An uber dumb idea

Uber is hemorrhaging money, I guess this is their way of trying to make ends meet. I hope driverless cars are not licensed for a long while. Can a car look up the road head of traffic and anticipate a problem?

Yep, actually they can potentially do it better than humans can since they have access to a far greater number of simultaneous data inputs and aren't vulnerable to subjective decisions.
Bullshit. Kids on bicycles or dogs aren't "data points". They are unpredictable entities that can't be computed.
Umm... you're thinking too small.

With the proper infrastructure, the car could "talk" to the road (think "smart road"), other cars, traffic cameras, satellites, and a plethora of other environmental sensors and "see" "kids on bicycles", dogs, etc.., far sooner than a human can not to mention predict where those potential problems are actually going to be at X moment in time far sooner and far more accurately than a human can all that while knowing exactly what the physical road and other environmental conditions are and how said conditions will affect the performance (e.g. braking) of the vehicle.

We're in the infancy stages right now but it's a pretty safe bet that the technology will evolve quickly since there are huge incentives (both economic and social) for it and in the long run it will lead to far safer, more efficient roads and less traffic related deaths.
You're think too abstract. Sorta blew your own theory out of the water with "with the proper infrastructure" and "we're in the infancy stages". We ain't got it yet and outfitting every road in America and AI on a human level or above is a ways off.

We ain't got it yet but 15 years ago we didn't have the infrastructure to support the current crop of mobile technologies that are ubiquitous today but yet here we are, the incentives are all there for us to develop and implement the necessary infrastructure for wide scale adoption of driver less cars in relatively short order.

.. .and if you've forgotten the original question posed by you WAS "Can a car look up the road head of traffic and anticipate a problem?", to which I responded "yep" and proceeded to explain exactly how that is possible and how it will be greatly expanded in the future.

As far as the driver less cars available on the road today, while the technology is still limited by lack of infrastructure and nascent vehicle technology they are still quite capable with respect to safety, especially when one considers just how dangerous many drivers currently on the road are, they're just not anywhere near where they are going to be.
I didn't agree with you and won't. Cars aren't as smart as humans, that's why I said bullshit. Cars may be able to see most of what is around it but aren't going to predict on the level of an aware experienced driver. Which should be the minimum standard if transporting humans is the nature of the business.
Uber is hemorrhaging money, I guess this is their way of trying to make ends meet. I hope driverless cars are not licensed for a long while. Can a car look up the road head of traffic and anticipate a problem?

Yep, actually they can potentially do it better than humans can since they have access to a far greater number of simultaneous data inputs and aren't vulnerable to subjective decisions.
Or playing with passenger's boobs..
and then on the other hand, just think, heading out to the beach for the weekend, you pick up a hot babe thats wearing only a string bikini, your wife is already at the hotel waiting for you to arrive. You set the car to head on down the road for you and while the car is rolling down the highway at 65mph, you are in the back seat knocking off a piece.
I think some people are at least watching porn movies. I'm all for automated driving but not before we can do it safely.

Most people that are safe drivers themselves seem to have the same trepidation about the idea of a self driving car, however when you stop and think about all the extremely unsafe drivers out there (chemically impaired, physically impaired, long past the age where they should be driving, completely inexperienced drivers and morons that are just too dumb to drive safely) one starts to realize what a great idea this is and the fact that we can't develop it soon enough.

Beyond that keep in mind there's no reason self driving cars need eliminate the "manual control" option.
I just got my truck back from the body shop this morning, hit a deer and had the whole front end replaced. I wonder how a self driving car would have handled a deer just jumping out of the trees and in front of the car, Deer wasnt even on the ground when I hit it. Was like pinball, then there was the car that was coming the other way, the deer flew over the top of it, but lets say that it would have hit the car, would the onboard computer have been able to avoid the deer, or would it have turned the car into a ditch or oncoming (me) traffic? Would the self driving car have known to pull over to the shoulder and look at the damage to make sure it was safe to continue? There are things that will happen that even the car is not going to be able to avoid.
Uber is hemorrhaging money, I guess this is their way of trying to make ends meet. I hope driverless cars are not licensed for a long while. Can a car look up the road head of traffic and anticipate a problem?

Yep, actually they can potentially do it better than humans can since they have access to a far greater number of simultaneous data inputs and aren't vulnerable to subjective decisions.
Or playing with passenger's boobs..
and then on the other hand, just think, heading out to the beach for the weekend, you pick up a hot babe thats wearing only a string bikini, your wife is already at the hotel waiting for you to arrive. You set the car to head on down the road for you and while the car is rolling down the highway at 65mph, you are in the back seat knocking off a piece.
I think some people are at least watching porn movies. I'm all for automated driving but not before we can do it safely.

Most people that are safe drivers themselves seem to have the same trepidation about the idea of a self driving car, however when you stop and think about all the extremely unsafe drivers out there (chemically impaired, physically impaired, long past the age where they should be driving, completely inexperienced drivers and morons that are just too dumb to drive safely) one starts to realize what a great idea this is and the fact that we can't develop it soon enough.

Beyond that keep in mind there's no reason self driving cars need eliminate the "manual control" option.
But this is now, not tomorrow. I've ridden motorcycles for 45 years so I'm well aware of all the shitty drivers out there.
I can pretty much tell you that I wont be getting into any car that is missing the driver. Im old school, Im all about thinking that an actual driver is a pretty important part of the equation. I know,, call me silly
I dunno about that, have you seen some of the fucking idiot drivers we have on our roads? You know the ones; the morons driving down the street with their faces planted into their smartphones; the women driving while applying make-up; the idiots coasting along at 20 miles below the speed limit in the fast lane; etc...etc...,

Maybe driver less cars aren't such a bad idea. :)
I'm all for having a driver onboard but agree with Fox too.

A week from today I depart on an annual 1300 mile drive and it's a given somewhere along the route some other driver is gonna do something stupid that endangers me and others as well. Just have to be alert and on your toes at all times for the stupid morons who shouldn't be allowed on a 70 mph interstate highway.
Yep, actually they can potentially do it better than humans can since they have access to a far greater number of simultaneous data inputs and aren't vulnerable to subjective decisions.
Bullshit. Kids on bicycles or dogs aren't "data points". They are unpredictable entities that can't be computed.
Umm... you're thinking too small.

With the proper infrastructure, the car could "talk" to the road (think "smart road"), other cars, traffic cameras, satellites, and a plethora of other environmental sensors and "see" "kids on bicycles", dogs, etc.., far sooner than a human can not to mention predict where those potential problems are actually going to be at X moment in time far sooner and far more accurately than a human can all that while knowing exactly what the physical road and other environmental conditions are and how said conditions will affect the performance (e.g. braking) of the vehicle.

We're in the infancy stages right now but it's a pretty safe bet that the technology will evolve quickly since there are huge incentives (both economic and social) for it and in the long run it will lead to far safer, more efficient roads and less traffic related deaths.
You're think too abstract. Sorta blew your own theory out of the water with "with the proper infrastructure" and "we're in the infancy stages". We ain't got it yet and outfitting every road in America and AI on a human level or above is a ways off.

We ain't got it yet but 15 years ago we didn't have the infrastructure to support the current crop of mobile technologies that are ubiquitous today but yet here we are, the incentives are all there for us to develop and implement the necessary infrastructure for wide scale adoption of driver less cars in relatively short order.

.. .and if you've forgotten the original question posed by you WAS "Can a car look up the road head of traffic and anticipate a problem?", to which I responded "yep" and proceeded to explain exactly how that is possible and how it will be greatly expanded in the future.

As far as the driver less cars available on the road today, while the technology is still limited by lack of infrastructure and nascent vehicle technology they are still quite capable with respect to safety, especially when one considers just how dangerous many drivers currently on the road are, they're just not anywhere near where they are going to be.
I didn't agree with you and won't.
Doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, it's GOING to happen, the pieces are already in place, the capital is being deployed and the efforts are already underway.

Cars aren't as smart as humans, that's why I said bullshit.
define "smart". How "smart" is a drunk driver? or a newly licensed 16 year old driver? or a 70 year old with bad eyesight and slow reaction time?

Cars may be able to see most of what is around it but aren't going to predict on the level of an aware experienced driver.
You're describing a software problem which boils down to nothing more than taking in data and formulating a proper response, the variables in question are not all that great since the controls available to a driver are limited, it's all about if X then Y and a smart car has far more accurate data available to it than a human does and can react far quicker and more predictably to changes in the data than a human can.

A lot of this stuff is already in play with manual control cars (collision sensors, look ahead/behind cameras, advanced ABS and auto braking systems, GPS systems, etc..,), so it's not as big of a revolutionary leap into a fully automatic mode as you appear to think it is.
Doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, it's GOING to happen, the pieces are already in place, the capital is being deployed and the efforts are already underway.
Jesus Christ, your brain is vapor locked. I'm talking about now and you keep babbling about the future.
Uber started service with self driving cars (with driver by controls)

DMV told Uber they were in violation of driving laws and told them to cease.

Uber says there cars are not in violation.

A taxi cab driver released a dash cam of a driverless Uber car running a red light, 3 seconds after it turned red
If I only had a dollar for every time my computer did something I did not intend....
I just got my truck back from the body shop this morning, hit a deer and had the whole front end replaced. I wonder how a self driving car would have handled a deer just jumping out of the trees and in front of the car, Deer wasnt even on the ground when I hit it.
Good question, ultimately the self driving car would know that the deer was approaching the road well before the deer ever got there since it will have access to sensory data that an unaided human doesn't (external motion sensors, satellite data, on board radar, on board night vision cameras, on board auditory sensors etc...,), even without the external sensory infrastructure the driver less car can react to the deer much better than a human can since it has self contained sensors, knows the road conditions and can react faster and apply braking properly (for the conditions) better than many (most?) humans can.
Doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, it's GOING to happen, the pieces are already in place, the capital is being deployed and the efforts are already underway.
Jesus Christ, your brain is vapor locked. I'm talking about now and you keep babbling about the future.
Er um yeah.. the technology is being deployed RIGHT NOW (whether you agree with it or not), that's the subject of thread.

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