Ancient depictions of pre-Indo-Europeans native (white - red or blond hair)

What's the point? Diffusion has been long recognized. Civilizations started in very fertile areas which demanded organization and sets of laws by which people could peacefully cohabit and defend their wealth from outsiders. These ideas naturally spread to adjacent areas by land and sea and these "cradles" often were in turn influenced by those who had taken and adapted them as in Alexander's spread of Hellenism to Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Perhaps the most interesting chapter of history were the fledgling civilizations of the Amerinds who developed without any diffusion and were at the cusp of marked achievements in writing and technology. Alas, a more advanced civilization brought an abrupt and complete end to what would have been a fascinating evolution.
It depends on what we mean by civilization ..
Personally, I think that the only people really peaceful and civil libertarians have been those within societies gylany pre-Indo-europeans.

Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Mongols are a very recent phenomenon.
There are no fissile pure Mongolian sculls that are older than the fissile sculls that seem to be something between Caucasian and Mongolian Sculls.

The ancient inhabitants of Eurasia had traits that cannot be defined by today standards, and that proves that some ancient Eurasian ethnic groups that look like white and blue eyed Mongolians are not a result of recent race mixing. These groups may be the ancestors of both Slavs and Mongols.
Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Mongols are a very recent phenomenon.
There are no fissile pure Mongolian sculls that are older than the fissile sculls that seem to be something between Caucasian and Mongolian Sculls.

The ancient inhabitants of Eurasia had traits that cannot be defined by today standards, and that proves that some ancient Eurasian ethnic groups that look like white and blue eyed Mongolians are not a result of recent race mixing. These groups may be the ancestors of both Slavs and Mongols.
The Ainu people of Japan, said to have predated the migration of the Japanese to the islands are also said by some to be of Caucasian origin.
Do you really think that the Slavs have not bastardized with peoples Mongols Asian ???

Mongols are a very recent phenomenon.
There are no fissile pure Mongolian sculls that are older than the fissile sculls that seem to be something between Caucasian and Mongolian Sculls.

The ancient inhabitants of Eurasia had traits that cannot be defined by today standards, and that proves that some ancient Eurasian ethnic groups that look like white and blue eyed Mongolians are not a result of recent race mixing. These groups may be the ancestors of both Slavs and Mongols.

That is a phenomenon of the Slavs "recent", if you think about the fact that they stem almost exclusively of rus of Kiev (Scandinavian migrated in today's Russia in barbaric age) ..
Russia pre-Slavs was a vast territory populated by Siberians, Mongolians / Asian and Arab / Semitic (real Aryans) who migrated to Russia and in the steppes Pontic-caspian following the iranian culture of Andronovo.
Ancient migrations are very difficult to track. Artifacts are of some help but DNA, which has become so convoluted because of eons of interbreeding makes the best of theories close to a shot in the dark. Fascinating stuff for sure, but there are only so many pages of the human story we are able to see with any certainty.
Archeology, ethnology, anthropology, DNA tests, the study of ancient history, the study of ancient customs. traditions and religious mythology, can serve to shed light where there is still light.
The origin, rise and migration of ancient peoples is fascinating for the same reason that a mystery novel is fascinating. Using reason and working with limited clues we can we can come to some reasonable conclusions.

But I feel need to clear up some points:

First, the Aryans were a group of Indo-Europeans speaking people who invaded southwest Asia at about the same time another group of Caucasians the Greeks made there way into present day Greece. In both case they found their new homes occupied by darker skinned Caucasians the Semitic speaking peoples. The Semitics and Aryans are both Caucasians the only difference being the Semitics had been the area for thousands of years. And when the Semitic arrived in southern Eurasia they overwhelmed and displaced the thinly populated Negroid peoples who were the original inhabitance.

Also, the Aryans also invaded India and their most prominent present day descendants are the Iranians (Persians).
The origin, rise and migration of ancient peoples is fascinating for the same reason that a mystery novel is fascinating. Using reason and working with limited clues we can we can come to some reasonable conclusions.

But I feel need to clear up some points:

First, the Aryans were a group of Indo-Europeans speaking people who invaded southwest Asia at about the same time another group of Caucasians the Greeks made there way into present day Greece. In both case they found their new homes occupied by darker skinned Caucasians the Semitic speaking peoples. The Semitics and Aryans are both Caucasians the only difference being the Semitics had been the area for thousands of years. And when the Semitic arrived in southern Eurasia they overwhelmed and displaced the thinly populated Negroid peoples who were the original inhabitance.

Also, the Aryans also invaded India and their most prominent present day descendants are the Iranians (Persians).

In fact, we talk about a progressive orientalization ethno-cultural and religious matrix Semitic - Aryan of the Mediterranean, and not the other.

The uses and customs of the peoples Greek - Etruscan and Roman were of Semitic tradition / Babylonian / Aryan, their ornaments, religious cults and the mythology that it derives from the Middle East. Astrology came to life in the East, in Mesopotamia (earth mother of the true Aryans Arabic / Semitic), where the atmosphere makes it appear clear celestial bodies closer and more powerful than the gloomy northern sky.
Their advanced astronomical knowledge later influenced the scientific culture of Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman. And in fact the Mesopotamian astronomy is the first phase of astronomy Western.
The literature of the Assyrian-Babylonian, unearthed from the excavations carried out since the mid-nineteenth century., Establishes that the origins of astronomy and astrology is a powerful place in the plain between the Tigris and the Euphrates. The scope of ancient Nineveh, and precisely on the site of the ancient library of King Ashurbanipal, have been found clay tablets in cuneiform script, (about 4,000 tablets and fragments of them, now housed in the British Museum) breakapart groups depending on the content.
The names of the planets in Western culture (Eurocentric) are derived from the customs of the Romans, which ultimately derive from those of the Greeks, which is itself derived from the Babylonian / Mesopotamian / Aryans.
The sculptural techniques of temple construction, hydraulic engineering, monumental architecture, the sewage system is always ancient Mesopotamian derivation. the urban system, which was created and developed as a result of the permanence of the Aryan peoples / growers - Arabic / Semitic,

patriarchy, monotheism patriarchal, despotic and theocratic states, the philosophical / religious monotheistic: "In the far East there have been some of the philosophical religious experiences before the birth of Greek philosophy: Buddhism (which is always born a Hindu and then by Aryan apostate who founded a new religious philosophy) Hinduism (which comes from the Iranian Vedism - Aryans) Confucianism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism (which was founded in ancient Persia - now Iran from a Semitic Aryan) ". numbering system and mathematical calculations have arisen also in Mesopotamia, as, indeed, the oldest use of written signs, derived from Meso / Semitic, the Neolithic revolution, which applies only to the inclusion of agriculture in Europe, always they brought the populations Arabic / Semitic (Aryan), from the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia), the Semitic alphabet / Phoenician gave inspiration to the greek.
So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?

You'd see that these traits are typical and native of old Europe, before the arrival of the Middle Eastern peoples Aryans.

Post Scriptum:

Fransisco Villar wrote:

The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Worth adding, and while this isn't an area of expertise, I know not every color of ink or dye was available, so before using ancient art to make a point, you should understand what colors were actually available in the time period.
So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?

You'd see that these traits are typical and native of old Europe, before the arrival of the Middle Eastern peoples Aryans.

Post Scriptum:

Fransisco Villar wrote:

The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Worth adding, and while this isn't an area of expertise, I know not every color of ink or dye was available, so before using ancient art to make a point, you should understand what colors were actually available in the time period.

I highly doubt that the ethnic, highlighted by the ancient art on the wall representations, vascular, sculptural and Mosaic, will depend on the amount of colors that were available at the time.
Do not underestimate the skills and knowledge that were in use in ancient times, it would make a big mistake, but also to beginners.
So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?

You'd see that these traits are typical and native of old Europe, before the arrival of the Middle Eastern peoples Aryans.

Post Scriptum:

Fransisco Villar wrote:

The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Worth adding, and while this isn't an area of expertise, I know not every color of ink or dye was available, so before using ancient art to make a point, you should understand what colors were actually available in the time period.

I highly doubt that the ethnic, highlighted by the ancient art on the wall representations, vascular, sculptural and Mosaic, will depend on the amount of colors that were available at the time.
Do not underestimate the skills and knowledge that were in use in ancient times, it would make a big mistake, but also to beginners.

Ya, ancient people were studs in the academic realm believing if you had sex with certain animals you'd absorb their virility. :)
So what do you want us to do?
Put up more images like those you posted or have a discussion on how the red haired people moved to other areas like Peru and Egypt?

You'd see that these traits are typical and native of old Europe, before the arrival of the Middle Eastern peoples Aryans.

Post Scriptum:

Fransisco Villar wrote:

The northern Germany and Scandinavia were themselves colonized later by Central European groups.
It was during this process that for the first time the physical traits of blond hair and blue eyes coincided with those of the Indo-European language.
The Indo-European (Aryan) ancestral so they were not blond. The blondness was a physical trait of pre-Indo-European peoples of northern Europe, whose indo was partial, since about population groups from which descend the Germans and Celts, but not the ancestors of the Finns, who never came to adopt an Indo-European Language.

Worth adding, and while this isn't an area of expertise, I know not every color of ink or dye was available, so before using ancient art to make a point, you should understand what colors were actually available in the time period.

I highly doubt that the ethnic, highlighted by the ancient art on the wall representations, vascular, sculptural and Mosaic, will depend on the amount of colors that were available at the time.
Do not underestimate the skills and knowledge that were in use in ancient times, it would make a big mistake, but also to beginners.

Ya, ancient people were studs in the academic realm believing if you had sex with certain animals you'd absorb their virility. :)

Your and an example that is not relevant to the discussion, so much so that you can not judge an ancient people only from their ancient customs.

It would be as if I reputassi ancient Romans uncivilized because of the orgiastic rites / religious who used to practice.
different times equivalent to different socio-cultural and religious, as, indeed, as also chary traditions and customs.

Different ethnic groups are equivalent to different ways of living and understand their lives, which result in different societies and cultures.
These pictures look like Roman art therefore if that is the case they are not examples of Pre Indo-European culture. The Latin people, which the Romans were a part, spoke an Indo-European language. They could have come from the Middle east, but that world be odd since all the other early Caucasian people of the Middle East were Semitics, or at least the ones that survived.
These pictures look like Roman art therefore if that is the case they are not examples of Pre Indo-European culture. The Latin people, which the Romans were a part, spoke an Indo-European language. They could have come from the Middle east, but that world be odd since all the other early Caucasian people of the Middle East were Semitics, or at least the ones that survived.

These artistic paintings date back to the late Roman and medieval, showing people with clear whether pre-Indo-European / indigenous, their Indo-European language did not match their pre Indo-European ethnicity.

Totally different from these portraits meso / Semitic / Aryans era Greek - Etruscan and Roman:

Type ethnic peoples Etruscan Greek and Roman US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Native Italian Ligurian / europoidal of Cispadano and Transpadano strain:
These pictures look like Roman art therefore if that is the case they are not examples of Pre Indo-European culture. The Latin people, which the Romans were a part, spoke an Indo-European language. They could have come from the Middle east, but that world be odd since all the other early Caucasian people of the Middle East were Semitics, or at least the ones that survived.

Read an article where genetic studies are claimed to have found a link for cattle breeds known to have been around since the Etruscans have been matched with breeds in Turkey, so they think Etruscans came fro somewhere on the coast there. The migrations of the 'Sea Peoples' would have allowed for all kinds of non-Semitic tribes and groups, so it isn't far fetched as a theory. I haven't gone back and looked to see if that has changed, it was a few years ago. The 'Sea Peoples' seem to have come from the Black Sea regions, which means anywhere in the north, northwest, or northeast,really.
Aside from the babe in the bikini I didn't see any evidence of blonde or red hair. The guy next to the mule had the same color hair as the mule so maybe we saw a depiction of the rare red headed mule. What's the point anyway? We know the Irish conquered the ancient world.
Aside from the babe in the bikini I didn't see any evidence of blonde or red hair. The guy next to the mule had the same color hair as the mule so maybe we saw a depiction of the rare red headed mule. What's the point anyway? We know the Irish conquered the ancient world.

If you do not see the reddish color of hair - blond or brown, it's not my fault.
The native europoidal the Ligurian strain it is a little bit throughout the Po Valley.

The natives europoidi the Po Valley (mainly ligurian ancestry), were first colonized Celtic (both linguistically and culturally and religiously), then Romanized and finally Germanized in the Middle Ages.

Bearing in mind that the Liguria and Piedmont, were also invaded by the Saracens.
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