Analysis: Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. businesses are hiring at a
robust rate. The only problem is that three out of four of the
nearly 1 million hires this year are part-time and many of the jobs s are low-paid.

Faltering economic growth at home and abroad and concern that President Barack Obama's signature health care law will drive up business costs are behind the wariness about taking on full-time staff, executives at staffing and payroll firms say. Employers say part-timers offer them flexibility.

If the economy picks up, they can quickly offer full-time work. If orders dry up, they know costs are under control. It also helps them to curb costs they might face under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Analysis: Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring |

Someone explain to me how the people who wrote this ridiculous pig didn't realize what was going to happen when they directly tied additional business costs to hours worked by employees.


What fuels part time growth is making $172 a month in China.

So what jobs should be grown? Unskilled labor? That's all Republicans know. And they don't want government to help, so why the whine?

Someone explain to me how the people who wrote this ridiculous pig didn't realize what was going to happen when they directly tied additional business costs to hours worked by employees.



IMHO It's rather straightforward Mac, when you pass a gigantic piece of legislation which includes 10's of thousands of variables that are either improperly understood, not understood or not even known to the authors then fail to account for interlocking dependencies between all those variables you end up with a plethora of unintended consequences. The unintended consequences then require a repeat of the legislative process to address which of course creates new unintended consequences (or magnifies existing ones) and so on and so forth, eventually you get to the point where things are such a mess that you have to start over from scratch (aka "comprehensive reform") and in doing so you toss out all the self adjustments that the market has made to the previous "reforms". One of the key reasons central economic planning always fails and always will.

It's sort of like asking a bunch of lawyers to design and engineer an automobile using only a pile of the raw ingredients as a basis.
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

Someone explain to me how the people who wrote this ridiculous pig didn't realize what was going to happen when they directly tied additional business costs to hours worked by employees.



IMHO It's rather straightforward Mac, when you pass a gigantic piece of legislation which includes 10's of thousands of variables that are either improperly understood, not understood or not even known to the authors then fail to account for interlocking dependencies between all those variables you end up with a plethora of unintended consequences. The unintended consequences then require a repeat of the legislative process to address which of course creates new unintended consequences (or magnifies existing ones) and so on and so forth, eventually you get to the point where things are such a mess that you have to start over from scratch (aka "comprehensive reform") and in doing so you toss out all the self adjustments that the market has made to the previous "reforms". One of the key reasons central economic planning always fails and always will.

It's sort of like asking a bunch of lawyers to design and engineer an automobile using only a pile of the raw ingredients as a basis.

Yeah, agreed. Maybe they really didn't realize what would happen, as obvious as it should have been. Everyone just shoved their hands in the cookie jar and we got what we got.

It's the beauty of bureaucracy: Just keep adding bureaucratic "fixes" for every problem you created with the original bureaucracy. Utter fucking madness.

So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

That doesn't even make sense. It was Republicans who helped business move jobs to China. It's Republicans who want to lower or end the minimum wage. It's Republicans who want to end "benefits" like health care. These are classic Republican positions. Don't try to pass them off on to the Democrats.
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

That doesn't even make sense. It was Republicans who helped business move jobs to China. It's Republicans who want to lower or end the minimum wage. It's Republicans who want to end "benefits" like health care. These are classic Republican positions. Don't try to pass them off on to the Democrats.

So when obamas job czar(emmelt) moved entire divisions to China that too was the republicans fault?
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

That doesn't even make sense. It was Republicans who helped business move jobs to China. It's Republicans who want to lower or end the minimum wage. It's Republicans who want to end "benefits" like health care. These are classic Republican positions. Don't try to pass them off on to the Democrats.

Rdean what is so hard to understand? read the story, Obama care is part of the problem why folks can not get full time work, What is the point of health insurance if you dont even have enough money to put a roof over your head and eat? and be realistic the reason why manufacturing jobs left to China was because of High taxes, Unions, Low labor rates in china, China manipulating there currency and Americans shopping at big box stores buying that crap...
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

They've been convinced they'll get more benefits from the evil rich corporation than they're going to lose in wages.

They're not poor because they're smart.
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

That doesn't even make sense. It was Republicans who helped business move jobs to China. It's Republicans who want to lower or end the minimum wage. It's Republicans who want to end "benefits" like health care. These are classic Republican positions. Don't try to pass them off on to the Democrats.

Rdean what is so hard to understand? read the story, Obama care is part of the problem why folks can not get full time work, What is the point of health insurance if you dont even have enough money to put a roof over your head and eat? and be realistic the reason why manufacturing jobs left to China was because of High taxes, Unions, Low labor rates in china, China manipulating there currency and Americans shopping at big box stores buying that crap...

What I don't understand is how people as stupid as Rdean manage to survive this long. It used to be that the kid who ate paint chips didn't grow up and have kids of his own.

We need to bring lead based paint back. These parasites aren't being aborted fast enough.

It was clear to all those Ivy League "educated" democrook political whores what the results would be. There's no question in my mind. They wanted to turn the screws on the middle/lower classes in order to create even more animosity between them and their employers. I'm not sure as to what % of the people will be too stupid to figure out their suffering was caused by democrooks and blame their employers, or how many will realize obozocare is what forced them into juggling 2 part time jobs in order to bring home what their old job used to pay.

I have to hope the higher percentage is cognizant enough to know the truth, and that tools like rdean represent the smaller percentage.
So in essence Obama and the Democrats cut poor working peoples wages by 25%.. Why poor folks vote against there pocket book always blows my mind.

That doesn't even make sense. It was Republicans who helped business move jobs to China. It's Republicans who want to lower or end the minimum wage. It's Republicans who want to end "benefits" like health care. These are classic Republican positions. Don't try to pass them off on to the Democrats.

Rdean what is so hard to understand? read the story, Obama care is part of the problem why folks can not get full time work, What is the point of health insurance if you dont even have enough money to put a roof over your head and eat? and be realistic the reason why manufacturing jobs left to China was because of High taxes, Unions, Low labor rates in china, China manipulating there currency and Americans shopping at big box stores buying that crap...

Yea. what is so hard to understand. IF I am a rather large business owner, why should I offer the benefit of health insurance when I can get the general population to pick up the health care costs of my low wage employee.

IF I am a rather large business owner, why should I pay a wage or offer enough hours for my employees to put food on the table when I can get the general population to pay for food stamps for my low wage employees.

But it is better for me as the company owner to KEEP having the rest of us subsidize the companies employees.

And you rethugs eat that shit up.

Yea It's all Obama's fault.

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