An average 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.

70% of food stamp growth during the Obama Administration came from Republican-heavy counties. Thank Bush for the increase and thank Obama for not letting them starve to death.

Google it... I can't provide a link because I'd be guilty of cross-posting.

Let's take a look at the numbers.


Notice how 30% of those people collecting food stamps actually work, and how 32% are disabled or elderly? 22% are non-workers who have kids, granted probably too many but those are the facts. Here is another fact;

Most SNAP participants were children or elderly. Nearly half (47 percent) were under age 18 and another 8 percent were age 60 or older. Working-age women represented 28 percent of the caseload, while working-age men represented 17 percent. [, September 2011, emphasis original]

Hannity Omits The "Food Stamp" Facts: Most Recipients Have Jobs, Or Are Seniors Or Children | Research | Media Matters for America

So what do you think? Should we really force those kids under 18 to go out and get a job so they can afford to feed themselves?

Give an honest answer, since you love this topic so much and since you have such a problem with poor people receiving aid.
Fact: 46,609,072 people were on the program every month in 2012.
70% of food stamp growth during the Obama Administration came from Republican-heavy counties. Thank Bush for the increase and thank Obama for not letting them starve to death.

Google it...

Why don't you link it?
Again- Time for Joe's Lesson on why Republicans have shot themselves in the foot!

Why is the enrollment in Food Stamps so high? Because for the last 30 years, big corporations have been driving down the wages of working Joes and Janes with Right to work, At Wil Employment, Free Trade and Union busting. The important thing is that the rich be able to buy Dressage Horsies and Big Boats to sail around the Hamptons.

And those working people, the bastards, they just refuse to obediently starve to death! They actually take advantage of government programs to feed their families (Food Stamps) Keep a roof over their heads (Section 8 Housing) and see a doctor (MedicAid).

And then Republicans are horrified that some of those working people are just smart enough to realize the Democrats are more likely to keep those benefits coming, and keep voting for them. Oh, they can get some of these idiots to vote Republican by waiving a flag or bible in front of their faces, or getting them upset about abortion or gay marriage, but people are starting to smarten up.

We should all be thankful we live in a land of plenty, and that we are willing to use the process of our democratic government to share that plenty with those less fortunate.

I would rather live in a country where everyone can get a renumerative job and provide for themselves.

I actually think that people using the safety net as a hammock is unhealthy for us as a society.

but the REpublicans go along with it because they can't stand up to their big corporate donors, and Democrats go along with it because it provides a base of loyal voters.

We're doomed. Doomed, I tell you.
this is your wonderful future according to your Dear leader

isn't it sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

[ame=]The Life of Julia! - YouTube[/ame]
Jesus, the guy who did this video sounds like he's really a pretty angry guy.

Sounds like you need to make a love connection, Staph.
How small of a man does on have to be to begrudge the hungry food?

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