An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police.

The OP was reasonable, yours is not.
The op may not have intended to but he ended up putting responsibility for change on the police

they are just doing their job by responding to the criminal antics of black people
The police are like all of society, there is baked in racism. The problem with police, it can have bigger consequences. The problem requires everyone to act different. It takes everyone to try and understand what others are going through. Those with the most power can do the most good and the most harm. In this scenario, it is the police. They are put in difficult situations in dealing with the mentally ill, domestic violence, drugged out people. They need more help and instructions in dealing with these groups. We do not need police who are attracted to policing to push others around. They are out there.
what about the baked in racism of the black people the police are forced to deal with?

but the left will deny that so what about the total disrespect for the law among black people?

in 99% of the shooting blacks are ordered to submit to police authority and fail to do so

It requires a complete brain disfunction to ignore the cops and continue trying to stab another person with a knife
I am sure many blacks have negative feelings towards whites based on their race and not who they are. But if someone kidnapped my ancestors, brought me to the US, enslaved me, wouldn't let me vote, wouldn't let me use the same restrooms, same restaurants, same hotels, lynched my relatives, restricted college enrollment, constant discrimination, I UNDERSTAND THEIR RACISM. For those who did all of the negative things to blacks for hundreds of years, I have a hard time understanding their racism.
With that said we all need to try and understand each other and heal the wounds. I understand an angry black person more that an uppity white who says I have made it in the US, why can't blacks. The blacks need, just, need to clean up their act. The blacks have nothing to complain about.
50 to 100 years ago yes. Not so much in 2021.
No, in 2021 also. It is up to blacks, whites and all to make changes but it cannot be done without an understanding of history. I see poor white people in the Midwest killing themselves with meth, I understand they did not experience the benefits I had growing up in an upper class white family in a city, college paid for and many business connections coming out of college from my growing up.
Everyone needs to do everything they can for themselves to succeed but it is much harder for some than others.
Not denying history. I am white, I was never a slave owner and blacks alive today are not owned as slaves. There is no separate drinking fountains lunch counters, sitting in the back of the bus etc. Are there still individual or group acts of racism, yes and they need to be addressed.
The scars and benefits of history last for generations. I was very lucky to have multiple generation of white relatives that did very well and I benefited big time.
The scars blacks have suffered last for generations. But blacks and all of us must take advantages of the benefits we have and do the best we can while we all try to make this fricking imperfect world better realizing it will never be perfect.
Before you pitch shit on someone walk a day in their shoes.
Unfortunately, the only likely way to fix the problem is to only put white cops in white communities and black cops in black communities.

I say this because, we are now at a point where every use of force against a black person will be extra scrutinized, and will likely lead to the officer being suspended, fired, or imprisoned. It will also lead to more rioting and destruction.

It is going to become impossible for a white cop to enforce laws in black communities. It will end up putting the officers life in more danger because now there will be hesitation, and possible second guessing and unwillingness to take action that could save the life of the officer or another person.

If the officer is in a situation where he may have to use deadly force, or the need to restrain, and the person in conflict is black, this puts the officer in contemplation of an action that could ruin his life and his family's lives. In situations where this kind of force is necessary, that kind of second guessing and hesitation is not good.

In today's atmosphere, every white cop that kills a black person will automatically be called racism and police brutality.

So, the solution is to just take away the conflict. Only black officers in predominately black communities and only white officers in predominately white communities. And for the times when the opposites cross paths, the officer should call dispatch and have the appropriate officer sent to the scene to take over.

This way, no conflict, no calls of racism or brutality, no riots.
That is apartheid. Talk to South Africa on how well that works.
We have to find a way that whites understand blacks better and blacks understand whites better and non-cops understand cops better. It takes work and an open mind.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
By taking the police away you will end up with mob rule. Do you think anything constructive will come out of it?
The OP was reasonable, yours is not.
The op may not have intended to but he ended up putting responsibility for change on the police

they are just doing their job by responding to the criminal antics of black people
The police are like all of society, there is baked in racism. The problem with police, it can have bigger consequences. The problem requires everyone to act different. It takes everyone to try and understand what others are going through. Those with the most power can do the most good and the most harm. In this scenario, it is the police. They are put in difficult situations in dealing with the mentally ill, domestic violence, drugged out people. They need more help and instructions in dealing with these groups. We do not need police who are attracted to policing to push others around. They are out there.
what about the baked in racism of the black people the police are forced to deal with?

but the left will deny that so what about the total disrespect for the law among black people?

in 99% of the shooting blacks are ordered to submit to police authority and fail to do so

It requires a complete brain disfunction to ignore the cops and continue trying to stab another person with a knife
I am sure many blacks have negative feelings towards whites based on their race and not who they are. But if someone kidnapped my ancestors, brought me to the US, enslaved me, wouldn't let me vote, wouldn't let me use the same restrooms, same restaurants, same hotels, lynched my relatives, restricted college enrollment, constant discrimination, I UNDERSTAND THEIR RACISM. For those who did all of the negative things to blacks for hundreds of years, I have a hard time understanding their racism.
With that said we all need to try and understand each other and heal the wounds. I understand an angry black person more that an uppity white who says I have made it in the US, why can't blacks. The blacks need, just, need to clean up their act. The blacks have nothing to complain about.
50 to 100 years ago yes. Not so much in 2021.
No, in 2021 also. It is up to blacks, whites and all to make changes but it cannot be done without an understanding of history. I see poor white people in the Midwest killing themselves with meth, I understand they did not experience the benefits I had growing up in an upper class white family in a city, college paid for and many business connections coming out of college from my growing up.
Everyone needs to do everything they can for themselves to succeed but it is much harder for some than others.
Not denying history. I am white, I was never a slave owner and blacks alive today are not owned as slaves. There is no separate drinking fountains lunch counters, sitting in the back of the bus etc. Are there still individual or group acts of racism, yes and they need to be addressed.
The scars and benefits of history last for generations. I was very lucky to have multiple generation of white relatives that did very well and I benefited big time.
The scars blacks have suffered last for generations. But blacks and all of us must take advantages of the benefits we have and do the best we can while we all try to make this fricking imperfect world better realizing it will never be perfect.
Before you pitch shit on someone walk a day in their shoes.
Someone got the puke bucket? Did Biden write that for you? NASA is going to pick up that virtue signaling. Hack.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
how about changing the behavior of black people?

Would that be a good idea too?
Everybody could stand a little behavior change.

How about we start with that fricken clown Maxine Waters and we'll see how that works.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
By taking the police away you will end up with mob rule. Do you think anything constructive will come out of it?
We already have mob rule. The new klux klan (BLM) has made sure of that.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
By taking the police away you will end up with mob rule. Do you think anything constructive will come out of it?
I don't want to take the police away. Defund the police is crazy.
The OP was reasonable, yours is not.
The op may not have intended to but he ended up putting responsibility for change on the police

they are just doing their job by responding to the criminal antics of black people
The police are like all of society, there is baked in racism. The problem with police, it can have bigger consequences. The problem requires everyone to act different. It takes everyone to try and understand what others are going through. Those with the most power can do the most good and the most harm. In this scenario, it is the police. They are put in difficult situations in dealing with the mentally ill, domestic violence, drugged out people. They need more help and instructions in dealing with these groups. We do not need police who are attracted to policing to push others around. They are out there.
what about the baked in racism of the black people the police are forced to deal with?

but the left will deny that so what about the total disrespect for the law among black people?

in 99% of the shooting blacks are ordered to submit to police authority and fail to do so

It requires a complete brain disfunction to ignore the cops and continue trying to stab another person with a knife
I am sure many blacks have negative feelings towards whites based on their race and not who they are. But if someone kidnapped my ancestors, brought me to the US, enslaved me, wouldn't let me vote, wouldn't let me use the same restrooms, same restaurants, same hotels, lynched my relatives, restricted college enrollment, constant discrimination, I UNDERSTAND THEIR RACISM. For those who did all of the negative things to blacks for hundreds of years, I have a hard time understanding their racism.
With that said we all need to try and understand each other and heal the wounds. I understand an angry black person more that an uppity white who says I have made it in the US, why can't blacks. The blacks need, just, need to clean up their act. The blacks have nothing to complain about.
50 to 100 years ago yes. Not so much in 2021.
No, in 2021 also. It is up to blacks, whites and all to make changes but it cannot be done without an understanding of history. I see poor white people in the Midwest killing themselves with meth, I understand they did not experience the benefits I had growing up in an upper class white family in a city, college paid for and many business connections coming out of college from my growing up.
Everyone needs to do everything they can for themselves to succeed but it is much harder for some than others.
Not denying history. I am white, I was never a slave owner and blacks alive today are not owned as slaves. There is no separate drinking fountains lunch counters, sitting in the back of the bus etc. Are there still individual or group acts of racism, yes and they need to be addressed.
The scars and benefits of history last for generations. I was very lucky to have multiple generation of white relatives that did very well and I benefited big time.
The scars blacks have suffered last for generations. But blacks and all of us must take advantages of the benefits we have and do the best we can while we all try to make this fricking imperfect world better realizing it will never be perfect.
Before you pitch shit on someone walk a day in their shoes.
Someone got the puke bucket? Did Biden write that for you? NASA is going to pick up that virtue signaling. Hack.
What in the hell are you talking about? You are a better puker than communicator. Go puke and stick your head in it.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.

Surely it's time to have massive change. Learn from mistakes that are being made every day. Have government understand the issues, understand the way to fix the problems.

Don't trust the government?

Then it's time to change the way the government is elected, so those who are elected are doing what they're elected for, which is to REPRESENT THE PEOPLE and not the rich who can buy whatever they want.

That change is Proportional Representation.
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
The only help black Americans can get reforming their own culture; stop victimhood and re-establish their families. Given their leaders it is a current impossibility. All else is futile.
The words of a true racist, Meathead. He/she just does not get it. Black American culture was formed going back to slavery, decades of discrimination. Whites are very much a part of forming today's black culture. We all need to help ourselves but we need equal opportunity.
Oh please. What nonsense. I remember black in the 50s and 60s. I lived in black neighborhoods. They were subjected to tremendous discrimination and real jim crow. They met every incident with a quiet grace and dignity. They had strong families headed by fathers. They had roots in family and the church. Black neighborhoods were poor but clean and neat. Good people. People of integrity.
What happened?
It changed when welfare was expanded. When Uncle Sugar became the primary breadwinner.

The culture has been corrupted but not by slavery ir discrimination.
The police and the communities have to find a way to one together. People who refer to police as pigs are the problem.
Cops who abuse their authority are the problem.

As long as these two elements are the loudest voices we are not moving forward.
I hear what you're saying, but referring to the police as "pigs" is protected under the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and produces what? Hurt feeling? While cops abusing their authority with impunity causes a lot more damage than what we generally see in the news when you consider that them killing people is just the most extreme abuse of that authority. There are lots of other ways they can inflict harm upon an unsuspecting populace with a badge and gun and access to databases that contain information on every aspect of your life.
Abolish the police. Close the prisons. Have vigilantes and lynch mobs. Private security not answerable to elected officials.
The OP was reasonable, yours is not.
The op may not have intended to but he ended up putting responsibility for change on the police

they are just doing their job by responding to the criminal antics of black people
The police are like all of society, there is baked in racism. The problem with police, it can have bigger consequences. The problem requires everyone to act different. It takes everyone to try and understand what others are going through. Those with the most power can do the most good and the most harm. In this scenario, it is the police. They are put in difficult situations in dealing with the mentally ill, domestic violence, drugged out people. They need more help and instructions in dealing with these groups. We do not need police who are attracted to policing to push others around. They are out there.
what about the baked in racism of the black people the police are forced to deal with?

but the left will deny that so what about the total disrespect for the law among black people?

in 99% of the shooting blacks are ordered to submit to police authority and fail to do so

It requires a complete brain disfunction to ignore the cops and continue trying to stab another person with a knife
I am sure many blacks have negative feelings towards whites based on their race and not who they are. But if someone kidnapped my ancestors, brought me to the US, enslaved me, wouldn't let me vote, wouldn't let me use the same restrooms, same restaurants, same hotels, lynched my relatives, restricted college enrollment, constant discrimination, I UNDERSTAND THEIR RACISM. For those who did all of the negative things to blacks for hundreds of years, I have a hard time understanding their racism.
With that said we all need to try and understand each other and heal the wounds. I understand an angry black person more that an uppity white who says I have made it in the US, why can't blacks. The blacks need, just, need to clean up their act. The blacks have nothing to complain about.
They don't want to look beyond or obtain understanding. Certain categories of people believe themselves to be perfect as they are therefore there is nothing that needs improvement.

There are also other categories of people who can sometimes overlap with the first group who believe that people are poor because they're lazy and/or stupid.

There's not really a lot you can do with people like that.
I was very lucky to have multiple generation of white relatives that did very well and I benefited big time.
The scars blacks have suffered last for generations. But blacks and all of us must take advantages of the benefits we have and do the best we can while we all try to make this fricking imperfect world better realizing it will never be perfect.
Before you pitch shit on someone walk a day in their shoes.
Take you ancestors money and give it to black folks. I have never known them to turn down free shit. Problem solved and your snowflake can be whole. They'll be happy and you'll be happy; win-win.
Unfortunately, the only likely way to fix the problem is to only put white cops in white communities and black cops in black communities.

I say this because, we are now at a point where every use of force against a black person will be extra scrutinized, and will likely lead to the officer being suspended, fired, or imprisoned. It will also lead to more rioting and destruction.

It is going to become impossible for a white cop to enforce laws in black communities. It will end up putting the officers life in more danger because now there will be hesitation, and possible second guessing and unwillingness to take action that could save the life of the officer or another person.

If the officer is in a situation where he may have to use deadly force, or the need to restrain, and the person in conflict is black, this puts the officer in contemplation of an action that could ruin his life and his family's lives. In situations where this kind of force is necessary, that kind of second guessing and hesitation is not good.

In today's atmosphere, every white cop that kills a black person will automatically be called racism and police brutality.

So, the solution is to just take away the conflict. Only black officers in predominately black communities and only white officers in predominately white communities. And for the times when the opposites cross paths, the officer should call dispatch and have the appropriate officer sent to the scene to take over.

This way, no conflict, no calls of racism or brutality, no riots.
That is apartheid. Talk to South Africa on how well that works.
We have to find a way that whites understand blacks better and blacks understand whites better and non-cops understand cops better. It takes work and an open mind.
There would be no segregation taking place. It would simply be eliminating the conflict.

I agree with you that the ideal solution would be to have everyone understand each other better, but its not possible.

You have news and radio talk hosts, and now even our own government members driving the racial narrative into every story. For the safety of every officer in America, the conflict needs to be removed.

Look at what happened in the last few weeks. Even as the Chauvin trial was going on, there were 2 more high profile police shootings? Even before the story came out, race was being touted as the motive.

We've had mobs in the street, pretty much constantly, for over a year now. Nothing is being done to try and stem the anger, most in our media and government are feeding it. You can't start to heal the wound if you keep picking at the scab.
if someone kidnapped my ancestors, brought me to the US, enslaved me, wouldn't let me vote, wouldn't let me use the same restrooms, same restaurants, same hotels, lynched my relatives, restricted college enrollment, constant discrimination, I UNDERSTAND THEIR RACISM. For those who did all of the negative things to blacks for hundreds of years, I have a hard time understanding their racism.
I would like to meet the black person who says I kidnapped them hundreds of years ago and then did all the bad things to them that you say I did.

at this point you’ll tell me not to be so silly

Because “everyone knows” you dont mean me personally but rather someone just like me in skin color

well, whether you know it or not thats racism

nothing less than what I am being accused of
It is up to blacks, whites and all to make changes but it cannot be done without an understanding of history.
Oh gosh

Elmer thinks he’s the only one who knows history and the rest of us here that he’s looking down on do not
Stop criminalizing so many things. That could also be an instant change.
Liberals are already doing that

Some cities with George Soros lib DAs have already stopped prosecuting theft of under $750

which has been great for criminals, drug addicts, and poor kids in the hood

but not so great for honest citizens who work hard for what they have
An opportunity for change. An opportunity to help all blacks and minorities. An opportunity to help the police. An opportunity to help ourselves.
It is time for us all get behind the many good police to help them in a very difficult job and to help black people receive equal justice.
Both groups, police and blacks, have bad individuals in their group, as do all groups and demographics. We cannot define either group by the worst among them nor should we defend the worst among each group.
Policing needs to be changed to help the police, blacks and all minorities. That will be best for all Americans.
The only help black Americans can get is reforming their own culture; stop victimhood and re-establish their families. Given their leaders it is a current impossibility. All else is futile.

The problem is intractable, IMHO.

As A. Lincoln once observed, both groups (which are composed of lovely people) have two different cultures that are simply incompatible.

It is a waste of time (and really irrational) to advise any people to "change" their culture.

They can't! It is who they are!

If one chooses to live in the United States, it is one of those things -- like the weather -- that one must adjust to.
Unfortunately, the only likely way to fix the problem is to only put white cops in white communities and black cops in black communities.
The fact that we're still living in racially segregated communities is the problem.

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