An American Epidemic: Toxic Imbecility


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Another awesome essay by this source. This is definitely a must-read for anyone who wants to understand what is going on in our nation right now.

President Abraham Lincoln ominously noted, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” And Mr. Lincoln wasn’t just talking about Jussie Smollett paying for his hoax hate crime with a check.

Oh boy, was he ever right.

Symptoms of toxic imbecility include but are certainly not limited to the following:

A febrile fever (colloquially termed, “feeling the Bern”), which leaves one seized with prehensile fingers grasping for other people’s money.

A feeling of irrational gratitude when 25,000 jobs won’t be coming to town to enrich your neighbors.

A delusion that Chicago is “MAGA country,” where Trump supporters brave sub-zero temperatures to accost celebrities whose shows they don’t watch because they’re racist homophobes.

A persistent aching for open borders everywhere except in your gated community.

A paranoid belief that President Trump, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the NRA, the GOP, the NRCC, the NRSC and, hell, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir are all Russian assets.

Conflating contrary views with violence and hate speech; demanding safe spaces from such differing ideas; and a generalized, free-floating anxiety about the dangers of free speech.

Being possessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome (a disorder in and of itself), often manifested by espousing one’s chilling sense that the Putin-sponsored, illegitimate imposition upon America of President Trump means we are all going to die sooner than climate change can kill us.

Oh so much more @ An American Epidemic: Toxic Imbecility
Speaking of imbeciles, why do cons have to lie all the time ? No one is out for open borders .
Speaking of imbeciles, why do cons have to lie all the time ? No one is out for open borders .
The liberoidals are all for it...Like most other unpopular things they are in favor of, they just don't have the guts to say it out loud.

Based on what ? Not wanting to pay for a sea to sea wall that only appeals to Trumps ego?

What happened to Mexico paying for it ? Oh the imbeciles just ignore that promis .
Speaking of imbeciles, why do cons have to lie all the time ? No one is out for open borders .
The liberoidals are all for it...Like most other unpopular things they are in favor of, they just don't have the guts to say it out loud.

Based on what ? Not wanting to pay for a sea to sea wall that only appeals to Trumps ego?

What happened to Mexico paying for it ? Oh the imbeciles just ignore that promis .
Based on the fact that progs are compulsive, pathological liars.
Speaking of imbeciles, why do cons have to lie all the time ? No one is out for open borders .
The liberoidals are all for it...Like most other unpopular things they are in favor of, they just don't have the guts to say it out loud.

Based on what ? Not wanting to pay for a sea to sea wall that only appeals to Trumps ego?

What happened to Mexico paying for it ? Oh the imbeciles just ignore that promis .
How about considering WHY such a thing is needed? J

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