An Anti-Israel President

OK, so you don't get the delicacies of global foreign policy del. Don't delve too deeply into your own country as all countries have their own intrigues.

Maybe this art is easier.


It also makes a mess that we clean up. :eusa_shhh:

you have a mouse in your pocket, shlomeboi?


^ Now trolling for trouser trout. :rofl:
The Jews andArabs have been at each others throats for centuries and before it was muslims it was another culture.
The Jews andArabs have been at each others throats for centuries and before it was muslims it was another culture.

And Christians and Muslims have been at each others' throats for centuries and Hindus and Muslims have been at each others' throats for centuries and Buddhists and Muslims have been at each others' throats for centuries and all this was going on as different brands of Muslims were at each others' throats.
Yes indeed. The House of Saud has a special relationship with the US. Something to do with all that oil I think.

Still, that doesn't change my view that the US policy regarding Israel is changing.
At least we are getting something out of that relationship that benefits all Americans.

[ame=]Obama Bows to Saudi King - YouTube[/ame]
Yes indeed. The House of Saud has a special relationship with the US. Something to do with all that oil I think.

Still, that doesn't change my view that the US policy regarding Israel is changing.
At least we are getting something out of that relationship that benefits all Americans.

[ame=]Obama Bows to Saudi King - YouTube[/ame]
Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.

Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Regarding Arabs shaking hands with Jews. It's not some journalist. It's the Arab way. So, now that Obama is urging the Jews who are willing to sit at the negotiating table and shake hand with the Palestinians who won't be at that table.
Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.

Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Regarding Arabs shaking hands with Jews. It's not some journalist. It's the Arab way. So, now that Obama is urging the Jews who are willing to sit at the negotiating table and shake hand with the Palestinians who won't be at that table.

Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.
Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.

Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Regarding Arabs shaking hands with Jews. It's not some journalist. It's the Arab way. So, now that Obama is urging the Jews who are willing to sit at the negotiating table and shake hand with the Palestinians who won't be at that table.

Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.

That's because you are unwilling to see. You can't see that the administrative policy changes regarding Israel and Obama shows you to be blinded to it at least somewhat. (imo)
Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Regarding Arabs shaking hands with Jews. It's not some journalist. It's the Arab way. So, now that Obama is urging the Jews who are willing to sit at the negotiating table and shake hand with the Palestinians who won't be at that table.

Still waiting to find out how Arab journos refusing to shake hands with some Jewish person means Obama is an anti-Israeli president.

That's because you are unwilling to see. You can't see that the administrative policy changes regarding Israel and Obama shows you to be blinded to it at least somewhat. (imo)
Some Arab journos refuses to shake hands with some Jewish person, so Obama is an anti-Israel president.

Got it.
Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Yep, that's on the ball mate. Obama is not showing Israel the same kind of friendship that the US has in the past and fuckers that won't shake my hand or be in the same room as me can kiss my ruby red ass. :razz:
President Obama is a worse friend to Israel than Bush and preceding US Administrations clearly show it trending worse.


The Difference Between Obama's and Bush's Positions on Israel

The issues in all of the discussions on peace between the Israelis and Palestinians have revolved around three major controversial matters: Jerusalem, with the Palestinians demanding their capital be in that city; demanding a return of all Palestinian refugees and their descendants now numbering 4.5 million to the state of Israel; and the lines of the new state.

The two pre-Netanyahu prime ministers offered to share the capital of Jerusalem, giving to the Palestinian state that part of East Jerusalem in which Muslims now live, retaining for Israel that part of East Jerusalem in which 250,000 Jews now live and retaining about three percent of the West Bank in which about 300,000 Jews live. And most critical, requiring all Palestinian refugees seeking to return to be resettled in the new state of Palestine. The Palestinian leaders, Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, turned down the offers on every occasion. Also, neither Arab leader has been willing to state that they would recognize Israel as a Jewish state -- they having a Muslim state -- if and when an agreement creating two states was entered into.

And that is the nub of the disagreement in my opinion. In my opinion, Palestinians and their Arab allies have no intention of ever accepting a Jewish state in their midst. Many in the Muslim world believe that every square inch of Israel belongs to Islam and will someday be theirs; they have no intention of accepting the existence of a Jewish state. At best, they will accept a temporary truce with an entity called Israel which they will whittle away at, later overwhelm and absorb in the future.

There are those who will say, how does President Obama's reference to boundaries in his statement of May 19, 2011 differ from that proposed by President Bush. Both referred to the 1967 lines. President Bush added language referring to the facts on the ground, a reference to the 250,000 Jews living in East Jerusalem and 300,000 living on the West Bank. As the Times of January 11, 2008 reported, "By endorsing compensation for refugees, Mr. Bush sided, at least indirectly, with an Israeli view that the return of Palestinians to Israel was unacceptable since it would change the identity of Israel as a Jewish state. Similarly, he endorsed the notion of Israel as 'a homeland for the Jewish people,' and 'Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people.'"

But even more important than the phrasing is the lack of trust. Jews and Christian supporters of Israel in the U.S. and the Israeli people and their leaders trusted President Bush with respect to the U.S. commitment to Israel's security and believed they could rely on the U.S. should Israel be once again attacked by the Arab nations. They do not have confidence in President Obama's commitment to Israel's security.

What should President Obama have said to deal with these fears? He should have first said that Israel will only be called on to negotiate with the Palestine Authority when Hamas, now an equal partner with Fatah in the Palestinian governing authority, agrees to three conditions required by the Quartet. The Quartet, made up of the U.S., European Union, U.N. and Russia, has stated that for Hamas to gain international legitimacy, it must: one, recognize the right of Israel to exist; two, renounce the use of terrorism and violence; and three, accept all prior agreements and obligations, including the roadmap.

Further, President Obama should have required of the Palestine Authority a public commitment stated in English, Arabic and Hebrew that upon conclusion of peace negotiations and the signing of a peace agreement, the Palestine Authority will state it recognizes Israel as a Jewish state, which it has continually refused to do.

If President Obama does not change his position, I cannot vote for his reelection. I've already made clear I won't vote for some crazy who urges we jettison Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as federal programs. I can stay home.

More... The Difference Between Obama's and Bush's Positions on Israel

^ A good read.
Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Yep, that's on the ball mate. Obama is not showing Israel the same kind of friendship that the US has in the past and fuckers that won't shake my hand or be in the same room as me can kiss my ruby red ass. :razz:

you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?
Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Yep, that's on the ball mate. Obama is not showing Israel the same kind of friendship that the US has in the past and fuckers that won't shake my hand or be in the same room as me can kiss my ruby red ass. :razz:

you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

No, the friendship that allows Russia and China to arm Iran, Syria and Lebanon and paid with Iranian embargoed oil imo.

That's what's Israel is seeing. I know Jillian, you see different things. Pretend wars? Iraq was attempting to redraw the US Middle Eastern Oil Hegemony and Iran is attempting to do the same thing.

Just like Russia tried in '73. Remember? Pretend wars. Yes, to you maybe so, to me not so much. I understand. You have a lot invested in Obama and the leftist agenda. That's your thing. Israel and the US policy regarding Israel is mine.

Therefore we will likely just have to agree to disagree since you seem to like what he's doing with regards to Israel and I don't.

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