An Experiment As ISIS Quite Obviously Baits France Into Open Conflict

And that process is simply not working, because the UN leader of France isn't concerned about violence. The test is whether or not they are willing to stop the invasion once the terror attacks begin. Take UN rep. Obama. The more the Muslims attack our citizens the faster he brings them here. Want a safe place to raise your children? Let Trump get us out of the UN and NATO. They are money sucking Muslim backers.

The test is HOW to stop the "invasion", not if they are willing. There's a lot going on behind the scenes on this. I suggest they get to the bottom of it and dole out a little incremental "pain" of their own. There's one thing I've learned about homo sapiens and politics on a small or worldwide scale...once the big silverbacks start losing massive bananas (and the lure to females), changes start happening at lightening speed..

be calm ladies-----we ain't the silverbacks----and the supremacist apes on either side of the pond got massive
supplies of bananas and massive numbers of THEM-SELVES.
We have to face the massive hordes of banana replete apes
with our own superior intellect
And that process is simply not working, because the UN leader of France isn't concerned about violence. The test is whether or not they are willing to stop the invasion once the terror attacks begin. Take UN rep. Obama. The more the Muslims attack our citizens the faster he brings them here. Want a safe place to raise your children? Let Trump get us out of the UN and NATO. They are money sucking Muslim backers.

Exactly. Just as our leaders don't care about violence against us.

Kosher-----read the book----the prescribed response to resistence is ----more murder and pillage and coercion.
The prescribed response to aquiescence is----more murder
and pillage and coercion
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .
And that process is simply not working, because the UN leader of France isn't concerned about violence. The test is whether or not they are willing to stop the invasion once the terror attacks begin. Take UN rep. Obama. The more the Muslims attack our citizens the faster he brings them here. Want a safe place to raise your children? Let Trump get us out of the UN and NATO. They are money sucking Muslim backers.

The test is HOW to stop the "invasion", not if they are willing. There's a lot going on behind the scenes on this. I suggest they get to the bottom of it and dole out a little incremental "pain" of their own. There's one thing I've learned about homo sapiens and politics on a small or worldwide scale...once the big silverbacks start losing massive bananas (and the lure to females), changes start happening at lightening speed..
You guys are way overthinking this.

We have a constitution, the constitution works. The reason we're where we are is that we have criminals at every level of officialdom IGNORING the constitution.

Start applying the constitution at every level, local, mid, top and you will immediately see improvement. IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can't get it done at the local level, you're screwed. It's war. They couldn't do it at the local level in Harney county because they waited too long.

Nevada and Texas are having a little success, but it's uphill. The feds didn't arrest Bundy in Nevada because the local government would not allow them to.

It's all about local government. It always has been.
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .

you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---
the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof
you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---

the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

I repeat...there are financial and strategic utililzers of Isis. Each time there is an attack, ban import of that country(s) goods. Just one item at a time. Pro bono for each attack. On the same day as the attack. Eventually, they'll make the connection.
you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---

the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

I repeat...there are financial and strategic utililzers of Isis. Each time there is an attack, ban import of that country(s) goods. Just one item at a time. Pro bono for each attack. On the same day as the attack. Eventually, they'll make the connection.

what country? The countries that ANNOUNCE---WE SUPPORT ISIS???
what country? The countries that ANNOUNCE---WE SUPPORT ISIS???

Well...I just leave that alone for now about how ISIS was started...and say that now that it has taken on a life of its own, there are a couple of countries back in the shadows who would love ISIS to bait the US, via one of our allies, into an expensive and foolhardy war we can never win. I'll leave it up to the covert security entities of each country to figure out which countries I'm talking about.

Suffice to say irosie, that if they find out there is "country x" or "country y" behind the scenes egging on ISIS against us and our allies, for the reasons I've stated, wouldn't you think it would be a good idea to pro bono ban a line of imports from them one by one on the same day of each ISIS attack? It's an experiment, as I said.
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .

you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---
the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

But the way WE address it is that we refuse to accommodate them. Reject them at the local level. Do not allow housing projects to be built in your communities to house them, do not allow them to settle there. Refuse to build mosques.

If people won't turn down the $$ they can make when they ACCOMMODATE you will never be able to eliminate them. And that's what people don't understand. If you take money from the government or from individuals to build, to house, to feed then you are complicit.
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .

you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---
the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

But the way WE address it is that we refuse to accommodate them. Reject them at the local level. Do not allow housing projects to be built in your communities to house them, do not allow them to settle there. Refuse to build mosques.

If people won't turn down the $$ they can make when they ACCOMMODATE you will never be able to eliminate them. And that's what people don't understand. If you take money from the government or from individuals to build, to house, to feed then you are complicit.

If local governments Routinely disallow mosques----that fact can be disputed in court
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .

you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---
the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

But the way WE address it is that we refuse to accommodate them. Reject them at the local level. Do not allow housing projects to be built in your communities to house them, do not allow them to settle there. Refuse to build mosques.

If people won't turn down the $$ they can make when they ACCOMMODATE you will never be able to eliminate them. And that's what people don't understand. If you take money from the government or from individuals to build, to house, to feed then you are complicit.

If local governments Routinely disallow mosques----that fact can be disputed in court
In the end, the feds can't force communities to build or host mosques.

It's all a matter of when people stop giving way. They aren't there yet...but there are people in jail right now for standing up to this nonsense. There will be more and more and more.
Who cares about ISIS . They ain't ate problem . Not enough for them to get top billing by our candidates . I'd rather hear about opioid addiction Which is an underated threat .

you are mixing apples and oranges. You are right to a significant degree regarding the danger of ''isis" Isis is
not really the issue on its own------the ISSUE is caliphatism ---
the PRIME DIRECTIVE of more than One and one half billion
people on this planet-----totalitarianism thereof

But the way WE address it is that we refuse to accommodate them. Reject them at the local level. Do not allow housing projects to be built in your communities to house them, do not allow them to settle there. Refuse to build mosques.

If people won't turn down the $$ they can make when they ACCOMMODATE you will never be able to eliminate them. And that's what people don't understand. If you take money from the government or from individuals to build, to house, to feed then you are complicit.

If local governments Routinely disallow mosques----that fact can be disputed in court
In the end, the feds can't force communities to build or host mosques.

It's all a matter of when people stop giving way. They aren't there yet...but there are people in jail right now for standing up to this nonsense. There will be more and more and more.

Lawyers can make it damn uncomfortable for such towns
You guys seem to be getting off topic here. Unless you're suggesting closing mosques as "the solution to stop random acts of terror by Islamic extremists". That ain't gonna work. What might work is pro bono economic sanctions for each attack, announced the same day of the attack against ....."suspect" non-Arab nations lurking in the background behind ISIS..
France is not taking the bait. Instead they are not going to identify terrorists as muslim. That way everyone will think they are Swedish Lutherans.

The French know we do it. The USA pretends that if we don't identify the knock out perp is black, no one will know.
France is not taking the bait. Instead they are not going to identify terrorists as muslim. That way everyone will think they are Swedish Lutherans.

The French know we do it. The USA pretends that if we don't identify the knock out perp is black, no one will know.
The French know damn well who is doing the attacking and which countries sit silent back in the shadows each time the attacks occur. I submit they sanction, piecemeal, those stealthy countries for each attack. Do it on the same day it happens. OK, we were attacked again....on this day we lay an embargo on "product x" from "country x".

..and so on.. Keep up the beat for a couple years and see what happens. Like I said. It's an experiment.
You guys seem to be getting off topic here. Unless you're suggesting closing mosques as "the solution to stop random acts of terror by Islamic extremists". That ain't gonna work. What might work is pro bono economic sanctions for each attack, announced the same day of the attack against ....."suspect" non-Arab nations lurking in the background behind ISIS..[/QUOTE

"suspect" non-arab nations lurking in the background behind ISIS???? ---------can you be more specific? are you suggesting that the main funding to Isis is from non-arab
nations------are they muslim nations? or Kaffir nations?
I just keep thinking how Obama kept telling us that we were "behind" Europe in embracing Islam, and how Frenchies, Brits, Germans, Aussies liked to call us racist and bigoted and backwards every single time anybody said they wanted to protect our culture from harmful ideologies.
Nevertheless, Obama is ephemeral. Our allies are perennial. Knowing this, I think they're being baited to draw us into a war the "shadow countries" know we cannot sustain and still maintain our ability to defend an onshore attack at home. Something to think about.

Anyhoo, the idea of piecemeal sanctions against these shadow countries might sink in. Or it might not. That's the thing with experiments. Sometimes they work; sometimes they don't. But I haven't heard any better ideas which address the many nuances going on behind the scenes with the terrorist attacks.

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