Anchor Fired for Calling Out Black Thugs

Sad that bigots still fall for crap like this.
Sad that so many on the right defend this sort of racism and hate.
You sound like a

Get some new material if you can...

He doesn't have to , I've got his back. When you talk of broken Black families as if most Blacks are born, live and die that way, you have obviously been misled. Consider the following graphic:


If 72% of Black babies are born out of wedlock, obviously many of those are born to people who are NOT poor. That is significant since about 75% of Blacks aren't impoverished and are not likely to be street thugs.. Evidently those middle classed Blacks are having kids before they are married but that doesn't mean they don't get hitched later. But even if they don't a study has shown that Black fathers support their children and pay their court ordered child support. Not only that, they are more prone to do so than any other demographic.

Mass incarceration has disproportionately ensnared young black men, sucking hundreds of thousands of marriage-age men out of the community.

Another thing to consider is something that The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed out in 2013: “The drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.” This means that births to unmarried black women are disproportionately represented in the statistics.

Now to the mythology of the black male dereliction as dads: While it is true that black parents are less likely to marry before a child is born, it is not true that black fathers suffer a pathology of neglect. In fact, a C.D.C. report issued in December 2013 found that black fathers were the most involved with their children daily, on a number of measures, of any other group of fathers — and in many cases, that was among fathers who didn’t live with their children, as well as those who did.

There is no doubt that the 72 percent statistic is real and may even be worrisome, but it represents more than choice. It exists in a social context, one at odds with the corrosive mythology about black fathers.

You are reading your chart wrong. Whites make up 70+ percent of the population, yet account for only 41.5% of those who are poor. Blacks make up 13% of the population yet account for 25.4% of the total poor in the country.

Er..You are seeing things. I didn't even mention White people in my narrative. WTF are you talking about? Quote the part that has you confused and I will try to help you understand!
Barack Obama could have been one of the most revered Presidents in US history had he set himself as the standard for black Americans. He was the perfect person at the perfect time to empower black American. Instead he told them they were powerless victims who needed to be coddled. It's shameful!

He certainly has missed a vital opportunity to set a meaningful and important example to black Americans.

He is married to the mother of his children, and no significant evidence is apparent that he has ever cheated on his wife, or failed to take proper responsibility for his family. But instead of holding this up as an example for Americans to follow, he has embraced the perverse immorality which which his party has chosen to align, taking the side of abortionists and homosexuals and transsexuals and all manner of other sexual perverts. I suppose, in a way, he's sort of a reverse-hypocrite on this front.

The example is well-known, of a politician who professes to support high moral standards, and then is caught engaging in behavior that is not in keeping with these standards. In a bizarre reversal of that, we have Obama managing his own marriage and family in accordance with high moral standards, while promoting and defending overtly immoral behavior.
I don't think Obama is defending overtly immoral behavior, I think he is defending the freedom of people to pursue life, liberty and happiness as they see fit. His moral choices are evident for all to see and indeed stand impeccably as testaments to his character. That is all that is required of him. It is not his job to force his own personal moral views on others like Republicans want to do.

This is where you are wrong. In today's society, their mistakes hurt the rest of us because we pay for their welfare, and for the increased crime and delinquency of their children.

Society has every right to put rules on people that do us harm by their actions.

Do you have the statistics that show how many people on welfare are actually married, have children and are working? without those statistics it is impossible to make the correlation you are trying to make. what study are you citing?

I don't need a study. Anyone who produces a child should be forced by law to take care of the child.
Sad that bigots still fall for crap like this.
Sad that so many on the right defend this sort of racism and hate.
You sound like a

Get some new material if you can...

He doesn't have to , I've got his back. When you talk of broken Black families as if most Blacks are born, live and die that way, you have obviously been misled. Consider the following graphic:


If 72% of Black babies are born out of wedlock, obviously many of those are born to people who are NOT poor. That is significant since about 75% of Blacks aren't impoverished and are not likely to be street thugs.. Evidently those middle classed Blacks are having kids before they are married but that doesn't mean they don't get hitched later. But even if they don't a study has shown that Black fathers support their children and pay their court ordered child support. Not only that, they are more prone to do so than any other demographic.

Mass incarceration has disproportionately ensnared young black men, sucking hundreds of thousands of marriage-age men out of the community.

Another thing to consider is something that The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed out in 2013: “The drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.” This means that births to unmarried black women are disproportionately represented in the statistics.

Now to the mythology of the black male dereliction as dads: While it is true that black parents are less likely to marry before a child is born, it is not true that black fathers suffer a pathology of neglect. In fact, a C.D.C. report issued in December 2013 found that black fathers were the most involved with their children daily, on a number of measures, of any other group of fathers — and in many cases, that was among fathers who didn’t live with their children, as well as those who did.

There is no doubt that the 72 percent statistic is real and may even be worrisome, but it represents more than choice. It exists in a social context, one at odds with the corrosive mythology about black fathers.

You are reading your chart wrong. Whites make up 70+ percent of the population, yet account for only 41.5% of those who are poor. Blacks make up 13% of the population yet account for 25.4% of the total poor in the country.

Er..You are seeing things. I didn't even mention White people in my narrative. WTF are you talking about? Quote the part that has you confused and I will try to help you understand!

That is your chart of the ethnic breakdown of the poor in the US, correct?

Barack Obama could have been one of the most revered Presidents in US history had he set himself as the standard for black Americans. He was the perfect person at the perfect time to empower black American. Instead he told them they were powerless victims who needed to be coddled. It's shameful!

He certainly has missed a vital opportunity to set a meaningful and important example to black Americans.

He is married to the mother of his children, and no significant evidence is apparent that he has ever cheated on his wife, or failed to take proper responsibility for his family. But instead of holding this up as an example for Americans to follow, he has embraced the perverse immorality which which his party has chosen to align, taking the side of abortionists and homosexuals and transsexuals and all manner of other sexual perverts. I suppose, in a way, he's sort of a reverse-hypocrite on this front.

The example is well-known, of a politician who professes to support high moral standards, and then is caught engaging in behavior that is not in keeping with these standards. In a bizarre reversal of that, we have Obama managing his own marriage and family in accordance with high moral standards, while promoting and defending overtly immoral behavior.
I don't think Obama is defending overtly immoral behavior, I think he is defending the freedom of people to pursue life, liberty and happiness as they see fit. His moral choices are evident for all to see and indeed stand impeccably as testaments to his character. That is all that is required of him. It is not his job to force his own personal moral views on others like Republicans want to do.

This is where you are wrong. In today's society, their mistakes hurt the rest of us because we pay for their welfare, and for the increased crime and delinquency of their children.

Society has every right to put rules on people that do us harm by their actions.

Do you have the statistics that show how many people on welfare are actually married, have children and are working? without those statistics it is impossible to make the correlation you are trying to make. what study are you citing?

I don't need a study. Anyone who produces a child should be forced by law to take care of the child.
Sad that so many on the right defend this sort of racism and hate.
You sound like a

Get some new material if you can...

He doesn't have to , I've got his back. When you talk of broken Black families as if most Blacks are born, live and die that way, you have obviously been misled. Consider the following graphic:


If 72% of Black babies are born out of wedlock, obviously many of those are born to people who are NOT poor. That is significant since about 75% of Blacks aren't impoverished and are not likely to be street thugs.. Evidently those middle classed Blacks are having kids before they are married but that doesn't mean they don't get hitched later. But even if they don't a study has shown that Black fathers support their children and pay their court ordered child support. Not only that, they are more prone to do so than any other demographic.

Mass incarceration has disproportionately ensnared young black men, sucking hundreds of thousands of marriage-age men out of the community.

Another thing to consider is something that The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed out in 2013: “The drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.” This means that births to unmarried black women are disproportionately represented in the statistics.

Now to the mythology of the black male dereliction as dads: While it is true that black parents are less likely to marry before a child is born, it is not true that black fathers suffer a pathology of neglect. In fact, a C.D.C. report issued in December 2013 found that black fathers were the most involved with their children daily, on a number of measures, of any other group of fathers — and in many cases, that was among fathers who didn’t live with their children, as well as those who did.

There is no doubt that the 72 percent statistic is real and may even be worrisome, but it represents more than choice. It exists in a social context, one at odds with the corrosive mythology about black fathers.

You are reading your chart wrong. Whites make up 70+ percent of the population, yet account for only 41.5% of those who are poor. Blacks make up 13% of the population yet account for 25.4% of the total poor in the country.

Er..You are seeing things. I didn't even mention White people in my narrative. WTF are you talking about? Quote the part that has you confused and I will try to help you understand!

That is your chart of the ethnic breakdown of the poor in the US, correct?


Yep, I posted that chart... so what is it about that chart that made you think I said anything about it that was misread? Quote me doing that, I dare you!
I don't need a study. Anyone who produces a child should be forced by law to take care of the child.

Just as I thought, you are not following the narrative at all. You missed the part about Black fathers supporting their kids and living with them... I even provided several links to back that statement...Stop wasting my time if you aren't going t read the pertinent information I have already posted. Black men are , for the most part taking care of their children, married to the mothers or not, so your statement is stupid and not even relevant.Pay attention to that blue highlight, it has meaning here
If the USMB nutbags who typically post crapola like this were to ever grasp reality.....they'd have to contend with the fact that nobody is lower than them on the ladder of life.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully. leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.

Same bullshit from you. Solving a problem does not begin with pointing fingers at and dismissing people as less than human. Making that asinine claim that the left wants black families to suffer so they can get their votes is simply stupid. Will you ever provide any evidence of that? How about naming someone who does it?

You continuously ignore the fact that the left has identified the problem and is addressing it. Making social change is a slow process. Maybe it would go a little faster with some help.

Barack Obama could have been one of the most revered Presidents in US history had he set himself as the standard for black Americans. He was the perfect person at the perfect time to empower black American. Instead he told them they were powerless victims who needed to be coddled. It's shameful!

He certainly has missed a vital opportunity to set a meaningful and important example to black Americans.

He is married to the mother of his children, and no significant evidence is apparent that he has ever cheated on his wife, or failed to take proper responsibility for his family. But instead of holding this up as an example for Americans to follow, he has embraced the perverse immorality which which his party has chosen to align, taking the side of abortionists and homosexuals and transsexuals and all manner of other sexual perverts. I suppose, in a way, he's sort of a reverse-hypocrite on this front.

The example is well-known, of a politician who professes to support high moral standards, and then is caught engaging in behavior that is not in keeping with these standards. In a bizarre reversal of that, we have Obama managing his own marriage and family in accordance with high moral standards, while promoting and defending overtly immoral behavior.
I don't think Obama is defending overtly immoral behavior, I think he is defending the freedom of people to pursue life, liberty and happiness as they see fit. His moral choices are evident for all to see and indeed stand impeccably as testaments to his character. That is all that is required of him. It is not his job to force his own personal moral views on others like Republicans want to do.

you mean like the only senator supporting partial/after birth abortion?
Sad that bigots still fall for crap like this.
Sad that so many on the right defend this sort of racism and hate.

so telling stats and facts is hate? how?

It can be. Even if the "stats and facts" are accurate on their face....there can be hateful intent behind the "telling". You know that. You've been playing dumb about it for years and years now.

"Look here, blacks! I'm wanting to help you out so let me tell you that I think your kind is lacking culture and are violent by nature. Look at the stats! You blacks are killing each other at much higher rates than we white people are! You have lots of babies with lots of different baby daddies. That's a fact!! Then you expect us white people to take care of you with free stuff! I don't hate you blacks at all. I'm telling you blacks this so I can help you. Now....pull up your pants and start acting like civilized humans!"

"Oh! And if you knew better, you'd vote for the guy I like because he agrees with all that and will give you blacks the tough love you need!"
If the USMB nutbags who typically post crapola like this were to ever grasp reality.....they'd have to contend with the fact that nobody is lower than them on the ladder of life.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully.

leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.

I just read the linked info. I tend to avoid shit from the OP.

What truth did she speak? She speculated. She didn't know the truth at the time she speculated. It clearly states that the anchor did not know the identity of the offenders. Is it her job to speculate and editorialize?

What is Frontpage Magazine, by the way?
the information she gave is well known to the people that care about the poor.

I'm shocked you weren't aware of the situation.

no I'm not, leftist don't want to know the horrors they have caused and continue to cause.
For the whiners who think out of wed lock birth rates are high in this country due to Blacks, take a look at this list where mostly White countries have even higher rates than the USA!:


Looks like If you want some easy loving head on over to Europe...and don't bother with the condoms. Stay away from them big buxom redheads though, they will whip it on you so good you'll end up wanting to marry her or take her back with you! :lol:

PS: Greece hhas a low rate on this chart because their birth control makes good use of those other two holes.
I didn't see who blamed black people, we are blaming the system that broke them

and most of those countries are socialist utopias
If the USMB nutbags who typically post crapola like this were to ever grasp reality.....they'd have to contend with the fact that nobody is lower than them on the ladder of life.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully. leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.
If the USMB nutbags who typically post crapola like this were to ever grasp reality.....they'd have to contend with the fact that nobody is lower than them on the ladder of life.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully. leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

If the USMB nutbags who typically post crapola like this were to ever grasp reality.....they'd have to contend with the fact that nobody is lower than them on the ladder of life.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully. leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

how you figure?

the aca is proof that leftist think none of us can care for ourselves
the hiring and promoting quotas are proof that you think blacks can't make it.
you scare minorities with the threat that the gop will take away welfare to keep them in line
special scholarships just for minorities, telling them even though they couldn't get a real one...

the nation is full of proof, you just can't see or admit it.

you have made life for black Americans a fucking nightmare.
she got fired for speaking freely and truthfully. leftist filth can't grasp how much hate they have in themselves so they blame others for their wrong doings.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

how you figure?

the aca is proof that leftist think none of us can care for ourselves
the hiring and promoting quotas are proof that you think blacks can't make it.
you scare minorities with the threat that the gop will take away welfare to keep them in line
special scholarships just for minorities, telling them even though they couldn't get a real one...

the nation is full of proof, you just can't see or admit it.

you have made life for black Americans a fucking nightmare.

Ridiculous. Absurd in every way.
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it.

Generations of this now. The victimization of the Black American family continues.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

how you figure?

the aca is proof that leftist think none of us can care for ourselves
the hiring and promoting quotas are proof that you think blacks can't make it.
you scare minorities with the threat that the gop will take away welfare to keep them in line
special scholarships just for minorities, telling them even though they couldn't get a real one...

the nation is full of proof, you just can't see or admit it.

you have made life for black Americans a fucking nightmare.

Ridiculous. Absurd in every way.
everything I post is irrefutable fact.

the reason you can't see it is b/c you choose to remain ignorant of the harm you have caused.

everyday you are the cause of a black childs dream dying and turning to crime for a family.
And the blacks love them for it and keep voting for I guess the free stuff which isn't that great. They be better off married and working and stay out of trouble. I know it's a pipe dream...
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

how you figure?

the aca is proof that leftist think none of us can care for ourselves
the hiring and promoting quotas are proof that you think blacks can't make it.
you scare minorities with the threat that the gop will take away welfare to keep them in line
special scholarships just for minorities, telling them even though they couldn't get a real one...

the nation is full of proof, you just can't see or admit it.

you have made life for black Americans a fucking nightmare.

Ridiculous. Absurd in every way.
everything I post is irrefutable fact.

the reason you can't see it is b/c you choose to remain ignorant of the harm you have caused.

everyday you are the cause of a black childs dream dying and turning to crime for a family.

You keep saying it. But.....when will you prove it?
It's sad to watch the Regressive Left actively avoid the critical conversation about the broken Black American family. They certainly can't deny comparative statistics.

They've made their choice: They know it can't be fixed without first admitting it & addressing it, but they'd rather leverage it for political gain than fix it..

The left wrong did this to the black community in this country, and that's what they are willfully trying to do to the rest of our society as well. It's a destructive vestige of the Marxist philosophies with which they have been infested. Marx saw marriage and family as part of the bourgeois society that he wanted to overturn; seeking instead a society based more on a collectivist “free love” arrangement wherein the responsibility for the care and upbringing of children would be born by the society as a whole rather than by parents and families. Ironically, we've gone much farther toward this Marxist ideal here in the U.S., than they ever went in any society that openly tried to be a Marxist society; and we are seeing the destructive consequences of this particular principle.
when people tell you from birth you can't make it w/o our help, and keep that up for generations, the mentality gets passed on and on.

It's child abuse, the dnc commits mass child abuse every day, but blacks are convinced they are owed it and need it.

how you figure?

the aca is proof that leftist think none of us can care for ourselves
the hiring and promoting quotas are proof that you think blacks can't make it.
you scare minorities with the threat that the gop will take away welfare to keep them in line
special scholarships just for minorities, telling them even though they couldn't get a real one...

the nation is full of proof, you just can't see or admit it.

you have made life for black Americans a fucking nightmare.

Ridiculous. Absurd in every way.
everything I post is irrefutable fact.

the reason you can't see it is b/c you choose to remain ignorant of the harm you have caused.

everyday you are the cause of a black childs dream dying and turning to crime for a family.

You keep saying it. But.....when will you prove it?
I already have, you're just to much of a coward to admit it to yourself.

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