An Apocalyptic sign... FEAR OF THE DEATH Of the church 'leaders'

no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

You say "we"... who are "we"?

You say those historians were less educated in science, math, geography... and I will tell you this, Herodotus "is widely considered to have been the first writer to have treated historical subjects using a method of systematic investigation—specifically, by collecting his materials and then critically arranging them into an historiographic narrative. On account of this, he is often referred to as "The Father of History, a title first conferred on him by the first-century BC Roman orator Cicero "(*), and "... many authors, starting with the late fifth-century BC historian Thucydides, have accused him of making up stories for entertainment. However, Herodotus states that he is merely reporting what he has seen and been told, on several occasions saying that he does not himself believe the story that he reports. A sizable portion of the information he provides has since been confirmed by historians and archaeologists" (*).
(*Herodotus - Wikipedia)

He traveled himself town by town, mountain by mountain, and he never mentioned, for example, any Hittite "empire".

But today, today historians with great knowledge in math, geography, science, they "swear" a Hittite "empire" existed in the past. And so far, the Hittites are mentioned by other cultures, even in the bible, but no one mentioned them as an "empire". Actually the Hittites were indeed a culture, lets say a "nation" but was never ever an "empire". Hittites were subjects under the Babylonians/Caldheans.

The infamous Hittite "empire" is a modern legend invented by misunderstanding, ignorance and lots of fanaticism.

You can notice that "math, science, etc" are not the rule to become a trusted historian, but just narrating the historical events in accord to what they witnessed themselves and in base of the records obtained from others.
no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

You say "we"... who are "we"?

You say those historians were less educated in science, math, geography... and I will tell you this, Herodotus "is widely considered to have been the first writer to have treated historical subjects using a method of systematic investigation—specifically, by collecting his materials and then critically arranging them into an historiographic narrative. On account of this, he is often referred to as "The Father of History, a title first conferred on him by the first-century BC Roman orator Cicero "(*), and "... many authors, starting with the late fifth-century BC historian Thucydides, have accused him of making up stories for entertainment. However, Herodotus states that he is merely reporting what he has seen and been told, on several occasions saying that he does not himself believe the story that he reports. A sizable portion of the information he provides has since been confirmed by historians and archaeologists" (*).
(*Herodotus - Wikipedia)

He traveled himself town by town, mountain by mountain, and he never mentioned, for example, any Hittite "empire".

But today, today historians with great knowledge in math, geography, science, they "swear" a Hittite "empire" existed in the past. And so far, the Hittites are mentioned by other cultures, even in the bible, but no one mentioned them as an "empire". Actually the Hittites were indeed a culture, lets say a "nation" but was never ever an "empire". Hittites were subjects under the Babylonians/Caldheans.

The infamous Hittite "empire" is a modern legend invented by misunderstanding, ignorance and lots of fanaticism.

You can notice that "math, science, etc" are not the rule to become a trusted historian, but just narrating the historical events in accord to what they witnessed themselves and in base of the records obtained from others.
no one can rise from the dead ---unless you can prove otherwise?? video? credible evidence?
OMG----so you believe someone rose from the dead...why are double talking????!!!!
.....someone rising from the dead is outrageous/impossible
1a: exceeding the limits of what is usualthe outrageous weather we have been afflicted with— New Yorkeroutrageous prices
b: not conventional or matter-of-fact : FANTASTIC

Do you understand that ancient writers of history, this is to say "no narrators of legends but historians", have recorded cases of resurrections?

Do you think the resurrection is a unique "novelty" which happened solely with the Jewish dude?

I'm not telling you to be an "open mind" person, but if you are rerally interested in this topic, then to start reading other records written from ancient historians. And even when you consider that those records come from beliefs of ancient people, I can tell you that those beliefs weren't originated by delusion.

You might be ignorant about other cultures mentioning resurrection of dead people, and that the biblical narration is not much different from the others.
no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

I advise you to read this Great Book before you die.
Othervise it will be tto late.
Don't believe Satan and his servants

no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

You say "we"... who are "we"?

Jews of course
no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

You say "we"... who are "we"?

You say those historians were less educated in science, math, geography... and I will tell you this, Herodotus "is widely considered to have been the first writer to have treated historical subjects using a method of systematic investigation—specifically, by collecting his materials and then critically arranging them into an historiographic narrative. On account of this, he is often referred to as "The Father of History, a title first conferred on him by the first-century BC Roman orator Cicero "(*), and "... many authors, starting with the late fifth-century BC historian Thucydides, have accused him of making up stories for entertainment. However, Herodotus states that he is merely reporting what he has seen and been told, on several occasions saying that he does not himself believe the story that he reports. A sizable portion of the information he provides has since been confirmed by historians and archaeologists" (*).
(*Herodotus - Wikipedia)

He traveled himself town by town, mountain by mountain, and he never mentioned, for example, any Hittite "empire".

But today, today historians with great knowledge in math, geography, science, they "swear" a Hittite "empire" existed in the past. And so far, the Hittites are mentioned by other cultures, even in the bible, but no one mentioned them as an "empire". Actually the Hittites were indeed a culture, lets say a "nation" but was never ever an "empire". Hittites were subjects under the Babylonians/Caldheans.

The infamous Hittite "empire" is a modern legend invented by misunderstanding, ignorance and lots of fanaticism.

You can notice that "math, science, etc" are not the rule to become a trusted historian, but just narrating the historical events in accord to what they witnessed themselves and in base of the records obtained from others.
no one can rise from the dead ---unless you can prove otherwise?? video? credible evidence?


  • Evidence That Demands A Verdict, First published 1972. Revised Edition, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1979.
  • More Than A Carpenter, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1977.
  • Answers to Tough Questions, with Don Stewart, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1980.
  • Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity, with Don Stewart, Here's Life Publrs, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • More Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Revised edition, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • The Resurrection Factor, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • Prophecy: Fact or Fiction, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • Guide To Understanding Your Bible, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1982.
  • Jesus: A Biblical Defense of His Deity, with Bart Larson, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1983.
  • Evidence Growth Guide, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1983.
  • Evidence for Joy, with Dale Bellis, Word, Waco, 1984.
  • His Image, My Image, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1984.
  • He Walked Among Us: Evidence for the Historical Jesus, with Bill Wilson, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1988.
  • Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 1989.
  • The Dad Difference, with Norm Wakefield, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1989.
  • A Ready Defense, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 1990.
  • The Occult, with Don Stewart and Kurt Van Gorden, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, CA, 1992.
  • The One Year Book of Josh McDowell's Youth Devotions, with Bob Hostetler, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 1997.
  • New Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Word, Nashville, 1999.
  • See yourself as God sees you, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999.
  • Disconnected Generation: Saving Our Youth From Self-Destruction, Word, Nashville, 2000.
  • Beyond Belief to Convictions, with Bob Hostetler, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 2002.
  • The Last Christian Generation, Green Key Books, Holiday, Florida, 2006.
  • The Da Vinci Code: A Quest For Answers by Josh McDowell (free pdf book, 2006, 112 pp, ISBN 1-932587-80-2)
  • Evidence for the Resurrection, Regal Books, Ventura, California, 2009.
  • More Than A Carpenter, Tyndale, Wheaton, Illinois, 2009.
  • The Unshakable Truth: How You Can Experience the 12 Essentials of a Relevant Faith, Harvest House Publishers, 2010
  • Evidence for the Historical Jesus: A Compelling Case for His Life and His Claims, Harvest House Publishers, 2011.
no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

You say "we"... who are "we"?

You say those historians were less educated in science, math, geography... and I will tell you this, Herodotus "is widely considered to have been the first writer to have treated historical subjects using a method of systematic investigation—specifically, by collecting his materials and then critically arranging them into an historiographic narrative. On account of this, he is often referred to as "The Father of History, a title first conferred on him by the first-century BC Roman orator Cicero "(*), and "... many authors, starting with the late fifth-century BC historian Thucydides, have accused him of making up stories for entertainment. However, Herodotus states that he is merely reporting what he has seen and been told, on several occasions saying that he does not himself believe the story that he reports. A sizable portion of the information he provides has since been confirmed by historians and archaeologists" (*).
(*Herodotus - Wikipedia)

He traveled himself town by town, mountain by mountain, and he never mentioned, for example, any Hittite "empire".

But today, today historians with great knowledge in math, geography, science, they "swear" a Hittite "empire" existed in the past. And so far, the Hittites are mentioned by other cultures, even in the bible, but no one mentioned them as an "empire". Actually the Hittites were indeed a culture, lets say a "nation" but was never ever an "empire". Hittites were subjects under the Babylonians/Caldheans.

The infamous Hittite "empire" is a modern legend invented by misunderstanding, ignorance and lots of fanaticism.

You can notice that "math, science, etc" are not the rule to become a trusted historian, but just narrating the historical events in accord to what they witnessed themselves and in base of the records obtained from others.
no one can rise from the dead ---unless you can prove otherwise?? video? credible evidence?


  • Evidence That Demands A Verdict, First published 1972. Revised Edition, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1979.
  • More Than A Carpenter, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois, 1977.
  • Answers to Tough Questions, with Don Stewart, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1980.
  • Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity, with Don Stewart, Here's Life Publrs, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • More Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Revised edition, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • The Resurrection Factor, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • Prophecy: Fact or Fiction, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1981.
  • Guide To Understanding Your Bible, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1982.
  • Jesus: A Biblical Defense of His Deity, with Bart Larson, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1983.
  • Evidence Growth Guide, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1983.
  • Evidence for Joy, with Dale Bellis, Word, Waco, 1984.
  • His Image, My Image, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1984.
  • He Walked Among Us: Evidence for the Historical Jesus, with Bill Wilson, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1988.
  • Skeptics Who Demanded a Verdict, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 1989.
  • The Dad Difference, with Norm Wakefield, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, California, 1989.
  • A Ready Defense, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, 1990.
  • The Occult, with Don Stewart and Kurt Van Gorden, Here's Life Publishers, San Bernardino, CA, 1992.
  • The One Year Book of Josh McDowell's Youth Devotions, with Bob Hostetler, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 1997.
  • New Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Word, Nashville, 1999.
  • See yourself as God sees you, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999.
  • Disconnected Generation: Saving Our Youth From Self-Destruction, Word, Nashville, 2000.
  • Beyond Belief to Convictions, with Bob Hostetler, Tyndale House, Wheaton, 2002.
  • The Last Christian Generation, Green Key Books, Holiday, Florida, 2006.
  • The Da Vinci Code: A Quest For Answers by Josh McDowell (free pdf book, 2006, 112 pp, ISBN 1-932587-80-2)
  • Evidence for the Resurrection, Regal Books, Ventura, California, 2009.
  • More Than A Carpenter, Tyndale, Wheaton, Illinois, 2009.
  • The Unshakable Truth: How You Can Experience the 12 Essentials of a Relevant Faith, Harvest House Publishers, 2010
  • Evidence for the Historical Jesus: A Compelling Case for His Life and His Claims, Harvest House Publishers, 2011.
no one can rise from the dead --plain and simple....
OMG----so you believe someone rose from the dead...why are double talking????!!!!
.....someone rising from the dead is outrageous/impossible
1a: exceeding the limits of what is usualthe outrageous weather we have been afflicted with— New Yorkeroutrageous prices
b: not conventional or matter-of-fact : FANTASTIC

Do you understand that ancient writers of history, this is to say "no narrators of legends but historians", have recorded cases of resurrections?

Do you think the resurrection is a unique "novelty" which happened solely with the Jewish dude?

I'm not telling you to be an "open mind" person, but if you are rerally interested in this topic, then to start reading other records written from ancient historians. And even when you consider that those records come from beliefs of ancient people, I can tell you that those beliefs weren't originated by delusion.

You might be ignorant about other cultures mentioning resurrection of dead people, and that the biblical narration is not much different from the others.
no one can rise from the dead --they are dead expect people to believe ancient writings when we have controversy over things happening in this decade--with video???!!!!!
....we know of no one who has risen from the dead post the ancient writings
...and, those people who wrote back then were less educated in science/math/geography...the church punished Galileo for believing the Earth is not the center of the universe

I advise you to read this Great Book before you die.
Othervise it will be tto late.
Don't believe Satan and his servants

hahahahhahahaha--too late....too late for what??
no one can rise from the dead ---unless you can prove otherwise?? video? credible evidence?

My review states that "a god" has nothing to do with resurrection of the dead.

Also, that if you are lucky (or better to say "unlucky") to witness it, using a video camera will be the last thought in your mind when such a kind of event happens.

Why you don't have evidence from past events related to resurrection is way to respond. You died, you were resurrected but die later anyway. What kind of "evidence you will collect if your have died at last and your body has been buried?

You are asking peanuts demanding "evidence" from past events about resurrection.
The Russian bishops openly showed their disbelief in the Resurrection of Christ.
Bishops, as well as their colleagues from the world "Orthodoxy" before the Bright Resurrection of Christ, openly showed their disbelief in the Risen Christ and called the congregation to follow their example. If they do not believe in the victory of the Resurrected Christ over death, if they do not believe in Christ, then they wait deep down for the coming of the Antichrist and prepare believers for his coming. And that believers forget about their Redeemer, cool down in love with the Risen Christ, the Russian bishops, led by 'Patriarch' Kirill, actively began to show an example of their unbelief in the Resurrection of Christ, calling the congregation to follow themselves and fulfill the apostasy orders.

They want believers to become like the demon-possessed, openly showing fear of entering the temple, attaching themselves to icons and relics. So that believers do not rejoice at the resurrection of Christ, but hide themselves in fear and horror at home, as far away from the sanctuary as possible.

April 17, 2020, in the Great Heel - a day dedicated to the memory of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, lies. Kirill, as well as cowardly hid from the problems of Russia and the people Putin, for fear of getting out of his dungeon" made an evening with the removal of the Shroud of the Savior in complete solitude.





My name is RuPaul and I approve of his gown!

Why is it that all the people on the walls have glowing circles around their heads?
Could it be because they saw glowing circles around mystical beings? Meaning UFO's...

Madonna and Child.

They all have glowing circles, and multiple spacecrafts are watching. And a guy and his dog, that are looking up at the show....

Again, what did they see that causes someone to paint this?

I cannot find this painting in the original hi-res detail, and you will have no argument if I did. This seems to be an issue with multiple pics... Is something being censored online?

I dunno, but this stuff used to be in super high resolution, like 5000x3000, or higher or whatever, but super high. You could zoom on anything in incredible detail.

Doesn't seem to be available anymore.... This is highest I can find... wtf?
When I first started arguing this stuff on Bad Astronomy, many years ago.... they argued that the UFO was a burn on the canvas...

It was something else, but it got burned or smudged... or something... lol.... bad painting.... no proof of ufo....

I proved to them that it was authentic! And gave it to them in high resolution, and all that anti-ufo talk disappeared for that thread.

I mean, there's no way to explain that, without an ET-UFO. People cannot imagine that stuff in those times. It has to be something they are witnessing. And drew for posterity.

Don't take it as God, take it as "gods". They've been here for a very long time.

we have to understand why we need to be together.
Last edited:
We have to take care of each other. Which means we have to be united. We have to take care of everyone in that circle as if they were our own. All differences go out the window. It's just love and taking care of each other. And hard work, but lots of fun in between. That's the ideal for me. That's how I would love to roll.

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