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CDZ An Interesting Analysis of a Plausible US Civil War Today

You got part of it right.
The north was able to resupply through rail,something the south didnt have.
So tell me....has that changed?
North had unlimited and unrestricted logistics including being able to replace and improve its rail system

In the end money won out

The Confederacy was also anything but all in on a war that was contrived by the rich planter class that the common farmer despised. Desertion and draft dodging were rampant. Pockets of active resistance sprang up in Texas, in Arkansas, in Mississippi, in Alabama, in Georgia. Northwestern Virginia seceded and East Tennessee would have but for the presence of Confederate troops. Bushwhackers who wanted no part of war took sniper positions to cut down any army from either side that incurred on their town..

So in effect, many similarities with this ridiculous comic book fantasy where some fringe element imagines "wars" over fucking political party tribalism. Nobody but the fringe believes in that shit. :cuckoo:
Wars don't always include bullets, tanks, money, resources, and accommodations in which accompany a mechanized war, but what wars do have in common is either long term strategies or short term strategies in which come in many various forms.

Some wars are fought without ever firing a shot, and these wars can be small as is between two people or worse all the way up to various groups jockying for power, resources, money, and land in an eventual take over bid if possible.

Some wars last year's without people realizing this until the finality of such wars begin to enter their final stages or fazes.

Wars for territory (territorial wars), as is with gangs etc, are a constant in this country now.

An example of this is right in front of people's faces daily, yet they feel powerless to stop any of it due to the entrenched corruption found in it all.

The attacks on cops is yet another war that has been on going, and the sad thing for them is that they have the enemy working strategies above and below them. The judges and the sentencing has been reduced to a toothless lion that leaves the cops as sitting ducks in the aftermaths of them trying to do their jobs out on the streets.

I saw something today that astonished me, and I couldn't believe my eyes when viewing it. In the eighties there is an area of a town that I worked in way back in the day, and It was a thriving middle class bustling metropolis of residential mixed in with business that served the residence of the area well. Very profitable area for residences and businesses alike.

It had all the big named stores, recreational facilities, gun shooting ranges, strip malls, storage units, realestate offices, bowling allies, modern gas stations etc.

Well no more. It was amazing what I had seen today. There was a huge new grocery store not long built (shut down), gas stations (shut down), bowling allies (shut down), recreational facilities (shut down), strip malls (empty or shut down), motels, hotels (shut down), and on and on it went. There was no reason for the area to be in disarray like that.

We saw the sidewalks full of people, but these weren't people out for a stroll, excersizing etc. Most were sadly what appeared to be pimps and their ladies, then their were the pants on the ground types/gang types crowd walking, and there was one poor feller standing in a store parking lot stoned out of his mind it appeared. The cops just drove right past him as if he wasn't even there.

I can only imagine how bad Chicago is when see this sort of stuff....It is being witnessed here now, but I guess it's only on a smaller scale (only various areas affected), other than what it is over in Chicago or places way bigger.

Anyway, I just wanted to share in my thoughts on the matter, and to see if others are seeing in this sort of stuff also in their towns or cities etc ??

When areas fall like this, is it part of a strategy by groups or just shifting demographics caused by poverty or what ever ??? What makes an area vulnerable to these things, and then the fall comes afterwards ? I did notice that right off of the main road there were apt. complexes upon apt. complexes upon apt. complexes.

Are birth rates out of control amongst groups in which in turn causes long term poverty over long periods of time for the children who are born into it ?? The so called war on poverty, is it working or is the strategy a failed one ???

How will businesses and people keep shifting and losing their investments in order to keep a distance between people drowning in poverty as so it doesn't negatively affect their communities and business sectors like this ???

How long can people keep running, and losing ground because of poverty sprawl ??? What are the solutions ????

Would a mandatory two to four year military service be a good thing in which to help these troubled young folks beat the poverty machine ??? That could be a great beginning to solving this thing, and it could make men and women (before they get caught up in the poverty trap totally), to become better people, and more responsible citizens if on the wrong track in life.

The military needs recruits anyway, and it would be good way to prepare the troubled youth by having them spend at least two years in the service of their choice, but it would be mandatory if they quit school or rather one is engaging in bad grades, bad character or even light criminal activity.

The service would have to change back into making honorable men and women out of these youth or young folks. The gloves come off if needed so to speak, but in a very disiplined manor.

A helluva lotta words just to play loosely with the definition of "war" trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

What you're describing above is conflicts, disagreements, tensions and reactions. It is not "war".

What's proposed in this pimply-faced adolescent fantasy of the OP is an actual war, in its real meaning. Mindless as that fantasy is, if such an event were actually plausible, the point of the actual Civil War comparison above is that just because you throw a war doesn't mean everybody shows up for it. The overwhelming majority of the populace simply don't think in these perverted ways. In the real world the average Joe is far more concerned about whether his neighbor's dog is digging up his yard, than what his freaking political ideology is.

Again, the contingent that actually would show up are a tiny lunatic fringe. And that element is what we have the FBI for. What's being contemplated here is simply a dressed-up version of a mass shooting event. Same kind of pseudopolitical bullshit that leads to stuff like 9/11.
Bullcrap..... Political wars rage as we speak. You trying to limit the definition of war is an attempt to try and suggest that wars are only fought with guns, tanks or whatever else one decides to use to win out over a supposed enemy. Words can be just as lethal as weapons, and the tongue is as sharp as a knife. Go read the Bible, as it will teach you these things.

The Holey Babble certainly likes its wars, and stonings and rapes and pillaging and dashing babies' heads against rocks. But that too is a comic book. It's just not related or applicable to the real world.

The point remains, what this pimplyfaced war-fetish adolescent is doing is trying to suggest that terrorism is OK, that this perverted armed conflict in his tiny little head is inevitable so arm up. And that's what leads to shit like mass shootings and flying planes into buildings. Whether that terrorism derives from an imaginary pixie in the sky, or from an imaginary Dichotomy Disease fashioned after political parties, is a distinction without a difference.
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
North had unlimited and unrestricted logistics including being able to replace and improve its rail system

In the end money won out

The Confederacy was also anything but all in on a war that was contrived by the rich planter class that the common farmer despised. Desertion and draft dodging were rampant. Pockets of active resistance sprang up in Texas, in Arkansas, in Mississippi, in Alabama, in Georgia. Northwestern Virginia seceded and East Tennessee would have but for the presence of Confederate troops. Bushwhackers who wanted no part of war took sniper positions to cut down any army from either side that incurred on their town..

So in effect, many similarities with this ridiculous comic book fantasy where some fringe element imagines "wars" over fucking political party tribalism. Nobody but the fringe believes in that shit. :cuckoo:
Wars don't always include bullets, tanks, money, resources, and accommodations in which accompany a mechanized war, but what wars do have in common is either long term strategies or short term strategies in which come in many various forms.

Some wars are fought without ever firing a shot, and these wars can be small as is between two people or worse all the way up to various groups jockying for power, resources, money, and land in an eventual take over bid if possible.

Some wars last year's without people realizing this until the finality of such wars begin to enter their final stages or fazes.

Wars for territory (territorial wars), as is with gangs etc, are a constant in this country now.

An example of this is right in front of people's faces daily, yet they feel powerless to stop any of it due to the entrenched corruption found in it all.

The attacks on cops is yet another war that has been on going, and the sad thing for them is that they have the enemy working strategies above and below them. The judges and the sentencing has been reduced to a toothless lion that leaves the cops as sitting ducks in the aftermaths of them trying to do their jobs out on the streets.

I saw something today that astonished me, and I couldn't believe my eyes when viewing it. In the eighties there is an area of a town that I worked in way back in the day, and It was a thriving middle class bustling metropolis of residential mixed in with business that served the residence of the area well. Very profitable area for residences and businesses alike.

It had all the big named stores, recreational facilities, gun shooting ranges, strip malls, storage units, realestate offices, bowling allies, modern gas stations etc.

Well no more. It was amazing what I had seen today. There was a huge new grocery store not long built (shut down), gas stations (shut down), bowling allies (shut down), recreational facilities (shut down), strip malls (empty or shut down), motels, hotels (shut down), and on and on it went. There was no reason for the area to be in disarray like that.

We saw the sidewalks full of people, but these weren't people out for a stroll, excersizing etc. Most were sadly what appeared to be pimps and their ladies, then their were the pants on the ground types/gang types crowd walking, and there was one poor feller standing in a store parking lot stoned out of his mind it appeared. The cops just drove right past him as if he wasn't even there.

I can only imagine how bad Chicago is when see this sort of stuff....It is being witnessed here now, but I guess it's only on a smaller scale (only various areas affected), other than what it is over in Chicago or places way bigger.

Anyway, I just wanted to share in my thoughts on the matter, and to see if others are seeing in this sort of stuff also in their towns or cities etc ??

When areas fall like this, is it part of a strategy by groups or just shifting demographics caused by poverty or what ever ??? What makes an area vulnerable to these things, and then the fall comes afterwards ? I did notice that right off of the main road there were apt. complexes upon apt. complexes upon apt. complexes.

Are birth rates out of control amongst groups in which in turn causes long term poverty over long periods of time for the children who are born into it ?? The so called war on poverty, is it working or is the strategy a failed one ???

How will businesses and people keep shifting and losing their investments in order to keep a distance between people drowning in poverty as so it doesn't negatively affect their communities and business sectors like this ???

How long can people keep running, and losing ground because of poverty sprawl ??? What are the solutions ????

Would a mandatory two to four year military service be a good thing in which to help these troubled young folks beat the poverty machine ??? That could be a great beginning to solving this thing, and it could make men and women (before they get caught up in the poverty trap totally), to become better people, and more responsible citizens if on the wrong track in life.

The military needs recruits anyway, and it would be good way to prepare the troubled youth by having them spend at least two years in the service of their choice, but it would be mandatory if they quit school or rather one is engaging in bad grades, bad character or even light criminal activity.

The service would have to change back into making honorable men and women out of these youth or young folks. The gloves come off if needed so to speak, but in a very disiplined manor.

A helluva lotta words just to play loosely with the definition of "war" trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

What you're describing above is conflicts, disagreements, tensions and reactions. It is not "war".

What's proposed in this pimply-faced adolescent fantasy of the OP is an actual war, in its real meaning. Mindless as that fantasy is, if such an event were actually plausible, the point of the actual Civil War comparison above is that just because you throw a war doesn't mean everybody shows up for it. The overwhelming majority of the populace simply don't think in these perverted ways. In the real world the average Joe is far more concerned about whether his neighbor's dog is digging up his yard, than what his freaking political ideology is.

Again, the contingent that actually would show up are a tiny lunatic fringe. And that element is what we have the FBI for. What's being contemplated here is simply a dressed-up version of a mass shooting event. Same kind of pseudopolitical bullshit that leads to stuff like 9/11.
Bullcrap..... Political wars rage as we speak. You trying to limit the definition of war is an attempt to try and suggest that wars are only fought with guns, tanks or whatever else one decides to use to win out over a supposed enemy. Words can be just as lethal as weapons, and the tongue is as sharp as a knife. Go read the Bible, as it will teach you these things.

The Holey Babble certainly likes its wars, and stonings and rapes and pillaging and dashing babies' heads against rocks. But that too is a comic book. It's just not related or applicable to the real world.

The point remains, what this pimplyfaced war-fetish adolescent is doing is trying to suggest that terrorism is OK, that this perverted armed conflict in his tiny little head is inevitable so arm up. And that's what leads to shit like mass shootings and flying planes into buildings. Whether that terrorism derives from an imaginary pixie in the sky, or from an imaginary Dichotomy Disease fashioned after political parties, is a distinction without a difference.
You just described man's evilness as it has been recorded throughout time in the books we have gauged these things from ever since the beginning of man, and you sit in denial of the way out of that sinfulness even though that is recorded too ???? That's on you, and in your denial you end up aiding and abetting the very thing you speak of, so who is the ignorant one that perpetuates a continuation of that evilness here ?? Only a poor lost soul is someone that would deny their creator.. Is not your wisdom a work of evil here ??
The Confederacy was also anything but all in on a war that was contrived by the rich planter class that the common farmer despised. Desertion and draft dodging were rampant. Pockets of active resistance sprang up in Texas, in Arkansas, in Mississippi, in Alabama, in Georgia. Northwestern Virginia seceded and East Tennessee would have but for the presence of Confederate troops. Bushwhackers who wanted no part of war took sniper positions to cut down any army from either side that incurred on their town..

So in effect, many similarities with this ridiculous comic book fantasy where some fringe element imagines "wars" over fucking political party tribalism. Nobody but the fringe believes in that shit. :cuckoo:
Wars don't always include bullets, tanks, money, resources, and accommodations in which accompany a mechanized war, but what wars do have in common is either long term strategies or short term strategies in which come in many various forms.

Some wars are fought without ever firing a shot, and these wars can be small as is between two people or worse all the way up to various groups jockying for power, resources, money, and land in an eventual take over bid if possible.

Some wars last year's without people realizing this until the finality of such wars begin to enter their final stages or fazes.

Wars for territory (territorial wars), as is with gangs etc, are a constant in this country now.

An example of this is right in front of people's faces daily, yet they feel powerless to stop any of it due to the entrenched corruption found in it all.

The attacks on cops is yet another war that has been on going, and the sad thing for them is that they have the enemy working strategies above and below them. The judges and the sentencing has been reduced to a toothless lion that leaves the cops as sitting ducks in the aftermaths of them trying to do their jobs out on the streets.

I saw something today that astonished me, and I couldn't believe my eyes when viewing it. In the eighties there is an area of a town that I worked in way back in the day, and It was a thriving middle class bustling metropolis of residential mixed in with business that served the residence of the area well. Very profitable area for residences and businesses alike.

It had all the big named stores, recreational facilities, gun shooting ranges, strip malls, storage units, realestate offices, bowling allies, modern gas stations etc.

Well no more. It was amazing what I had seen today. There was a huge new grocery store not long built (shut down), gas stations (shut down), bowling allies (shut down), recreational facilities (shut down), strip malls (empty or shut down), motels, hotels (shut down), and on and on it went. There was no reason for the area to be in disarray like that.

We saw the sidewalks full of people, but these weren't people out for a stroll, excersizing etc. Most were sadly what appeared to be pimps and their ladies, then their were the pants on the ground types/gang types crowd walking, and there was one poor feller standing in a store parking lot stoned out of his mind it appeared. The cops just drove right past him as if he wasn't even there.

I can only imagine how bad Chicago is when see this sort of stuff....It is being witnessed here now, but I guess it's only on a smaller scale (only various areas affected), other than what it is over in Chicago or places way bigger.

Anyway, I just wanted to share in my thoughts on the matter, and to see if others are seeing in this sort of stuff also in their towns or cities etc ??

When areas fall like this, is it part of a strategy by groups or just shifting demographics caused by poverty or what ever ??? What makes an area vulnerable to these things, and then the fall comes afterwards ? I did notice that right off of the main road there were apt. complexes upon apt. complexes upon apt. complexes.

Are birth rates out of control amongst groups in which in turn causes long term poverty over long periods of time for the children who are born into it ?? The so called war on poverty, is it working or is the strategy a failed one ???

How will businesses and people keep shifting and losing their investments in order to keep a distance between people drowning in poverty as so it doesn't negatively affect their communities and business sectors like this ???

How long can people keep running, and losing ground because of poverty sprawl ??? What are the solutions ????

Would a mandatory two to four year military service be a good thing in which to help these troubled young folks beat the poverty machine ??? That could be a great beginning to solving this thing, and it could make men and women (before they get caught up in the poverty trap totally), to become better people, and more responsible citizens if on the wrong track in life.

The military needs recruits anyway, and it would be good way to prepare the troubled youth by having them spend at least two years in the service of their choice, but it would be mandatory if they quit school or rather one is engaging in bad grades, bad character or even light criminal activity.

The service would have to change back into making honorable men and women out of these youth or young folks. The gloves come off if needed so to speak, but in a very disiplined manor.

A helluva lotta words just to play loosely with the definition of "war" trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

What you're describing above is conflicts, disagreements, tensions and reactions. It is not "war".

What's proposed in this pimply-faced adolescent fantasy of the OP is an actual war, in its real meaning. Mindless as that fantasy is, if such an event were actually plausible, the point of the actual Civil War comparison above is that just because you throw a war doesn't mean everybody shows up for it. The overwhelming majority of the populace simply don't think in these perverted ways. In the real world the average Joe is far more concerned about whether his neighbor's dog is digging up his yard, than what his freaking political ideology is.

Again, the contingent that actually would show up are a tiny lunatic fringe. And that element is what we have the FBI for. What's being contemplated here is simply a dressed-up version of a mass shooting event. Same kind of pseudopolitical bullshit that leads to stuff like 9/11.
Bullcrap..... Political wars rage as we speak. You trying to limit the definition of war is an attempt to try and suggest that wars are only fought with guns, tanks or whatever else one decides to use to win out over a supposed enemy. Words can be just as lethal as weapons, and the tongue is as sharp as a knife. Go read the Bible, as it will teach you these things.

The Holey Babble certainly likes its wars, and stonings and rapes and pillaging and dashing babies' heads against rocks. But that too is a comic book. It's just not related or applicable to the real world.

The point remains, what this pimplyfaced war-fetish adolescent is doing is trying to suggest that terrorism is OK, that this perverted armed conflict in his tiny little head is inevitable so arm up. And that's what leads to shit like mass shootings and flying planes into buildings. Whether that terrorism derives from an imaginary pixie in the sky, or from an imaginary Dichotomy Disease fashioned after political parties, is a distinction without a difference.
You just described man's evilness as it has been recorded throughout time in the books we have gauged these things from ever since the beginning of man, and you sit in denial of the way out of that sinfulness even though that is recorded too ???? That's on you, and in your denial you end up aiding and abetting the very thing you speak of, so who is the ignorant one that perpetuates a continuation of that evilness here ?? Only a poor lost soul is someone that would deny their creator.. Is not your wisdom a work of evil here ??

I ain't the one exhorting people to go cut their neighbors' throats, now am I.
Most major cities have ports and major airports

They have access to unlimited supplies and the money to pay for them
What good is that stuff in war ? Only if the military protects and secures such things are they usable in a war situation, but you have to realize and/or know for sure who that military will be working for.

The left have lost control of their "Trump" cards, so they are wallering around like a bunch of fish out of water. LOL.
Another RW fantasy that the military will support their crazy revolution
Another leftist who fantasizes or figures that the military is on your side automatically. LOL.

How this nation had emboldend the left in this way is flat outright amazing really. It has been an on going war since the 60's, and the left thinks it has finally won that war.. Uhhh until Trump came along and spoiled it all. LOL
It will depend on who revolts against the United States

Don't see much rhetoric coming from the left. That would be a second amendment remedy
This nation was founded by the left
Nonsense. This nation was founded by classical liberals. Today’s “Left” are out, and out Socialists. Peddle that shyte at the next Antifa rally...
And if you think today’s Left is Representative of true America, you’ve got another thing coming.
Liberal is liberal, is liberal

Our founders were not conservative
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.
I love how unprepared they are and how they think its a north south conflict . they're still stuck in a 1800 scenario .

MONEY ?:badgrin:
if the SHTF and civil war breaks out the greenback will be worth less .
Ill ignore the planet wide ripple effect and why the chi coms a Russians are currently hording gold
Italy current move to a seize control of its gold is for another thread and not related to ivans or the chinks hoarding

im not exactly on food stamps so of course i dont want a civil war to happen
but money isnt everything
I love modern western civilization ....its Nice ...RIGHT ?
dont ya love flickin on the light switch ?
With all our problems no one on the planet lives as well as we do .....brown and black people should now HUG the nearest WHITE MAN.

i had a head start in life i had an uncle who taught this city boy how to hunt and fish
got a nice plot of land thats almost ready for me to move onto i was out there all afternoon today supervising and barking ...i did bring em a 12 pack
As an older semi retired bloke i thought i position myself in a nice spot....i didnt come down here blind . i knew someone who was already here ...and for the last two years making friends with the right kinda people..
when im done setting up i may take a full time job again or still do some consulting
im only in my early 50's and until the SHTF .....im not the kinda guy to just sit around forever
no matter how much money ya got personally Id still feel like a bum
somethin cushy , ive did my time . N O more stress on deadlines LOL lyin about deadlines or running like a crazed city boy at warp speed.

My point is I didn't cash it all out and quit the global rat race fer nothing .

ive been learning new skills LIKE how to preserve food like when i start growing my own tomatoes n shit ....make jerky ...picking up some basic medical knowledge , range time ...PRACTICE PRACTICE PRATICE .

I just had major dental work compltede that i probably didnt need for a few more years .

I cant stress enough buy simple medical books and other thing you might need ...you dont need a ton of money second hand books are dirt cheap .....thyell be no asking google for the how to you tube video . make local allies who are thinking like you they're out there .

Because unlike these retards i know no ones showing up to hand out MRES

Have a nice stash of your own ...think of each person you need to feed for 6 months than double it ...your dogs your animals
Think about water I cant stress enough some need to more than others.

Suburban and urbanite patriots if you're from there or moved there to start a career or something.... pick up some tips on urban survial. Think about a what if thiers no water electricity or money or medical ....for months . Tthink about a small weapon and ammo to keep in yer apt ,condo, or house even if you have to break a draconian progressive law. you will not be safe in heavily populated area

if you're lucky you may have a week or two before theirs local armed packs roaming looking for stuff to eat.....i think im being generous there.
For instance you think some are not going to venture out of Chicago war zones ?


The cops are NOT coming and half the military are "rubes" progressive middle class braggert ass hats love to demonize ......yeah theyre going to slaughter a lil American town for the suburban/ urban progressives and what will be thier illigit government masters
it could be really fast or go on for years ..we dont know
Let history record we didnt want it or start it

Is it just me or is the tree of liberty staring to look a little parched ?....OOOO boy
If it comes God Help us all

Rubes you already know this shit

A lot of you " Evil Redknecks" youre much richer than any urban suburbanite beta cucked pussy dork in many ways....not talking bout money.

Always keep that head high

but you already know that to
Can’t fight a war without money

Guns and bullets can win a battle but to sustain a war you need money for fuel, ammunition, food, spare parts, paying your soldiers

Blue areas of the country control our monetary system
Yup, they do, don't they. When the SHTF, you can bet your bottom dollar that clean water and food will become pretty f'ing valuable. You can't eat gold, dumbass. It's OK, though, you just keep on thinking you've got is sown up because of that pile of bills you'll be squatting on.

The 'blues' will be giving the 'reds' gold for vegetables and meat and water when the SHTF.
They'll try, I'm sure.
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.

99.5 % of us . we dont want to hurt anyone .
We're only saying we're going to defend ourselves and then hopefully finish what THEY started
A poster like pogo , im not being disrespectful or mean this in any disrespectful way BUt right away its automatically us who wanna slit our neighbors throats

no NOT at all

It comes top down from the left
some know exactly what theyre doing
the large percent of the left are just useful idiots
especially the younger ones

if it comes A lot of them are going to end up in mass graves, they just dont know it
once a useful idiot is useless that where they usually end up

how to stop it ?WHat the hell can turn us around ?
thats a good question i have no answer for .
If you hold out your hand in peace to the always angry wound up progressives you already know what happens .they bumped up my thread on AOC and theirs some idiot insisting we're full of hate.

How do you coexist with someone who wants you dead ? wont be reasonable ? is demonizing you , or constantly fighting these angry battles in their heads that the patriarchy and racism or whatever boogy man is so rampant it must be smashed

Say hello white nationalist YOU'RE A Problem ....how to start a fire ...hes right on the fuckin money

hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go

I dont see the left snapping out of it and breaking from their totalitarian globalist puppet masters
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.

99.5 % of us . we dont want to hurt anyone .
We're only saying we're going to defend ourselves and then hopefully finish what THEY started
A poster like pogo , im not being disrespectful or mean this in any disrespectful way BUt right away its automatically us who wanna slit our neighbors throats

no NOT at all

It comes top down from the left
some know exactly what theyre doing
the large percent of the left are just useful idiots
especially the younger ones

if it comes A lot of them are going to end up in mass graves, they just dont know it
once a useful idiot is useless that where they usually end up

how to stop it ?WHat the hell can turn us around ?
thats a good question i have no answer for .
If you hold out your hand in peace to the always angry wound up progressives you already know what happens .they bumped up my thread on AOC and theirs some idiot insisting we're full of hate.

How do you coexist with someone who wants you dead ? wont be reasonable ? is demonizing you , or constantly fighting these angry battles in their heads that the patriarchy and racism or whatever boogy man is so rampant it must be smashed

Say hello white nationalist YOU'RE A Problem ....how to start a fire ...hes right on the fuckin money

hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go

I dont see the left snapping out of it and breaking from their totalitarian globalist puppet masters

You've apparently attributed an "us" that I never pointed. So yeah I'd say inserting shit somebody else never said is indeed disrespectful, so fuck you. Then you went on to do the same pointing yourself in the opposite direction that you accused me of, so fuck yourself.

Hey ho, whattaya know
This comic book fantasy's entirely faux
Hey ho you so slow
Go play with yer GI Joe :gay:

Burma Shave
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.

99.5 % of us . we dont want to hurt anyone .
We're only saying we're going to defend ourselves and then hopefully finish what THEY started
A poster like pogo , im not being disrespectful or mean this in any disrespectful way BUt right away its automatically us who wanna slit our neighbors throats

no NOT at all

It comes top down from the left
some know exactly what theyre doing
the large percent of the left are just useful idiots
especially the younger ones

if it comes A lot of them are going to end up in mass graves, they just dont know it
once a useful idiot is useless that where they usually end up

how to stop it ?WHat the hell can turn us around ?
thats a good question i have no answer for .
If you hold out your hand in peace to the always angry wound up progressives you already know what happens .they bumped up my thread on AOC and theirs some idiot insisting we're full of hate.

How do you coexist with someone who wants you dead ? wont be reasonable ? is demonizing you , or constantly fighting these angry battles in their heads that the patriarchy and racism or whatever boogy man is so rampant it must be smashed

Say hello white nationalist YOU'RE A Problem ....how to start a fire ...hes right on the fuckin money

hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go

I dont see the left snapping out of it and breaking from their totalitarian globalist puppet masters

Fact: most of us who are now labeled as far right extremists and white supremacist potential terrorists just wanted to be left alone. Me and millions of others basically only wanted to listen to music, watch anime and play videogames until we die but lefty ***** had to butt their noses in and try to ruin every single goddamn thing. Now you can't even turn on the TV or browse the internet without getting bombarded with their fucking bullshit lecturing us about how we need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences. What?
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.

99.5 % of us . we dont want to hurt anyone .
We're only saying we're going to defend ourselves and then hopefully finish what THEY started
A poster like pogo , im not being disrespectful or mean this in any disrespectful way BUt right away its automatically us who wanna slit our neighbors throats

no NOT at all

It comes top down from the left
some know exactly what theyre doing
the large percent of the left are just useful idiots
especially the younger ones

if it comes A lot of them are going to end up in mass graves, they just dont know it
once a useful idiot is useless that where they usually end up

how to stop it ?WHat the hell can turn us around ?
thats a good question i have no answer for .
If you hold out your hand in peace to the always angry wound up progressives you already know what happens .they bumped up my thread on AOC and theirs some idiot insisting we're full of hate.

How do you coexist with someone who wants you dead ? wont be reasonable ? is demonizing you , or constantly fighting these angry battles in their heads that the patriarchy and racism or whatever boogy man is so rampant it must be smashed

Say hello white nationalist YOU'RE A Problem ....how to start a fire ...hes right on the fuckin money

hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go

I dont see the left snapping out of it and breaking from their totalitarian globalist puppet masters

Fact: most of us who are now labeled as far right extremists and white supremacist potential terrorists just wanted to be left alone. Me and millions of others basically only wanted to listen to music, watch anime and play videogames until we die but lefty ***** had to butt their noses in and try to ruin every single goddamn thing. Now you can't even turn on the TV or browse the internet without getting bombarded with their fucking bullshit lecturing us about how we need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences. What?

"Now you can't even turn on the TV or browse the internet without getting bombarded with their fucking bullshit lecturing us about how we need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences."

Leftist SJW: We need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences :uhoh3:

SANE PERSON: Blacks are different than Whites.

Leftist SJW: STFU you racist bigot, Blacks are NOT different than Whites, we are ALL the same we are ALL human beings :uhoh3:

SANE PERSON: But you just said we need to be accepting of people's differences and now you are saying that we have NO differences and we are ALL the same?

Leftist SJW: STFU you Fascist, I'm reporting you to the SPLC for Incitement to Hate :uhoh3:
let em laugh at ya
it doesnt matter

How To Start A Fire
APRIL 9, 2019 – 11:41 PM
The House held a hearing on “white nationalism” today. One of the speakers was the conservative black woman Candace Owens, who gave a rousing opening statement. You can watch it here.

The focus on “white nationalism” by the Left has been a clever and effective tactic, one that exploits the essence of the conservative disposition. It is in the nature of that disposition to enjoy a quiet and orderly life, and to take one’s pleasure and fulfillment from that which is. It is therefore almost tautologically true that conservatives are by their very nature not social or political activists; indeed the word “conservative” attaches itself to nothing in particular.

This means that a conservative will be roused to political involvement, in general, only in reaction to that which is threatened — not by any pre-existing agenda for social or political change. If, then, you want to make people of a conservative disposition rise to defend something, the thing to do is attack it. If you want to see them become ardent capitalists, for example, you should go out of your way to attack capitalism. And if, let’s just say, you wished to create a previously nonexistent multitude of white identitarians, the thing you’d want to do would be to attack “whiteness”. You’d do it on TV and in the movies, in books and magazine articles, in political debates — and, most of all, you’d do it in the schools, where you have a captive audience of children and teens wondering what they ought to believe. You’d heap shame and scorn and guilt upon not only the present generation of white people — including white students themselves — but also upon their national heritage, and indeed upon the very civilization they’ve created. Suddenly scores of millions of conservatively inclined people, finding themselves accused, for their membership in a class they were simply born into, of the worst sorts of irredeemable social malevolence, will develop a defensive self-awareness, and will begin to stick up for themselves and the things they have created and sustained.

As soon as they’ve begun to do that, of course, you’ve got them right where you want them. Now you can point at this artificially inseminated, newly born identitarianism as being precisely the problem you’ve had your eye on all along, and suggest that it is now “in the open”, and “on the rise”. And you can build your own polyvalent coalition in opposition to it, doing everything you can to make people choose sides — which they will increasingly feel they have to do, as tensions rise and the middle hollows out.
And you should, of course, fan the flames as vigorously as possible throughout — with things like televised congressional hearings.

How To Start A Fire

I KNOW SO DONT stand up to it .....right?
if only .
I posted this to USMB but a clip belongs here

Clipped from "Covington Gives a Glimpse of CW2"
The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

you're in play and being played with ....for a long while now
its just picked up steam
this is why some of us believe their is no way out
I want them to be WRONG , I WANT TO BE WRONG
understand yet ?
No one is coming to save you
tick tock
Take the honk pill keep buying ammo and never get on the truck
Why does the left feel this way about conservatives and/or conservatism, and especially Christian conservatism ??? What drives them or who drives them ? Have they been fooled into drinking the koolaid over a grooming period that has lasted many years now ?? You're right, never get on the truck.

How can the otherside's fears be calmed, and therefore shown that other American's mean them no harm, and yet to be sure that the left means no harm to other American's ?? Freedom must be restored, because I think we are losing it fast in this nation.

This Mueller investigation needs to be investigated to the max. And those individuals who are guilty need to be dealt with accordingly within the law.

99.5 % of us . we dont want to hurt anyone .
We're only saying we're going to defend ourselves and then hopefully finish what THEY started
A poster like pogo , im not being disrespectful or mean this in any disrespectful way BUt right away its automatically us who wanna slit our neighbors throats

no NOT at all

It comes top down from the left
some know exactly what theyre doing
the large percent of the left are just useful idiots
especially the younger ones

if it comes A lot of them are going to end up in mass graves, they just dont know it
once a useful idiot is useless that where they usually end up

how to stop it ?WHat the hell can turn us around ?
thats a good question i have no answer for .
If you hold out your hand in peace to the always angry wound up progressives you already know what happens .they bumped up my thread on AOC and theirs some idiot insisting we're full of hate.

How do you coexist with someone who wants you dead ? wont be reasonable ? is demonizing you , or constantly fighting these angry battles in their heads that the patriarchy and racism or whatever boogy man is so rampant it must be smashed

Say hello white nationalist YOU'RE A Problem ....how to start a fire ...hes right on the fuckin money

hey hey ho ho western civ has got to go

I dont see the left snapping out of it and breaking from their totalitarian globalist puppet masters

Fact: most of us who are now labeled as far right extremists and white supremacist potential terrorists just wanted to be left alone. Me and millions of others basically only wanted to listen to music, watch anime and play videogames until we die but lefty ***** had to butt their noses in and try to ruin every single goddamn thing. Now you can't even turn on the TV or browse the internet without getting bombarded with their fucking bullshit lecturing us about how we need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences. What?

"Now you can't even turn on the TV or browse the internet without getting bombarded with their fucking bullshit lecturing us about how we need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences."

Leftist SJW: We need to be more tolerant and accepting of people's differences :uhoh3:

SANE PERSON: Blacks are different than Whites.

Leftist SJW: STFU you racist bigot, Blacks are NOT different than Whites, we are ALL the same we are ALL human beings :uhoh3:

SANE PERSON: But you just said we need to be accepting of people's differences and now you are saying that we have NO differences and we are ALL the same?

Leftist SJW: STFU you Fascist, I'm reporting you to the SPLC for Incitement to Hate :uhoh3:
The problem a good many blacks have, is that they stay at war with each other or are at war amongst themselves, and then they drag our white aces into it as their much needed excuses when we are needed for that.
You guys see whats going on out there in clown world.some of us have been watching the bigger global picture for years ...i'm sure some of you have been to .
some of yas post the bat shit craziest news everyday i don't have to tell ya .

sure things are peaceful everyones fat n happy .....except the miserable left
The college activist are in congress declaring they're in charge LOL .the 15th grade brought their FUCKIN demand list ...and feelings. The " intelligent " "well educated "that you cant legitimately criticize because youre full of hate ..and youre just scared of INSERT STRONG IDENTITY VICTIM OF YOUR CHOICE HERE.

What did the sand savage from michian say the other day ?. not about 911
Thiers more of them coming in the near future and they have a power trippin totalitarian steak in em already ...theyre freshman congress women ...
Look at the dems presidential candidates
buttplugs a commie
HIS DAD WAS A HARD CORE COMMIE go look for yourselves how hard core PUN NOT INTENDED
everyones fixated on the cocksmokin

the whole left wing press you're a problem
you're dregs , deplorable , bitter clingers , you didn't vote for the woman because ALL OF A SUDDEN you're white nationalist now
And a rising problem of deep concern

Twitter wont touch a """lets kill all white people""" post but will censor mother Teresa words ....for hate speech ?
Barbara Streisand defended pedos ON TWITer
and said AHHHHH the kids lived through it

you aint shittin

Tell me how to start a fire is wrong ? did he lie anywhere? is he making it up ?
tell me we"re batshit crazy? we're imagining it ? we're paranoid ?
I'm kinda leanin toward we're not

golly gee i dont know why

All ya can do is poke other people and tell em stop and put on the sunglasses for a minute.
MEAT SPACE...outside reach out to your local friends and famliy who think like you .

I think we're gone! and we may have to fight one day .the good news IF we're forced to fight ...we fight to win...i'm not the only one thinking like that either
Fuck YOU! im an American patriot ..If im forced to fight IM FIGHTN TO WIN

I'mm guessing thiers a million or two of us out there ....im low balling
We're the worlds largest standing army ....who bought n brought its own ammo .
They grab for your rifle at every opportunity.
wot? you think they really wanna save that one child that theyre always claiming to want to save ? OF COURSE NOT theyre full of shit ....the useful idiots believe it
YOURE just pro gun violence give up your weapons ....you'll be fine .
Just like the brits who get thrown in jail for facebook posts labeled hate speech

AND the establishment fears us.....they do indeed . They wont fear you if we give up the second. Once the shit hits the fan any one in rural area you're gonna come together like a junkies crack rock ...heavy pop suburban and urban .....gonna be Saucy.


I recommend the honk pill
Make your plans for what works for your location
BY all means keep livin yer lives ...ya got time but as always eventually its up. ITS beautiful out here what an afternoon the weather was perfect. 80 degrees no humidity and everything is turnin green
enjoy it
Some got buried in April man made global warming today ? i thought i heard blizzard :auiqs.jpg:
enjoy the snow , take yer honey out take yer kids out go roll around in it and have a nice dinner together.

Tonight Say a prayer and enjoy your choices for a possible future that kinda sorta looks like its developing right before your eyes
a little off topic but not really
How much does anyone wanna bet that when Venezuela falls and its opened up again you'll get reports of mass graves....anyone wanna take that bet ?
besides a leftard who will automatically dismiss the thought .
Of course no one will because if history is any indicator they are there
i think thyere were reports of earlier ones under the first tubby ugly democratically elected dear leader

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