An Anti-Israel President

Yep, that's on the ball mate. Obama is not showing Israel the same kind of friendship that the US has in the past and fuckers that won't shake my hand or be in the same room as me can kiss my ruby red ass. :razz:

you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

No, the friendship that allows Russia and China to arm Iran, Syria and Lebanon and paid with Iranian embargoed oil imo.

That's what's Israel is seeing. I know Jillian, you see different things. Pretend wars? Iraq was attempting to redraw the US Middle Eastern Oil Hegemony and Iran is attempting to do the same thing.

Just like Russia tried in '73. Remember? Pretend wars. Yes, to you maybe so, to me not so much. I understand. You have a lot invested in Obama and the leftist agenda. That's your thing. Israel and the US policy regarding Israel is mine.

Therefore we will likely just have to agree to disagree since you seem to like what he's doing with regards to Israel and I don't.
:party: Juden fight!!
you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

No, the friendship that allows Russia and China to arm Iran, Syria and Lebanon and paid with Iranian embargoed oil imo.

That's what's Israel is seeing. I know Jillian, you see different things. Pretend wars? Iraq was attempting to redraw the US Middle Eastern Oil Hegemony and Iran is attempting to do the same thing.

Just like Russia tried in '73. Remember? Pretend wars. Yes, to you maybe so, to me not so much. I understand. You have a lot invested in Obama and the leftist agenda. That's your thing. Israel and the US policy regarding Israel is mine.

Therefore we will likely just have to agree to disagree since you seem to like what he's doing with regards to Israel and I don't.
:party: Juden fight!!

We are a part of humanity Sunni Man. We disagree on things as do all other humans. This is no personal fight. Jillian is a fine human being. I just disagree with her on certain issues.

You expected a difference? :lol:
President Obama is a worse friend to Israel than Bush and preceding US Administrations clearly show it trending worse.


The Difference Between Obama's and Bush's Positions on Israel

Mayor Ed Koch said:
And that is the nub of the disagreement in my opinion. In my opinion, Palestinians and their Arab allies have no intention of ever accepting a Jewish state in their midst. Many in the Muslim world believe that every square inch of Israel belongs to Islam and will someday be theirs; they have no intention of accepting the existence of a Jewish state. At best, they will accept a temporary truce with an entity called Israel which they will whittle away at, later overwhelm and absorb in the future.

So, Obama is an anti-Israel president because it's Ed Koch's opinion that the Arabs will never accept a Jewish state.

Got it.
President Obama is a worse friend to Israel than Bush and preceding US Administrations clearly show it trending worse.


The Difference Between Obama's and Bush's Positions on Israel

Mayor Ed Koch said:
And that is the nub of the disagreement in my opinion. In my opinion, Palestinians and their Arab allies have no intention of ever accepting a Jewish state in their midst. Many in the Muslim world believe that every square inch of Israel belongs to Islam and will someday be theirs; they have no intention of accepting the existence of a Jewish state. At best, they will accept a temporary truce with an entity called Israel which they will whittle away at, later overwhelm and absorb in the future.

So, Obama is an anti-Israel president because it's Ed Koch's opinion that the Arabs will never accept a Jewish state.

Got it.

It's his opinion. This is my OP opinion thread and if you read through the entire thread you will find the facts I present laid out. You remove it all and center on a single opinion. There are both facts and opinions presented in this thread and which support my premise.

I'm good with that and as time continues I will add facts that either support or debunk my personal opinion that Obama is no friend of Israel.
President Obama is a worse friend to Israel than Bush and preceding US Administrations clearly show it trending worse.


The Difference Between Obama's and Bush's Positions on Israel

So, Obama is an anti-Israel president because it's Ed Koch's opinion that the Arabs will never accept a Jewish state.

Got it.

It's his opinion. This is my OP opinion thread and if you read through the entire thread you will find the facts I present laid out. You remove it all and center on a single opinion. There are both facts and opinions presented in this thread and which support my premise.

I'm good with that and as time continues I will add facts that either support or debunk my personal opinion that Obama is no friend of Israel.
Is he anti-Israel because he is better friends with the Arab countries, or is he anti-Israel because of his direct actions relating to Israel?
Obama is urging the Israeli to sit at a negotiating table where there will be no Palestinians who he is not urging. This is a major change in US policy with regards to Israel.

Yep, that's on the ball mate. Obama is not showing Israel the same kind of friendship that the US has in the past and fuckers that won't shake my hand or be in the same room as me can kiss my ruby red ass. :razz:

you mean "friendship" like making Israel take SCUD's like daddy bush did?

or "friendship" like pushing for elections in gaza that netted us hamas?

or "friendship" like starting pretend wars of choice that de-stablilized the entire middle east and left iran more powerful than it had right being?

that kind of friendship?

You come back with that all the time; does it change the reality of what Israel faces today? Ask Israelis who they think their friends are Jillian. the choice we have today are Obama or any of the three very pro-Israel Republicans Bush isn't running. You see what is happening, yet you have no comment on what is happening now on the ground Iran, Syria, Egypt ,Turkey you have no comment?
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Obama Puts Israel on Ice


The Obama administration is putting another full-court press on Israel. First it was “settlements”—not to build a single home for a Jew in Judea, Samaria, or parts of Jerusalem. Now it’s even graver—not to defend itself against a growing existential threat.

The pressure is both public and behind the scenes. On Sunday, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey told CNN: “It’s not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran. A strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn’t achieve their [Israel’s] long-term objectives….”

On Monday—what fortuitous timing—the New York Times reported that Israel was incapable of such a strike anyway because “its pilots would have to fly more than 1,000 miles across unfriendly airspace, refuel in the air en route, fight off Iran’s air defenses, attack multiple underground sites simultaneously—and use at least 100 planes.” The Times quoted various U.S. defense analysts who support that assessment.

Meanwhile National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has been the latest in a series of top U.S. officials to come to Israel and tell its leaders behind closed doors that they should trust in the god of sanctions. Israel Hayom reports that in an exchange between Donilon and Israel’s defense minister Ehud Barak and chief of staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, “Israel…demanded that the U.S. challenge Iran to immediately put an end to its nuclear program.” The U.S.—not surprisingly—responded by “urg[ing] Israel to allow sanctions against Iran to do the job and cease planning for a military strike.”

And the confrontation is set to continue. Next in line to visit Israel is U.S. national director of intelligence James Clapper on Thursday. Meanwhile Donilon has invited Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to come to the U.S. and meet with President Obama on March 5.

The U.S., in other words, sees stopping Israel as very serious, top-priority business. As the Wall Street Journal asks: “Is the Obama Administration more concerned that Iran may get a nuclear weapon, or that Israel may use military force to prevent Iran from doing so?”

But is the administration right? Would an Israeli strike on Iran be futile and fail to achieve its objectives? Can the sanctions be counted on instead?

As David P. Goldman reports, last week German security expert Hans Rühe—head of the German Defense Ministry’s planning department between 1982-1988—offered in Die Welt a diametrically different view of Israel’s capacity to hit Iran. Rühe, says Goldman, calling him “one of the toughest and most perspicacious analysts” of the Cold War period, is “highly confident that Israel could knock out Iran’s nuclear program for a decade or more with about 25 of its 87 F-15 fighter-bombers and a smaller number of its F-16s
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Israel Builds, Obama Administration Squirms


This week Israel’s Civil Administration approved a plan to build 500 housing units in the West Bank community of Shiloh. U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner complained like clockwork that such building is not “constructive.”

In so doing, he was following a U.S. practice of frequently publicly criticizing its ally Israel. No other U.S. ally gets this treatment; when was the last time you heard Washington publicly take Britain, Germany, or Japan to task? And this in a week when the U.S. is already heavily pressuring Israel both publicly and behind the scenes not to defend itself against a growing existential threat from Iran.

But is Toner right about the Israeli building plans not being “constructive”? In a world where there are mounting crises in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, severe human rights abuses in America’s trading partner China, and so on, are housing units in Shiloh what Washington should fret about? In fact, these building plans not only pose no problem for the U.S. but are constructive, for several reasons.

1. They give people in Shiloh places to live. It’s natural for a community—especially a very life-affirming one like Shiloh, where people make a point of having children—to grow. One has to have a very crabbed perspective to want a place like Shiloh to freeze in place, so that parents can’t provide homes for their kids, no one can move in from outside the community, and so on. It’s a throwback to the early days of the Obama administration, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thundered against “natural growth” in such Israeli communities. Isn’t this supposed to be an election year, with the Obama administration cooling it toward Israel and wooing Jewish votes?

2. Shiloh is a modern-day iteration of the ancient biblical city of the same name, the center of Israelite religious and political life for about three hundred years before Jerusalem took that honor. Having a modern-day Jewish community there is a renewal and revitalization of one of the ancient roots of Western civilization.

Of course, many contemporary Western people no longer have the faintest idea or give a hoot what Shiloh was. This is particularly true in heavily secularized Western Europe, with its catastrophically low fertility rates and burgeoning Muslim presence. Can the United States and Israel—which still care enough about Western civilization to fight for it—afford this kind of contempt for its roots? Since taking office in 2009

Israel Builds, Obama Administration Squirms | FrontPage Magazine
obama tells Israel not to defend themselves. obama tells our military in Afghanistan not to defend themselves.

obama has a problem with self defense.
obama tells Israel not to defend themselves. obama tells our military in Afghanistan not to defend themselves.

obama has a problem with self defense.

Obama has a problem with sucking up to our eneimies...

[ame=]President Obama's Nowruz message to Iranian people (full version) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The clock is ticking for Israel - YouTube[/ame]
obama tells Israel not to defend themselves. obama tells our military in Afghanistan not to defend themselves.

obama has a problem with self defense.

Obama has a problem with sucking up to our eneimies...

[ame=]President Obama's Nowruz message to Iranian people (full version) - YouTube[/ame]

The enemy of his enemy is his friend.
Oh, he most certainly understands Islam.
obama tells Israel not to defend themselves. obama tells our military in Afghanistan not to defend themselves.

obama has a problem with self defense.

Obama has a problem with sucking up to our eneimies...

[ame=]President Obama's Nowruz message to Iranian people (full version) - YouTube[/ame]

The enemy of his enemy is his friend.


I guess we should take advice from a failed NSA who is partly responsible for the current Iranian Regime?
He has more experience dealing with the Iranians than just about any U.S. government official.

And definitely more than anyone in the current administration. :cool:

Thirty some years ago he had a few years experience dealing with the previous regime and he screwed that up. He has no experience dealing with the current Iranian regime.
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