An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...

That didn't happen with Trump, Doc. It certainly wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There were no witnesses shown in the House hearings that could testify to that lie.

Oh it was TOTALLY proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thankfully for Trump, only Mitt Romney had the stones to convict.

Huh? Something I missed there. I saw the witnesses in the House hearings, Kent, Taylor, Vindman, etc.

None of them had witnessed anything- they just "gave their opinions" and were obviously butthurt because the President kept them out of the loop as far as intelligence.

But opinions and hearsay aren't evidence of anything. The House Managers didn't even bother putting them out as witnesses.
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That’s you completely making shit up.

Have you been in a coma?
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That's a lie. The Democrats have done everything they can to help the people of our great nation, submitting several bills for aid which Moscow Mitch refused to even bring up for debate because he knew they would pass.

My God
Is there no fucking limit to your retardation?
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That’s you completely making shit up.

Have you been in a coma?
Ask yourself this question and be honest: if republicans had full control right now, would the Covid relief bill include direct stimulus checks to everyday Americans of any amount?
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...

That didn't happen with Trump, Doc. It certainly wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There were no witnesses shown in the House hearings that could testify to that lie.

Oh it was TOTALLY proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thankfully for Trump, only Mitt Romney had the stones to convict.

Huh? Something I missed there. I saw the witnesses in the House hearings, Kent, Taylor, Vindman, etc.

None of them had witnessed anything- they just "gave their opinions" and were obviously butthurt because the President kept them out of the loop as far as intelligence.

But opinions and hearsay aren't evidence of anything. The House Managers didn't even bother putting them out as witnesses.

Vindman & several others were on the fucking phone cails and IN the meetings!
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That’s you completely making shit up.

Have you been in a coma?
Ask yourself this question and be honest: if republicans had full control right now, would the Covid relief bill include direct stimulus checks to everyday Americans of any amount?

Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...
Once's the President that sets foreign policy...not the Congress! Your claim that what Trump did was "quite illegal" is just plain ignorant!

It's also the height of hypocrisy when you claim that Trump did something wrong in attempting to expose how crooked Hillary Clinton was by seeking "dirt" from the Ukraine when Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Glenn Simpson to fabricate "dirt" about Donald Trump and have it supposedly come from Russian sources!

No lie too ridiculous huh? :laugh:
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That’s you completely making shit up.

Have you been in a coma?
Ask yourself this question and be honest: if republicans had full control right now, would the Covid relief bill include direct stimulus checks to everyday Americans of any amount?

lol we both know that is bullshit.
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.

It didn't happen.
An Open Letter To Moscow Mitch

The soon-to-be former impeached president trump said‭ ‘“‬Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries,‭ ‬lobbyists and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.‭ ‬It was not their fault,‭ ‬it was China’s fault.‭ ‬I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low‭ ‬$600‭ ‬to‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple.‭”’

However,‭ ‬the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month should not give too much thought to Moscow Mitch working to pass another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus bill.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬if they do,‭ ‬they must finally face the fact,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch enjoys being a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬He gets a twisted pleasure making working class Americans lose everything while he blocks the passing of another COVID-19‭ ‬stimulus package.‭ ‬He’s holding out to guarantee this next bill will be an additional multi-trillion-dollar handout to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires he works for.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch wants that proposed‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬for every American‭ ‬(or‭ ‬$4000‭ ‬per couple,‭ ‬some restrictions may apply‭)‬ to also be given to the‭ ‬651‭ ‬billionaires‭ (‬that’s a helluva lot of money‭)‬.

Should the truth about Moscow Mitch get out,‭ ‬his life could get risky.‭ ‬Someone might suggest to the soon-to-be former impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him last month,‭ ‬that one person alone could have cost him the election.‭ ‬That someone need only explain that,‭ ‬had Moscow Mitch not been such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬he could have negotiated a payment of‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person or‭ ‬$4,000‭ ‬dollars for a couple with Pelosi,‭ ‬IN EARLY OCTOBER.

If Moscow Mitch had worked to pass the stimulus,‭ ‬with the‭ ‬$2,000‭ ‬per person provision by mid October,‭ ‬the moneys could have been quickly distributed.‭ ‬With Christmas just around the corner,‭ ‬imagine the effect on tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists,‭ ‬those voters that usually can’t commit until someone shoves a ballot into their faces.

Only a week or so goes by,‭ ‬and it’s Election Day.‭ ‬Those tens-of-thousands of wishy-washy,‭ ‬undecided,‭ ‬swing state centrists are again faced with that difficult choice that rolls around every four years.‭ ‬But this year is different,‭ ‬the memory of receiving‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬from a generous,‭ ‬Republican controlled Senate is fresh in their minds,‭ ‬the typical haze of indecision has lifted,‭ ‬the choice for POTUS has never been more obvious‭!

But,‭ ‬it was not to be.‭ ‬Moscow Mitch felt the overwhelming need to be a miserable pr!ck.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬the final two months of‭ ‬2020,‭ ‬which could have been a joyous time for the impeached president trump and the‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million cultists that voted for him,‭ ‬have not been so.‭ ‬Lost to them is the anticipation and the making of glorious plans for January‭ ‬20,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the Inauguration Day,‭ ‬which could have been,‭ ‬but was not,‭ ‬for the impeached president trump’s second term,‭

By being such a miserable pr!ck,‭ ‬Moscow Mitch cost the impeached president trump his second term.‭ ‬Had that‭ ‬$2000‭ ‬per person been sent out in late October,‭ ‬no level of election fraud could have saved Biden.‭

Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬was your need to be a miserable pr!ck worth putting Biden in the White House‭?‭


In October, the Democrat Party would have never approved any checks going out. So it really wasn't an option for The Turtle.
That’s you completely making shit up.

Have you been in a coma?
Ask yourself this question and be honest: if republicans had full control right now, would the Covid relief bill include direct stimulus checks to everyday Americans of any amount?


Two .. or Three dollars? :rofl:
former impeached president trump
You mean the "Acquitted" Pres.Trump ... :cool:

Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached, you ignorant moron.
He will always be known as #3.
For all of the RWNJs' boasting of their immense expertise in constitutional law, they just cannot grasp the fact that a Senate vote not to remove a president after impeachment, does NOT cancel the impeached ruling by the House.

Whether they like it or not, the RWNJs' orange-toned messiah, will forever be the impeached president trump.


We understand
We know that the asterisk will say politically
Impeached without charges or merit.

Now, do you understand?
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.

It didn't happen.

Exit your parallel universe BJ. Pronto!
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.

It didn't happen.

Exit your parallel universe BJ. Pronto!

It simply didn't happen in any universe
President Trump asked for an investigation into an election that he had already won.
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...
Once's the President that sets foreign policy...not the Congress! Your claim that what Trump did was "quite illegal" is just plain ignorant!

It's also the height of hypocrisy when you claim that Trump did something wrong in attempting to expose how crooked Hillary Clinton was by seeking "dirt" from the Ukraine when Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Glenn Simpson to fabricate "dirt" about Donald Trump and have it supposedly come from Russian sources!

No lie too ridiculous huh? :laugh:
Are you claiming that it's Congress that sets foreign policy? That Trump usurped that authority? Please show me where Congress has EVER had that authority!
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...

That didn't happen with Trump, Doc. It certainly wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt. There were no witnesses shown in the House hearings that could testify to that lie.

Oh it was TOTALLY proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thankfully for Trump, only Mitt Romney had the stones to convict.

Huh? Something I missed there. I saw the witnesses in the House hearings, Kent, Taylor, Vindman, etc.

None of them had witnessed anything- they just "gave their opinions" and were obviously butthurt because the President kept them out of the loop as far as intelligence.

But opinions and hearsay aren't evidence of anything. The House Managers didn't even bother putting them out as witnesses.

Vindman & several others were on the fucking phone cails and IN the meetings!

They still didn't know anything, they only gave their supposed opinions of what was happening.
former impeached president trump
You mean the "Acquitted" Pres.Trump ... :cool:

No, Impeached. Rump was not acquitted. Forever, next to his name when it's listed as President, he gets the dreaded Asterisk next to it. That's like saying Clinton was acquitted of lying to a court. Clinton gets that same Asterisk next to his name as well.

President Trump was exonerated with a majority vote, proclaimed as innocent as a newborn babe.


Whether libs accept it or not.
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...
Once's the President that sets foreign policy...not the Congress! Your claim that what Trump did was "quite illegal" is just plain ignorant!

It's also the height of hypocrisy when you claim that Trump did something wrong in attempting to expose how crooked Hillary Clinton was by seeking "dirt" from the Ukraine when Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Glenn Simpson to fabricate "dirt" about Donald Trump and have it supposedly come from Russian sources!

No lie too ridiculous huh? :laugh:
Are you claiming that it's Congress that sets foreign policy? That Trump usurped that authority? Please show me where Congress has EVER had that authority!

First of all, it's a LIE that Hillary Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands to Glenn Simpson. Simpson was originally hired by Never-Trumpers. When it became clear that Donnie was your candidate, the DNC continued the oppo research. Nothing illegal about that and Hillary had little if not nothing to do with it.

To compare that to Donald's Mafia-style shakedown of Ukraine using taxpayer dollars is intellectually dishonest. But we've come to expect intellectual dishonesty from the Rump crowd.
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.

It didn't happen.

Exit your parallel universe BJ. Pronto!

It simply didn't happen in any universe
President Trump asked for an investigation into an election that he had already won.

Ehhh no BJ. Rump thought that he would most likely face Uncle Joe in 2020 which prompted all the stupidity. He deservedly lost that election by 7 million votes despite all the trips to Ukraine by Rudy, Barr, and Pompeo to meet with shady Russian spies who were making shit up.
Acquittal just means he did not have to leave office.
He's still impeached,
Acquitted is the same as Charges Dropped or Not Guilty. ... :cool:

And impeached is the same as IMPEACHED ;)
With all due respect...that impeachment by the Democrats was the biggest waste of time and taxpayer money I've ever witnessed! Democratic leadership knew they didn't have anything on Trump that was worthy of an impeachment but they went ahead with that farce anyway simply for political reasons!

Sorry, withholding congressionally appropriated aide in exchange for dirt on a political opponent was not only sleazy, it was quite illegal.
I take it you mean AID? Administrations have withheld Congressionally appropriated aid in the past because they were displeased with the actions of foreign nations. Was that illegal then? Don't make me laugh! The President determines foreign policy...not the Congress.

Oh interesting. Give me an example in history when a president withheld appropriated aid in exchange for dirt on a political opponent.
I'll wait ...
Once's the President that sets foreign policy...not the Congress! Your claim that what Trump did was "quite illegal" is just plain ignorant!

It's also the height of hypocrisy when you claim that Trump did something wrong in attempting to expose how crooked Hillary Clinton was by seeking "dirt" from the Ukraine when Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Glenn Simpson to fabricate "dirt" about Donald Trump and have it supposedly come from Russian sources!

No lie too ridiculous huh? :laugh:
Are you claiming that it's Congress that sets foreign policy? That Trump usurped that authority? Please show me where Congress has EVER had that authority!

First of all, it's a LIE that Hillary Clinton herself was paying hundreds of thousands to Glenn Simpson. Simpson was originally hired by Never-Trumpers. When it became clear that Donnie was your candidate, the DNC continued the oppo research. Nothing illegal about that and Hillary had little if not nothing to do with it.

To compare that to Donald's Mafia-style shakedown of Ukraine using taxpayer dollars is intellectually dishonest. But we've come to expect intellectual dishonesty from the Rump crowd.

It was SLEEPY FUCKING JOE who shook down Ukraine, not Trump. At least, Biden bragged about shaking them down,he could have been lying I guess.

Biden gave the leadership of Ukraine 6 hours to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Biden Crime Family or lose a billion US taxdollars.

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