An ex democrat senator said we were to used to low gas prices

Pelosi is not worried about gasoline prices because she uses a jet.

When the dollar is worth about what a penny was worth in the 1970's we'll just have the government print up some more money and pay off our debts to China and other countries.



From your link..

The situation is hardly a happy coincidence for U.S. motorists. On the contrary, American fuel prices are kept down artificially by low gas taxes that fail to address the true social cost of driving.

Again, are you tired of being an idiot.
We got used to a lot of things before this clusterfuck of a president: Cheaper gasoline and propane, no shortages, no disruptions in the supply lines, no Russian invasion of Ukraine, lower inflation, lower taxes, we had a strong military, we had something resembling a border, and we had a President who would talk to the people of this country, instead of mumbling incoherently and walking away. It was also refreshing to have a President who had a sense of humor and wasn't afraid to take on the establishment.
Just imagine if your wages kept pace with inflation. You wouldn't have to complain about inflation!


I'm not. How to you feel about $50 for a bushel of corn.

Sounds fair to me.

After all we don't want to get used to low corn prices.


You literally just did.

In your last post. It was your entire point. The entire post.

You are an insufferable asshat. Go beg attention from someone else.


I don't see the problem because I'm supporting your higher fuel prices and a $100 a bushel for corn in the near future.

Viva la capitalism!


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The broad got a good point. During the Hussein-Biden Regime, gasoline prices stayed consistently high during the entire 8 years as part of their plan to take down the Middle Class.

The Trumpster turned that around, but Brandon got gasoline prices to march upward from the time he seized power.
What a moronic statement. US oil production doubled under Obama because the ppb was high enough to justify investment in increased capacity.
She could have said we were used to high prices under Obama because he drove prices up to $3.75 and as high as >$4 during his first six years.

"we got used to $2 gas, that's the problem"​

Sorry, but I don't consider $2 a gallon gas EVER a problem!

Hey! How much wheat, barley, rye, and such, do those Saudi's, Chinese, Europeans, and others, require at four to five times the current going rate?

We shouldn't let them get used to paying those low prices for their commodities otherwise we should turn it into ethanol for our vehicles because it's a renewable fuel source.

Viva la capitalism!!!


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