An observation.

Oh, by the way, "paying off" the debt, if we were ever silly enough to try that again, we'd simply be retiring bonds.. Since dollars and bonds are a liability of the government, retiring bonds doesn't change the liability one bit.

Retiring bonds means paying off the old bond. If you do not use another bond to pay it off, you reduced the liability. It is an accounting definition of liability.
Exchanging dollars for bonds doesn't change the liability one bit, both are a liability of the government.
  1. something, typically money, that is owed or due.
    "I paid off my debts"
    synonyms: bill, account, dues, arrears, charges; More
    • the state of owing money.
      "the firm is heavily in debt"
      synonyms: owing money, in arrears, behind with payments, overdrawn,overleveraged; More

    • a feeling of gratitude for a service or favor.
The national debt is not the same as private debt. Tell me, what do you believe the national debt is?

We've went down this road already, now run along ya daffy moon bat
What, you mean where you bailed and stopped engaging because you are wrong? The us government, sovereign in its own currency, issues bonds. Read that and try using "debt" as you want to think of it again and realize why that's silly. Dollars literally cost the government nothing to create. The interest on bonds doesn't cost the government any real resources. How is this a "debt" as related to household debt, where the household can't create dollars from thin air?

No what I mean is you're an idiot that hasn't the first clue about economics. That was patently obvious on the other thread. You talk a game you can't play
Wow, what a great response! You know I'm correct. The US govt does indeed create dollars from thin air.
Did the government have any trouble coming up with the trillions needed for that war? Did we all have to "tighten our belts and kick in?" Of course not. So where did the government get the money? Hm... Remember the recent crisis, did the government have any trouble acquiring the trillions needed to respond to it? No, and taxed didn't really go up either. Think over this if you're one of the people who believes the government can't create dollars from thin air.

If you do some research and dig deep enough, you'll find that the initial funds for the war came from using Social Security money as a slush fund.

Really, look it up.

That's why they wanted to privatize it, because when the time came to put the money back they knew they wouldn't be able to. By privatizing it the elderly would be left holding the bag.

It wasn't just SS funds, they "borrowed" from other government fund pools.

We're in debt to ourselves thanks to them.

The rest of the war money came from borrowing, mainly from China.

Usually war debt is paid back by taxing the rich, but the Kochs, Cheney, and most others wouldn't pay their fair share.
We don't need to pay back the debt. Everytime we've tried to, it's led to a recession.
I seriously doubt your point about the initial funding. The government doesn't need initial funding in all reality. The only reason something like that would happen.. politicians who believe they have to take from elsewhere to spend. That's not the reality.
  1. something, typically money, that is owed or due.
    "I paid off my debts"
    synonyms: bill, account, dues, arrears, charges; More
    • the state of owing money.
      "the firm is heavily in debt"
      synonyms: owing money, in arrears, behind with payments, overdrawn,overleveraged; More

    • a feeling of gratitude for a service or favor.
The national debt is not the same as private debt. Tell me, what do you believe the national debt is?

We've went down this road already, now run along ya daffy moon bat
What, you mean where you bailed and stopped engaging because you are wrong? The us government, sovereign in its own currency, issues bonds. Read that and try using "debt" as you want to think of it again and realize why that's silly. Dollars literally cost the government nothing to create. The interest on bonds doesn't cost the government any real resources. How is this a "debt" as related to household debt, where the household can't create dollars from thin air?

No what I mean is you're an idiot that hasn't the first clue about economics. That was patently obvious on the other thread. You talk a game you can't play
Wow, what a great response! You know I'm correct. The US govt does indeed create dollars from thin air.

I've never said it didn't. You spend too much time trying to impress people and spew total BS you don't pay attention. Now run along and try and snow someone else, toad
The national debt is not the same as private debt. Tell me, what do you believe the national debt is?

We've went down this road already, now run along ya daffy moon bat
What, you mean where you bailed and stopped engaging because you are wrong? The us government, sovereign in its own currency, issues bonds. Read that and try using "debt" as you want to think of it again and realize why that's silly. Dollars literally cost the government nothing to create. The interest on bonds doesn't cost the government any real resources. How is this a "debt" as related to household debt, where the household can't create dollars from thin air?

No what I mean is you're an idiot that hasn't the first clue about economics. That was patently obvious on the other thread. You talk a game you can't play
Wow, what a great response! You know I'm correct. The US govt does indeed create dollars from thin air.

I've never said it didn't. You spend too much time trying to impress people and spew total BS you don't pay attention. Now run along and try and snow someone else, toad
So what do you disagree with?
Did the government have any trouble coming up with the trillions needed for that war? Did we all have to "tighten our belts and kick in?" Of course not. So where did the government get the money? Hm... Remember the recent crisis, did the government have any trouble acquiring the trillions needed to respond to it? No, and taxed didn't really go up either. Think over this if you're one of the people who believes the government can't create dollars from thin air.

If you do some research and dig deep enough, you'll find that the initial funds for the war came from using Social Security money as a slush fund.

Really, look it up.

That's why they wanted to privatize it, because when the time came to put the money back they knew they wouldn't be able to. By privatizing it the elderly would be left holding the bag.

It wasn't just SS funds, they "borrowed" from other government fund pools.

We're in debt to ourselves thanks to them.

The rest of the war money came from borrowing, mainly from China.

Usually war debt is paid back by taxing the rich, but the Kochs, Cheney, and most others wouldn't pay their fair share.
Dis Soros pay his fair share? Your regurgitated post suggests that rich Dims paid their share.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
Did the government have any trouble coming up with the trillions needed for that war? Did we all have to "tighten our belts and kick in?" Of course not. So where did the government get the money? Hm... Remember the recent crisis, did the government have any trouble acquiring the trillions needed to respond to it? No, and taxed didn't really go up either. Think over this if you're one of the people who believes the government can't create dollars from thin air.

If you do some research and dig deep enough, you'll find that the initial funds for the war came from using Social Security money as a slush fund.

Really, look it up.

That's why they wanted to privatize it, because when the time came to put the money back they knew they wouldn't be able to. By privatizing it the elderly would be left holding the bag.

It wasn't just SS funds, they "borrowed" from other government fund pools.

We're in debt to ourselves thanks to them.

The rest of the war money came from borrowing, mainly from China.

Usually war debt is paid back by taxing the rich, but the Kochs, Cheney, and most others wouldn't pay their fair share.
Dis Soros pay his fair share? Your regurgitated post suggests that rich Dims paid their share.
Of course he didn't. And why should he?
What makes other governments pay off their debt? The US is different how?
Please tell me which governments your talking about. I also ask you this: cite an example of a sovereign nation using non-convertible, non-pegged, free- floating currency that has defaulted on debt denominated in their currency.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
No, it's really not. You simply believe that nonsense because it's "common sense." Ok, why don't you show me evidence? I used to be the same way. You're right, it's pitiful that we're not running higher deficits when we're not at full employment, when our infrastructure desperately needs help, when we need to increase benefits to the poor to help the economy get moving.... LOL. We don't "waste" anything in interest payments. Oh, by the way, what "inflation" has happened? How did the $200 billion debt following world war 2 negatively affect the country? How did reagan's deficits negatively affect the country?
What makes other governments pay off their debt? The US is different how?
Please tell me which governments your talking about. I also ask you this: cite an example of a sovereign nation using non-convertible, non-pegged, free- floating currency that has defaulted on debt denominated in their currency.

Ah, so you assume a currency of that type has magic powers. Interesting.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
No, it's really not. You simply believe that nonsense because it's "common sense." Ok, why don't you show me evidence? I used to be the same way. You're right, it's pitiful that we're not running higher deficits when we're not at full employment, when our infrastructure desperately needs help, when we need to increase benefits to the poor to help the economy get moving.... LOL. We don't "waste" anything in interest payments. Oh, by the way, what "inflation" has happened? How did the $200 billion debt following world war 2 negatively affect the country? How did reagan's deficits negatively affect the country?

Simply put, you advocate stealing from future generations of Americans for your own benefit now. How hateful and deceitful.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
No, it's really not. You simply believe that nonsense because it's "common sense." Ok, why don't you show me evidence? I used to be the same way. You're right, it's pitiful that we're not running higher deficits when we're not at full employment, when our infrastructure desperately needs help, when we need to increase benefits to the poor to help the economy get moving.... LOL. We don't "waste" anything in interest payments. Oh, by the way, what "inflation" has happened? How did the $200 billion debt following world war 2 negatively affect the country? How did reagan's deficits negatively affect the country?
I said it was common sense AND basic economics, both of which you seem to lack. There is nothing wrong with running a deficit and leveraging cash flow when our debt and spending is under control. Helping the poor, improving our infrastructure, investing in technology and R&D, keeping us secure etc. etc. etc. are all investments that our government should be making, however with such tremendous waste and inefficiency in our government, when people come of the mindset like you propose, saying that the debt and deficit are insignificant because we can just print more money... That is so wreckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. This is not a partisan issue, this is an economic issue and I suggest you learn the basics before you continue to spread this destructive point of view.
What makes other governments pay off their debt? The US is different how?
Please tell me which governments your talking about. I also ask you this: cite an example of a sovereign nation using non-convertible, non-pegged, free- floating currency that has defaulted on debt denominated in their currency.

Ah, so you assume a currency of that type has magic powers. Interesting.
So you refuse to answer the question? It's a yes or no answer.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
No, it's really not. You simply believe that nonsense because it's "common sense." Ok, why don't you show me evidence? I used to be the same way. You're right, it's pitiful that we're not running higher deficits when we're not at full employment, when our infrastructure desperately needs help, when we need to increase benefits to the poor to help the economy get moving.... LOL. We don't "waste" anything in interest payments. Oh, by the way, what "inflation" has happened? How did the $200 billion debt following world war 2 negatively affect the country? How did reagan's deficits negatively affect the country?

Simply put, you advocate stealing from future generations of Americans for your own benefit now. How hateful and deceitful.
That's absurd. Tell me, what do you think the debt is?
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy. If we keep feeding the deficit and adding to our debt we head towards a collapse and our future generations are in big trouble.
The more money the government prints and puts into circulation and the more money they borrow to add to our debt adds up to a crushing and unsustainable weight on our economy
Evidence please.
The government has been adding dollars to our hands for as long as I can remember, the economy suffers when the private sector takes on debt and has suffered when we've attempted to cut the debt/run surpluses.
Think big deficits cause recessions
What kind of evidence are you looking for? This is basic economics and common sense. Adding more money into circulation creates inflation and devalues the dollar. There is a delicate balance to prevent our currency from crashing. The fact that we do this means that we no longer can keep our money in a safe or, with the low interest rates we can't even use a bank, we are forced to invest our retirement funds into higher yield accounts so we can keep up with inflation.

The debt and deficit is not a game either, it is an embarrassment and sets an example of gross negligence that our future generations are going to have to pay for. How anybody can feel comfortable owing so much money and wasting so much in interest payments baffles me. Any family or business would be living under a bridge if they managed their money like our government and while I realize they are different beasts, it is still one of the largest reasons why most citizens are infuriated with whats happening in D.C.
No, it's really not. You simply believe that nonsense because it's "common sense." Ok, why don't you show me evidence? I used to be the same way. You're right, it's pitiful that we're not running higher deficits when we're not at full employment, when our infrastructure desperately needs help, when we need to increase benefits to the poor to help the economy get moving.... LOL. We don't "waste" anything in interest payments. Oh, by the way, what "inflation" has happened? How did the $200 billion debt following world war 2 negatively affect the country? How did reagan's deficits negatively affect the country?
I said it was common sense AND basic economics, both of which you seem to lack. There is nothing wrong with running a deficit and leveraging cash flow when our debt and spending is under control. Helping the poor, improving our infrastructure, investing in technology and R&D, keeping us secure etc. etc. etc. are all investments that our government should be making, however with such tremendous waste and inefficiency in our government, when people come of the mindset like you propose, saying that the debt and deficit are insignificant because we can just print more money... That is so wreckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. This is not a partisan issue, this is an economic issue and I suggest you learn the basics before you continue to spread this destructive point of view.
It's insignificant when we're not at out maximum output.
I always hear people claim that the government "CAN'T" create dollars from thin air.

It can. It does it every day.
It's good to know that you recognize this. Tell that to others.. Then you can move on to why the debt is not a problem.


You seem to think that printing more money will pay down our debt! What planet do you hail from?

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