'An Awful Lot There': Top Dem Serves Notice To Trump That His Former AG Spilled The Beans In 7 Hour Testimony

What they're not going to be able to do, is separate themselves from Trump, like they did Bush. They'll never be able to wipe that orange stain off their faces.

Especially their lips where the Cheeto dust is especially thick! ;)

Republicans investigated Trump throughout the "4 year partisan witch hunt". Both the CIA and the FBI were being run by Trump appointees. All top positions within the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA were Trump's personal appointees.

Trump was investigated by the people HE appointed. They all found him committing multiple crimes. All of the people who testified at Trump's first impeachment hearing, were people who were hired by Donald Trump, and the members of his administration.


And those Trump hires would stretch the law to protect Trump and his friends. Like when Trumps DOJ office of legal counsel said that the law which required the sec of treasury turn over the tax returns of any individuals requested by the chair of the house ways and means committee, they interpreted it as they only had to comply if there was a clear legislative need for them.

The new DOJ office of legal counsel says the law is clear by it's plain text. That the treasurer "shall" provide the requested tax returns.
Impeachment is a political exercise only. Trump was not found guilty of the impeachment charges because the spineless weenie GOP senators refused to vote 'guilty' no matter how guilty he obviously was.

The current hearing is not a political exercise. It's a criminal investigation. Any evidence of criminal behavior that's discovered will be turned over to the DOJ and criminal indictments will follow.

All the butt kissing spineless GOP weenie Senators in the world won't be able to help Trump this time.

Anyone that thinks that Trump will get away with attempting to overthrow Democracy is a fool!!!
The House Clowns showed up both times with no case, Dummy.
Trump isn't trying to "question and challenge" the outcome, he's trying to overturn the results of the election by lying and deceit. He's doing this to PREVENT being arrested and tried for his numerous crimes committed both before and during his tenure as President.

Since Presidents are shielded from prosecution while in office, Trump was hoping to run out the Statute of Limitations on his crimes during his campaign and his first term, by being re-elected. Now he's committing more crimes (fraud) by continuing to fundraise off his lies.

Further crimes involving January 6th are coming to light, and while no past President has ever been prosecuted for crimes committed while in office, Donald Trump will very likely be the first.

In any case, Trump Corporation will lose it's liquor and gambling licenses the world over because of the prosecution of the company for tax evasion in New York. That'll be enough to bring Trump and his entire family, down financially.

If Trump dies broke, and hated throughout the world, that's good enough for me.
Link us up to these crimes Dragonlady

Watch this pathetic dodge……..
View attachment 523137

Speaking with CNN "State of the Union" host Dana Bash on Sunday morning, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was closed-mouthed about the particulars but revealed that Jeffrey Rosen -- former acting Attorney General under Donald Trump -- provided lawmakers with a treasure trove of information about Trump's attempts to interfere with the 2020 presidential election results.

It's just a matter of time now donny boy.
Rawstory????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!
View attachment 523137

Speaking with CNN "State of the Union" host Dana Bash on Sunday morning, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was closed-mouthed about the particulars but revealed that Jeffrey Rosen -- former acting Attorney General under Donald Trump -- provided lawmakers with a treasure trove of information about Trump's attempts to interfere with the 2020 presidential election results.

It's just a matter of time now donny boy.
CNN has another bombshell story about Trump.

CNN daily bombshells worked well to keep their ratings up while Trump was in office so now they are trying once again to improve their ratings with another story that will likely prove to be bullshit like all the others.
Sure he is.

The proof of the pudding will now be IF he is arrested, charged AND convicted.

Now if only the Left were as much concerned about all the crimes committed by DEMOCRATS.

But THEY AREN'T, so that invalidates everything you say as just more partisan crap.

What crimes are those? Trump investigated Democrats for four years and nobody could find a crime to prosecute.

Republicans keep running investigations to find proof that the rumours they started about Democrats. Trump says Obama spied on him so they have an investigation about Obama spying on the Trump campaign. Barr went around the world looking for evidence and found none. Durham investigated for two years and found nothing to charge against anyone - in regards to spying on Trump.

Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton and the entire Obama administration for eight years without recommending any charges. The FBI investigated Hillary Clinton for 20 years and has yet to recommend charges. These are all Republicans.

Apparently Democrats are smart enough to realize that the House and Senate is going to investigate everything they do so they shouldn’t commit any crimes. Republicans don’t seem to be smart enough to keep their pants zipped, and their hands out of every cookie jar offered to them.

More than 300 charges have been filed against Republican since Nixon. There have been exactly 3 Democrats charged since Carter.

But Republican voters continue to believe that Republicans are as pure as the driven snow and it’s the Democrats that are criminally corrupt. How gullible do you have to be to continue to believe these lies?

Of course the people who are telling them that the Democrats are criminals are also being caught an endless lies and having to pay out legal fees for lies that they tell. Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, Breitbart, the Sinclair family, the Mercer family, all the right wing conspiracy theory promoters have a vested interest in keeping the tax cuts going.

But keep believing their lies. If you’re that stupid you deserve to be fleeced and to be broke and unemployed.
100% EXONERATED two times.

The delusion is that Trump has ever been exonerated of anything.

Mueller did not exonerate Trump in anyway shape or form. In refusing to convict him on two separate occasions that he was impeached, Republican senators admitted he was guilty, but refuse to convict him in the Senate because the people should decide.

Your continued belief in the endless lies you spew indicates either a lack of intelligence or criminal laziness. Either way you’re broke and unemployed and living in grandma’s basement. Silly boy.

If you had a job you wouldn’t be posting here would you?
What crimes are those? Trump investigated Democrats for four years and nobody could find a crime to prosecute.
Wha-Wha-What? You mean DEMOCRATS investigated Trump for four years yet nobody could find a crime to prosecute, ---first Mueller's hapless Russia, Russia, Russia, then Nancy's Ukraine Impeachgate 1 then her Election Protest Impeachgate 2 after HE WAS ALREADY OUT OF OFFICE! And now her bogus 1/6 commission with preselected people all who hate Trump to find Donald at fault for EVERYTHING and the Democrats nothing, all the while trying to slip it under the rug that if she needs a 1/6 commission to find out "what happened," then she is admitting SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED that day after already impeaching Trump blaming him all for it! :lmao:

What a bunch of shit-stick horse's asses you are allied with.

More than 300 charges have been filed against Republican since Nixon. There have been exactly 3 Democrats charged since Carter.
Proving once again that the legal system is completely FUCKED and totally controlled by the Left, as I can't think of any bigger criminals or crooks than Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obumma, Biddum, and half of Obumma's cabinet. They are all CAREER politicians. Trump OTOH was a stranger in a strange land guided mainly by his street business common sense that works in the real world and was unprepared for the alternate reality that is our Washington. That's not HIS fault but all the corrupt people you love so much.
Any day now, you got him this time ! When will the arrests be made? Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! .....

I remember when that long neck turtle face guy Adam Schiff said that repeatedly about “RUSSIA”.
He's is what you guys don't understand (or simply want to continue to deny)

All stuff Russia was halted by GOP'ers.
Facts came out, and the GOP, which is deathly afraid of trump, stopped and further discussion and fact gathering by refusing to even look at the data. A lot like you are whining about with Rudy and his court case "They refuse to even look at the evidence." You cheered when the Senate just voted to acquit without hearing the facts. You screamed Total Exoneration.

There is a 6 month investigation going on, and they are not going to indict any trump until all the information is gathered and analyzed. There is no GOP TRUMP TEAM to stop it this time.
Neither McConnell, or anyone in the GOP Senate can stop it this time.

This will be handled by the real courts. Let the process play out.
You truly know and understand that all this "News" is very damaging to team trump, just not gonna damage him today or next month.

Let the 6 months play out, if shortly after that (another few months) and there is nothing, then I will also start to doubt the investigation. But until then, hang tight and hold on. You're about to hear more disturbing news about your King and his corruption.

And you're gonna be pissed.

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