'An Awful Lot There': Top Dem Serves Notice To Trump That His Former AG Spilled The Beans In 7 Hour Testimony

The four year partisan witch hunt is suddenly going to not be because… why?

Republicans investigated Trump throughout the "4 year partisan witch hunt". Both the CIA and the FBI were being run by Trump appointees. All top positions within the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA were Trump's personal appointees.

Trump was investigated by the people HE appointed. They all found him committing multiple crimes. All of the people who testified at Trump's first impeachment hearing, were people who were hired by Donald Trump, and the members of his administration.

Republicans investigated Trump throughout the "4 year partisan witch hunt". Both the CIA and the FBI were being run by Trump appointees. All top positions within the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA were Trump's personal appointees.

Trump was investigated by the people HE appointed. They all found him committing multiple crimes. All of the people who testified at Trump's first impeachment hearing, were people who were hired by Donald Trump, and the members of his administration.

Link us up to these crimes they say he committed.

Im betting Dumbfuck KKKAnadian Dragonbreath will not be able to back up her bullshit.
Apparently you are very high up in this. You might even been in the room when Rosen gave testimony. So please explain how Rosen lied or got something wrong. We depend on you, as an insider to the proceedings, to report back. What did Rosen say? Did he look nervous or stutter? Did he ever answer a question by saying that he did not recall?

When GOP poll observers in Detroit were forcibly removed on election night, the Detroit branch of the FBI was called, and the FBI never showed up. Mr. Rosen knew that would happen.

Mr. Rosen understands that when the GOP wins 35 states both state house and state senate, that the down ballot was a huge red wave.

Mr. Rosen is not a patriotic American, and president trump was 100% correct about election fraud.

All of those behind the steal were Zionist Jews

Coney barrett
Rupert Murdoch
Fox News

Who are the "republicans" who support the steal?

The Zionist 911 traitors


Mr. Rosen is a traitor a dozen times over...
Yeah, and when nothing happens will you claim it was best not to do anything because if something were to be done it could cause a Civil War?
Funny Mac I was under the impression that the victim role is frequently demonstrated by members of the left. To be more fair than either you or me, a wise person would say that embracing victimhood is an individual choice, not really a “party thing”. But I’ll leave it to the wise folks for those types of discussions.
The Left often played/plays the victim card as it pertains to matters of political correctness and identity politics. Going too damn far.

And now, Trump (the biggest victim of all) has taught the Right to do exactly the same thing.

Funny how similar the behaviors of the two ends of our spectrum can be. Why do you suppose that is?
Raw Story - Left Bias - Liberal - Progressive - Democrat - Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Raw Story Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to half-true, false, and unproven claims, as well as the promotion of mild pseudoscience misinformation.
Fair Call...

I say this stuff is speculating... Both sides at it...

But lets see where this is going... The reports coming from the media would be consistent with other things like the Georgia call and Rudy's call to Arizona... Also his many misinformation statements on the election..

Trump was desperate for the DOJ to back him but lets see what he asked them... Rosen was a trump appointee and has little reason to lie and a lot of reasons to tell the truth...

At some point the Trump Supporters have to stop saying that all these Trump appointees are lying... Trump at the time was entertaining conversations from conspiracy theorists, the reality people had the left the room to get new jobs..

Lets see where this brings us..
When GOP poll observers in Detroit were forcibly removed on election night, the Detroit branch of the FBI was called, and the FBI never showed up. Mr. Rosen knew that would happen.

Mr. Rosen understands that when the GOP wins 35 states both state house and state senate, that the down ballot was a huge red wave.

Mr. Rosen is not a patriotic American, and president trump was 100% correct about election fraud.

All of those behind the steal were Zionist Jews

Coney barrett
Rupert Murdoch
Fox News

Who are the "republicans" who support the steal?

The Zionist 911 traitors


Mr. Rosen is a traitor a dozen times over...
We’re going to have to take your program offline to run some diagnostics. There seems to be some glitches in your logic and ethical subroutines. I’m concerned we might be at risk of a cascade failure if we don’t act soon. :uhoh3:
Link us up to these crimes they say he committed.

Im betting Dumbfuck KKKAnadian Dragonbreath will not be able to back up her bullshit.

Read the impeachment proceedings A$$hat. Use google.

Stop sitting on you ass and expecting others to do everything for you. I have a life, which you clearly, you don't, since you're still here night and day. I have orders to get out. Pandemic's over where I live.

'An Awful Lot There'​

I remember when that long neck turtle face guy Adam Schiff said that repeatedly about “RUSSIA”.

Filthy LefTards:
“We got him right where we want him...and this time we really mean it.”
Episode #3,988
SPeaking of pencil neck, did he ever make his minions happy and find those naked pictures of Trump he was so hot for? Or do those Russians DJs still have him waiting?
Who knows what's going to come out.

But if something is proven, the Trumpsters won't be able to spin their way out it by calling it partisan.

Doesn't matter the guy appointed tRump is obviously a Deep State RINO by
2. is this like Russian Collusion?

More like Uranium 1!
Last edited:
Read the impeachment proceedings A$$hat. Use google.

Stop sitting on you ass and expecting others to do everything for you. I have a life, which you clearly, you don't, since you're still here night and day. I have orders to get out. Pandemic's over where I live.
No charges of any crimes in the Shampeachments, Dumbass.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded toenails.

Oh, and make sure you Super Size those orders.
When GOP poll observers in Detroit were forcibly removed on election night, the Detroit branch of the FBI was called, and the FBI never showed up. Mr. Rosen knew that would happen.

Mr. Rosen understands that when the GOP wins 35 states both state house and state senate, that the down ballot was a huge red wave.

Mr. Rosen is not a patriotic American, and president trump was 100% correct about election fraud.

All of those behind the steal were Zionist Jews

Coney barrett
Rupert Murdoch
Fox News

Who are the "republicans" who support the steal?

The Zionist 911 traitors


Mr. Rosen is a traitor a dozen times over...

The "GOP poll observers" who were removed in Michigan were armed terrorists hanging around outside of polling stations in poor neighbourhoods to "key an eye on things". There were no certified poll watchers from either party who were removed from the polling stations. Only the right wing extremists who Trump told to "stand back and stand by", with their AR weapons slung at ready were removed.

Trump's terrorists were removed. Republican Party poll watchers were not. They were present at every polling station in the country and had proper access. All signed off on seeing nothing improper happening at the polls.

I'm not ignoring your blatant anti-semitism, and bullshit about Jews. It's just further proof of what a piece of shit you are.
View attachment 523137

Speaking with CNN "State of the Union" host Dana Bash on Sunday morning, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was closed-mouthed about the particulars but revealed that Jeffrey Rosen -- former acting Attorney General under Donald Trump -- provided lawmakers with a treasure trove of information about Trump's attempts to interfere with the 2020 presidential election results.

It's just a matter of time now donny boy.

'Yeah! We've got him THIS time for sure! No, really....seriously, you guys. I know you have heard that literally a thousand times, but this time its different! We've got him this time!'


'........yay.........' / (zzzzzzzzzzzz)
Impeachment is a political exercise only. Trump was not found guilty of the impeachment charges because the spineless weenie GOP senators refused to vote 'guilty' no matter how guilty he obviously was.

The current hearing is not a political exercise. It's a criminal investigation. Any evidence of criminal behavior that's discovered will be turned over to the DOJ and criminal indictments will follow.

All the butt kissing spineless GOP weenie Senators in the world won't be able to help Trump this time.

Anyone that thinks that Trump will get away with attempting to overthrow Democracy is a fool!!!
View attachment 523432 You idiots have been claiming to "serve notice" on Trump since the day he took office! :21:

In other words, Trump's efforts to QUESTION and CHALLENGE the reported outcome! :lmao:

Gaslight much?

Trump isn't trying to "question and challenge" the outcome, he's trying to overturn the results of the election by lying and deceit. He's doing this to PREVENT being arrested and tried for his numerous crimes committed both before and during his tenure as President.

Since Presidents are shielded from prosecution while in office, Trump was hoping to run out the Statute of Limitations on his crimes during his campaign and his first term, by being re-elected. Now he's committing more crimes (fraud) by continuing to fundraise off his lies.

Further crimes involving January 6th are coming to light, and while no past President has ever been prosecuted for crimes committed while in office, Donald Trump will very likely be the first.

In any case, Trump Corporation will lose it's liquor and gambling licenses the world over because of the prosecution of the company for tax evasion in New York. That'll be enough to bring Trump and his entire family, down financially.

If Trump dies broke, and hated throughout the world, that's good enough for me.
Trump isn't trying to "question and challenge" the outcome
Sure he is.

He's doing this to PREVENT being arrested
The proof of the pudding will now be IF he is arrested, charged AND convicted.

Now if only the Left were as much concerned about all the crimes committed by DEMOCRATS.

But THEY AREN'T, so that invalidates everything you say as just more partisan crap.
Ex amployee has something bad to say about their boss?

What's next a news report on breaking news that water is wet?

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