An Over-all View of Our Nation's Crisis


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We are still in a depression and the government is doing nothing except to use that depression as an excuse to loot our national treasury of $85 billion a month for the Wall Street bankers who have given the most donations by far in the last two elections. They own our political elite in DC now and it is increasingly obvious.

Wall Streets underlying problems with derivative contracts that use insane amounts of leverage has not been fixed, so odds are very good we will have another Wall Street collapse as the Fed reduces its asset purchases in a tapering process that scares the shit out of most investors.

Our economy is slowly collapsing even further. Monetary arbitrage between the US and China is sucking the heavy industry out of the US to China along with all the jobs.

Immigrants, legal and illegal, are being used to crush American wage scales in almost every industry. This vastly reduces the consumer market and crushes tax revenues. Arizona which got an E-Verify law passed that punishes businesses by yanking their business licenses is being run around pre-emptively (before the idea becomes law in almost every state) via a blatant amnesty bill that also hugely raises H1-B immigration levels, as well as legalizing the black market labor that has reduced wages across the country.

Our politicians are leaping at the chance to serve the interests of these mega-corporations and do not give a minute care about the angering of Americans because they have emplaced a duopoly in our political system that shuts out all third parties and they constantly demonize each other in elections to scare the voters of the 'other side' to not risk voting third party and risk the evil Republicans or Stupid Democrats taking power. And the voters keep falling for that lie; will we ever learn?

In the old days voter fraud was a bit more difficult since they had to hide/destroy thousands of vote ballots, and fake thousands more, but now all this can be done electronically without a single party operative doing a damned thing. It can simply be programmed in and obvious safe guards are ignored.

The political professional class of American Brahmins have take over and they have secured their power. With casino money from Wall Street, fake voting thanks to Venezuela who owns the manufacture of our electronic voting machines, and a press owned by these same corporations that own the politicians, where is there hope for the American people to reclaim OUR republic?

It is depressing to think about, but I still have faith that the American people will wake up one day. A faith that is definitely based on things as yet unseen.
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