An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

There's a lot of ways to stop, reflect or move an asteroid...Check out gravity tractors for one and solar sails for another. There's also using lasers or some kind of sunglass setup to melt one sides ice in order to steer it in another direction. Why do nothing?

Gravity tractor - Wikipedia

Solar Sail Flotilla Could Divert Possibly Dangerous Asteroid

Utilization of an H-reversal trajectory of a solar sail for asteroid deflection - IOPscience
How does one a scientifically advanced as you plan on getting said devices into space?

Launch them like we do telescopes like the Kepler or Hubble telescope or construct them in space from many launches....
Matthew must have missed the part about having no viable space program......

We could easily have one again and we launch dozens of satellites into space every year. We aint exactly not capable of moving dozens of tons into space.
It would never get off the ground. You liars would be protesting and posting media fed lies 24/7. Your boys and girls from antifa would be rioting around the clock. Why, Trump may even be in bed with aliens.

aliens for trump.jpg
You aren't even able to start understanding wtf I am saying...Goddamn piece of pig blood crap.
^^^^ Liberal tolerance on display. .... :lol: ... :lol:
Buddy boy, as a Muslim, it is not liberal intolerance you have to worry about. You fellow 'Conservatives' on this board would gladly hang your scuzzy ass just for the fact you are a follower of Allah.,
You aren't even able to start understanding wtf I am saying...Goddamn piece of pig blood crap.
^^^^ Liberal tolerance on display. .... :lol: ... :lol:
Buddy boy, as a Muslim, it is not liberal intolerance you have to worry about. You fellow 'Conservatives' on this board would gladly hang your scuzzy ass just for the fact you are a follower of Allah.,
what would you do if you found out he was hung?
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
How much do we need to pay the UN to prevent an asteroid strike?

When you figure that out, you'll realize why no one worries about it on a daily basis. There's literally nothing they can do to prevent it.

Right here is why conservativism is so fucked. An idea based on going into your cave and kissing your ass good bye just like t-rex. Science has proven over and over again that your mindset is bullshit and you're really just as ass backwards as the taliban.

There's a lot of ways to stop, reflect or move an asteroid...Check out gravity tractors for one and solar sails for another. There's also using lasers or some kind of sunglass setup to melt one sides ice in order to steer it in another direction. Why do nothing?
There's a big difference between doing nothing and doing things without the government sucking vast amounts of wealth out of the economy, but the same people knew that.
Who will win with the asteroid strike? The globalists, the nationalists, or the conservatives?
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....

Based upon the utter silliness of the uber-partisan hackery, here, I just hope that when the asteroid hits, it hits Uranus.
One only has to look at our moon or any of the other planets or moons in our solar system that don't recycle their surface through varioius processes. Thousands of impact craters. Even on Earth which is constantly resurfaced we find impact craters. Whether humans are here or not is of no import for these physical processes. An asteroid could strike Earth next week or 5 million years from now. As the OP notes it could be anytime and it may be a tiny asteroid or ten miles across.

The vast majority of these date from the formation of the solar system, however. Such impacts are becoming increasingly rare since the gravitational fields of the giant gas planets have already sucked them in.
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
I saw that movie and it was unbelievable.
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
I saw that movie and it was unbelievable.

I was in a large movie theater in Manhattan, NY. It has a bank of HUGE DOORS at
the exit. I was convinced that as soon as the doors were opened-----the theater would
be FLOODED with sea water
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....

...because of global warming
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....

...because of global warming

no----because big rocks move around in space
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....

...because of global warming

no----because big rocks move around in space

yes, because of global warming
An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts
Dying in a fiery ball of rock and ash doesn’t exactly sound like the best way to go, but experts have warned that modern civilisation may indeed face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

A leading astrophysicist has warned of the danger that unexpected asteroids pose to our planet, and classified the threat not as a matter of if, but when.

Professor Alan Fitzsimmons claimed it is just a matter of time before the inevitable occurs, and we’ve just got to hope it lands somewhere away from human populations rather than near a city which it could “easily destroy”.

An Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Just A Matter Of Time, Say Experts

But I guess Trump and his religious idiots don't give a fuck! Personally I don't put much hope in humanity anymore....
How much do we need to pay the UN to prevent an asteroid strike?

When you figure that out, you'll realize why no one worries about it on a daily basis. There's literally nothing they can do to prevent it.

We could start a gofundme account.....

And with the proceeds we could build a huge headquarters with lots of cocaine and hookers. And spirit cooking too.
Just one more reason why we need a base on the Moon. For supercomputing purposes regarding, trajectories. Space cooled on the dark side of the Moon, to save on energy costs.
Just one more reason why we need a base on the Moon. For supercomputing purposes regarding, trajectories. Space cooled on the dark side of the Moon, to save on energy costs.
Now I'm going to laugh at you for science too. The moon has sunrise and sunset too, and all sides have day and night.

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