Ancient depictions of pre-Indo-Europeans native (white - red or blond hair)


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014













So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?
So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?

You'd see that these traits are typical and native of old Europe, before the arrival of the Middle Eastern peoples Aryans.

Post Scriptum:

Fransisco Villar wrote:

The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

skin pigmentation does not vary depending on the climatic factor, if Vosse really true, then you should find an Arab with white skin, blue eyes and blond hair / red.
Are typical features that distinguish one ethnic group from another, as, indeed, the body of a person, the stature, the compliance of the skull, eye color and hair.
The Mongols of white skin are the result of mixed ethnic occurred with Slavic populations in the territories of the steppes.
The Caucasian Aryans (the real ones), have dark hair and dark eyes, and are located in Turkey, in Iran, among the Greeks (in part Slavs) and southern Italians, but also in the Arabian Peninsula,
skin pigmentation does not vary depending on the climatic factor, if Vosse really true, then you should find an Arab with white skin, blue eyes and blond hair / red.

Of course it does variate, and there are Arabs with white skin and blue eyes.

The Mongols of white skin are the result of mixed ethnic occurred with Slavic populations in the territories of the steppes.

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

Most Chinese are white. I would not be surprised to find a blond haired Mongolian; their ancestors took a lot of women captive in Europe during the time of the Mongol empire. But I don’t expect there are a lot of them for the same reason the blacks in Europe during the Roman empire disappeared shortly after the all of the empire. .
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

Most Chinese are white. I would not be surprised to find a blond haired Mongolian; their ancestors took a lot of women captive in Europe during the time of the Mongol empire. But I don’t expect there are a lot of them for the same reason the blacks in Europe during the Roman empire disappeared shortly after the all of the empire. .

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

Most Chinese are white. I would not be surprised to find a blond haired Mongolian; their ancestors took a lot of women captive in Europe during the time of the Mongol empire. But I don’t expect there are a lot of them for the same reason the blacks in Europe during the Roman empire disappeared shortly after the all of the empire. .

The fact that we were the ethnic mixtures throughout history, does not mean that we all come from the same womb ancestral ..

You forgot the expansionism process ethnic/military of the Carthaginians in Italy

The peoples of the Arab / Semitic in origin were not Negroid Africans, this mixture took place as a result of the colonization of the peoples Indo-Aryans / Iranian / Aryan, northern africa center

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.

Yes, but a lot of that DNA is junk that we share with chips, plants and one cell organisms. You are distantly related to a tree in that you both share a common ancestor.

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.

Yes, but a lot of that DNA is junk that we share with chips, plants and one cell organisms. You are distantly related to a tree in that you both share a common ancestor.

Nonetheless, we DO all come from the same "ancestral womb"
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

Most Chinese are white. I would not be surprised to find a blond haired Mongolian; their ancestors took a lot of women captive in Europe during the time of the Mongol empire. But I don’t expect there are a lot of them for the same reason the blacks in Europe during the Roman empire disappeared shortly after the all of the empire. .

The fact that we were the ethnic mixtures throughout history, does not mean that we all come from the same womb ancestral ..

You forgot the expansionism process ethnic/military of the Carthaginians in Italy

The peoples of the Arab / Semitic in origin were not Negroid Africans, this mixture took place as a result of the colonization of the peoples Indo-Aryans / Iranian / Aryan, northern africa center

I do agree that the 'out of Africa' theory is probably wrong, and that humans could have 'originated' in more than one region of the planet. I don't see a lot of racial features that change merely because of environment and climate, frankly. Don't know that it matters much now, given all the migration and inter-breeding over 40,000 or so years. I don't know of many people who are going to fall down and worship you just because of your DNA, hair color, or anything else, in any case. After all, those degenerate inferior Slavs overran half of 'pure Aryan' Germany in '45, and the grand leader of the Aryan Super Race died a whining, sniveling coward, committing suicide in a bunker in Berlin. If the 'Aryans' thought their Hero was so grand, just how 'smart' and 'superior' could they really be as a 'race' after making such a stupid mistake?
Last edited:

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.

Yes, but a lot of that DNA is junk that we share with chips, plants and one cell organisms. You are distantly related to a tree in that you both share a common ancestor.

You're right, but what about human beings know that originally it was not so, and then, I think it's wrong to do all the grass a single beam.

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.

Yes, but a lot of that DNA is junk that we share with chips, plants and one cell organisms. You are distantly related to a tree in that you both share a common ancestor.

Nonetheless, we DO all come from the same "ancestral womb"

Not really, just look at the physical traits of each of us to seize that we are not all equal.
Most often it does not match the genetic archeology, ethnology and anthropology.

will be part of a minority, the result always imbastardimenti with indigenous European

No, these ethnic groups are very ancient, they are older than Slavs or Mongols.

The analysis of fissile DNA confirms that.

As we see in the charts, there is no correlation between haplogroups and the pigmentation of skin, hair or eyes, but there is a correlation between skull shape and the haplogroups:

There are many studies regarding the DNA, and not all coincide with each other.
One should not take into account only volumes of compliance of the skull to track a particular ethnic framework, but we must also take into consideration the size, the size, the color of the skin, eyes and hair ..

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Are lands that have seen several kingdoms in the course of their history and various migratory flows with different ethnic groups, especially a question of geography territorial ...
It is a mixture of Nordic, Asian (Mongols) and Aryan (Middle East) ..

The peoples of old Europe gylany (pre-Indo-European) were mostly lower in stature, light-skinned and blond hair reddish.

there are blatant ethnic diversity among these three groups:

gylany pre-Indo-Europeans indigenous



Semitic Middle East (true Aryans)





pygmies Dravidian (indigenous peoples gylany africa and india pre Aryan):




the truth is that we are not all equal, and not all come from the same ancestral womb.

All human beings are genetically 99.9% indistinguishable.

Yes, but a lot of that DNA is junk that we share with chips, plants and one cell organisms. You are distantly related to a tree in that you both share a common ancestor.

Nonetheless, we DO all come from the same "ancestral womb"

Not really, just look at the physical traits of each of us to seize that we are not all equal.
Most often it does not match the genetic archeology, ethnology and anthropology.

Well, individual differences are obvious. Take racists for instance. They've only learned to use the reptile portion of their brains. But it is questionable how much of that deficiency is due to nature as opposed to nurture.
The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Well, in regions with less sun you can only survive if you have less pigment in your skin, hairs and eyes, because your body can only produce vitamin D if it has less pigment.

Any race has variations in skin pigmentation, and individuals with less pigment in their skin have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

So in about 1000 years a group of dark skinned people can completely change their skin colour.

The fair skin or hair is not restricted to the Caucasian race, there are a lot of Mongoloid people in Russia who have blue eyes, fair hair and skin, but they have a completely different shape of the scull, they look like Mongolians, not like Caucasians.

The skin pigmentation changes more quickly, than scull shape, that is why there are white Caucasians and white Mongolians, but uneducated people talk about the "white race", ignoring the fact that there are white Mongoloid and white Caucasoid people who are two different races.

Most Chinese are white. I would not be surprised to find a blond haired Mongolian; their ancestors took a lot of women captive in Europe during the time of the Mongol empire. But I don’t expect there are a lot of them for the same reason the blacks in Europe during the Roman empire disappeared shortly after the all of the empire. .

The fact that we were the ethnic mixtures throughout history, does not mean that we all come from the same womb ancestral ..

You forgot the expansionism process ethnic/military of the Carthaginians in Italy

The peoples of the Arab / Semitic in origin were not Negroid Africans, this mixture took place as a result of the colonization of the peoples Indo-Aryans / Iranian / Aryan, northern africa center

I do agree that the 'out of Africa' theory is probably wrong, and that humans could have 'originated' in more than one region of the planet. I don't see a lot of racial features that change merely because of environment and climate, frankly. Don't know that it matters much now, given all the migration and inter-breeding over 40,000 or so years. I don't know of many people who are going to fall down and worship you just because of your DNA, hair color, or anything else, in any case. After all, those degenerate inferior Slavs overran half of 'pure Aryan' Germany in '45, and the grand leader of the Aryan Super Race died a whining, sniveling coward, committing suicide in a bunker in Berlin. If the 'Aryans' thought their Hero was so grand, just how 'smart' and 'superior' could they really be as a 'race' after making such a stupid mistake?

The physical differences / anthropological that distinguish an ethnic group from another are not due to climatic factors / environmental, or nutritional.

with the collapse of the Roman Empire (the last bastion of the Aryan civilization, born in Mesopotamia) and the subsequent barbarian invasions, he walked slowly to radicere in the social fabric of Europe, that ideal, distorted, Nordic man who fitted the classic archetype (speaking ethnic / racial) of pure Aryan, but was only a lie secular game in the Middle Ages.Keep in mind that the current European company, is nothing but the constant company of the old medieval feudalism Germanic-style oligarchic, with the addition of capitalism and technology.The Roman Empire was the Middle East Mesopotamian (Aryan) as the barbarian kingdoms were to northern Europe. The Western ""civilization"" Eurocentric (which later came to America as a result of European colonialism) is derived from the ancient Romans, which ultimately derives from that of the Greeks, which in turn is derived from the Babylonian / Mesopotamian / Aryans.

The Orientalists think that the philosophy of the Greeks, fathers of Western thought, which then became a Eurocentric thought, comes from the East. In the Far East, there have been some of the philosophical religious experiences before the birth of Greek philosophy: Buddhism (which is always born a Hindu and then a Ariano apostate who founded a new religious philosophy) Hinduism (which comes from the Iranian Vedism - Arians ) Confucianism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism (which was founded in ancient Persia - now Iran - Aryans).

The Arab-Berber element brought to the Christian new technological and scientific knowledge, particularly in agriculture, but unknown (sugarcane, artichoke, rice, spinach, bananas, raisins, citron, lemon, sweet orange and cotton, as well as various spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg - namely Muscat - cardamom, ginger or saffron) or reintroducing crops abandoned by the end of the so-called classical period "old" (first of all the olive tree and apricot). Other contributions were fundamental in the science of mathematics, algebra and trigonometry, the decimal system and the concept of zero (elaborated in the Indian context). Another technological innovation attributed to the Arabs in the West is the introduction of the compass, already in use in China.

Muslims developed greatly medicine, alchemy (parent of modern chemistry) geometry and astrology, with the attached astronomical studies (remember the introduction of the astrolabe). In philosophy, their contribution contribution to continental Europe was terrific and, thanks to translations prepared by them or by them commissioned, it came to know quite a few texts of philosophy and scientific thought in Hellenistic product. Even the symbol of the imperial eagle is derived from the Middle East, but also the uses and customs of the peoples Greek - Etruscan and Roman, their ornaments, religious cults and the mythology that it brings.

The sculptural techniques of temple construction, hydraulic engineering, monumental architecture, always derived from Mesopotamia, the ancient sewage system, the urban system, which was created and developed as a result of the permanence of the Aryan peoples / growers Arab / Semitic.

Patriarchy, monotheism patriarchal, despotic and theocratic states, the numbering system and mathematical calculations have arisen also in Mesopotamia, as, indeed, the earliest use of written signs, derived from Meso / Semitic. The Neolithic Revolution, which applies only to the inclusion of agriculture in Europe, always brought the populations Arabic / Semitic (Aryans), from the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia), the Semitic alphabet / Phoenician gave inspiration to the greek ..

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