Analysis of the Walmart Shooter Manifesto

I don't care what that cretin says about anything in anything.

I want him to die slowly, in unimaginable torment and with a thousand people around him laughing their asses off.

The little son of a bitch is a pig souled degenerate.

Piss on him and his memory.
A good Christians should forgive
He has been judged and there is nothing u or I can do
You saying that you would shot him dead on site is troublesome
Sounds like an eye for an eye
I am just saying that he asked for forgiveness from his fellow man and ultimately since he died he ask to ask for forgiveness again
It is beyond mine or your pay grade now let it go, Do not get caught in the drama as the consequences are eternal
You think God, made us helpless? You think God's commandments are to allow children, to be burned to death by White men under the cloak of a white hood.

You believe if I stopped a murderer, that is a sin? A murderer of children, of woman? A murderer who kills simply because their skin color is different?

An eye for an eye? Ha, stopping those that kill and those that lead others that kill is not an eye for an eye. There is no justice, there is no vengeance. There is simply stopping those who are racist murderers.

You can not denounce this man as a Senator, he in fact, gets your vote. That makes you unreasonable. If not a racist yourself. You describe the crimes of the KKK as simply being, "bad".

I do not know who you are. But I know you either ignorant or partisan beyond reason. Many times people who are unreasonable are also gullible, and of lesser intelligence. You can not say that the leader of the KKK in West Virginia should never of been the Leader of the Democrats in the Senate?

So be it, that is who you are, a man that has no problem with a racist that leads the Klan in the murder of the innocent black people. It is not above your pay-grade to Judge if this man is fit to be in the senate. It is above your intelligence.
You listen to too much CNN and read too muxh liberal media. He never said all Mexicans illegals are rapists and criminals. He only proposed a ban from certain places and the ban was only until good vetting could be established. He didn't ban ALL Muslims. He never mentioned the race of the fabulous 4.

Trump NEVER was shown to discriminate on race. NEVER. He may have not wanted to rent to welfare recipients. Which is based upon income and lifestyle and not on race. The fact that the welfare recipients were black is irrelevant. [/QUOTE]

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. (The opposite is they are sending their worst because they are not sending their best) They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, (Now he is defining what they are sending) and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. (weak assumption that they are good people but really contradicts the first highlight statement so are they good people or Mexico sends only the worst) But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

Definitely needs a better speech writer

Muslim ban

Dec. 7, 2015: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”

he eventually water it down to specific countries and eventually the all Muslim ban statement made was reduced to specific countries[/QUOTE]
You can copy and paste a google search, that shows you can not formulate answers by what you know, by what you have learned.

How about this, quote what trump said, from an unedited transcript.

You wont, it is up to us to do the work that you are too lazy to do or unwilling to do, for your cut/paste hides the truth. Choosing from the top of the list of Google, who has vowed to stop Trump, gives you the propaganda the Liberals use against a good man.
March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”
You need to link to your source, so that we can see if this is what Trump said or what you edited it to say.

I say this is a lie, that you made, you took part of two sentences and added a bit at the end to fit what you wish was true. Either way, usmessageboard forum rules says you must link to anything you quote. You did not do that.

I see you can not and will not follow forum rules. If you are willing to break the rules you are also willing to be a liar.

How about I help you along seeings how this is from a CNN interview. Here is the link; - Transcripts

TRUMP: And besides that. Iraq did not knock down the world trade center. Just in case you had any questions.

COOPER: Do you think Islam is at war with the west?

TRUIMP: I think Islam hates us. There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us.

COOPER: In Islam itself?

TRUMP: You're going to have to figure that out. OK. You'll get another Pulitzer, right? But you'll have to figure that out. But there's a tremendous hatred. And we have to be very vigilant. We have to be very careful. And we can't allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States.

Your quote if very mangled, not even paraphrased with any sort of accuracy. That coupled with you complete refusal to state the leaders of the KKK should not lead the senate. That with your willing refusal to follow forum rules. And I would say you certainly are not credible, deliberately or cause you are just dumb?

Maybe you could clarify everything for us, which would be very nice, cause you certainly do not seem nice at all.
March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”
You need to link to your source, so that we can see if this is what Trump said or what you edited it to say.

I say this is a lie, that you made, you took part of two sentences and added a bit at the end to fit what you wish was true. Either way, usmessageboard forum rules says you must link to anything you quote. You did not do that.

I see you can not and will not follow forum rules. If you are willing to break the rules you are also willing to be a liar.

Please post a link

This from the guy that started this line of reasoning and listed a manifesto and quoted insignificant parts and added a bunch of hoopla

The thing I got from your link

My death is likely inevitable. If I’m not killed by the police, then I’ll probably be gunned down by one of the invaders. Capture in this case if far worse than dying during the shooting because I’ll get the death penalty anyway. Worse still is that I would live knowing that my family despises me. This is why I’m not going to surrender even if I run out of ammo. If I’m captured, it will be because I was subdued somehow

I guess that was a lie because he surrendered and he is singing like a lark.
How about I help you along seeings how this is from a CNN interview. Here is the link; - Transcripts

TRUMP: And besides that. Iraq did not knock down the world trade center. Just in case you had any questions.

COOPER: Do you think Islam is at war with the west?

TRUIMP: I think Islam hates us. There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us.

COOPER: In Islam itself?

TRUMP: You're going to have to figure that out. OK. You'll get another Pulitzer, right? But you'll have to figure that out. But there's a tremendous hatred. And we have to be very vigilant. We have to be very careful. And we can't allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States.

Your quote if very mangled, not even paraphrased with any sort of accuracy. That coupled with you complete refusal to state the leaders of the KKK should not lead the senate. That with your willing refusal to follow forum rules. And I would say you certainly are not credible, deliberately or cause you are just dumb?

Maybe you could clarify everything for us, which would be very nice, cause you certainly do not seem nice at all.

I find people use the dumb word or similar words use it as a last resort when they have nothing

copy and paste will give you all the links you need but maybe that is too hard for you

Its how Trump talks and its a direct quote from a CNN interview

Donald Trump: 'I think Islam hates us' - CNNPolitics -
Move the mouse over the above and click

Dec. 7, 2015: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”

he eventually water it down to specific countries and eventually the all Muslim ban statement made was reduced to specific countries[/QUOTE]

You can copy and paste a google search, that shows you can not formulate answers by what you know, by what you have learned.

Do u understand english because that last statement was not a quote as the first two were but its clear to most people that they are racist statements and they don't need commentary
March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”
You need to link to your source, so that we can see if this is what Trump said or what you edited it to say.

I say this is a lie, that you made, you took part of two sentences and added a bit at the end to fit what you wish was true. Either way, usmessageboard forum rules says you must link to anything you quote. You did not do that.

I see you can not and will not follow forum rules. If you are willing to break the rules you are also willing to be a liar.

Please post a link

This from the guy that started this line of reasoning and listed a manifesto and quoted insignificant parts and added a bunch of hoopla

The thing I got from your link

My death is likely inevitable. If I’m not killed by the police, then I’ll probably be gunned down by one of the invaders. Capture in this case if far worse than dying during the shooting because I’ll get the death penalty anyway. Worse still is that I would live knowing that my family despises me. This is why I’m not going to surrender even if I run out of ammo. If I’m captured, it will be because I was subdued somehow

I guess that was a lie because he surrendered and he is singing like a lark.
How about I help you along seeings how this is from a CNN interview. Here is the link; - Transcripts

TRUMP: And besides that. Iraq did not knock down the world trade center. Just in case you had any questions.

COOPER: Do you think Islam is at war with the west?

TRUIMP: I think Islam hates us. There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us.

COOPER: In Islam itself?

TRUMP: You're going to have to figure that out. OK. You'll get another Pulitzer, right? But you'll have to figure that out. But there's a tremendous hatred. And we have to be very vigilant. We have to be very careful. And we can't allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States.

Your quote if very mangled, not even paraphrased with any sort of accuracy. That coupled with you complete refusal to state the leaders of the KKK should not lead the senate. That with your willing refusal to follow forum rules. And I would say you certainly are not credible, deliberately or cause you are just dumb?

Maybe you could clarify everything for us, which would be very nice, cause you certainly do not seem nice at all.

I find people use the dumb word or similar words use it as a last resort when they have nothing

copy and paste will give you all the links you need but maybe that is too hard for you

Its how Trump talks and its a direct quote from a CNN interview

Donald Trump: 'I think Islam hates us' - CNNPolitics -
Move the mouse over the above and click

Dec. 7, 2015: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”

he eventually water it down to specific countries and eventually the all Muslim ban statement made was reduced to specific countries

You can copy and paste a google search, that shows you can not formulate answers by what you know, by what you have learned.

Do u understand english because that last statement was not a quote as the first two were but its clear to most people that they are racist statements and they don't need commentary[/QUOTE]
Dumb fits, you think you are smart, dictating to me what a good Christian is? You r.c posts wreak of condescension.

You won't denounce a man who led racist killers. Beyond that there is no conversation.

I did correct your hatchet job of the CNN trump interview. Kind of dumb, to misquote, not link, and try to give the impression of something being said that was not.
He gave us his reason, immediately and clearly, in the first paragraph:

This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.

And we've seen several USMB posters express solidarity with that since the shooting.
copy and paste will give you all the links you need but maybe that is too hard for you
It is a simple forum rule, to link what you quote. Obviously too hard for you to follow. And why? I am not at fault to point th at out, and question your character. Sure, it could simply be you are lazy. Or maybe you never paid attention to the rules? Either way it is telling when you cherry pick. When you hack an interview to one sentence.

You hack up the interview or find a source that hacks and cherry picks, then post that expecting us to believe that makes trump a racist of muslims and that is why the mass shooting occured?

Ha, ha, ha. Lousy try. You won't denounce the leader of the KKK. he is forgiven. Your Democrat senator is fine? A leader of murderers?

You listen to too much CNN and read too muxh liberal media. He never said all Mexicans illegals are rapists and criminals. He only proposed a ban from certain places and the ban was only until good vetting could be established. He didn't ban ALL Muslims. He never mentioned the race of the fabulous 4.

Trump NEVER was shown to discriminate on race. NEVER. He may have not wanted to rent to welfare recipients. Which is based upon income and lifestyle and not on race. The fact that the welfare recipients were black is irrelevant. [/QUOTE]

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. (The opposite is they are sending their worst because they are not sending their best) They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, (Now he is defining what they are sending) and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. (weak assumption that they are good people but really contradicts the first highlight statement so are they good people or Mexico sends only the worst) But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

Definitely needs a better speech writer

Muslim ban

Dec. 7, 2015: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”

he eventually water it down to specific countries and eventually the all Muslim ban statement made was reduced to specific countries[/QUOTE]

So I'm right. He didn't call all Mexicans rapists and criminals and he didn't ban all Muslims. And Mexico IS sending over problem people. Are criminals coming? Yes. Are drugs coming? Yes. Are rapists coming? Yes. But he didn't say all Mexicans are those things.
He gave us his reason, immediately and clearly, in the first paragraph:

This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.

And we've seen several USMB posters express solidarity with that since the shooting.
Yes, I agree, the Democrats refusal to build a wall resulted in this invasion which caused this mass shooting.

The Democrats refusing to obey the laws they write and swear to enforce resulted in this shooting.

The Democrats have turned their back on this man, the shooter, the turned their backs on the democrat base, resulting in their base, attacking hispanics. That is plain for everyone to see.

Had the Democrats not continued fighting against Trump, this never would of happened. Thank you for reminding us it was Democrat's policy that resulted in this shooting.
March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”
You need to link to your source, so that we can see if this is what Trump said or what you edited it to say.

I say this is a lie, that you made, you took part of two sentences and added a bit at the end to fit what you wish was true. Either way, usmessageboard forum rules says you must link to anything you quote. You did not do that.

I see you can not and will not follow forum rules. If you are willing to break the rules you are also willing to be a liar.

Please post a link

This from the guy that started this line of reasoning and listed a manifesto and quoted insignificant parts and added a bunch of hoopla

The thing I got from your link

My death is likely inevitable. If I’m not killed by the police, then I’ll probably be gunned down by one of the invaders. Capture in this case if far worse than dying during the shooting because I’ll get the death penalty anyway. Worse still is that I would live knowing that my family despises me. This is why I’m not going to surrender even if I run out of ammo. If I’m captured, it will be because I was subdued somehow

I guess that was a lie because he surrendered and he is singing like a lark.
How about I help you along seeings how this is from a CNN interview. Here is the link; - Transcripts

TRUMP: And besides that. Iraq did not knock down the world trade center. Just in case you had any questions.

COOPER: Do you think Islam is at war with the west?

TRUIMP: I think Islam hates us. There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us.

COOPER: In Islam itself?

TRUMP: You're going to have to figure that out. OK. You'll get another Pulitzer, right? But you'll have to figure that out. But there's a tremendous hatred. And we have to be very vigilant. We have to be very careful. And we can't allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States.

Your quote if very mangled, not even paraphrased with any sort of accuracy. That coupled with you complete refusal to state the leaders of the KKK should not lead the senate. That with your willing refusal to follow forum rules. And I would say you certainly are not credible, deliberately or cause you are just dumb?

Maybe you could clarify everything for us, which would be very nice, cause you certainly do not seem nice at all.

I find people use the dumb word or similar words use it as a last resort when they have nothing

copy and paste will give you all the links you need but maybe that is too hard for you

Its how Trump talks and its a direct quote from a CNN interview

Donald Trump: 'I think Islam hates us' - CNNPolitics -
Move the mouse over the above and click

Dec. 7, 2015: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

March 9, 2016: "I think Islam hates us ... We can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people that are not Muslim.”

he eventually water it down to specific countries and eventually the all Muslim ban statement made was reduced to specific countries

You can copy and paste a google search, that shows you can not formulate answers by what you know, by what you have learned.

Do u understand english because that last statement was not a quote as the first two were but its clear to most people that they are racist statements and they don't need commentary[/QUOTE]
There you go, was that so hard to do. Now I can see that it was not Trump's words and a simple cherry picking by CNN. How do I know who did the cherry picking and destroyed the context if you do not link to what you are quoting.

You can also read the transcript, quote from the transcript, which will give you a much different context.

I gave the link to the transcript on cnn, of the trump interview you are quoting, why do you do not use that link and get an accurate quote?

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