An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

Just one more reason why we need a base on the Moon. For supercomputing purposes regarding, trajectories. Space cooled on the dark side of the Moon, to save on energy costs.
Now I'm going to laugh at you for science too. The moon has sunrise and sunset too, and all sides have day and night.
Duplication for fault tolerance? One of each on each side of the moon.
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....

I have been saying this for years. You assholes want to waste resources chasing the fictional global warming bullshit instead of actually dealing something that CAn destroy us. Morons one and all!
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

and this is like news too you


are you smarter then a 5th grader

Just one more reason why we need a base on the Moon. For supercomputing purposes regarding, trajectories. Space cooled on the dark side of the Moon, to save on energy costs.
Now I'm going to laugh at you for science too. The moon has sunrise and sunset too, and all sides have day and night.
Duplication for fault tolerance? One of each on each side of the moon.
And each will go through warming cycles when in the sun.
A lunar presence via public policy, to help the private sector serve new markets.

Asteroid and Moon Mining Ventures, anyone?
Well, the Chinese are already making plans, and I am sure that if SpaceX get's it's super heavy lift vehicle built, that Mars will not be the only goal.
A lunar presence via public policy, to help the private sector serve new markets.

Asteroid and Moon Mining Ventures, anyone?
Well, the Chinese are already making plans, and I am sure that if SpaceX get's it's super heavy lift vehicle built, that Mars will not be the only goal.
Sounds like progress; an international effort to build cities on the Moon as well as on Earth?
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
I think Obama did not give a shit when he cut the funding of the Nasa.
Obama Cuts NASA Funding
A lunar presence via public policy, to help the private sector serve new markets.

Asteroid and Moon Mining Ventures, anyone?
Well, the Chinese are already making plans, and I am sure that if SpaceX get's it's super heavy lift vehicle built, that Mars will not be the only goal.

And let's say a thank you to Elon Musk and the other handful of billionaires that are using their talent and wealth for things like this. They act and do things that most of us would do if we had the money to do it.

I love watching these guys succeed.
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
Well its just a matter of time before the sun will nova.

A long time- but just a matter of time.

Its also just a matter of time before the Yellowstone super volcano explodes- but we don't know if that will be tomorrow or in a million years.
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
Well its just a matter of time before the sun will nova.

A long time- but just a matter of time.

Its also just a matter of time before the Yellowstone super volcano explodes- but we don't know if that will be tomorrow or in a million years.
Puente Hills Thrust Fault Would Be ‘The Quake From Hell’
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
Personally as long as things didn't turn into mad Max I think it'd be great if the human population were to shrink to 1/7th of what it is now. I would get Hawaii or an island in the Bahamas. Or the Galapagos islands.

Or as long as my bloodline continues we're all gonna die eventually right? An asteroid isn't the worst way to go, is it? So as long as some humans live on no big deal. Except we could literally be set back to the Stone age if only the masses survive. We need engineers to rebuild. Or mechanics and computer inventors doctors etc

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