An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.
When you have a federal reserve that can print money and when your currency is the default currency of the world, you absolutely can have such a ponzi scheme. But sooner or later you have to pay the piper. That's what makes this millennial generation the dumbest ever. They don't know what they do. And the bad part is they're going to pay the biggest price. Dumb bastards.
A surprising amount of the National Debt is held by the Social Security Administration ... the rip off the Fund, first you'll have to pay off all those T-bonds ... which kinda defeats the purpose of ripping off SS ...

Federal Courts have the power to stay Executive Orders ... we learned that from Obama's generous immigration EO's ... and the whole notion of The Donald stiffing his power base is stupid ... it's the elder who put him in office, and he knows it ...

I don't have a stake in this fire ... Social Security is for people too stupid to plan their own retirement ... so the stupid should be thankful for the morsels they do get ...

The I.O.U.s held in the Social Security fund is the result of money being "borrowed" by every administration.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


What trust fund? All SS has is a bunch of IOU's that can only be paid out of the government general fund via taxes and borrowing.

There are no actual assets save debt documents saying the feds owe social security a large amount of money now that SS is close to or trending in the red.
There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.
When you have a federal reserve that can print money and when your currency is the default currency of the world, you absolutely can have such a ponzi scheme. But sooner or later you have to pay the piper. That's what makes this millennial generation the dumbest ever. They don't know what they do. And the bad part is they're going to pay the biggest price. Dumb bastards.

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


What trust fund? All SS has is a bunch of IOU's that can only be paid out of the government general fund via taxes and borrowing.

There are no actual assets save debt documents saying the feds owe social security a large amount of money now that SS is close to or trending in the red.

Has any administration repaid a single dime they borrowed? KInda hard to call it borrowing if there was never any intention of repaying it.
There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.
When you have a federal reserve that can print money and when your currency is the default currency of the world, you absolutely can have such a ponzi scheme. But sooner or later you have to pay the piper. That's what makes this millennial generation the dumbest ever. They don't know what they do. And the bad part is they're going to pay the biggest price. Dumb bastards.

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.

Before the first Reagan tax cuts, and military spending, it was less than $1 trillion.

You can attribute every single dollar of that $27 trillion, to tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals, and largest corporations, and the increased military spending that came with them.

Not one single dollar of national debt is attributed to Social Security. It can't. By law. Social Security is paid for through payroll taxes.

Wall St. has been pushing that entitlement spending bullshit since Social Security was first enacted in the 1930's.

The only discussion that needs to happen, is how fast are we going to completely erase the tax cut scams, responsible for all of the current US economic problems of debt, deficit, and income inequality.

And going forward, that will be the only discussion had.
SS was originally designed to kick in 8 years after most people were dead.
So for it to go back to how it was originally designed, we just have to push the eligibility up to age 85.
Do that and it will be perfectly solvent again!
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


What trust fund? All SS has is a bunch of IOU's that can only be paid out of the government general fund via taxes and borrowing.

There are no actual assets save debt documents saying the feds owe social security a large amount of money now that SS is close to or trending in the red.

Has any administration repaid a single dime they borrowed? KInda hard to call it borrowing if there was never any intention of repaying it.

They never had to because SS was always in the black. Not anymore.
There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.
When you have a federal reserve that can print money and when your currency is the default currency of the world, you absolutely can have such a ponzi scheme. But sooner or later you have to pay the piper. That's what makes this millennial generation the dumbest ever. They don't know what they do. And the bad part is they're going to pay the biggest price. Dumb bastards.

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.

Before the first Reagan tax cuts, and military spending, it was less than $1 trillion.

You can attribute every single dollar of that $27 trillion, to tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals, and largest corporations, and the increased military spending that came with them.

Not one single dollar of national debt is attributed to Social Security. It can't. By law. Social Security is paid for through payroll taxes.

Wall St. has been pushing that entitlement spending bullshit since Social Security was first enacted in the 1930's.

The only discussion that needs to happen, is how fast are we going to completely erase the tax cut scams, responsible for all of the current US economic problems of debt, deficit, and income inequality.

And going forward, that will be the only discussion had.

Dude, how much of that debt you are talking about is owed to social security?

Your ignorance of the fact that spending too much money on the federal government is another issue just shows how much of a moron you are.
Workers are going to suffer if Bezo's doesn't get billions in corporate welfare?

Let me see if I have this right. If, as you say so it must be true, that Jeff Bezos gets a couple of billion dollars, you demand the tens of millions of workers lose everything through absolutely no fault of theirs.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


Confiscate? LOL!
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.

Social Security did not start out as a Ponzi Scheme but it most certainly is one today. Please show us all how a Ponzi Scheme is different from this definition.

Ponzi scheme
[ˈpänzē ˌskēm]

Ponzi scheme (noun) · Ponzi schemes (plural noun)
  1. a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.
Please show us all where President Donald Trump has stated, in modern history, that he intends to end Social Security. Do you deny that it needs a major overhaul?
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Dude, how much of that debt you are talking about is owed to social security?

Your ignorance of the fact that spending too much money on the federal government is another issue just shows how much of a moron you are.

Dude, Unfunded Liability as of 7/24/2020 of Social Security and Medicare.

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.


That would be their parents (Generation X) who refused to reduce spending. I'm from the "Silent Generation" so it's certainly not my fault either. So, I'm getting mine each month and incredible health insurance saving me well over $1,000. a month.

Thank you!
There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.
When you have a federal reserve that can print money and when your currency is the default currency of the world, you absolutely can have such a ponzi scheme. But sooner or later you have to pay the piper. That's what makes this millennial generation the dumbest ever. They don't know what they do. And the bad part is they're going to pay the biggest price. Dumb bastards.

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.

Before the first Reagan tax cuts, and military spending, it was less than $1 trillion.

You can attribute every single dollar of that $27 trillion, to tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals, and largest corporations, and the increased military spending that came with them.

Not one single dollar of national debt is attributed to Social Security. It can't. By law. Social Security is paid for through payroll taxes.

Wall St. has been pushing that entitlement spending bullshit since Social Security was first enacted in the 1930's.

The only discussion that needs to happen, is how fast are we going to completely erase the tax cut scams, responsible for all of the current US economic problems of debt, deficit, and income inequality.

And going forward, that will be the only discussion had.

No it won't. I don't disagree with you but it won't.
Workers are going to suffer if Bezo's doesn't get billions in corporate welfare?

Let me see if I have this right. If, as you say so it must be true, that Jeff Bezos gets a couple of billion dollars, you demand the tens of millions of workers lose everything through absolutely no fault of theirs.

This is known as a fallacious argument. I have no reason to address such a thing.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?

This "millennial" generation is not who got us 27 trillion in debt.


That would be their parents (Generation X) who refused to reduce spending. I'm from the "Silent Generation" so it's certainly not my fault either. So, I'm getting mine each month and incredible health insurance saving me well over $1,000. a month.

Thank you!

Much of them was still in school when this started.
Workers are going to suffer if Bezo's doesn't get billions in corporate welfare?

Let me see if I have this right. If, as you say so it must be true, that Jeff Bezos gets a couple of billion dollars, you demand the tens of millions of workers lose everything through absolutely no fault of theirs.

This is known as a fallacious argument. I have no reason to address such a thing.


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