CDZ An open invitation to experts on day-to-day life in Israel for Arab-Israelis

Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?
Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?
Iran already told Biden to go to hell about a month ago.
Reuters, AP, BBC...give them a shot once in a while.
Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?
Iran already told Biden to go to hell about a month ago.
Reuters, AP, BBC...give them a shot once in a while.
oh, I would expect that Iran has no incentive to deal with the US when they know the US deals in bad faith. But I would bet Iran will deal with the other parties to the previous agreement and be able to negotiate a better deal.

However, we all know that the US doesn't want any deal getting in the way of it's plans for war against Iran. The US PNAC agenda made it clear that Iran was on the hit list and there's little doubt that Iran will favour China as the lucky buyer of Iran's oil.

But can you relate to how this all ties in with the topic of this thread? In my opinion the US support for the Zionist regime that causes so much trouble in the ME is only because the US needs a proxy country as an excuse for ME aggression.

What do you think? Have I lost you completely yet?
Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?
Iran already told Biden to go to hell about a month ago.
Reuters, AP, BBC...give them a shot once in a while.
oh, I would expect that Iran has no incentive to deal with the US when they know the US deals in bad faith. But I would bet Iran will deal with the other parties to the previous agreement and be able to negotiate a better deal.

However, we all know that the US doesn't want any deal getting in the way of it's plans for war against Iran. The US PNAC agenda made it clear that Iran was on the hit list and there's little doubt that Iran will favour China as the lucky buyer of Iran's oil.

But can you relate to how this all ties in with the topic of this thread? In my opinion the US support for the Zionist regime that causes so much trouble in the ME is only because the US needs a proxy country as an excuse for ME aggression.

What do you think? Have I lost you completely yet?
I would think that Iran would show Biden some respect unless the Mullahs are afraid of being assassinated.
Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?
Iran already told Biden to go to hell about a month ago.
Reuters, AP, BBC...give them a shot once in a while.
oh, I would expect that Iran has no incentive to deal with the US when they know the US deals in bad faith. But I would bet Iran will deal with the other parties to the previous agreement and be able to negotiate a better deal.

However, we all know that the US doesn't want any deal getting in the way of it's plans for war against Iran. The US PNAC agenda made it clear that Iran was on the hit list and there's little doubt that Iran will favour China as the lucky buyer of Iran's oil.

But can you relate to how this all ties in with the topic of this thread? In my opinion the US support for the Zionist regime that causes so much trouble in the ME is only because the US needs a proxy country as an excuse for ME aggression.

What do you think? Have I lost you completely yet?
Until recently, any Muslim nation that saw the US favoring a Democracy would be upset.
It's nice to know you've approved of Muslim nations oppressing their women until perhaps the last 5 years.
You're a real sweetheart.
Until recently, any Muslim nation that saw the US favoring a Democracy would be upset.
It's nice to know you've approved of Muslim nations oppressing their women until perhaps the last 5 years.
You're a real sweetheart.

I have no further use for you, your insults, and your hate for Muslims. When you choose to correct your behaviour you can be a part in debating my comments too.
Until recently, any Muslim nation that saw the US favoring a Democracy would be upset.
It's nice to know you've approved of Muslim nations oppressing their women until perhaps the last 5 years.
You're a real sweetheart.

I have no further use for you, your insults, and your hate for Muslims. When you choose to correct your behaviour you can be a part in debating my comments too.
I have no use for a knee-jerk Jew hater such as yourself.
You post generalities and then post some high and might indignation to my responses as though you are being erudite.
Don't worry, 99% of the posters here think you're either a Nazi or a Muslim.
It's amazing how little it takes to flush out the anti Semites in a discussion like this.
It's Zionism that needs to be condemned and hated for their evil crimes against humanity. Always keep in mind that they don't represent all Jewish people.
Apartheid should be pushed into the sea and drowned. That has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

To suggest otherwise is to be anti-human or anti-humanity and it's been kept up far too long. It's made the Zionist regime that which it accuses Nazi Germany of being.

It does great harm to the rest of the world's prospects of peace ever coming to the ME! Stop it!
It's amazing how little it takes to flush out the anti Semites in a discussion like this.
It's Zionism that needs to be condemned and hated for their evil crimes against humanity. Always keep in mind that they don't represent all Jewish people.
Apartheid should be pushed into the sea and drowned. That has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

To suggest otherwise is to be anti-human or anti-humanity and it's been kept up far too long. It's made the Zionist regime that which it accuses Nazi Germany of being.

It does great harm to the rest of the world's prospects of peace ever coming to the ME! Stop it!
See, like that.
Anyone calling Israel "apartheid" 1) doesn't understand what apartheid is, and 2) doesn't understand the situation in Israel.
As for world peace, which side has just concluded 4 separate peace agreements with Muslim countries? Hint: It isnt the Palestinians.
See, like that.
Anyone calling Israel "apartheid" 1) doesn't understand what apartheid is, and 2) doesn't understand the situation in Israel.
As for world peace, which side has just concluded 4 separate peace agreements with Muslim countries? Hint: It isnt the Palestinians.

You're not going to find me easy to convince now that I've heard about how Elie Weisel made up so many lies!

Don't side with Zionism, it'll condemn you to hell in a handbasket.
See, like that.
Anyone calling Israel "apartheid" 1) doesn't understand what apartheid is, and 2) doesn't understand the situation in Israel.
As for world peace, which side has just concluded 4 separate peace agreements with Muslim countries? Hint: It isnt the Palestinians.

You're not going to find me easy to convince now that I've heard about how Elie Weisel made up so many lies!

Don't side with Zionism, it'll condemn you to hell in a handbasket.
It's impossible to convince you. That isn't even the plan here.
Zionism is the idea that just like the French have a country called France, Germans have a country called Germany so too Jews have a country called Israel. It would be unexceptional when applied to anyone but Jews.
Is Israel and the US about to start a war on Iran. Media sources are reporting:

US nuclear submarines heading to the ME.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of Suleimani and Iran is supposedly planning revenge.
US/Israel is planning a false flag attack on Israel to blame on Iran.
A war might be the only way Trump can hold onto his presidency.

And a psychopath can never accept defeat.

It's only my guess and posted to be safe on the need to predict. If it happens, you heard it here first. If it doesn't happen then no harm done. And of course, if it happens then some Arab (s) will get the blame.

America is still intent on completing it's PNAC agenda and likelihood of that being possible under a Biden admin and a new nuclear deal with Iran is pretty slim!

Any opinions on how this can serve the apartheid regime and allow the Zionists to discriminate even more against Arabs?

That is all we have had for many years!
See, like that.
Anyone calling Israel "apartheid" 1) doesn't understand what apartheid is, and 2) doesn't understand the situation in Israel.
As for world peace, which side has just concluded 4 separate peace agreements with Muslim countries? Hint: It isnt the Palestinians.

You're not going to find me easy to convince now that I've heard about how Elie Weisel made up so many lies!

Don't side with Zionism, it'll condemn you to hell in a handbasket.
It's impossible to convince you. That isn't even the plan here.
Zionism is the idea that just like the French have a country called France, Germans have a country called Germany so too Jews have a country called Israel. It would be unexceptional when applied to anyone but Jews.


That is why those who oppose Zionism are lying when they try to claim they are not antisemites.

Out of all the people in the world, Jews are the ONLY people they would deny any sense of self-determination.
It's impossible to convince you. That isn't even the plan here.
Zionism is the idea that just like the French have a country called France, Germans have a country called Germany so too Jews have a country called Israel. It would be unexceptional when applied to anyone but Jews.

Germans have a country called 'Germany', and Israelis have a country called Israel. Israel is not for only Jews. That's the Zionist apartheid regime's misconception.

Zionist apartheid regime.


Have you ever considered speaking in an adult way instead of using this sort of loaded language crafted by antisemitic propagandists for the consumption of ignorant people who don't know any better?

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