human being, is predicated upon the perpetuation of the species. In short, the fundamental priority of the species is its own propagation, as such determines the viability of the species itself.

And the scientific consensus is, that the propagation of the species is 'super important'. :)

As a result, the species has within its physiological design, two distinct genders... gender which are designed for no other purpose than the joining of the male with the female body... which forms ONE BODY.

This 'union' is expressed analogically of that natural act in the natural act wherein the male and female join as one entity... that entity is known as "MARRIAGE".

Now what you're demanding here is that we, as a culture, pretend that two men can so join... they cannot. There is no biological construct wherein Men can sustainably join as one body.

What's more, the attempt to do so, is a perversion of human reasoning... thus such represents a disorder of the reasoning typical, or normal to humanity, just as the act which attempts to join male with male, not only deviates from the human physiological norm... HOMOSEXUALITY DEVIATES AS FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL NORM AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Now, again, you are asking the culture to accept that SUCH PROFOUND ABNORMALITY in terms of the reasoning which accepts the abnormal reasoning which promotes the act, along with the deviant act itself... is perfectly normal.

Which it is NOT!


Now here's the REALLY BAD NEWS (for you and your would be argument): Culture's which set government policy upon the output of the disordered mind, have been historically speaking, were DESTROYED by the consequences of that insanity.

But you're invited to attempt to provide a rebuttal to that otherwise irrefutable fact, but... you should know that there is no potential to effectively rebut, irrefutable fact.

See how that works?

99% of all heterosexual sex acts are done for a purpose other than reproduction.

By your reasoning, that would make 99% of all heterosexual sex 'abnormal'.
Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

Marriage isn't a 'scientific fact'.


Marriage is the natural consequence of the natural design intrinsic to human physiology.

Such is not even a remotely debatable fact... with the chronic attempt by the intellectually less fortunate, to attempt to debate such.

But again, the reason that they cannot accept this incontestable, self-evident truth, is that they suffer the consequences of a disordered mind; their intellectual operating systems deviates significantly from that required to reason soundly; thus their means to reason is addled by this profound deviancy, or intellectual perversion.
So where a Relativist is informed that nature designed the human species... and that the natural design of human physiology therefore defines Marriage as the joining of one man and one woman...

The Relativist, being incapable of discerning objective truth says what?

ROFLMNAO! You Ready?

Remember that Relativism, because it rejects objectivity can NEVER serve JUSTICE...

What does the Relativist say, about the natural, intrinsic design of Human Physiology as it relates to the nucleus of the culture; the most essential element, which DEFINES cultural viability?


Which has no bearing on the legal institution of marriage... .


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Your religious based hatred of those different than you has no bearing on our laws

Have I made any reference to religion?

(The answer is: No! Not a religious word)

But I have referred to the laws of nature, wherein, IRREFUTABLY... Science informs us that the biological composition of the human being, is predicated upon the perpetuation of the species. In short, the fundamental priority of the species is its own propagation, as such determines the viability of the species itself.

And the scientific consensus is, that the propagation of the species is 'super important'. :)

As a result, the species has within its physiological design, two distinct genders... gender which are designed for no other purpose than the joining of the male with the female body... which forms ONE BODY.

This 'union' is expressed analogically of that natural act in the natural act wherein the male and female join as one entity... that entity is known as "MARRIAGE".

Now what you're demanding here is that we, as a culture, pretend that two men can so join... they cannot. There is no biological construct wherein Men can sustainably join as one body.

What's more, the attempt to do so, is a perversion of human reasoning... thus such represents a disorder of the reasoning typical, or normal to humanity, just as the act which attempts to join male with male, not only deviates from the human physiological norm... HOMOSEXUALITY DEVIATES AS FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL NORM AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Now, again, you are asking the culture to accept that SUCH PROFOUND ABNORMALITY in terms of the reasoning which accepts the abnormal reasoning which promotes the act, along with the deviant act itself... is perfectly normal.

Which it is NOT!


Now here's the REALLY BAD NEWS (for you and your would be argument): Culture's which set government policy upon the output of the disordered mind, have been historically speaking, were DESTROYED by the consequences of that insanity.

But you're invited to attempt to provide a rebuttal to that otherwise irrefutable fact, but... you should know that there is no potential to effectively rebut, irrefutable fact.

See how that works?

What do lesbians do that heterosexual couples never do?
Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

Marriage isn't a 'scientific fact'.


Marriage is the natural consequence of the natural design intrinsic to human physiology.

Such is not even a remotely debatable fact... with the chronic attempt by the intellectually less fortunate, to attempt to debate such.

But again, the reason that they cannot accept this incontestable, self-evident truth, is that they suffer the consequences of a disordered mind; their intellectual operating systems deviates significantly from that required to reason soundly; thus their means to reason is addled by this profound deviancy, or intellectual perversion.

Humans do not get married to have sex twice and produce 2 children.
Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

This is the SECOND attempt to fraudulently paint objective, scientific fact as "Religion".

Now Reader, WHY do you think THAT is?

There is nothing abnormal about homosexual sex.

So... then what would be the purpose behind the word: Homosexual?

I mean if homosexual is normal... There would be no reason for the word, would there? Because, homosexual would just be 'sexual'.

YET! There is the word.

(Of course, in TRUTH, not only does homosexuality deviate from the human physiological norm... HOMOSEXUALITY DEVIATES AS FAR FROM THAT NORM: AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.)
We need to stop calling people like this "christian" - they are a twisted version of christianity, like Isil is a twisted version of Islam.
Your religious beliefs are relative and subjective, Keyes...

Once again... The Perverse Reasoning which Advocates to Normalize Sexual Abnormality finds objective, scientific FACT to be an expression of 'Religion'.

Marriage isn't a 'scientific fact'.


Marriage is the natural consequence of the natural design intrinsic to human physiology.

Such is not even a remotely debatable fact... with the chronic attempt by the intellectually less fortunate, to attempt to debate such.

But again, the reason that they cannot accept this incontestable, self-evident truth, is that they suffer the consequences of a disordered mind; their intellectual operating systems deviates significantly from that required to reason soundly; thus their means to reason is addled by this profound deviancy, or intellectual perversion.

You are not married are you?

Marriage is about a relationship between two people that love each other. A committment to a lifelong relationship

There are no societal or religious requirement to have children
Gosh darn it. If the gubmint stopped protecting and defining marriage for us, people will stop marrying and having kids!!!

Donchy'all member? The human race was very nearly wiped out from lack of procreation before we up and demanded our politicians do something about it, like give us all those government cash and prizes for marrying.

We already done gone and redefined "marriage" once in the past 50 years. We took out that "of the same race" stuff. Look what that's done to the institution of marriage! Things went right down the shitter.

Now if we go and let homos file joint tax returns and collect Social Security survivor benefits and all that other goverment cash and prizes, we straight folk will probably stop marrying and fucking!

Enough is enough!
So... those of you old enough to recall the debates of the 1970s, regarding the sexual revolution, will recall, the Left's chronic braying that sex out of marriage, could NEVER affect the sanctity of marriage.

Soundly reasoned people knew then how absurd that assertion was, because in fact, there is no way that removing sexuality from marriage could not undermine the cultural priority regarding marriage, thus undermine the viability which marriage sustains... but, the Left persisted and Americans, being occupied by making a living and securing the fulfillment of their lives, went along to get along.

Fast forward to this very day and we see a classic demonstration of that principle in play:

Humans do not get married to have sex twice and produce 2 children.

See how that works?
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The more cash and prizes our government has given for getting married and having kids, the more stable our marriages and families have become. The divorce rate plummeted. The illegitimacy rate declined. Republican politicians stopped wearing diapers and fooling around with hookers.

Oh, wait...
Gosh darn it. If the gubmint stopped protecting and defining marriage for us, people will stop marrying and having kids!!!

The Government does not define marriage. Just as it does not define murder, theft, dishonesty, dishonor, libel, etc... Nature defines these things.

Government, being comprised of human beings, merely observes the natural laws that define such and recognizes such in its legal code.
The more cash and prizes our government has given for getting married and having kids, the more stable our marriages and families have become. The divorce rate plummeted. The illegitimacy rate declined. Republican politicians stopped wearing diapers and fooling around with hookers.

Oh, wait...


Is it possible for a person of reason to ever tire of watching the Ideological Left struggle with "Cause and Effect"?
So... those of you old enough to recall the debates of the 1970s, regarding the sexual revolution, will recall, the Left's chronic braying that sex out of marriage, could NEVER affect the sanctity of marriage.

Soundly reasoned people knew then how absurd that assertion was, because in fact, there is no way that removing sexuality from marriage could not undermine the cultural priority regarding marriage, thus undermine the viability which marriage sustains... but, the Left persisted and Americans, being occupied by making a living and securing the fulfillment of their lives, went along to get along.

Fast forward to this very day and we see a classic demonstration of that principle in play:

Humans do not get married to have sex twice and produce 2 children.

See how that works?

Who ever said anything about removing the sexuality out of marriage?

We are only pointing out that there has never been a requirement for procreation
Gosh darn it. If the gubmint stopped protecting and defining marriage for us, people will stop marrying and having kids!!!

The Government does not define marriage. Just as it does not define murder, theft, dishonesty, dishonor, libel, etc... Nature defines these things.

Government, being comprised of human beings, merely observes the natural laws that define such and recognizes such in its legal code.

If nature defined people as homosexual....who are we to argue?

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