Zone1 analysis (by yours truly) : the US *and* The Netherlands are in politically unfavorabe 'weather'...

Over here in Florida, the law abiding citizens dont need some overbearing worthless government to defend US, we just defend ourselves with legality if Radical Muzzies get upitty.
i'd rather have the police handle them.
and you were issuing conspiracy theories as to why those events happened.
No, I was simply saying why they were murdered

It isn't exactly a mystery that they were murdered by Islamists for being outspoken against Islam.

You turn political correctness into mental illness when you try to claim otherwise.
No, I was simply saying why they were murdered

It isn't exactly a mystery that they were murdered by Islamists for being outspoken against Islam.

You turn political correctness into mental illness when you try to claim otherwise.
ok, maybe i need to brush up on my history classes.
hi all,

i wanna share the conclusions of my thoughts with you;
the US is in stormy political weather because Trump is about to get re-elected, Biden is willing and able to go for another 4 years, and my personal favorite (for her character and new-to-the-show current-instincts), Nikki Haley, doesn't stand much of a chance at winning the Presidency or a spot as VP anymore.

that means, i can't endorse anyone in the US elections anymore, except Nikki Haley.

i don't like how the Bidens took bribes from places like China, Ukraine and Iran, and organized their pay-to-play family political business affairs.
and i certainly don't like what Trump did in the days leading up to Jan 6th.
i think neither of these leaders is worth re-electing. :(

we need fresh blood to walk around in the White House, is what my gut instincts tell me.
i post this here to allow you all to try and change my mind..

as to my own country (The Netherlands), a right-wing anti-immigrant political party wave has hit NW-Europe in the latest elections,
and i don't like that either. i'm a real white-skinned multi-culturalist (who can't stand reverse racism, but still).

Sooooo you actually support the destruction of European culture.

Why don't you just move to a Muslim country that appeals to you?
the vast majority of immigrants here form our simple-jobs workforce.
and they have no assassination plans against anyone at all.

Unfortunately, yes, they do. Feel free to watch the videos they produce. They are mocking you, and at every turn they are replacing you.
Unfortunately, yes, they do. Feel free to watch the videos they produce. They are mocking you, and at every turn they are replacing you.
over here ethnicities tolerate each other, briefly mingling included, inter-racial marriages happening, and we don't tolerate Mosques that aren't moderate Islam.
not even kitchen knives are used for anything but their original purpose.
and the govt can stop the manyfold child production of the immigrant population by just stopping payments of child raising benefit after 3 kids.
over here ethnicities tolerate each other, briefly mingling included, inter-racial marriages happening, and we don't tolerate Mosques that aren't moderate Islam.
not even kitchen knives are used for anything but their original purpose.
and the govt can stop the manyfold child production of the immigrant population by just stopping payments of child raising benefit after 3 kids.

Not really. That is a fiction that you choose to believe. My wife is French, and we own a flat in Paris so we have watched as parts of the city became not welcome to non Muslims.

You had better wake up.
Not really. That is a fiction that you choose to believe. My wife is French, and we own a flat in Paris so we have watched as parts of the city became not welcome to non Muslims.

You had better wake up.
one country's history, situation and near- and/or mid- and/or long-term future can not be compared against any that/those of other countries.
well, sometimes, in hindsight usually, they can.
but not in this case, ok.
we the Dutch are still at peace with our immigrant population, and i pray and work towards keeping it that way.
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one country's history, situation and (near-)(to-mid-)term future can not be compared against any other countries.

Sure it can. Take a look around you. Every country in Europe that has taken refugees in from the middle east has seen a massive rise in violent crime.

Every. Single. One.
prove it.

It sure says a lot about your political acumen when Americans know more about your recent history than you do.

You not knowing about Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh is like an American who has never heard of, say, Newt Gingrich or Al Gore.
got a lot of rapes are news refuses to report.....they won't even report south africa is just a pitiful place....gee what changed??....invasion of the smooth brains

If "they" aren't reporting these rapes, how do you know about them?
over here ethnicities tolerate each other, briefly mingling included, inter-racial marriages happening, and we don't tolerate Mosques that aren't moderate Islam.
not even kitchen knives are used for anything but their original purpose.
and the govt can stop the manyfold child production of the immigrant population by just stopping payments of child raising benefit after 3 kids.

My mother loved Holland . We went every year or so... Stayed with the same family who let us use their bicycles. The last two week trip to Amsterdam was with my mother.

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