An authoritarian government forcing the Trump Vaccine on a very obedient citizenry and Covid is killing more than ever...So what now?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I know, I's the Delta what "variant" is in the pipeline now?
Are vaccine makers going to be able to keep up, keep the Trump Vaccine updated and ahead of the curve?
Are we sure we don't just have to live with and contract this new flu as the different variants sweep through the nation?
Un-Constitutionally FORCING / EXTORTING 100% of Americans to comply with Biden's vaccine mandate will help us to defeat COVID-19 AGAIN (Biden claimed Victory over the virus in July).

According to Biden getting 100% Vaccinated & Passing his $5.5 Trillion Deficit-spending, pork-bloated spending bill will
- End the pandemic...again
- Solve our education woes
- Put millions of Americans back to work
- Help make the US one of the top infrastructure nations in the world
- Make us a leading Green Energy nation
- Help the US in becoming a global leader

Un-Constitutionally FORCING / EXTORTING 100% of Americans to comply with Biden's vaccine mandate will help us to defeat COVID-19 AGAIN (Biden claimed Victory over the virus in July).

According to Biden getting 100% Vaccinated & Passing his $5.5 Trillion Deficit-spending, pork-bloated spending bill will
- End the pandemic...again
- Solve our education woes
- Put millions of Americans back to work
- Help make the US one of the top infrastructure nations in the world
- Make us a leading Green Energy nation
- Help the US in becoming a global leader

Awwwwwww, look at the poor things afraid of the "Fauci Ouchie".

Heat up some formula & do a diaper change for the crybabies so they'll stop whining.
Awwwwwww, look at the poor things afraid of the "Fauci Ouchie".

Heat up some formula & do a diaper change for the crybabies so they'll stop whining.

Awwwwwwwww, look at the vaccinated ....... afraid of the UN-vaccinated.

What's the matter? Was your "ouchie" a waste of time?!! Is you scared to go out and play with the big kids?

I know, I's the Delta what "variant" is in the pipeline now?
Are vaccine makers going to be able to keep up, keep the Trump Vaccine updated and ahead of the curve?
Are we sure we don't just have to live with and contract this new flu as the different variants sweep through the nation?
Plainly that's what will happen, because that is what IS happening.

The vaccines work very poorly, if at all, so all the government mandates and lockdowns and controls brought us is vast shortages of everything and inflation.
The government screwed up badly, as usual, and sure didn't stop Covid.
Nope, not afraid. But I do have an I.Q. higher then 30 which is more then can be said for you assclowns who whine & cry about taking "the jab".
Plainly that's what will happen, because that is what IS happening.

The vaccines work very poorly, if at all, so all the government mandates and lockdowns and controls brought us is vast shortages of everything and inflation.
The government screwed up badly, as usual, and sure didn't stop Covid.More then 90% of the people in hospital & dying from COVID are unvaccinate
Nope, not afraid. But I do have an I.Q. higher then 30 which is more then can be said for you assclowns who whine & cry about taking "the jab".
Is it common practice for you to agree to pump your body full of experimental vaccine that you'll keep forever to protect you from something less likely to kill you than a fall?
Are you sure you're not the whining, crying pussy?

Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odds of Dying - Injury Facts
But I do have an I.Q. higher then 30 which is more then can be said for you assclowns who whine & cry about taking "the jab".
Yet not high enough to understand the difference between the word "then" and "than", eh?
Awwwwwwwww, look at the vaccinated ....... afraid of the UN-vaccinated.

What's the matter? Was your "ouchie" a waste of time?!! Is you scared to go out and play with the big kids?

In 2021 Unvaxxed = Dirty Jews in 1922

The DemNazis get their concept of Racial Struggle from The Original Nazis. This is why they use the terms "white privilege" and other inciteful racially charged terms. They are following Hitler's playbook. Afterall, "we are all in this together," right?:

Hitler, a mesmerizing public speaker, addressed political meetings in Munich calling for a new German order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic regime. This New Order was distinguished by an authoritarian political system based on a leadership structure in which authority flowed downward from a supreme national leader. In the new Germany, all citizens would unselfishly serve the state, or Volk; democracy would be abolished; and individual rights sacrificed for the good of the führer state.

Hitler blamed the Weimar Republic’s weakness on the influence of Germany’s Jewish and communist minorities, who he claimed were trying to take over the country. “There are only two possibilities,” he told a Munich audience in 1922. “Either victory of the Aryan, or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.” The young Hitler saw history as a process of racial struggle....

By 1932, the Nazis were the largest political party in the Reichstag. In January of the following year, with no other leader able to command sufficient support to govern, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of Germany. Shortly thereafter, a fire broke out in the Reichstag building in Berlin, and authorities arrested a young Dutch communist who confessed to starting it. Hitler used this episode to convince President Hindenburg to declare an emergency decree suspending many civil liberties throughout Germany, including freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and the right to hold public assemblies. The police were authorized to detain citizens without cause, and the authority usually exercised by regional governments became subject to control by Hitler’s national regime.

How Did Hitler Happen? | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
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Is it common practice for you to agree to pump your body full of experimental vaccine that you'll keep forever to protect you from something less likely to kill you than a fall?
Are you sure you're not the whining, crying pussy?

Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odds of Dying - Injury Facts
You're a liar.
There is NO GOD, you fucking sheep.

If there was a God, as you wish/say,
I wish he/she/it/thee would take all of you RWI fuckheads away, TODAY.
God will take us away in The Rapture as Jesus, God, Son of God, comes for His Church, and then He will leave you here with The AntiChrist for you to worship. You will take His mark so you can buy chocolate doughnuts, and damn your souls to eternal perdition, as Hell on Earth is unleashed upon you all during The Tribulation, and then comes Judgment Day.

Trust us, we do not want to be here with you either.
Awwwwwww, look at the poor things afraid of the "Fauci Ouchie".

Heat up some formula & do a diaper change for the crybabies so they'll stop whining.

Tell us how that worked out for you, a few months from now, Jabber.
I know, I's the Delta what "variant" is in the pipeline now?
Are vaccine makers going to be able to keep up, keep the Trump Vaccine updated and ahead of the curve?
Are we sure we don't just have to live with and contract this new flu as the different variants sweep through the nation?
Thank the anti-vaxxers.

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