'An AR-15 Has More Rights Than A woman' - How can you be THIS stupid and allowed to be on TV?

I saw this dem "outrage meme" today.....I must admit to a sensible chuckle. Truth be told at first I was sorta confused what a guy with a beer belly had to do with anything....That made it even funnier. ;)

No one is forcing her to carry the baby. She can abort. It just may be illegal to in your state. She can move. She can go to another state for a vacation that allows killing of children unborn. She Amazon a pill to kill the child unborn. It's just now given back to the States to decide democratically. I thought you liberals were all for democracy? Pelosi and Schumer keeps saying so along with the other liberal hacks in politics and the media. Would you like to try another phony resistant topic like gun control in which bearing arms unbridged is actually word for word in the 2nd amendment of the Constitution.
The whole comparison is stupid. The AR, as an inanimate object, has no rights whatsoever. The left wants to put an unborn child, a living being, in the same position as that inanimate object, and doesn't see the irony in the comparison.

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