Anarchist US soldiers 'plotted government overthrow, Obama killing...

Lol, so this is what it looks like when 2 trolls, one an Obama-bot and the other a Bush-bot, "fight." lolz.
If you had any training in history or Poli sci you'd know Beck is a hate spewing charlatan coke head DJ who'll say anything to make a buck, like Breitbart Inxc, Savage, Rush and a hundred orgs and websites, a disgrace and the easiest way to make a million these days. So how's your militia, a-holes?. Back to school, Beckbots.
Gee, how convenient. Why do Americans keep falling for these staged Government farces? This one has a 'Wag the Dog' feel to it bigtime. Expect more of this kind of Bullshite from this Administration. I'm sure something big is in the works. They'll likely drop it right before the Election. So stay tuned.
If you had any training in history or Poli sci you'd know Beck is a hate spewing charlatan coke head DJ who'll say anything to make a buck, like Breitbart Inxc, Savage, Rush and a hundred orgs and websites, a disgrace and the easiest way to make a million these days. So how's your militia, a-holes?. Back to school, Beckbots.

Beck spews hate to those who hide behind a lie. To a liar truth is hate.
So says the butthurt moron that had your ass handed to you by me yesterday.

Of course, you're the idiot that thinks Jews go to church.....shut the fuck up.

Oh, we understand you quit school around 7th grade.

MA in History? What the hell are you babbling about it...idiot?

FYI...I have two Masters degrees, so shut the fuck up.

Like I said, Bush and Cheney had more death plots/threats than Obamination could ever dream about....or invent through his lies machine.

You're both retarded and make higher education look like a bad option/investment.

Jews? That wasn't me moron LOL. 100% WRONG as always.
And feg off, Avory Pubtroll- the only kind.
So what? You think it was a bad plan? I would say they were serious supposedly they killed 2 people already.

Never said they weren't serious in their intentions. Just that they evidently lacked intelligence. Poisoned apples might work for Snow White, but it'll take more than that to overthrow the government.

That's why I say the whole government released information is a bit fishy.
Soldiers who bought their own weapons and explosives when they already had access to better weapons and explosives? It's a false flag.
If you had any training in history or Poli sci you'd know Beck is a hate spewing charlatan coke head DJ who'll say anything to make a buck, like Breitbart Inxc, Savage, Rush and a hundred orgs and websites, a disgrace and the easiest way to make a million these days. So how's your militia, a-holes?. Back to school, Beckbots.

Beck spews hate to those who hide behind a lie. To a liar truth is hate.

And what lie is that, dupe? And thanks for the Depression and mindless obstruction. Giving victims assistance according to existing law is MARXISM, and a Pub plan to fix our idiotic, incredibly expensive and cruel health "system" is dictatorship! You're a brainwashed tool of charlatans and greedy rich a-holes. IDIOT.
How's your militia coming along, fool? LOL!
Everything's a LW conspiracy to you morons LOL! And all media but RW loonies are commies. Absolute brainwashed idiocy.

Oblivious Lying Greedy Idiot Millionnaires 2012! LOL
This one's just a bit too convenient. There will be more staged Government farces like this. You can bet on that. Most Americans are completely oblivious as to the Evil their Govenment is capable of. Just take a look at their Fast & Furious, for just one example. And it's also widely accepted that they did allow the 'Underwear Bomber' on that plane. I fully expect something big from them right before the Election.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tinfoil Pub dupes!! Get your guns NOW!! Before the black Marxists take over... LOL later...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tinfoil Pub dupes!! Get your guns NOW!! Before the black Marxists take over... LOL later...

You're a bit of dupe yourself. Big Brother is fully capable of carrying out staged farces like this. So don't be so naive & dismissive. They do facilitate or allow terrible events to occur. It's just fact.
So what? You think it was a bad plan? I would say they were serious supposedly they killed 2 people already.

Never said they weren't serious in their intentions. Just that they evidently lacked intelligence. Poisoned apples might work for Snow White, but it'll take more than that to overthrow the government.

That's why I say the whole government released information is a bit fishy.
Soldiers who bought their own weapons and explosives when they already had access to better weapons and explosives? It's a false flag.

But the convenient tell all book written by a (ahem) "Navy Seal" is the real thing.

No wonder you guys think Beck talks fact. There is nothing rw's won't swallow whole IF it fits their nutty and self-defeating agenda.
If you had any training in history or Poli sci you'd know Beck is a hate spewing charlatan coke head DJ who'll say anything to make a buck, like Breitbart Inxc, Savage, Rush and a hundred orgs and websites, a disgrace and the easiest way to make a million these days. So how's your militia, a-holes?. Back to school, Beckbots.

Beck spews hate to those who hide behind a lie. To a liar truth is hate.

And what lie is that, dupe? And thanks for the Depression and mindless obstruction. Giving victims assistance according to existing law is MARXISM, and a Pub plan to fix our idiotic, incredibly expensive and cruel health "system" is dictatorship! You're a brainwashed tool of charlatans and greedy rich a-holes. IDIOT.
How's your militia coming along, fool? LOL!

What was that faggot? you're an idiot because you support obama? Why would you say that faggot don't you believe in what you support? I can't help you faggot because you are beyond help. My advise find a gun and use one bullet.
Never said they weren't serious in their intentions. Just that they evidently lacked intelligence. Poisoned apples might work for Snow White, but it'll take more than that to overthrow the government.

That's why I say the whole government released information is a bit fishy.
Soldiers who bought their own weapons and explosives when they already had access to better weapons and explosives? It's a false flag.

But the convenient tell all book written by a (ahem) "Navy Seal" is the real thing.

No wonder you guys think Beck talks fact. There is nothing rw's won't swallow whole IF it fits their nutty and self-defeating agenda.

And I bet you think this "attempt to over throw the government" wasn't staged? I am so glad I cannot accept what the government says at face value.
So a group plans to overthrow the federal government and return government back tot he people and they call them anarchists?

I mean, it's true. that would be anarchist activity. Since anarchy literally means 'no crown', as opposed to monarchy which means 'one crown'.

But the reaction here that is loved by saying such things is that anarchy in the minds of the completely petrified plebs, means chaos, death and destruction.
So says the butthurt moron that had your ass handed to you by me yesterday.

Of course, you're the idiot that thinks Jews go to church.....shut the fuck up.

Oh, we understand you quit school around 7th grade.

You're both retarded and make higher education look like a bad option/investment.

Jews? That wasn't me moron LOL. 100% WRONG as always.
And feg off, Avory Pubtroll- the only kind.

Who isn't a pubtroll to you frankhasHPV? That's the question.
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On this board of tin foil fools, the Dems who fight your stupid talking points and insults with FACTS and truth...

In the last 30 years, Pubs have ruined the country and nonrich with Voodoo and hate (sig pp1) and distracted the moron dupeswith over the top lies (pp3)- see also "Obama gutted Medicare and lying BS. You people can't even SEE inteligence with a telesope these days..

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