An Anti-Israel President

He'll get to the US when he's ready. :thup:
So predictable. There is only ONE side to a story, ALWAYS. And if we dare question or suggest that maybe there are two sides, then we are evil.

So we must remain forever hypnotized; or deceive by giving the appearance of such. :cool:

Those are the rules.


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Ayatollah welcomes Obama’s comments warning against ‘casual’ war


TEHRAN — Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday welcomed comments by U.S. President Barack Obama damping down talk of war against Tehran over its controversial nuclear drive.

“This talk is good talk and shows an exit from illusion,” Khamenei’s website quoted the leader as telling clerics from the Assembly of Experts, the 86-member body which selects the supreme leader, supervises his activities and can dismiss him.

Obama on Tuesday said that Iran’s nuclear program was not an immediate threat, arguing a “window” for diplomacy could forestall an Iranian bomb, while slamming Republican candidates for their hawkish statements demanding military action against the Islamic republic.
Iran: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei welcomes Barack Obama's comments against 'casual' war | News | National Post
:evil:Obama is making it more difficult for Israel by negotiating with the Mullahs. How can Israel strike if Obama is negotiating?

Obama vs. Israel: Priority No. 1? Stop Israel

the Obama administration has acquiesced to yet another round of talks with the Iranian mullahs


the Obama administration acquiesced to yet another round of talks with the mullahs.

This, 14 months after the last group-of-six negotiations collapsed in Istanbul because of blatant Iranian stalling and unseriousness. Nonetheless, the new negotiations will be both without precondition and preceded by yet more talks to decide such trivialities as venue.

These negotiations don’t just gain time for a nuclear program about whose military intent the IAEA is issuing alarming warnings. They make it extremely difficult for Israel to do anything about it (while it still can), lest Israel be universally condemned for having aborted a diplomatic solution.

This re-engagement comes immediately after Obama’s campaign-year posturing about Iran’s nukes. Sunday in front of AIPAC, he warned that “Iran’s leaders should have no doubt about the resolve of the United States.” This just two days after he’d said (to The Atlantic) of possible US military action, “I don’t bluff.” Yet on Tuesday he returns to the very engagement policy that he admits had previously failed

So what is Obama’s real objective? “We’re trying to make the decision to attack as hard as possible for Israel,” an administration official told The Washington Post in the most revealing White House admission since “leading from behind.”

Obama vs. Israel: Priority No. 1? Sto... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds
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So, Obama is an anti-Israel president because it's Ed Koch's opinion that the Arabs will never accept a Jewish state.

Got it.

It's his opinion. This is my OP opinion thread and if you read through the entire thread you will find the facts I present laid out. You remove it all and center on a single opinion. There are both facts and opinions presented in this thread and which support my premise.

I'm good with that and as time continues I will add facts that either support or debunk my personal opinion that Obama is no friend of Israel.
Is he anti-Israel because he is better friends with the Arab countries, or is he anti-Israel because of his direct actions relating to Israel?
*bump* for Irving.
you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

As long as you don't pay your own bills, you do as you're told.
Even if it is the Kenyan crypto-Muslim with the false birth-certificate who tells you what to do.

You don't like it, you learn to stand on your own feet...
Obama Adviser Wants Syrian ‘Resistance’ to Israel


As reported on Jihad Watch this week, an adviser to President Obama has tweeted a criticism of President Bashar Assad of Syria for not being able to mount enough “resistance” to Israel. In the Arab and Middle Eastern context resistance is, of course, a codeword for terrorism and war.

The adviser is Dalia Mogahed. Yet another example of the strange company Obama has kept and continues to keep, he appointed her to serve on the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. On March 10 she tweeted on her Twitter account:

To those siding w/Assad: he cannot deliver stability, protection of minorities, or resistance to Israel. He is a killer w/o legitimacy

Obama Adviser Wants Syrian ‘Resistance’ to Israel | FrontPage Magazine
Say what you will about President Obama's approach to Israel—or of his relationship with American Jews—he sure has mastered the concept of chutzpah.

The president's peace proposal is a formula for war.


Mr. Obama neglected to mention these points on Sunday, hence the telling omission. But the essence of his proposal is that Israel should cede territory, put itself into a weaker position, and then hope for the best. This doesn't even amount to a land-for-peace formula.

That's not all. Mr. Obama got some applause Sunday by calling for a "non-militarized" Palestinian state. But how does that square with his comment, presumably applicable to a future Palestine, that "every state has a right to self-defense"? Mr. Obama was also cheered for his references to Israel as a "Jewish state." But why then obfuscate on the question of Palestinian refugees, whose political purpose over 63 years has been to destroy Israel as a Jewish state?

And then there was that line that "we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric." Applause! But can Mr. Obama offer a single example of having done that as president, except perhaps at the level of a State Department press release?

What, then, would a pro-Israel president do? He would tell Palestinians that there is no right of return. He would make the reform of the Arab mindset toward Israel the centerpiece of his peace efforts. He would outline hard and specific consequences should Hamas join the government.

Such a vision could lay the groundwork for peace. What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets on e!
America's President's background is clear as he has a long association with 'Jew haters'.

Fact... One of BHO's best friends in Chicago was Rashid Khaliki, former PLO spokesman under Arafat who supported terrorist strikes on Israeli government targets. At a 2003 pro-Palestinian banquet then Illinois State Senator Obama sang Khalid's praises.

Fact... Obama's Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, called for a boycott of Israel for its 'apartheid' against Palestinians while Obama sat in his pews. Wright even reprinted Hamas terror manifesto against Israel in his church bulletin. Wright, a one time member of the Nation of Islam, gave dozens of Jew-bashing sermons while mentoring Obama.

Fact... Another close associate of Obama in Chicago is the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhhan.

So, is Obama anti-Israel? Suffice to say his circle of friends for over twenty years most certainly are anti-Semite.

And his speech clarified his intent. :doubt:

October 14, 2008
Posted: 1:35 am
October 14, 2008


PREPARE for a new America: That's the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying America must "heal wounds" it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the "arrogance of the Bush administration."

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
IF Obama is Elected will Israel not be one of our Closest allies any longer? Will the Radical Middle East Countries feel like they can "Push Israel into the sea"? And will Obama Let them as President of the United States if elected?

How can so many Jewish folks have ignored this?
Topol knew why...

[ame=]Tradition - Fiddler on the Roof Film Pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]
The president's peace proposal is a formula for war.


America's President's background is clear as he has a long association with 'Jew haters'.

Fact... One of BHO's best friends in Chicago was Rashid Khaliki, former PLO spokesman under Arafat who supported terrorist strikes on Israeli government targets. At a 2003 pro-Palestinian banquet then Illinois State Senator Obama sang Khalid's praises.

Fact... Obama's Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, called for a boycott of Israel for its 'apartheid' against Palestinians while Obama sat in his pews. Wright even reprinted Hamas terror manifesto against Israel in his church bulletin. Wright, a one time member of the Nation of Islam, gave dozens of Jew-bashing sermons while mentoring Obama.

Fact... Another close associate of Obama in Chicago is the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhhan.

So, is Obama anti-Israel? Suffice to say his circle of friends for over twenty years most certainly are anti-Semite.

And his speech clarified his intent. :doubt:

October 14, 2008
Posted: 1:35 am
October 14, 2008


PREPARE for a new America: That's the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying America must "heal wounds" it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the "arrogance of the Bush administration."

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.
IF Obama is Elected will Israel not be one of our Closest allies any longer? Will the Radical Middle East Countries feel like they can "Push Israel into the sea"? And will Obama Let them as President of the United States if elected?

How can so many Jewish folks have ignored this?
Topol knew why...

[ame=]Tradition - Fiddler on the Roof Film Pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Not only Topol... :(
you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

As long as you don't pay your own bills, you do as you're told.
Even if it is the Kenyan crypto-Muslim with the false birth-certificate who tells you what to do.

You don't like it, you learn to stand on your own feet...

Muslimes are known mostly for jihad rather than high IQs as your post reflects.

Israel has no bills to pay. Israel has a $200 billion GDP and the 40th largest economy in the world. Israel's per capita income is twice that of Turkey.

Israelis buy upwards of $15 billion/year in American products, making Israel one of the largest US export markets...

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports [to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative

Now, go back to committing jihad which is the only thing muslimes excel at. :lol:
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Obama is anti-Israel, pro-Muslim. There is little quibble on that from anyone who has listened to him.
Bolton accuses administration of leaking story on Israeli planning along Iran border


Former U.S. diplomat John Bolton alleged Thursday that the Obama administration leaked a story about covert Israeli activity in order to foil potential plans by the country to attack Iran's nuclear program.

Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the George W. Bush administration, was responding to an article in Foreign Policy magazine that quoted government sources claiming Israel had been granted access to airfields in Azerbaijan -- along Iran's northern border.

The article did not state exactly what the Israelis' intentions were, but it suggested it could point to a possible strike on Iran.

"I think this leak today is part of the administration's campaign against an Israeli attack," Bolton claimed on Fox News.

The White House did not respond to Bolton's claims Thursday.

Bolton, a Fox News contributor, noted that a strike launched from Azerbaijan would be much easier for the Israelis than a strike launched from their own country

Read more: Bolton Accuses Administration Of Leaking Story On Israeli Planning Along Iran Border | Fox News
Bolton accuses administration of leaking story on Israeli planning along Iran border


Former U.S. diplomat John Bolton alleged Thursday that the Obama administration leaked a story about covert Israeli activity in order to foil potential plans by the country to attack Iran's nuclear program.

Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the George W. Bush administration, was responding to an article in Foreign Policy magazine that quoted government sources claiming Israel had been granted access to airfields in Azerbaijan -- along Iran's northern border.

The article did not state exactly what the Israelis' intentions were, but it suggested it could point to a possible strike on Iran.

"I think this leak today is part of the administration's campaign against an Israeli attack," Bolton claimed on Fox News.

The White House did not respond to Bolton's claims Thursday.

Bolton, a Fox News contributor, noted that a strike launched from Azerbaijan would be much easier for the Israelis than a strike launched from their own country

Read more: Bolton Accuses Administration Of Leaking Story On Israeli Planning Along Iran Border | Fox News

Bolton always was a no games speaker. A good man.
Obama is anti-Israel, pro-Muslim. There is little quibble on that from anyone who has listened to him.
I see no problem with Obama's position on these two issues. :eusa_angel:

Your Jew Envy is showing, muslime loser. You pray 50 times a day to your allah but your allah wills the Jew to be successful and the muslime to be a total fucking loser :badgrin:

Sucker. :clap2:

Investor's Business Daily: How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In The Dark
Israel, a New Jersey-sized nation of 7.5 million people (1.7 million of whom are Arab) filed 7,082 international patents in the five years ending in 2007. By contrast, 28 majority-Muslim nations with almost 1.2 billion people — 155 times the population of Israel — were granted 2,071 patents in the same period. Narrowing the comparison to the 17 Muslim nations of the Middle East from Morocco to Iran and down the Arabian Peninsula, the 409 million people in that region generated 680 patents in five years.
This means that the Arab and Iranian world produced about one patent per year for every 3 million people, compared with Israel's output of one annual patent for every 5,295 people, an Israeli rate some 568 times that of Israel's neighbors and sometime enemies.

The awarding of Nobel Prizes in the quantitative areas of chemistry, economics and physics shows a similar disparity, with five Israeli winners compared with one French Algerian (a Jew who earned the prize for work done in France) and an Egyptian-American (for work done at Caltech in California).

But wealth isn't the sole explanation for this disparity in intellectual innovation. Saudi Arabia enjoyed a per capita income of $24,200 in 2010. Yet the Kingdom averages an anemic 37 patents per year compared with Israel's 1,416 per year — and there are 3 1/2 times more Saudis than Israelis, meaning that Israel's per capita output of intellectual property is 132 times greater than Saudi Arabia's.

The telltale signs of Israel's economic rise can be seen in the Tel Aviv skyline and the new office complexes around Jerusalem. International giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. was founded in 1901 by three pharmacists in Jerusalem. Today it employs 40,000 around the world. Teva has a market cap of $44.2 billion — the most highly valued company based in Israel and the ninth-largest firm traded on the Nasdaq

A few miles from Teva's gleaming office campus west of the Old City sits the former national mint building for the British Mandate. Built in 1937, this renovated building, along with the old Ottoman Empire railway warehouses next to it, houses the JVP Media Quarter and 300 entrepreneurs.

The complex hosts Israel's leading venture capital firm, Jerusalem Venture Partners, as well as 35 startups and a performing arts center for good measure. JVP, which has helped launch 70 companies since 1993, has more than $820 million under management with seven active venture capital funds.

The Media Quarter concept was created in 2002 when JVP founder Erel Margalit wanted to create a media-focused incubator that combined technology, culture, art and business. JVP has shepherded 18 initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, including some of the largest Israel-based companies: Qlik Technologies, Netro Corp., Chromatis Networks, Precise Software, Cogent Communications.

Less than 300 miles separate the purposeful creative buzz in the JVP Media Quarter from the restive streets of Cairo, where the Muslim Brotherhood tells Egypt's unemployed that their plight is the fault of corrupt capitalists and Jews. It doesn't take a Nobel Prize-winning economist to figure out where these two economies are going.

How Free Israel Prospers As Islam Remains In Dark -
Bolton accuses administration of leaking story on Israeli planning along Iran border


Former U.S. diplomat John Bolton alleged Thursday that the Obama administration leaked a story about covert Israeli activity in order to foil potential plans by the country to attack Iran's nuclear program.

Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the George W. Bush administration, was responding to an article in Foreign Policy magazine that quoted government sources claiming Israel had been granted access to airfields in Azerbaijan -- along Iran's northern border.

The article did not state exactly what the Israelis' intentions were, but it suggested it could point to a possible strike on Iran.

"I think this leak today is part of the administration's campaign against an Israeli attack," Bolton claimed on Fox News.

The White House did not respond to Bolton's claims Thursday.

Bolton, a Fox News contributor, noted that a strike launched from Azerbaijan would be much easier for the Israelis than a strike launched from their own country

Read more: Bolton Accuses Administration Of Leaking Story On Israeli Planning Along Iran Border | Fox News

Bolton always was a no games speaker. A good man.

Indeed.... if Romney can wins, he should be Secretary of State or at least NSA.

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