An Anti-Israel President

Everyone with access to the white house is approved or not.

The nazis aren't known for racial equality, so this black president must share something else with John Bowles, like a blind hatred of Jews.
What part do you not understand?

The President is not in charge of the approval process.

Besides, this is America; and all citizens are entitled to lobby for their cause no matter how odious or offensive you may personally find it to be.
Everyone with access to the white house is approved or not.

The nazis aren't known for racial equality, so this black president must share something else with John Bowles, like a blind hatred of Jews.
What part do you not understand?

The President is not in charge of the approval process.

Besides, this is America; and all citizens are entitled to lobby for their cause no matter how odious or offensive you may personally find it to be.

Which is also a main reason for Crime, Terror, and Chaos.:doubt:

Freedom of expresion is good and needed, but must have limits.
Everyone with access to the white house is approved or not.

The nazis aren't known for racial equality, so this black president must share something else with John Bowles, like a blind hatred of Jews.
What part do you not understand?

The President is not in charge of the approval process.

Besides, this is America; and all citizens are entitled to lobby for their cause no matter how odious or offensive you may personally find it to be.

Also, do you mind if I ask why you chose this specific avatar (I mean, being a Muslim and all)
Which is also a main reason for Crime, Terror, and Chaos.:doubt:

Freedom of expresion is good and needed, but must have limits.
No, the main reason for crime, chaos, and terror, all over the world is Zionism and and Zionists. :doubt:

Muslims are very peaceful, Sunni Terrorist.

Muslim attack on 9/11, killing 3,000
Ongoing Muslim genocide in Darfur and southern Sudan, 4 million killed
Muslims firebomb Coptic church in Cairo, killing 21
Muslims slaughter 60 Christians in church in Iraq
Muslim bombings in Mumbai, India kill 250, 700 injured
Muslim bombings in Londin, 53 killed, 700 injured
Multiple Muslim bombings on trains near Madrid, Spain. 191 killed, 1460 injured
Muslim bombing in Bali nightclub, 202 killed, 300 injured
Muslim bombing attacks in Russia kill 300
Musim attack on Beslan, Russia school, 344 killed including 186 children
Muslim attack on the Christian community in Demsa,
Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people
Muslim attack on the Hindu Ram temple in India; one of the most holy sites of Hinduism, 6 dead.
Muslim bombings in India, over 60 killed and over 180 injured in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival
Muslim bombings in Varanasi, India, series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station, 28 killed and over 100 injured
Muslim bombings in India, 21 explosive devices, 56 dead and 200 injured.
Muslim bombings in Delhi, India, 30 people dead and 130 injured, followed by attack two weeks later, 3 people dead.
Muslims kill at least 174 people and wound numerous others in attacks in Mumbai.
Muslims detonate car bomb in Pakistan shopping district, killing over 110 killed and over 200 injured.
Muslim suicide bomber in Somalia detonates in hotel hosting a graduation ceremony for local medical students, killing four government ministers as well as other civilians.
Muslim suicide bomber in Pakistan drove into a volleyball pitch as people gathered to watch a match killing more than 100 people
Muslims attack mosques in Pakistan, killing nearly 100 and injuring many others
Muslim attacks on the Hindu Raghunath temple, India, 25 dead.
Muslim bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured.
Muslim suicide attack on Indian parliament kills 7, wounds 12
Muslim machine gun attack on Hindu temple in India. 31 dead, 86 injured

Iran Iraq War, 1 million dead
Lebanese Civil War, 250,000 dead
Algerian Civl War: 300,000 dead
Bangladesh Civil War: 500,000 dead
Black Sept., Jordan's King Hussein murders, expells 80,000 Palestinians
Syrian army kills 20,000 Syrians at Hama years ago and 10,000 in Syria now.
Iraq gases hundreds of thousands of Kurds
1400 year conflict between Sunnis and Shiites
Fratricide between Hamas and Fatah
Syria/Hizballah assassinate Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri

United States President John Quincy Adams
The precept of the koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force.
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Everyone is anti-Israel who don't kiss Israel's ass. Fuck Israel! I could care less about them. And people in this country who love kissing Israeli butt, are just bad American's.
Which is also a main reason for Crime, Terror, and Chaos.:doubt:

Freedom of expresion is good and needed, but must have limits.
No, the main reason for crime, chaos, and terror, all over the world is Zionism and and Zionists. :doubt:

Ohhh, it is with "blaim it on the Jooooooooooooooooooos" now, isn't it?:lol:

Sadly, the Arab world does not understand one simple thing.

your leaders are playing with you, Sunni Guy.

In Egypt, in Syria, in Iran, in Lybya, Tunis, and all the countries which were discussed lately in the ME, the only common thing during the mass was using Israel and bashing Israel

They, and your people, use the jews and Israel as a bargaining chip, as a common thing to hate, fact is, most people there have no idea what's really going on in Israel.

They teach you to hate the Jews so you would have someone to blaim when you're being killed or played at by your leaders.

the Jews are less then 1% of the worlds population. less then 15 Million out of billions of people. out of the 1%, probably 0.7% of them are zionists.

0.7% of the worlds population are responsible for all the wrongs on earth?

Do you even realize how rediculous that statement is??
Freedom of expresion is good and needed, but must have limits.

Want to explain that statement a little more?
Who decides what those limits are?
Either you have Freedom of Expression or you don't.

Little example, few years ago a Jewish Rabbi was convicted for writing adds and articles which called to kill Arabs in nearby village as a protest for terror attacks. this Rabbi hade followers between radical Jewish communities, and people were afraid that his "opinions" might put Arab citizens at risk.

See my point now?
Ohhh, it is with "blaim it on the Jooooooooooooooooooos" now, isn't it?:lol:

Sadly, the Arab world does not understand one simple thing.

your leaders are playing with you, Sunni Guy.

In Egypt, in Syria, in Iran, in Lybya, Tunis, and all the countries which were discussed lately in the ME, the only common thing during the mass was using Israel and bashing Israel

They, and your people, use the jews and Israel as a bargaining chip, as a common thing to hate, fact is, most people there have no idea what's really going on in Israel.

They teach you to hate the Jews so you would have someone to blaim when you're being killed or played at by your leaders.

the Jews are less then 1% of the worlds population. less then 15 Million out of billions of people. out of the 1%, probably 0.7% of them are zionists.

0.7% of the worlds population are responsible for all the wrongs on earth?

Do you even realize how rediculous that statement is??
There are things Israel does, that should be hated, but it doesn't have anything to do with "the jooos". Judaism is a religion, not a political platform. My issue is with the Israeli's.
No One kisses Israeli butt, you can very well relax, we discuss main fact, is all.

Have a beer:beer:
You know as well as I do that there are many people who have a cow when they see any criticism whatsoever against Israeli policies or positions. I don't see how a citizen of this country, could care so much about another country they have no allegience too.
Which is also a main reason for Crime, Terror, and Chaos.:doubt:

Freedom of expresion is good and needed, but must have limits.
No, the main reason for crime, chaos, and terror, all over the world is Zionism and and Zionists. :doubt:

Ohhh, it is with "blaim it on the Jooooooooooooooooooos" now, isn't it?:lol:

Sadly, the Arab world does not understand one simple thing.

your leaders are playing with you, Sunni Guy.

They teach you to hate the Jews so you would have someone to blaim when you're being killed or played at by your leaders.
My, how fast you are to pull out the anti-semitic card.

Please show me where I mentioned the Jews or said I hated the Jews?

I am against Israel and those people who support the fascist/apartheid ideology called Zionism.

Which includes, not only radical Jews; but also large numbers of Christian Evangelicals here in America.
Ohhh, it is with "blaim it on the Jooooooooooooooooooos" now, isn't it?:lol:

Sadly, the Arab world does not understand one simple thing.

your leaders are playing with you, Sunni Guy.

In Egypt, in Syria, in Iran, in Lybya, Tunis, and all the countries which were discussed lately in the ME, the only common thing during the mass was using Israel and bashing Israel

They, and your people, use the jews and Israel as a bargaining chip, as a common thing to hate, fact is, most people there have no idea what's really going on in Israel.

They teach you to hate the Jews so you would have someone to blaim when you're being killed or played at by your leaders.

the Jews are less then 1% of the worlds population. less then 15 Million out of billions of people. out of the 1%, probably 0.7% of them are zionists.

0.7% of the worlds population are responsible for all the wrongs on earth?

Do you even realize how rediculous that statement is??
There are things Israel does, that should be hated, but it doesn't have anything to do with "the jooos". Judaism is a religion, not a political platform. My issue is with the Israeli's.

Of course there are things Israel does@!

But saying that all worlds problems start and end with zionism is more then racist. It's just plain stupid.
No One kisses Israeli butt, you can very well relax, we discuss main fact, is all.

Have a beer:beer:
You know as well as I do that there are many people who have a cow when they see any criticism whatsoever against Israeli policies or positions. I don't see how a citizen of this country, could care so much about another country they have no allegience too.

don't ask me, ask your american friends that.

The same could be said about Pro-Palestinians, though.

And the american Jews have their own sayings, don't forget.
No, the main reason for crime, chaos, and terror, all over the world is Zionism and and Zionists. :doubt:

Ohhh, it is with "blaim it on the Jooooooooooooooooooos" now, isn't it?:lol:

Sadly, the Arab world does not understand one simple thing.

your leaders are playing with you, Sunni Guy.

They teach you to hate the Jews so you would have someone to blaim when you're being killed or played at by your leaders.
My, how fast you are to pull out the anti-semitic card.

Please show me where I mentioned the Jews or said I hated the Jews?

I am against Israel and those people who support the fascist/apartheid ideology called Zionism.

Which includes, not only radical Jews; but also large numbers of Christian Evangelicals here in America.

What you don't understand is that Zionism and Judaism go hand in hand. they cannot be separated even though silly poeple say it can be.

And I believe that most Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semites. not all, but most. they call themselves Anti-zionist because simply saying that hating all Jews will not be accepted in the 21's century.

I have been talking to a friend of mine, Dhimmi, I believe you Arabs call his kind? yes, Jewish born in Arab country, then moved to the west, and sharing things, we know exactly what those kind of Anti-Zionist Arabs think. My friend ate crap from Muslims everywhere he went, and that with him speaking their language and being like them.

But he was a Jew. sucks, doesn't it?:doubt:
What you don't understand is that Zionism and Judaism go hand in hand. they cannot be separated even though silly poeple say it can be.

And I believe that most Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semites. not all, but most. they call themselves Anti-zionist because simply saying that hating all Jews will not be accepted in the 21's century.

I have been talking to a friend of mine, Dhimmi, I believe you Arabs call his kind? yes, Jewish born in Arab country, then moved to the west, and sharing things, we know exactly what those kind of Anti-Zionist Arabs think. My friend ate crap from Muslims everywhere he went, and that with him speaking their language and being like them.
First, I am not an Arab.

Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious.

Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah.

So no, Zionism and Judaism do not go hand in hand. :doubt:
What you don't understand is that Zionism and Judaism go hand in hand. they cannot be separated even though silly poeple say it can be.

And I believe that most Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semites. not all, but most. they call themselves Anti-zionist because simply saying that hating all Jews will not be accepted in the 21's century.

I have been talking to a friend of mine, Dhimmi, I believe you Arabs call his kind? yes, Jewish born in Arab country, then moved to the west, and sharing things, we know exactly what those kind of Anti-Zionist Arabs think. My friend ate crap from Muslims everywhere he went, and that with him speaking their language and being like them.
First, I am not an Arab.

Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious.

Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah.

So no, Zionism and Judaism do not go hand in hand. :doubt:

"First, I am not an Arab."

Ok, but You're a Muslims, that doesn't matter for the sake of argument, i made my point there.

"Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious. "

That will be correct. However, the Israelis are more turning to religion then out of religion these days.

"Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah."

Zionism is the belief that says that Israel is to the Jews. And the homeland of the Jews. And it DOES come from the Torah, Parashas "Lech Lecha", God says in the Torah to Abraham, "Lech lecha meartzecha el hamakom asher ar'eka", "Go from this land to the land I'll show you"

Abraham was not only the first Jew, but the first Zionist as well. The known Rabbis will also tell you that.
What you don't understand is that Zionism and Judaism go hand in hand. they cannot be separated even though silly poeple say it can be.

And I believe that most Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semites. not all, but most. they call themselves Anti-zionist because simply saying that hating all Jews will not be accepted in the 21's century.

I have been talking to a friend of mine, Dhimmi, I believe you Arabs call his kind? yes, Jewish born in Arab country, then moved to the west, and sharing things, we know exactly what those kind of Anti-Zionist Arabs think. My friend ate crap from Muslims everywhere he went, and that with him speaking their language and being like them.
First, I am not an Arab.

Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious.

Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah.

So no, Zionism and Judaism do not go hand in hand. :doubt:

"First, I am not an Arab."

Ok, but You're a Muslims, that doesn't matter for the sake of argument, i made my point there.

"Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious. "

That will be correct. However, the Israelis are more turning to religion then out of religion these days.

"Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah."

Zionism is the belief that says that Israel is to the Jews. And the homeland of the Jews. And it DOES come from the Torah, Parashas "Lech Lecha", God says in the Torah to Abraham, "Lech lecha meartzecha el hamakom asher ar'eka", "Go from this land to the land I'll show you"

Abraham was not only the first Jew, but the first Zionist as well. The known Rabbis will also tell you that.
I know all about the Abrahamic Covenant and the Chosen People designation in the Torah.

I studied with the Jews for a couple of years at a Synagogue and a Temple.

I also know that the Jewish people broke the Covenant more that once and were sent into exile as a punishment by G-d and then brought back after several hundred years.

Finally, their revered "Chosen People" status was stripped form them by Jehova for repeatedly breaking the covenant.

So that now the Jews are just like everyone else; and thus have no divine right to the land of Palestine.
First, I am not an Arab.

Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious.

Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah.

So no, Zionism and Judaism do not go hand in hand. :doubt:

"First, I am not an Arab."

Ok, but You're a Muslims, that doesn't matter for the sake of argument, i made my point there.

"Second, Zionism is a political ideology and most Zionists are secular not religious. "

That will be correct. However, the Israelis are more turning to religion then out of religion these days.

"Last, Judaism is a religion and there is no blue print for a functioning secular political state in the Torah."

Zionism is the belief that says that Israel is to the Jews. And the homeland of the Jews. And it DOES come from the Torah, Parashas "Lech Lecha", God says in the Torah to Abraham, "Lech lecha meartzecha el hamakom asher ar'eka", "Go from this land to the land I'll show you"

Abraham was not only the first Jew, but the first Zionist as well. The known Rabbis will also tell you that.
I know all about the Abrahamic Covenant and the Chosen People designation in the Torah.

I studied with the Jews for a couple of years at a Synagogue and a Temple.

I also know that the Jewish people broke the Covenant more that once and were sent into exile as a punishment by G-d and then brought back after several hundred years.

Finally, their revered "Chosen People" status was stripped form them by Jehova for repeatedly breaking the covenant.

So that now the Jews are just like everyone else; and thus have no divine right to the land of Palestine.

The Israelities broke the covenant, and each time returned to their faith after being proved again and again of them being wrong.

Isaiah. Jeremiah. Prophecies saying that a day will come when Jews will return to the promised land.

That land, btw, is not called Palestine.

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