An example of stupid Democrat LIE!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I just heard an ad by a Democrat who said his GOP opponent was in favor of "privatizing Medicare"!
What an idiot!
Obviously this idiot doesn't know these FACTS!!!
Obviously you don't know that nearly More than half of eligible Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage in 2024.
In 2024, more than half (54%) of eligible Medicare beneficiaries – 32.8 million people out of 61.2 million Medicare beneficiaries with both Medicare Parts A and B – are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage in 2024: Enrollment Update and Key Trends | KFF trends/#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20eligible,enrolled%20in%20Medicare%20Advantage%20plans.
Beneficiaries with diabetes will be able to choose from over 1,600 Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans which all offer insulin for a copay of $35 per month in 2021. CMS declared that over 1,750 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans would participate in the model.Over 1,600 Medicare Advantage plans in All 50 states and they have over 54% of Medicare beneficiaries as MEMBERS! These plans (Also known as Part C) are mostly for profit!
How dumb you Dumbocrats are !
I just heard an ad by a Democrat who said his GOP opponent was in favor of "privatizing Medicare"!
And it was probably true, so why are you squealing?

Oh, that's right. Trump cultists don't care about truth. In their eyes, morality is defined by what benefits TheParty.

Oh, many Medicare Advantage plans are a scam.
I just heard an ad by a Democrat who said his GOP opponent was in favor of "privatizing Medicare"!
What an idiot!
Obviously this idiot doesn't know these FACTS!!!
Obviously you don't know that nearly More than half of eligible Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage in 2024.
In 2024, more than half (54%) of eligible Medicare beneficiaries – 32.8 million people out of 61.2 million Medicare beneficiaries with both Medicare Parts A and B – are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage in 2024: Enrollment Update and Key Trends | KFF trends/#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20eligible,enrolled%20in%20Medicare%20Advantage%20plans.
Beneficiaries with diabetes will be able to choose from over 1,600 Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans which all offer insulin for a copay of $35 per month in 2021. CMS declared that over 1,750 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans would participate in the model.Over 1,600 Medicare Advantage plans in All 50 states and they have over 54% of Medicare beneficiaries as MEMBERS! These plans (Also known as Part C) are mostly for profit!
How dumb you Dumbocrats are !
Maybe if you paid attention that dem is right as most republican legislatures do want to completely privatize Medicare and throw everyone into a Med Advantage not just half of the Medicare eligibles.
It was true but take into consideration this was proposed by a committee (Republican based) and nowhere near the level of a vote being taken. With this being an election year, they are making plans if they can gain enough power

But its a secret now

On Wednesday, the Republican Study Committee – which represents 100% of House Republican leadership and nearly 80% of their members – just proposed yet another budget that would cut Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act , as well as increase prescription drug, energy, and housing costs – all while forcing tax giveaways for the very rich onto the country. Their plan would even raise the Social Security retirement age

80% of House Republicans released a Budget that:

Cuts Medicare and Social Security while putting health care at risk for millions

  1. Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits.
  2. Raises Medicare costs for seniors by taking away Medicare’s authority to negotiate prescription drug costs, repealing $35 insulin, and the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap in the Inflation Reduction Act
  3. Transitions Medicare to a premium support system that CBO has found would raise premiums for many seniors.
  4. Cuts Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program by $4.5 trillion over ten years, taking coverage away from millions of people, eroding care for seniors, children, and people with disabilities, and taking us back to the days where people could be denied care for pre-existing conditions and charged more for health insurance simply for being a woman.
Rigs the economy for the wealthy and large corporations against middle class families

It is true and one would have to keep in mind that this is a proposal by house republicans

Republicans Are Planning to Totally Privatize Medicare -- And Fast
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I just heard an ad by a Democrat who said his GOP opponent was in favor of "privatizing Medicare"!
What an idiot!
Obviously this idiot doesn't know these FACTS!!!
Obviously you don't know that nearly More than half of eligible Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage in 2024.
In 2024, more than half (54%) of eligible Medicare beneficiaries – 32.8 million people out of 61.2 million Medicare beneficiaries with both Medicare Parts A and B – are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage in 2024: Enrollment Update and Key Trends | KFF trends/#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20eligible,enrolled%20in%20Medicare%20Advantage%20plans.
Beneficiaries with diabetes will be able to choose from over 1,600 Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans which all offer insulin for a copay of $35 per month in 2021. CMS declared that over 1,750 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans would participate in the model.Over 1,600 Medicare Advantage plans in All 50 states and they have over 54% of Medicare beneficiaries as MEMBERS! These plans (Also known as Part C) are mostly for profit!
How dumb you Dumbocrats are !
Every Harris ad is a stupid lie.
George Bush refused to support any candidate this year

I guess he not going to back a democrat

but he sure is not backing the republican

Trump republicans, - He is all we got


That has been a republican dream for decades.

Everyone knows it.

Next stupidity please.
Yet they never achieved it
That has been a republican dream for decades.

Everyone knows it.

Next stupidity please.

Now the facts , I am sure you heard of obama care. This was before Trump became president. Republicans hate it because he thought of it first. Then everyone wants to get on that and wagon

Trumpcare is nothing more than a repeat of obama care.

Private Medicare plans have existed since the 1970s but only really took off in recent decades. A big change came under President Obama. His Affordable Care Act, which became known as “Obamacare,” improved the system, drove down costs and introduced incentives for insurers to make their plans better — including a star rating and annual bonuses for hitting quality targets.

Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley all want to repeal Obamacare.

in Trumps case he just wanted to rename it Trumpcare.

How original


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