An Everday Iowan Sees Hillary - "Sortof": A Photo Essay


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
A college student in Iowa took Hillary at her word and try to see her as an Everyday person.

Hi. My name is Erika Smalley. I grew up in Iowa. I am currently a student at Kirkwood Community College.

That’s the same place that Hillary Clinton visited on her first campaign stop to my state. I went there to see if I could meet Hillary. Here is Hillary’s press release:

I arrived about an hour before the event and all I could find were reporters.

A great photo essay here:

I Am An Everyday Iowan And Here Is How Close I Got To Hillary Clinton Today

Taking her at her word, Ms. Smalley set about trying to see Mrs. Clinton when she arrived at Kirkwood. Along the way Smalley, in what has now become typical 21st century style, whipped out her cell phone to take pictures. Suffice to say her photographs, found here, presented an entirely different picture of the Clinton-meets-Iowans adventure than that shown by the national media. Sean Hannity picked up on this and very quickly there was Smalley on the Hannity TV show with her pictures. They were not flattering to the candidate.

There was a herd of press staring at a vacant field, waiting for the candidate. There were a couple of protesters protesting Clinton’s ties to Wall Street. There were students at the college locked down in their own building and physically kept from even being in the same room with the candidate. There was the door with the Hillary campaign logo, where Smalley was told she could not be given access as she was not invited to the event. Finally there was the blurry, distant photo of Hilary herself emerging from the building the same way she came in — through a back door. And last but not least her motorcade, replete with the darkened windows of the black SUV speeding by, the candidate invisible.

Read more at Hillary s Iran Scandal The Empress Has No Clothes The American Spectator
Yep, it's all about the marketing, no substance needed. In the mean time the hildabeasts motorcade was clocked on the NJ turnpike at 92mph. Must be nice to live in a world where laws don't apply.

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