Anchor Brewing Employees Want to Buy the Shuttered Brewery, Run It as a Co-Op

Can't blame them. Even in the days of Haight-Ashbury, people had enough sense to take care of themselves somewhat--drug addled brains and all. Now, the populace has been fed the old "the government owes me a life" bullshit for so long that they will never be able to stand on their own again. Survival of the fittest, I suppose. Sad.
Think about the health risk of stepping in human shit and dirty needles and working in a sterile environment. Besides that where is the work force coming from, some half way house?
Steam brewing is kind of unique and it has that old SF history behind it, but it probably could be reproduced anywhere.
Place in VA accidentally made a batch. Port City Brewing lost their refrigeration during a storm and a tank of their beer fermented at higher temperature than normal. They sold it as "Derecho Common" and still sell it.
Place in VA accidentally made a batch. Port City Brewing lost their refrigeration during a storm and a tank of their beer fermented at higher temperature than normal. They sold it as "Derecho Common" and still sell it.
Right Common--seems like a strange name for a beer.

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