An Early Childhood Lesson -

Well, if he was 12 or 13, then it would be teaching him a lesson perhaps, but at 7 years old, he is just practically a baby still, so no, I don't think it's right to handcuff babies to try to teach them "lessons." There are better and more appropriate ways to teach lessons at that age.

They learn at a very simple level. "Violent misbehavior = handcuffs and embarrassment, or worse".

We live in a violent age, with few disciplinary actions taken by the schools. Ergo, others must act.

Hell, I got whupped on the back of the legs with a map pointer in class at that age just for not knowing my multiplication tables forwards and backwards.

You can bet I knew them the next day. :laugh:
I had a government school teacher in second grade, who looked like she was born in the 19th century.

If you acted up, you were called to the front of the class and told to hold out your hands palms up. She then whacked them with a hardwood ruler. I can clearly state that students in her class, rarely acted up. We learned instead.

If a government school teacher did that today, she would likely be imprisoned for child abuse.

Corporal punishment is illegal now and has been for a very long time, since the time before I even started school.

And the results of such a boneheaded decision are clear.

BTW, 19 states still permit corporal punishment.

So you would be okay if a teacher decided YOUR child needed a spanking? Well, I don't really want anyone (except for maybe my parents) to be putting their hands on my child.

They would have my express permission to do so.
They learn at a very simple level. "Violent misbehavior = handcuffs and embarrassment, or worse".

We live in a violent age, with few disciplinary actions taken by the schools. Ergo, others must act.

Hell, I got whupped on the back of the legs with a map pointer in class at that age just for not knowing my multiplication tables forwards and backwards.

You can bet I knew them the next day. :laugh:
I had a government school teacher in second grade, who looked like she was born in the 19th century.

If you acted up, you were called to the front of the class and told to hold out your hands palms up. She then whacked them with a hardwood ruler. I can clearly state that students in her class, rarely acted up. We learned instead.

If a government school teacher did that today, she would likely be imprisoned for child abuse.

Corporal punishment is illegal now and has been for a very long time, since the time before I even started school.

And the results of such a boneheaded decision are clear.

BTW, 19 states still permit corporal punishment.

So you would be okay if a teacher decided YOUR child needed a spanking? Well, I don't really want anyone (except for maybe my parents) to be putting their hands on my child.

They would have my express permission to do so.

Well then maybe we should have it so that parents who want teachers hitting their kids can give them permission to do so, and the rest of us can excuse our children from the wrath of frustrated and perhaps unstable teachers who are basically strangers to us as far as their personal lives are concerned.
I had a government school teacher in second grade, who looked like she was born in the 19th century.

If you acted up, you were called to the front of the class and told to hold out your hands palms up. She then whacked them with a hardwood ruler. I can clearly state that students in her class, rarely acted up. We learned instead.

If a government school teacher did that today, she would likely be imprisoned for child abuse.

Corporal punishment is illegal now and has been for a very long time, since the time before I even started school.

And the results of such a boneheaded decision are clear.

BTW, 19 states still permit corporal punishment.

So you would be okay if a teacher decided YOUR child needed a spanking? Well, I don't really want anyone (except for maybe my parents) to be putting their hands on my child.

They would have my express permission to do so.

Well then maybe we should have it so that parents who want teachers hitting their kids can give them permission to do so, and the rest of us can excuse our children from the wrath of frustrated and perhaps unstable teachers who are basically strangers to us as far as their personal lives are concerned.

That is the case in the states that permit it.

Unstable people should not be employed by the system in any case, but are protected by the unions. That should stop. Instant termination for cause should be the rule for both instability and incompetence.
I didn't beat my kids and they turned out better than I, who was beat regularly for anything...So fuck yer old fashioned ideology which perceives that violence is a good thing...
I didn't beat my kids and they turned out better than I, who was beat regularly for anything...So fuck yer old fashioned ideology which perceives that violence is a good thing...
That's a low bar.

I didn't beat my kids and they turned out better than I, who was beat regularly for anything...So fuck yer old fashioned ideology which perceives that violence is a good thing...
That's a low bar.

You find something they value and hold it for ransom..
You are confusing things, as you often do.

If your kid physically attacks a teacher, the school SHOULD have the right to take physical action against your kid. This discipline must not be unjust or sadistic. It worked for decades in this country. Kids need discipline and they learn from it. Secondly, a disruptive student harms all the other students ability to learn.

Now if your kid causes trouble at HOME, that is different from causing trouble at school.
I didn't beat my kids and they turned out better than I, who was beat regularly for anything...So fuck yer old fashioned ideology which perceives that violence is a good thing...
That's a low bar.

You find something they value and hold it for ransom..
You are confusing things, as you often do.

If your kid physically attacks a teacher, the school SHOULD have the right to take physical action against your kid. This discipline must not be unjust or sadistic. It worked for decades in this country. Kids need discipline and they learn from it. Secondly, a disruptive student harms all the other students ability to learn.

Now if your kid causes trouble at HOME, that is different from causing trouble at school.
Then discipline the child why do you whine so much?
I didn't beat my kids and they turned out better than I, who was beat regularly for anything...So fuck yer old fashioned ideology which perceives that violence is a good thing...

I didn't beat mine either. Didn't need to. And discipline does not require a "beating" anyway.

Children - all humans - are essentially animals. Some are more easily trained than others.
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I was once asked about substitute teaching at the high school level by a friend in the business.

I laughed and asked her why she was suddenly so interested in seeing me on the front page of the local paper.
If the child DID repeatedly punch a teacher, handcuffing him is a minor thing. He needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Now that would teach him a lesson he won't forget.

Lack of disciple in our government schools, is a major problem that impedes learning.

If the child was getting discipline at home, then the school wouldn't need to "discipline" him. He should be expelled from school until his parents can get him under control. Nowadays, we have "special" schools for children who can't seem to get by in a regular classroom environment, where the teachers are trained on how to properly restrain aggressive students.
I second this. Either the child isn't punished at home or he is and it just isn't enough whatever is done to him there.

God bless you always!!!

Why would you want to give a teacher a pass to abuse a child? Some teachers are sickos and are out there sexually molesting and abusing kids now. Imagine how they could take advantage of such a situation? I would be bullshit if any teacher ever laid a hand on my child in such a way. If you have a problem with my kid, then you call me, and I will deal with him.
The thing is parents today are not disciplining their children. Teachers can't do it either. The result is bedlam in many of our government schools, which results in very little learning.

My children NEVER walked the halls of a government school. This is something I am most proud of.
My children walked the halls of government schools only, gipper, and they are all better off than I am. The difference is that they did it 50 years ago to my 70 years ago. We learned the 3 R's only back then, but at home we learned discipline, respect for others, religion and that fear that the Bible calls 'the beginning of wisdom'. There was probably abuse too, but I never saw any. Nowadays the abuse still comes, but in the form of classmate bullying, not teacher-childbeaters. I'll never understand why parents, as in this case, turn their kids over to someone else to civilize, then forbid them to take steps to discipline. The old joke about 'first you gotta get their attention' is still relevant. Almost looks like this kid needed a sharp smack on the get his attention as he slugged away.
If the child DID repeatedly punch a teacher, handcuffing him is a minor thing. He needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Now that would teach him a lesson he won't forget.

Lack of disciple in our government schools, is a major problem that impedes learning.

If the child was getting discipline at home, then the school wouldn't need to "discipline" him. He should be expelled from school until his parents can get him under control. Nowadays, we have "special" schools for children who can't seem to get by in a regular classroom environment, where the teachers are trained on how to properly restrain aggressive students.

If the child were disciplined at home CPS would come and take him or her from the home. " now honey don't do that any more" really doesn't work today. lol
- that will likely remain unlearned due to the adults' reactions.

Parents outraged after school police handcuffed 7-year-old boy

Back in the day the parents would be called.
Back in the day ( and we are only talking maybe twenty years ago) the principal would deal with it.
Back in the day they would seek behavioral help for the parents.......

Today however it's slap them on a few different behavior drugs, which cause their own issues within issues nobody wants to believe that one either because the school police and medical gods know best.... Lazy fkrs don't bother researching a gawd dam thing when it's all right there in black and white .

Today what sheep refuse to BELIEVE . we have been acclimated into accepting the schools as the " POLICE" they are your kids parents what part do sheep not get how this has infiltrated the public school systems for decades.
If the child DID repeatedly punch a teacher, handcuffing him is a minor thing. He needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Now that would teach him a lesson he won't forget.

Lack of disciple in our government schools, is a major problem that impedes learning.

If the child was getting discipline at home, then the school wouldn't need to "discipline" him. He should be expelled from school until his parents can get him under control. Nowadays, we have "special" schools for children who can't seem to get by in a regular classroom environment, where the teachers are trained on how to properly restrain aggressive students.

If the child were disciplined at home CPS would come and take him or her from the home. " now honey don't do that any more" really doesn't work today. lol

I've disciplined my son and never have had CPS come take him. You don't have to beat your kids to get them to behave. That is old school thinking. That is obsolete.
If the child DID repeatedly punch a teacher, handcuffing him is a minor thing. He needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Now that would teach him a lesson he won't forget.

Lack of disciple in our government schools, is a major problem that impedes learning.

If the child was getting discipline at home, then the school wouldn't need to "discipline" him. He should be expelled from school until his parents can get him under control. Nowadays, we have "special" schools for children who can't seem to get by in a regular classroom environment, where the teachers are trained on how to properly restrain aggressive students.

If the child were disciplined at home CPS would come and take him or her from the home. " now honey don't do that any more" really doesn't work today. lol

I've disciplined my son and never have had CPS come take him. You don't have to beat your kids to get them to behave. That is old school thinking. That is obsolete.

lol well I know that lol. But what I mean is there are some kids who need a good ole fashioned ass whopping. Not beat black and blue etc... and really generations have made it just fine getting an ass crack from a hand.
We can be pretty sure it hasn't caused the mental anguish leftist sheep claim it does ..

Now if you beat the living hell out of them of course that can do a little damage...
If the child DID repeatedly punch a teacher, handcuffing him is a minor thing. He needs a good old fashioned ass whooping. Now that would teach him a lesson he won't forget.

Lack of disciple in our government schools, is a major problem that impedes learning.

If the child was getting discipline at home, then the school wouldn't need to "discipline" him. He should be expelled from school until his parents can get him under control. Nowadays, we have "special" schools for children who can't seem to get by in a regular classroom environment, where the teachers are trained on how to properly restrain aggressive students.

If the child were disciplined at home CPS would come and take him or her from the home. " now honey don't do that any more" really doesn't work today. lol

I've disciplined my son and never have had CPS come take him. You don't have to beat your kids to get them to behave. That is old school thinking. That is obsolete.

lol well I know that lol. But what I mean is there are some kids who need a good ole fashioned ass whopping. Not beat black and blue etc... and really generations have made it just fine getting an ass crack from a hand.
We can be pretty sure it hasn't caused the mental anguish leftist sheep claim it does ..

Now if you beat the living hell out of them of course that can do a little damage...

It depends on the kid, I suppose.
I was lucky. My son was really easy going, hardly ever cried as a baby, was always happy and smiling and very good natured. I only had problems with him when it came to cleaning his room. Then, he reached his pre teen years and started to become a PITA, but ONLY at school and hardly ever at home. A class clown, talking too much, skipping some classes, not doing homework, but he was always quite well behaved at home (aside from arguing - he would ask me a question and then argue with me about the answer I would give him - very annoying! He must get that from me! :dunno:) He never really has done anything that I would have to hit him for though. I might have spanked him 5 times in his whole life.

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